You know, I have full admiration for people who find their passion and then go on and act on it. Full, unrestrained admiration.
I see this happening recently in the beauty blogging scene because there are a few big time bloggers or vloggers who have gone on to make big things of themselves. One of the most famous of course, is Michelle Phan who was picked up by Lancome last year I believe, and who had a skincare line (I think, but I’m not sure if it’s still around) and now a makeup line. I personally have heard of her, but have never really followed her nor her blog. I don’t read many big blogs nor watch Youtube videos as you might have guessed. Haha! 😛
Anyway, I got to thinking recently about bloggers/vloggers coming out with their own cosmetics and brands and many of you were very helpful to give me a list of brands/products that are owned by them; and I got curious if you would buy, or have bought their products?
I have realised that the ones who come up with beauty products are primarily vloggers or those who have a written blog and a video blog. I suppose that is necessary to get your personality across because not everyone identifies with the written word. Also, video gets things across better.
Based on all your recs, here are the blogger/vlogger owned brands suggested to me:-
- Makeup Geek by Makeup Geek
- Real Techniques brushes by Samantha Chapman of Pixiwoo
- Bubbi Brushes by Bubzbeauty
- Miyu Beauty by Beautynerds
- Em Cosmetics by Michelle Phan
- Wayne Goss makeup brushes by Wayne Goss (Gossmakeupartist)
- Retinol cream from Futurederm
I’m sure there are others, but as you can see, I don’t know of any. I had to rely on you clever lot! LOL! Of the lot, the only one I’ve bought so far are the Real Techniques brushes. I got them mainly because of the raves and because they aren’t terribly pricey. So far so good.
I have also signed up to be notified of when the Wayne Goss brushes become available, because I saw in his video that his are natural hair brushes (I love natural hair brushes far more than synthetic brushes!) and I like watching his videos because he makes me laugh and he’s British 😛
But that’s it. I guess I don’t mind picking up things like brushes especially from makeup artists who make videos or blog, because I know they know what they’re talking about, and disappointing their fans/followers isn’t an option. I’m not so sure about makeup mainly because I am quite picky and I have quite set likes and dislikes. Perhaps if an established makeup artist who also blogs or makes videos, released a line of makeup, I might sit up and take a little more interest.
The newest line to appear is the Em Cosmetics makeup by Michelle Phan, launched just last week. I have to say it reminds me too much of cheap makeup palettes or my kindy paint palettes, and the high asking prices ($75) are quite off putting. Still, it’s backed by L’Oreal so I suppose there will be some quality control. It will be interesting where this goes, but I do think it will appeal mostly to the younger crowd, who form her fan base. Good job on her for making this happen – kinda pity about the design.
I’m not sure if I’m that keen to spend on skincare either although I have to admit I’m quite intrigued by the Retinol cream from Futurederm who seems to know what she’s talking about and who is medically trained. I was going to pick it up, but am holding off for now in an attempt to declutter.
What say you? Would you buy a cosmetic product owned or developed by a blogger or vlogger?
I suppose you could say that I would be more likely to be influenced to buy a product from a blogger or vlogger who is an expert in their field, as opposed to one who isn’t. I’d also be more likely to go for a product that appeals to my aesthetics and wallet. I will say hands down that I wouldn’t buy a product developed by me, simply because I’m not an expert in this field, merely a very critical consumer 😉 But no fear of that happening. I’m not launching anything any time soon 😀
Paris B
I actually thought you are in the midst of developing a product when you ask in Facebook :D. Would be interesting to see that 😉
I’m more interested with Wayne Goss makeup brushes. I’ve been following his Youtube videos for quite some time and those brushes is looking good.
Haha Nah, not entrepreneurial enough to develop anything 😉 I’m really keen on Wayne Goss’s brushes too because they are natural hair! The prices look quite good too so I’m really happy about that 😀
I think I would buy the products if they work and get good reviews such as the Real Technique brushes. I’ve collected quite a few of these brushes already and they are good. I’ve also been watching Michelle Phan’s commercial youtube on Em, but at the moment I am not swayed to run out and buy anything yet from this brand, although I did check out the products online. So I guess it boils down to whether I have a real need for the product.
