I have noticed that there is a trend these days to upload videos and be a vlogger or video blogger as opposed to, or in addition to writing in a blog. (Does that make me a wlogger (writing blogger) or maybe a tlogger (text blogger)? 😛 ) I suppose I can see the appeal. For some, they prefer talking to writing.
For the most part, from the point of view of doing a makeup tutorial, a video makes sense. Its easy to watch and see how people do things and when you watch experts, it can help you change the way you apply your makeup, and often, for the better.
Its such a major phenomenon these days, that there are billions (oh ok, thousands!) of videos dedicated to beauty, makeup tutorials and beauty reviews. Don’t even get me started on haul videos. Erm, ok. But I’m curious. Do you watch these Youtube Beauty Channels or Videos? Is it a channel you prefer following over a tlogger? 😛
Me, I don’t.
The primary reason I never got into watching these videos was a practical one. I used to have really crappy internet connection and the best way to enjoy watching videos is to have a stable and fast connection so you don’t have to sit there for a hour while the video buffers and loads in stops and starts.
When I eventually upgraded my internet connection, I had gotten so used to not watching, that I never got into the phenomenon. I don’t know any vloggers and I don’t subscribe to any Youtube channels.
However, I have to say that when I do watch (rarely) I tend to watch videos from the pros. The professional make up artists who know what they’re on about and who have gone around the block and have good tips and tricks to share. I don’t watch product reviews because I prefer reading them. When I do watch, I watch for application techniques. I’m also not a very imaginative person so fantasy makeup or dramatic makeup doesn’t do much for my interest either.
I sometimes look on Youtube too for reviews or features of a certain bag I may be eyeing. I find Youtube useful in this regard, because you can actually see how the bag looks and performs live, as opposed to a static photo. In this sense, fashion is helpful in the form of a video because you can see how the material moves and drapes. Makeup is a little more static in nature and so, for me photographs are sufficient.
There are some terribly talented people out there showcasing their amazing work on Youtube and I take my hat off to them because Youtube is an even scarier place than a blog. Some of the trolls that leave comments are such horrors!
So no, I don’t watch Youtube beauty videos or follow beauty channels at all. I do sometimes come upon one or two videos that intrigue me, but for the most part, its not a medium I particularly enjoy nor keep up with.
Do you watch Youtube beauty channels/videos? Do you have a favourite vlogger?
I don’t generally watch, but when I do watch, I enjoy watching the 3 I’ve shown above – Lisa Eldridge, Pixiwoo and GossMakeupArtist. I find them entertaining and informative. You?
Paris B
I watch quite a few favorites like Pixiwoo, Lisa Eldrige, emilynoel83, frmheadtotoe. Lately i’m more into the vlogging, the beauty gurus tend to have a 2nd channel with day in the life stuff. It’s a guilty pleasure like a reality show and i love seeing mundane things in the US like driving around, going to the store or random products not related to beauty.
Although i love hate-watching a bunch of others too 😀 Very entertaining.
Thanks for the suggestions, Lena 🙂 I notice the same names keep popping up so these must be the really popular ones! As I told another reader, I didn’t realise there’s a difference between the videos and vlogging. I thought it was all vlogging! We learn something new everyday and you’re right – its a lot like watching reality tv 😀
I do watch videos from Lisa Eldridge, frmheadtotoe, raeviewer, gossmakeup artist from time to time. However, i still prefer to read than to watch. One of such is your blog that i follow regularly. These days i have grown selective and cut down my time on beauty blogs as compared to several years back.
Haha it looks like the same people keep getting mentioned here! Its no wonder they’re popular 😀 I too prefer reading to watching. I can read on the go, I can’t unless I want to max out my data package 😛 Thanks for still following my blog after all this time 😀 I am very grateful and your comments cheer me up 😀
I love watching YT videos! 🙂 It was where i first learnt how to apply makeup. Watching a video is much better than reading a blog when it comes to eyeshadow application. I love watching gossmakeupartist. so-so for pixie woo and lisa.. another youtuber i would recommend is emilynoel83 aka beauty broadcast! 🙂 i learnt alot from her too~
Thanks for the suggestions, Dee! You’re right, when it comes to application techniques, video is awesome 😀
I subscribed to a number of beauty gurus, I must admit that I’ve transitioned from reading to viewing videos when it comes to beauty & makeup because its more visualizing and we being humans have varied attention span 😛 but YOURS is the only one left that I read regularly, it still has that pull on me 🙂
I enjoy watching Wayne & Lisa, but I also make an effort to try find a beauty guru with a more Asian skin tone being that I’m Malay, so I tune in to itsjudytime, she’s a American-born Filipino and her skin tone matches mine, it helps a lot especially when you see colours or foundations that goes well and looks good too! 🙂
Aww Sara, I’m so honoured to have made the cut to keep you reading! Thank you! 😀 You’re right about video being easier to follow especially when something is being taught. Its like being in school. Its easier to learn when someone shows you how, rather than trying to visualise it from reading a book 😀 Thanks for the suggestions to follow!
