Are you any good with nail art? Me? I can barely apply polish properly, much less do anything fancy with my nails! That said, I’m one of those rare birds who prefers going bare-nailed. So, I think nail polish innovations like crackle polish (remember that? I’m glad it’s died out!) and magnetic nail polish and even the funky caviar manicures are made for nail art dodos like me who want to look a little funky but aren’t sure how.
I thought it was very interesting when Dior announced that in the Fall collection, they were releasing a magnetic nail polish (!!) Mystic Magnetics.
In all honesty, I thought magnetic nail polish had gone the way of the dodo. Dior have been quite current, coming out with their crocodile crackle last summer and magnetic for Fall this year, but I think they have been a little bit slow to the party. Yet, behind or not, they always do it one step better than the mainstream. Their crackle polish was noted to be one of the best in the industry, and now, their magnetic polish is gaining accolades.
I’m no polish afficionado but having this to play with is very gratifying and loads of fun! 😀 The Dior Vernis Mystic Magnetics comes in just 1 shade – a metallic gunmetal grey, packaged with a magnet. That’s where the fun is! Watch, I’ll show you 🙂
On its own, I like the colour of the polish on nails. It is a neutral toned gunmetal grey that isn’t too dark nor too light, not too cool nor too warm. It wasn’t even too metallic. In the words of Goldilocks, it was just right. It is also very easy to apply, and you can get it opaque in just 1 coat.
The fun however is with this little gadget. After applying one coat as a base, apply another coat of polish and then immediately, while the polish is wet, place this magnet as close to your nail as possible without touching it. The closer and the longer you hold it there, the stronger the pattern.
The curved bit you see above should be placed at your cuticle, facing you. This will give you the nice striped pattern on your nails.
Left: 1 coat of colour Middle: Magnet on nail (I placed it differently, you may notice) Right: I ended up with a different pattern!
The magnet causes the pattern to form in the wet polish on your nail, and you can get different patterns depending on how adventurous you are with placing your magnet. Here’s an idea of how else it might look.
Left – Right: Magnet with curved edge facing inwards gives you an upward curved pattern, Magnet placed with curved edge on the side gives you a vertical wavy pattern and magnet placed with curved edge away from you gives you a U pattern
I personally like the 2 middle fingers. The wavy pattern isn’t very distinct but it appeals to me because it looks like it’s there but it isn’t. Could that be a bad paint job or is it an interesting abstract art? Ah, no one can tell! 😀 Also, if you use that on all nails, it doesn’t look too much. It can, if you go at it all with stripes.
What I think I like most about this polish is not so much the magnetic properties, but the fact that you get 2 polishes in one. On its own, I love the colour and the metallic shine. Adding the magnet lets you get creative looking nails without too much effort – win-win! 🙂
Did you try any magnetic nail polish when they were all the rage?
I was gifted one by a generous friend, so I have to say I have had practice and knew what to expect. I think I like the indistinct wavy lines as opposed to the stripes. I keep thinking of a mackerel when I see those stripes LOL! 😛
Paris B
Dior Vernis Mystic Magnetics Price: RM86 Availability: Dior counters Limited Edition: Fall 2013, Mystic Metallics collection
This looks gorgeous! I would love to try it out! I bet my girl would love it too! 🙂
I bet she would! The different patterns are so much fun to create and for a child, quite magical 🙂
I love this effect! It’s so pretty!
I was surprised to hear that Dior came out with one, but I have to admit they did a very good job with it!
Oh wow thats a stunning shade! I wish I had long nails 🙁
A bit out of topic but do you know the prices of Chanel Illusion d’Ombre Long Wear Luminuous Eyeshadows price in Malaysia?
It works on short nails too Parita 🙂 I don’t keep long nails myself – prefer my nails short 😉 The Chanel shadows are the cream ones in the pot right? Last I recall, it’s RM110.
I got this one because the SA demonstrated it on my nails, and I absolutely love the wave pattern. I have a couple of magnetic polishes from other pretty good brands, but the patterns they offer are nothing like Dior’s!
The wave is very special, and I think it’s worth it.
I do have other nail polishes in similar colour and finish as this, so if not for the wave, I would not have bought this.
I have to agree that Dior did do a very good job with their magnetic polish. I like making the vertical waves with them, because they look very unique and less patterny 😀
I love magnetic polishes!! I’m snapping them all up before they disappear ! To me the effect and work are worth it.
I do agree, they are fun to use!
I love how they turn out. They somehow look holographic on my nails… but I’m so impatient though, waiting for a minute or two, sitting there holding that magnet on top of my nails. LOL!
Haha yeah, I got impatient too, so I just sit there and count to 20 and hope for the best LOL
ive never tried magnetic nails and didn’t know Dior did one too? You are right… they do look like mackerel skin… hehe… I prefer plain old nail polishes (sorry, I am old-fashioned like that). I think on its own, this shade looks tres chic est belle! 🙂
These days I am into handmade bread (i.e. using my hands to knead the dough) so nail polish is sort of banned. Don’t want my kids to eat fragments of it in their bread, do I? :p
See! Mackerel skin! I knew someone would get it LOL! I’m so jealous you can bake! I can’t – can’t follow instructions so all my baking experiments are always a disaster. So, I cook, but leave baking to the experts.