Here’s the tricky part Honey. I have been looking for reviews on a few items I’m interested in, which are developed/created by a blogger, but the only reviews I can find are sponsored ones, or by friends. I realise that’s the way to go these days, but still, I would prefer having the viewpoint of someone who’s truly independent and who can tell me if it’s worth spending my money on it. The RT brushes got a lot of independent glowing reviews which is why I got sucked in, but they are quite good so no regrets there!
It really just depends on the line, I think I judge them the same way I’d judge any other line. If I happen to follow and love the vlogger, that definitely earns the products brownie points, but otherwise it doesn’t sway me too much. I was also surprised to see the packaging for em! I love Michelle Phan and her site design was right on target, but those palettes just did not look expensive to me. Loved the lipstick bullets though, reminded me of Lancome!
Actually, if I didn’t like a particular blogger/vlogger for whatever reason, it’d earn them demerit points too! LOL 😉 I thought the same of the lipstick. Definitely channeling Rouge in Love. Problem for me – I wasn’t in love with Rouge in Love! LOL! 😀
I’ve just subscribed to Gossmakeupartist on youtube few weeks ago. i found him very witty. His make up techniques were simple to understand and pretty straight forward.
can’t wait for his brushes set to come out!
Me too! 😀 I like listening to him because he just says it as it is and is funny which is more than I can say for some others 🙂
I have bought Real Techniques brushes, and might purchase other FutureDerm products in the future (though not the Retinol cream as I am already using prescription tretinoin). I would probably approach bloggers/vloggers’ products the same way I do other brands: through reading reviews. 🙂
Yeah I’ve been trying to find independent reviews on some products but it’s so hard because every one I’ve found so far are either complimentary, friends or sponsored. I do tend to be a little more sceptical, which is why I fully understand when people are sceptical about reading blog reviews too! LOL!
I’ve been meaning to get Futurederm’s Caffeic Vit C+E and Retinol serums. Might do that when I’m back from my hols. The Real Techniques brushes are fab so no complaints there at all. I’m also game to try the Makeup Geek eyeshadows as I’ve heard great things about them. The one cosmetics range I’m not interested in at all is Michelle Phan’s EM Cosmetics. The price point alone turned me off (it doesn’t make sense to price the cosmetics so high when it’s targeted to younger audience) and it doesn’t look luxurious for that amount of money to pay.
I’ve been eyeing both the serums too, Tine but am not taking the plunge just yet because I can’t seem to find many independent reviews. The ones that are a little more independent are a little less ravey than the ones that are comped, hence my concern coz they aren’t cheap! But also, am trying to downsize for now till I get settled in again so we’ll see how it goes 😉 I have also heard very good things about Makeup Geek’s eyeshadows but since I’m more pre-made palettes than singles, I guess I’ll pass. My days of colourful eye colours are over (getting old!) And as for Em I think that’s the common consensus. Hit them young, hit them hard, hit them high. Best way to sell something 😛
It really depends on how much respect I have for that particular blogger or vlogger. If he or she is someone that I loved and enjoyed reading or watching I would purchase their items to show my support 🙂 I’m, however, wary about buying skincare though – unless they are a scientist or a dermatologist! 😀
I think beauty bloggers have it tougher than straight up businesses though. Most of their audience would probably hold them “accountable” in a sense for producing a quality product, since they are well, beauty bloggers and should know what a good quality product is! 😀 Some people may also see them venturing into business as a sellout too, which can turn people off.
Good call, Jenn. I am very wary about skincare or even makeup because it’s so easy to just buy some OEM product and slap your name on it. I mean, any of us could do it! It’s not hard and it’s not that expensive. But you’re right about bloggers getting it harder than regular businesses. There is already a ready market that could really swell or collapse on itself if not handled properly. I don’t think they are a sell out trying to sell something but they definitely have more pressures of service and performance. I don’t think I could handle that sort of stress!
I love the real techniques brushes and would be keen to see goss’ new brush line but I’m also lemming for rae morris’ brushes (ok so she’s not technically a blogger but she’s a makeup artist who does the occasional video?)
I’m not impressed with michelle’s em cosmetics, and you’re right, the packaging and colours would definitely appeal to the younger teens who make up her main fan base
Judging from most of the responses, I think most MWS readers aren’t in the target age group for Em cosmetics! LOL! 😀 I’m not familiar with Rae Morris but brushes by makeup artists are definitely a good thing to look forward to because they are the ones who know best what they need/want to use!
