Fact is, ladies and gents, I have used loads… and I mean LOADS of different skincare in my time. It’s part of the reason I started blogging it. I wanted to share how the different products out there have worked, or not, for me. Who knew that it would blow up the way it did! 🙂
But over the years, I’ve been whittling back down my skincare arsenal and I can safely, hand on heart tell you, that I have found some faves that I am willing and happy to repurchase over and over. In fact, I have. In fact also, these are skincare I have been using over the past 6 months – some even longer – they are staples in my skincare regimen and I have found them to be so good, I’m actually loathe to switch out any one of them.
Yes, I’ve only found 5 to date. What does that make me? Extremely loyal? Extremely fickle? Or just Extremely picky? 😛
Before I unveil them, see if you can hazard a guess as to what they are. For a couple of them, the packaging shape is a giveaway and I think one might surprise you 😉 Got your guesses ready? Here they are in my first (and a possibly sporadic feature) Paris Picks! :D.
Did you manage to identify any? 😉
I’ll run them down for you here just very quickly. They have all been reviewed on the blog at one point or another and I will link you to the original review so click on the links to read my then-first impressions of it and how I have changed or not changed my impressions of them over time. Listed in no particular order 🙂
1. Dior Capture Totale Intensive Night Restorative Cream
This has been my night cream for the past 6 months. I was having really problematic skin for a while towards the end of 2012 and at the start of 2013. My skin was uneven, dull, dry, flakey, breaking out… you name a problem, I had it. I was quite at my wits end as to what to do, so I stripped down my skincare to the bare minimum. Then, I trawled my skincare archives (I knew starting this blog was a great idea! 😉 ) and an old review of this cream caught my attention. I’d remembered that it was very nice but I’d given away the tub to my Mom who was looking for a night cream at the time. So, I bit the bullet and bought a new tub. I swear this cream turned my skin around.
I was still operating on a minimal skincare routine at this point so I knew any improvements were thanks to this particular cream. In a few weeks, I noticed that my skin looked better and felt softer. Its been about 4-5 months since I started using this cream and my skin has never been better. It looks better, my skintone looks much more even, and my skin is hydrated. I do blend this cream with a few drops of either Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate or Estee Lauder Nutritious Essence Oil as its quite thick. I took this with me to Prague and it kept my skin well moisturised all day in the cold dry air. It’s a nice dent in the wallet, but because it’s so thick I don’t use too much and I only use it at night so its going a long way. Loving this one and am so loathe to try any other night cream at this point so this will explain why there are no more night cream reviews for a long while 🙂
2. Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Synchronised Recovery Complex
Uh, where do I even begin?! I started using this back when it was just called Advanced Night Repair without the fancy embellishments. The texture then wasn’t as lovely as it is now. It was thicker and a bit more sticky but I liked it, for some reason. I’d also dabbled into the Whitening version but that sucked (i.e. did nothing) so I went back to the original. I’ve picked this one up off and on over the years (especially at Duty Free where there are duo packs for excellent value!) and every time I pick it up, I’m reminded why I like it.
I told you before about going back to using ANR and since then, I’ve always kept a bottle on my dresser. How often or rarely I use it varies depending on what else I might be using at the time, but whenever my skin needs perking up or I want to just say “Hang it all! I don’t want to use anything new!” I go back to ANR and every time, it gives me what I want. Truly, if I never use another Estee Lauder product, this will be the one I’ll never give up 🙂
3. Vichy Normaderm Deep Cleansing Purifying Gel
This is the reason I am so upset that Vichy products are no longer available in Malaysia. I use this face wash as my evening face wash after removing my makeup and it seriously is the best I’ve ever used to keep my skin under control. Not only does it cleanse without drying, the salicylic acid in there keeps spots at bay so I am less plagued with pimples and random spots.
I picked this out years ago as my bathroom staple face cleanser and you know what? My opinion has never changed! I bought back ups when Vichy pulled out but when I ran out, I tried a few alternative face cleansers but nothing did the trick. So I couldn’t take it and ended up buying a bottle from the UK through escentual.com (they often go on sale!). I could get it from Singapore too if I wanted, but I’d have to rely on people to help bring it back while ordering it online means I can have it sent to my doorstep at my convenience 🙂
4. Shiseido Perfect UV Protector SPF50+ PA+++
This is bottle No. 3 of what is the only sunscreen I ever want to use. Ever since I was introduced to it, I have been hooked. The texture is lovely. Its light and non-oily and doesn’t leave that greasy sheen on skin. It contains zinc oxide but for some reason, doesn’t break me out the way zinc oxide in sunscreens usually do.
