The dreaded negative comment.
It’s bound to happen to us at one point or another. Sometimes sooner, sometimes later. Sometimes, when it slips in amongst the happy, positive vibes it can really jar. Like biting into a sweet juicy apple and finding half a worm. All you can see is that one black dot on a white canvas; that dead pixel in the middle of your LCD screen. It rubs at you like a blister.
And if you’re not careful, like a blister, it can fester and hurt.
I half-kiddingly chalk these negative comments up to a mark of success. I don’t understand why success is equated with having to deal with negativity, but it seems to go hand in hand so let’s learn to take things in our stride.
So, how do you deal with these negative comments? Do you explode in a tirade of your own? Do you marshall up your supporters and get them to tear the aggressor apart for you and boost your own self esteem? Do you ignore and pretend it never happened? Do you delete the comment?
Well, there’s no right or wrong way to deal with a negative comment. It is really how YOU deal with problems. I’d like to hear of how you would deal with a negative comment or negative feedback. This is something where we can learn from each other 🙂 As for me, I have some guidelines I follow.