Rae Morris is one of the top Makeup Artists in the world who works with with famous celebrities and musicians. She knows her craft. Look her up.
i follow Wayne’s channel as i like his straight forward style, short & sweet videos.
I guess the handmade natural brushes are not cheap! what I’ve bought so far is the Real Technique brushes which is a very good buy.
Based on the prices for Wayne Goss’s brushes that I’ve seen online, they don’t look too pricey. Definitely something there for everyone. Of course, I would expect his to be a bit more pricey since they are natural hair and Japan made, he says. So I’m keen to see how well they hold up. Can’t wait! 😀
I have the some Real Techniques brushes that I bought also because of the rave reviews. I didn’t even know they were by a blogger/vlogger until about a month ago!! lol. Shows how much I know. . .Basically, if something is tried and true as a quality product, then I would probably buy it regardless of who makes it. I haven’t heard of any of the other brands though, so clearly I’m out of the loop!
Haha you know Brianna, that’s probably the best way to go about it. Reading raves, trying and liking a product THEN finding out it’s by a blogger/vlogger and then you’re totally blown away! I know I’d be 😀
i wouldn’t buy just because the blogger made it, and honestly most of these don’t appeal to me. I do quite like real techniques face brushes, but I only purchased those after reading many many reviews and determining it couldn’t all be hype. Perhaps the wayne goss ones will be good too!
I’m keeping my fingers crossed the Wayne Goss ones will be good because good quality natural hair brushes are hard to find! His aren’t terribly pricey so maybe they’ll be awesome too 😀
Yeah, the only thing I’ve bought that was made by a vlogger is the very much raved Real Techniques foundation brush. It is very good and I think the Pixiwoo sisters are professional makeup artists that run a makeup school so I feel like I have a lot of confidence in them. I also bought a few No.7 products because they were recommended or formulated by Lisa Eldridge, a famous British makeup artist. But with these people, I feel like they are first and foremost makeup artists, and then vloggers, not the other way around. Agree with the em packaging – but you know, nice packaging is very expensive from a manufacturing point of view and Michelle Phan’s fans are very young. I mean, some of her videos are very focused on “Back To School” themes which frankly do not interest me at all.
My same thoughts exactly, Yuming. If it’s made by a professional makeup artist, the odds are higher that I’d buy them for the reason they would know what they’re doing and what they want to achieve the results they want. I’m one of the rare birds who doesn’t follow Lisa Eldridge religiously although I have enjoyed what I’ve seen. Just doesn’t grab me I suppose. Although you have a good point – they all are makeup artists who ventured online, not the other way around, and that I think is the biggest difference. I watched a couple of MP’s videos but couldn’t get it. Maybe I’m just too old for all that 😛
Although I don’t own any blogger/vlogger products, I would think that some of them should be pretty much credible. Real Techniques really speaks for itself, doesn’t it, because everyone’s raving about them. The same goes for Makeupgeek (I want to try that though!)
However, as for Michelle Phan’s products, if memory served she developed a skincare line once, called Iqqu and it was bad. I forgot the story behind it but she was pushing them all over her videos and then POOF, everything was gone. But this new makeup line seems interesting, mostly because it’s been backed by L’Oreal. I watched her latest video and apparently L’Oreal pulled some of their execs from their luxury product lines to work on “em” so it should be fine… right?
Yep, RT brushes are pretty decent quality and are wallet friendly which is what I think many people appreciate. I have heard that Makeup Geek shadows are very good too and a couple of years back, when I was more adventurous with colour, I might have given them a go. Currently, I’m less keen. I always thought you had the MUG shadows – maybe I was mistaken 😀 Oh yes, Iqqu was the name. I remember there was some hype about it and also lots of slagging it off. So it’s hard to say how things will pan out for the makeup!