It makes an excellent makeup base so I have never found the need to use another makeup base on top of it, and it isn’t oily or heavy or greasy or anything yucky. I use it daily over face and neck (yes, even on weekends and even when I’m just staying at home) and when I’m at the beach or somewhere hot, even on my arms. I do run through it quite quickly as I’m generous with my use – about a 1 inch squeeze for each part of my face.
I’ve got my backups in place and I pick them up when there are deals and GWPs to be had. It’s about the only item I actually repurchase from the Shiseido counters and I got my friend hooked too! These days, when we see deals at the counter, we just snap up 2 bottles because we know, it’ll always come in handy 🙂
5. Lucas Papaw Ointment
I know, no one would have picked up on this one because I showed the tub not the tube haha! 😀 Actually, I just picked up the 75g tub recently because the pharmacies had run out of the tubes and I didn’t want to walk all over looking for a pharmacy that had it. I’m actually very glad I got the tub version because I realised that the contents do not liquify as much as the ones in the tube! Its less portable of course, but I only use it as a nightly lip treatment so it stays on my dresser.
Yep, this is the only lip treatment I use and I’ve gone through 3 tubes of it. I slather on a thick layer at night before bed and wake up to lovely soft, flake free lips. Of course, having sufficient water intake plays a major role as well, but whenever I do have flaky or chapped lips, I go back to Lucas Papaw Ointment. I have tried using another version of papaw ointment by a brand called Pure made without petroleum derivatives and which I believe is an organic product, but I disliked it. The taste and smell was awful and it was much too runny, being practically almost liquid in our heat. I tried keeping it in the fridge but even then it never properly solidified. Also, I had some problem with sensitive lips recently and Pure did nothing for my lips except taste awful. Lucas Papaw Ointment on the other hand, helped keep things under control so that was the end of my experimentation and the reason I chose to invest in a tub.
There you have it. Just 5 skincare items that I’ve found worthy to repurchase over and over. I was quite pleased to realise that my fave products are quite well distributed between the pharmacy and the department store 😀 Its tough you know, this skincare business? Who knew applying products to the face could be so trying 😛
Have you tried any of my Top 5 skincare picks? Have you any skincare that you are willing to be loyal and faithful to and what are they?
I’d love to know of your top skincare picks too so if you have any that you are very loyal to do share. Who knows if I could discover a Top Pick in there some day too! 😀
Paris B
Oooh love this post! 😀
1. Shu Uemura Cleansing oil (Fresh)
2. Dr Lewinns S8 Hydrator
3. Olay Regenerist anything
4. Ren Rose oil
5. Shiseido Anessa sunscreen
I wanted to pick the Dr. Lewinns too! But I thought I’d wait and see if its worthy 😉 I can’t use any cleansing oil any longer. I tried the other day and my face felt like I’d taken a vacuum and sucked all the moisture out of it 🙁
Brown bottle! Love that one. My sentiments too; when I don’t want to try anything new, I go back to the brown bottle because I know it will work for me.
My top 5 picks? Yikes. Very difficult to say. Off the top of my head, I’ll say:
1. THE brown bottle
2. b-Liv Off With Those Heads sebum gel
3. Dr Lewinns S8 Hydrator
4. Biore sunscreens (could be anyone; I pretty much love them all)
5. Cosmetic Skin Solutions Vitamin C+E serum
I have a jar of the Dior night cream you mentioned. I was going to give it to mum but now that you’ve raved about it …. ooohhh toughie! Give mum or keep for myself? 😛
Yay for the brown bottle! 😀 I think its one of those things that just work. Can’t be explained 😛 I was just telling Geek about how I wanted to pick Dr. Lewinns Hydrator too but decided to wait till my back up got here. Can’t be a fave if I’ve only ever used one right? hehe… I used about half a bottle of the CSS Vitamin C&E serum but I’m not sure about it… Ok that Dior cream conundrum is a hard one. I’d love to say keep it, but if Mom needs a night cream then maybe let her have it? Or erm… share it 😛
Ooh, the Shiseido sunscreen looks promising. I have been struggling lately to find a tinted sunscreen that won’t irritate my highly-sensitive skin. ZnO tends to dry me out a lot and cause rashes/pimples (I do get this reaction too if I apply too much sunscreen). 🙁
Do you use a cleansing oil to remove the sunscreen?