Hey Paris, it struck me when you said how you don’t watch Youtube in one of your posts recently, because I’m the same!
There are a couple of vloggers that I truly adore and think everyone can learn a lot from, but other than that I don’t watch a lot of tutorials or reviews either. My reason is more specific. I am very acoustic by nature (I guess it’s to make up for the fact that I am short-sighted and have a blocked nose all year round LOL), and there are voices I just can’t get into (a good example would be high-pitch girly syrupy ones. Unfortunately many vloggers seem to feel the need to talk that way). I’ve tried to watch vloggers for what they have to say, but the voices pretty much always get to me and I have to give up after a minute or so. I suppose if more vloggers had the calm, soothing voice of Lisa Eldridge, I’d be on Youtube a lot more than I am. I hope I’m not offending anyone here, but my acute sense of hearing is something I was born with, and believe you me, sometimes I find it annoying too!
Sunny, I think you hit the nail on the head! I am not as sensitive acoustically, but I do totally get what you mean by high pitch girl voices! The whole “HI EVERYONE!” pitch really turns me off too! I never thought about it before but you’re right. This is one of the major reasons I can’t watch videos too! I do like how Lisa Eldridge and Wayne Goss speak because they just talk as they would normally, not affect a voice or tone just for the camera.
Hi Paris 🙂
I love watching videos more than reading blog post. And it is a trend nowadays that even YouTubers start to blog to give their viewers in depth details and extra close up photos of the products they are talking about or vice versa with bloggers.
I do feel that with video it’s more “live” and engaging in way, because you have moving images and audio. Videos also makes the viewers feel closer to the YouTuber. It makes sense to watch if it is a tutorial, but the extras like hauls, unboxing is exciting as they share their experience and interest with us.
An example, a very professional Beauty Guru Michelle Phan has always been about tutorials, and once she started doing short films and sharing her monthly favorites, and Draw My Life, it makes me feel closer to her, as if I’m getting to know her better 🙂 And sometimes watching vlogs can be inspirational especially from a beautiful person like Bubzbeauty <3
Hi Farisha, thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. You’re right about how much “closer” we can feel to someone to talks to us rather than someone who just writes, I suppose. Its more human 🙂
I don’t watch that many videos but when I do it’s Lisa Eldridge and Charlotte Tilbury. There are some girls that I watch because I like their personality, but not on a regular basis.
Since I’m not even subscribed to any channel, I only watch when I remember or when someone mentions a particular video LOL! Sometimes I just don’t have the patience 😛
There are vloggers, beauty gurus and real pro artists. I watch artists for their knowledge (Lisa, Charlotte) and beauty gurus more for entertainment (goss).
I watch artists when they upload, Im always excited about them. Beauty gurus I like to put as a ‘background’ when Im doing something else.
Thanks for splitting up the different categories, Catherine. I didn’t even realise they were different LOL! To me, anyone who blogs via a video is a vlogger. Just found out they’re not all called that 😛
Oh yes I have to say I do enjoy watching beauty videos on youtube! They’re pretty great and sometimes when you’re trying to get a certain technique down or a certain way of applying eyeshadow, etc.
For me watching videos is easier to learn rather than reading steps on a blog! 🙂 I learnt part of my make-up-applying process on these videos way back! Lol. (what to do when you don’t have someone to teach you hands on)
Also there are an entire youtube community out there that not only do beauty videos but other sorts of entertainment videos and you see a lot of people out there producing wonders for just an internet site! I was actually surprised when I found out there are tons of other people out there who is doing Youtube as their job. (You can earn money thru Youtube, apparently! And a lot of people are doing it. )
And the hate comments on videos, I usually just ignore them. They’re not a problem really, and there are plenty of others who post nice comments! 🙂
Check out:
frmheadtotoe -> she does really great asian makeup tutorials! (I have monolids and I NEVER wear eyeshadow!)
TheMakeupChair -> I learnt A LOT of my basics from her!
Tanya Burr
P.S The only down side of watching these ‘makeup gurus’ is that they live off the other side of the world! And sometimes when they recommend a certain product, its never out yet in Malaysia 🙁
Also if you’re having a bad day, some people do some really fun/funny videos!