Heard of Michelle but no idea of the others in your list. But if you were to come up with some beauty products (blusher!) probably I’ll give it a try 🙂
Hahahha that would be fun won’t it? Not gonna happen though Shannen – I have no delusions of owning a makeup brand 😉
I would probably buy the Real Techniques brushes since they get so much raves. I have watched Wayne Goss Youtubes and found him quite hilarious with a simple style that is easy to follow. Did not know he also produces brushes. You got me curious about Retinol cream from Futurederm. Will check her out to see if it is any good 🙂
I happened to come across Wayne Goss’s brushes online then I saw his video where he talked about it. I don’t subscribe to any Youtube channel so I usually just drop by whenever I feel like it. I’m terribly curious about the Futurederm retinol cream too but it’s going to have to wait 🙂
I had the real technique brushes and I really love them. Buying because of the vlogger/blogger themselves is not practical for me. Although yes, they’re good and they know what they talking about but I still prefer to read the raves before hand. Likewise for em palette, the price is truly a turn-off. $75 I could buy the whole range of Real Technique brushes. Lol! The packaging is not worth the price as well.
I’m very careful about reading raves of blogger/vlogger brands because I’ve found that often they are friends/sponsored and even if it might be good, I don’t know how truly honest it is. Part of the reason why I waited so long to get the RT brushes. They’re good, but I had to wait till the hype died down and more independent, honest reviews came out 🙂 But yeah, I don’t understand the direction Em is going. Who knows. Maybe it’ll be a great success 😛
It would interest me if i had been following that blogger/vlogger when they launch their products…. and then i will wait for reviews…. but the deciding point is on their price…. i hv a very shallow pocket to watch over…. :p
Prices definitely play a big part, I agree. If it’s too pricey, it’s hard to support too, unless it’s exceptional
I have purchased a product from Makeupgeek that has been swatched.. Its actually a pigments.. Everything was great.. Rather paying a full price on that item , i get a good price on it..
I’ve heard the Makeup Geek shadows are very good so it’s good to know that they really are that good! I personally am not into colourful eye makeup at this point and MAC never interested me, so that might be the reason why comparing it to MAC doesn’t grab my attention as much 😉
No, I won’t and I refuse to. :p E.g. MP’s skincare line was complete rubbish (google for horror stories and terrible customer service). These people are just people good with makeup and reviewing products. That doesn’t make you a scientist or a developer or a dermatologist. I prefer to buy from established companies with a good track record. Bloggers and vloggers and beauty queens? Nah.. thanks but no thanks. I won’t risk my skin and money.
Good point Rin! A savvy consumer doesn’t make you an expert in skincare or makeup. I am quite happy to go for brushes though, if they come from an established makeup artist. I just know it will (usually) be good 🙂
Actually, on first impression, I wouldn’t be keen to buy make up or skincare by a blogger/vlogger/ youtuber, because I believe that a seasoned consumer of makeup and skincare is unlikely to know the deeper science and technology of developing a really good product by themselves – ie how can they compare to Estee Lauder and Lancôme are known to have invested a lot of money and research in their products (especially skincare). I might consider make up but not skincare, because the technology in skincare has gotta be more establish to infuse real good stuff deep into my skin. That said, I also wasn’t aware that Michelle Phan’s new products are backed by Loreal – that lends a little more credit, but I will need somemore convincing whether Loreal only lent the financial and branding support or they also supported the technology and development of her line.
Also, Taiwanese Niu Er skincare series is also something that I give a slightly more credit, given that he was trained as a doctor previously and his talks on skincare products when invited by Kose, was fairly convincing with his knowledge of the ingredients. Then again, being a doctor myself, I also know that being about to sprout the basic scientific theories of skincare ingredients, does not necessary translate bench results and theories to real clinical effects. But I am also a doctor with irrational skincare and beauty succumbs sometimes as well. lol…
Actually, knowing what I know now about makeup and skincare production i.e. that OEM products abound and it’s quite easy to “create” a new line, I am less likely to buy into a less established brand, even if it’s owned/created/developed by a blogger/vlogger. The only thing is that I feel an established blogger/vlogger will be less likely to be slapdash about it, because their reputation is at stake. As you have said, just because I am critical about products, doesn’t make me an expert in the field. I’m not even going to say I’m one because I’m just not qualified! I haven’t tried anything by Niu Er but I know in Taiwan and in our part of the world, he comes highly raves. I actually am not familiar with any of his products at all haha! I remember once the makeup being quite highly touted but they seem to have disappeared.
p/s You’re a doctor! Wow! :O