I don’t use a cleansing oil anymore Firn, so what I do is use the Bioderma Micellar Water or a cream/lotion based face cleanser. I do still double cleanse which I think does take care of removing everything from my skin. Good luck finding your sunscreen!
I’ve tried out a sample of the Shiseido Perfect UV protector and it doesn’t irritate me at all! Must have been something in the Hada Labo one that didn’t agree with my skin. I had a similar good experience with the Kose Nature&Co one I used in Paris (haha) about 2 years ago, but that one did give me inexplicable hives which I’m not sure I can attribute solely to the sunscreen.
When I finish my samples I’m totally buying the full-size. It feels so lovely and light on my skin! 🙂
YAY!! Happy that it didn’t irritate your skin Firn! Oh and that you like it too. The texture is quite something isn’t it? Can’t even feel it on the skin 😀
I thought the silhouette of the sunscreen was a hairbrush, hahaha!
I contemplated trying that or the Kiehl’s SPF50 one, and I regretted not getting the former. The Kiehl’s sunscreen is a tad oily on my skin.
I used to use Vichy as well!! Too bad it’s no longer sold here 😛
LOL!! How, a hairbrush is something I do not own at all! 😀 I do agree the Kiehl’s sunscreen is rather oily although it too works well for me. Well, take heart that it’ll finish up soon since its an everyday use item, and you’ll be able to try the Shiseido and see if it works for you 😀
Wow, that stuff seems to work but I only have tried the Advanced Night Repair in a makeup lesson but I was completely impressed (but it’s too expensive).
Even the Vichy cleanser has been in my hands but never got a sample to try it but I’m in love with two cleansers: Effaclar Gel from La Roche-Posay and Pond’s Perfect Balance Green Cleansing foam. And for sunscreen my HG product will be Biore Perfect Face Milk, is the only one that could handle my very oily T-zone, but I have to buy it from Asia.
Good to know you’ve found the sunscreen to work for you, and Biore isn’t very pricey at all! 🙂 My skin can’t handle Biore products so there’s that. Pity, since its so affordable 😉 The ANR is good stuff, for me. But that’s something to aim for after you’re done with school 😀
Thanks, I enjoyed your post and those products look familiar though some didn’t work for me.. My top 5 are
1. Cleansing oil – aqua label
2. Aqua label uv milk- cos it doesn’t smell like sunscreen at all. Subtle rose scent
3. Clarins White Plus Whitening Velvet Emulsion SPF 20
4. Clarins white plus night cream
5. Clarins multi active skin renewal serum
I spot a Clarins fan right there, Jan! 😉 I do like the White Plus emulsion but with prolonged use my skin does dry out a bit so I prefer not to go with anything whitening these days. I’ve heard about that Multi-Active Skin Renewal serum and it sounds like a wonder product! What has it done for your skin, Jan? I can’t find a lot of info on it 🙂
I love my Lucas PawPaw too! 🙂
How do you find shopping with escentual ?
I’m always keeping an eye on online shopping 😀
High5 for Lucas Papaw! Truly the best lip treatment I’ve ever used 😀 I haven’t had problems shopping with Escentual. I’ve only made one order though and one more just last week which I’m expecting any day now. Shipping is a little slow, but its cheap and I get my fill of French and European brands so I’m not too fussed about it. You do need a credit card to pay though, they don’t take Paypal which is a pity!