Try: JacksGap, MarcusButlerTV, Sam Pepper, WongFuProductions (Must try!)
Hi Janice, Thanks for sharing your faves with us 🙂 I do agree with you that its so much easier to learn something from watching someone else do it. Its like going to school and having a teacher show you how something works. Sometimes, sitting at home staring at the words in a book just don’t make sense 🙂 I suppose there are people earning money from Youtube the same way there are pro-bloggers but I do also question the integrity of those on Youtube sometimes because disclosure there seem to be a very hazy concept as opposed to written blogs which are policed more heavily for sponsored content. But I suppose in many ways, its a case of to each our own when it comes to the different mediums we prefer. Some of us are more literal and some more visual 😀
I do watch Youtube videos, but it’s only recently an obsession! For me, the visual aspect of it really helped me learn how to apply makeup (what angle do I hold the brush? How should I be swirling or patting or sweeping in product? How far up or down should certain colors go?). However, I like it best when a Youtuber supplements with a written blog. Sometimes, video doesn’t manage to capture the appeal of things the same way photography. Overall, I think they are two different mediums that need to be employed in different ways – Youtube is great for showing off more personality, whereas a blog is more streamlined, but I couldn’t do without either!
Excellent points, Laura 😀 Video is such a great medium to learn isn’t it? I do watch those sometimes, but I suppose the ones I don’t “get” are the reviews because I still prefer to read those, and other chatty videos. But then, that’s me. I don’t watch a lot of reality tv either 😉
Yes I do watch such videos and in particular all the three that you referred to in this post. While I prefer to read written content on blogs, sometimes, it’s refreshing to watch a video instead. Besides, certain things like methods of application of products are much easier to demonstrate on video than trying to describe the process in writing.
However, I must say that I watch all three of them for rather different reasons. Lisa Eldrige has great techniques and it’s amazing to see the transformation before and after make up application. I enjoy the banter between the Pixiwoo sisters and my favourite videos produced by their channel are those by Sam on stage/fantasy make up techniques. She is the more creative one in that particular arena as Nic seems to stick a lot to the normal beauty/bridal type of make up. I view stage/fantasy make up as an art in itself but sadly they don’t produce that many of that sort of videos -no demand I guess? As for Wayne …. truth be told, I don’t watch his channel for make up techniques. I watch him because of his sense of humour which is totally up my alley! I’ve lost count of the number of times that I’ve laughed my arse off listening to him going on one of his rants! He makes a whole load of sense even while he is grumbling. LOL!
LOL Yes! That’s why I watch Gossmakeupartist when I do watch because its just so fun listening to him go on and he’s funny! My fave was about the Sigma glove brush washer thing. A really short video that just had me cracking up 😀
OMG YES!! That’s where I learned HOW to wear makeup!! And later on, techniques and tools! But the YT vids are also responsible for my bloated makeup drawers 🙁 The vids are my guilty indulgence and a great source not only to learn about makeup, but on beauty products and reviews. I’ve stopped making bad purchases because of them. I prefer watching British makeup artists (that Wayne Goss @Gossmakeupartist is so yummy 😉 ), as I find the American ones tend to pile on heavier coverage. The Brits like to do softer makeup,which I feel suits me better. And I prefer pros to teach me makeup, not a 17 year-old high school kid, ya know? eheh. Who needs TV when you have YT Beauty vids??
Well, other than the accent (my ears are better tuned to the British accent, it seems) you seem to be right about the makeup coverage thing. I never thought about it but you’re right, there are some videos where the people are wearing so much makeup it looks garish. Then again, I am not one for dramatic looks either so that might be why I am not drawn to “artists”, only “pros” 😉
i prefer both tblogger & vlogger 😛 because sometimes it’s easier to see swatch pics in blogs, rather that videos (depending on the camera & lighting).
but in videos, contents are more conversational 😉
Actually, I don’t like how the vloggers show swatches or products by holding it up to the camera and then it goes out of focus and blurry. I mean I understand it, but I don’t have to like it 😀
Besides those already mentioned… I like Nikkietutorials (she’s quite bubbly and cute!), xteeener (very doable looks, Asian) and xsparkage does very colourful looks (though her talk is kinda boring 😛 )
Thanks for sharing your faves, Jayie! I’m sure others will find it helpful too 😀
i have watched few of lisa elridge and that’s it….i am a no-makeup person so those videos don’t really interest me but lisa elridge is just awesome! its a pleasure to watch her do the things, i would struggle at, so flawlessly! other things i just prefer to read only when i am interested.