LOVE that Shiseido sunscreen as well–it really is one of the best! BUT, until I am a bit more financially stable, I can’t afford to repurchase a new bottle every month as my other skincare and makeup necessities add up to be quite a bit of money :/ I am using Neutrogena’s Ultra Sheer Fluid Sunscreen until then. It works pretty much the same for me, though I do like the Shiseido a tiny bit more 🙂
As for the ANR, I really, really want to like it but as of right now, I can’t say that I do. I remember trying a deluxe sample many years ago and loving it so a couple of years ago, I purchased a full-size. It didn’t do anything at all for me so I never repurchased. Then a few months ago, I got curious again and repurchased. I am still not 100% sure its the ANR but I feel like whenever I use it, I get these tiny little bumps all over my face. So until my face calms down, I haven’t been using it at all. I guess I’ll give it another try in a while…:/
I have to agree with you about the Shiseido. So good, but so pricey! Yet, its one of the things I suck up for coz now my skin gets a bit snooty if I try using other sunscreens haha! 😀 So sorry to hear that ANR isn’t working for you again. Perhaps its just too strong for you or there’s something in there that irritates your skin. I’m honestly not too surprised because I know of people who have used it and go “What? What am I supposed to see?” or who break out so don’t worry about it not working for you, something else will! Do you have any particular fave skincare though?
I am impressed by the Shiesido sunscreen! have to check it out soon..also eyeing the lucas ointment..will be going to midvalley and pop in vitacare pharmacy just to see if I can get my hands on this baby!
Recently my skin though being oil to combination has started to dry out and become flaky..using Clinique’s DDMG currently but still my skin feels dry after sometime..any recommendations pls? any oil or cream ?
Vitacare pharmacy is the only place I’ve found Lucas Papaw Ointment in, believe it or not. Or maybe Caring. Its so hard to find! It sounds like you could try adding a hydrating serum into your routine, Parita. I know there’s one available in the pharmacies from Juju Aquamoist that comes in a deep blue bottle. I’m told its quite good. Alternatively, I’ve found that Clarins Hydraquench serum does a very good job as well, and so does Estee Lauder Hydrationist serum. Another brand I’m told has very good hydrating creams is Uriage but I haven’t tried their products. As an alternative, you could also try the Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate or the Estee Lauder Nutritious Essence Oil. I find they do deliver some moisture to the skin as well. I hope you find one soon!
1) Yanko facial cleanser
2) SK2 Cellumination Essence
3) SK2 Facial Treatment Essence
4) Yanko whitening day cream
5) Yanko whitening night cream
Thanks for sharing YY! I haven’t come across Yanko before but SK2 really breaks me out 🙁 Pity, coz I hear so many good things about them!
My Top 5 is :
– ANR of course… Down to 3rd deluxe bottle already
– Michael Todd range … I just love how it works for my skin
– Lancome Bi Facil
– Our Love of our life Shiseido SPF50 Sunscreen
– Eucerin facial cleanser coz it removes makeup too
Woohoo! Another ANR and Shiseido sunscreen fan! We should have a club or something haha 😀 I haven’t come across Michael Todd – what sort of products are they?
Hello Paris~!
I got 3 right 🙂 Yay! Hehe. Estee Lauder ANR, Dior Capture Totale, and Lucas Papaw Ointment.
My top 5 skincare picks that I’m willing to be loyal and faithful to:
(in no particular order)
1. Laneige Water Bank Essence
2. Laneige Water Bank Sleeping Pack
3. Ohui Sun Science Perfect Sunblock EX SPF50+ PA+++
4. Hada Labo AHA/BHA Face Wash
5. Nature Republic Snail Therapy Hydrogel Mask Sheet
Hi Rin! Yay! You know me too well! I can’t believe you actually picked up on the Lucas Papaw Ointment despite it coming in a tub! 😀 Thanks for sharing your top 5 picks – Laneige Water Bank does work very well, I have to admit and that Hada Labo face wash too! My only problem with the Hada Labo wash was that my hands couldn’t handle it so it’d peel else I’d have continued using it too 🙂
Well I guessed 3 of them!! Shiseido was a shower because of its specific shape but the two others was just depending on my “Paris” knowledge 🙂 ANR was no surprise as well as Vichy normaderm gel too.
Oh I rotate soo many stuff that it’s hard to pick something but if I have to these might be it:
1. Bioderma sebium cleansing gel
2. Blistex med plus
3. La Roche Posay hydreane legere
4. Nuxe huile pro…. stuff (The oil!..well I can never write that down at once!)
5. Piz buin sunscreen (ohh the smell!)
Oh one more pick.. Clinique exfoliating scrub!
Haha congrats on knowing me so well, Casey! 😉 I tried the Bioderma Sebium micellar water initially and thought it was awful coz it felt weird on my skin until I noticed that it was more for oily skin! So I switched to the pink sensitive skin version and I love it now! Too bad I can’t get it locally so I have to get it online haha! You know what? I’ve never tried a single one of the items you picked, but I remember Piz Buin sunscreen! When I was a student and summer came around, I wanted to find one, and the only one I found at the time was Piz Buin. I thought the name was so cute even though it only had a maximum SPF of 6! The horror 😛
If you ask why Piz Buin, there is only one answer: ITS SMELL!!! It smells Monoi Tiare flower, which is rare to find here. Also I am very surprised you never tried Nuxe Huile prodigieuse (yeah I googled and copy-pasted haha). I believe it is the most famous amongst mult-itasking oil world. And also not mistaken, pioneer of this kind of oil. Well, if you didn’t, you should try!
Thanks for the suggestion Casey! Now I know why I haven’t tried it. I don’t like the smell of Monoi oil! HAHA! I know, its weird 🙁 But I’ll try to get a tiny little sample and see how I like it.
FIVE skincare items that have withstood the test of time?? Wow! I only have two :/ which are Strivectin’s SD Eye Concentrate for Wrinkles and Clinelle’s Blemish Clear Gel.
I’m seeing many votes for the Shiseido sunscreen and I’m thinking of popping over to one of their counters to see if I can get a sample as I’m not certain how my skin reacts to zinc oxide. My current sunscreen has been discontinued which is a real bummer and I’ve been seeking high and low for a replacement.
Haha I guess I’m not as picky as I thought I was! 😉 I remember the Strivectin SD working for me but as usual when I use eye cream, I just get lazy 😛 I’m not sure if they have samples at the Shiseido counter but its always worth asking 🙂 My skin doesn’t like zinc oxide at all but it tolerates the Shiseido one very well. I hope it works for you too!
Oh yes, I’ve always love post like this as it made my life easier to refer products for purchase. It’ll took me too much time to go through your archives for individual review. Hehe.
Am currently on 2nd bottle of Shiseido SPF. I go through it quite slowly as I have to alternate it with other SPF, otherwise I get bumps all over my face.
Tried deluxe sample of ANR but can’t decide whether to get it or Kiehl’s MRC. Both samples gave me good results.
As for Dior, still queueing in my list of “skincare to try” .
LOL!! I’ll try to remember that and do a couple more of these sort of round up posts 😀 What do you want to see next? I’d hate to tell you this but ANR + MRC delivers the most amazing glow to the skin. So, yeah I’m not much help am I? 😛 If I’m going to make a suggestion, and if you find that both work equally well for you, then get the MRC for the simple reason its more affordable and will last you longer. Then, after a couple of months, you can pick up the ANR 😉 Dior skincare doesn’t work for many people I’ve learnt because they are quite well fragranced and many people don’t like that. I personally can only use their anti-aging range as I find the popular Diorsnow range too drying.
I like any post as long as it is about skincare. Can’t get enough of it even though I only got 1 face. Haha.
Yes I remember your post on ANR + MRC but I can only choose one. Thanks for the suggestion as which one lasts longer didn’t cross my mind. Now it is easier for me to decide.
And as for fragrance in Dior, hmm… I gotta be extra careful as I can’t stand strong scent in skincare. I don’t mind, in fact I actually like the weird smell of SK-II FTE thanks to my weird nose.
Taking notes, Bugs! I love messing with skincare too. Even though I’ve got set faves that work, the eye still wanders. Horrible! 😛 I wasn’t fussed about the scent in SK2 FTE too. I didn’t see the fuss to be honest. I’ve smelt worse. I tested a product once (really super high end) that smelled like rotting fish. Worked, but I couldn’t keep up the use. Who can, with the smell of rotting fish assaulting your nose as you try and sleep?!
My top 5
1. Estee Lauder ANR – using the 100mL bottle now only available at duty free, I like it that much!
2. Fancl Mild Cleansing Oil – gone through so many bottles. I like Shu’s as well but so long as I can get my hands on Fancl, it’ll always be my choice.
3. Laneige Water Sleeping Pack – LOVE it! Inexpensive too.
4. Shiseido Perfect UV Protector – almost done with my first bottle, will definitely repurchase!
5. Kiehl’s Rare Earth Pore Cleansing Masque – skin feels very clean after and is very easy to rinse off.
6. Clinique Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief – i wake up with very hydrated skin.
Don’t you just LOVE duty free, Adeline? 😀 I used to buy the 100ml bottles too! Recently, I saw a dual pack which was excellent value but didn’t get it coz I”m being good and finishing stuff up first. Now I rather wish I did haha! 😀 I like your picks – so many of them, I like too 😀
Hey Paris, it’s nice to see your top 5! I’ve tried some sachets of Estee Lauder ANR (I will eventually lay my hands on a bottle to see how it really works) and the Vichy cleanser (a little too much fragrance for me).
My top picks (it’s hard. I’m going to limit it to products I have repurchased) would be Caudalie Vinoperfect Radiance Serum (3rd bottle and counting), Bioderma Sensibio, Pai cleanser, Omorovicza Thermal Cleasing Balm, and Caudalie Vinosource Moisturizing Sorbet. Actually now come to think of it, I’m quite loyal to certain brands. If I’ve had good experience with it, I’m willing to experiment some more. If it’s always been so-so, then I move on!
Hiya Sunny, Vichy has a fragrance? Oh darn I never noticed LOL! Maybe I’m just too used to it 😛 I have to get started on the Caudalie Vinoperfect Radiance Serum. I’ve heard so many good things about it! I go through a lot of phases. Sometimes, like you, if I have a good experience with one or two products from a brand, I want to get everything! But if 1 product doesn’t work for me, I rarely go back and look at it. heh.
I wish I’ve found my holy grail top 5. But I would say that the Biore Makeup Remover for Eyes and Lips is really good and takes everything off with the slightest effort(yes even waterproof mascara, except those ones from Majolica Majorca, which are amazing. And lately I’m really interested in trying out more Paula’s Choice skincare. I’ve been having breakout these past few months and their 2% Salicylic Acid Liquid really helps clearing them up.
I wanna ask how you touch up sunscreen when you have makeup on, Paris? I know people say use powders with sunscreen, I’m just wondering if you have any recommendation.
Oh that Biore makeup remover isn’t bad! I’m not that loyal to eye and lip makeup remover but if I were I’d probably pick Loreal haha! I know we’re supposed to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours (so the experts tell us) but I’m afraid its not possible for me on a work day if I have makeup on so I don’t do it. I suppose it helps that I’m indoors for most of the day so I figure I can get away with it. If you want to try a powder sunscreen, there is one I’ve tried from Peter Thomas Roth. I think a brand called IS Clinical does one too. I used it for a little while but if I’m to be honest, its just a lot of bother and I didn’t like the brush which I found scratchy but I guess if you’d like to touch up, this is an option 🙂
I can be super loyal as much as i can be a nitpicker when it comes to skincare. The below are re-buys except for the bb cream which i believe i will be using for a long while. It’s 50ml.
Here’s my top five:
1. Estee Lauder ANR
2. La Mer refining facial scrub ( I love, love, love this too much.)
3. DHC cleansing oil
4. Estee Lauder Resilience Lift Night cream
5. Omorovicza Complexion Perfector BB cream ( This is the only bb cream that i feel has more skincare properties than any other BB cream out there. My skin seems to look better after removal at the end of the day too.)
You’ve gotten me curious about the Dior night cream. Perhaps i will try it out after my no.4 and other stash are used up.
You have me sooo intrigued by that BB Cream. Seriously! I have to find a way to get my hands on it. I haven’t tried the EL Resilience night cream but I’ve heard that the Resilience line is really good. DHC broke me out so badly which was such a pity because I actually trekked to the DHC store to buy the cleansing oil back in the day before it came to our part of the world! OMG the horror LOL! 😀
Hi, Paris! I have to agree with you about the Estee Lauder ANR, being my staple basic skincare. The same goes to the Lucas Pawpaw oilment. It never fails to moisture chapped lips especially when you travel during the winter days. I’d include Clarins UV Plus sunscreen and Kanebo Impress Make off as my top skincare products. But I’d love to try the Shiseido’s sunscreen that you loathe so much! 🙂
Haha maybe a slip of the finger, Junni? I love the Shiseido suncreen not loathe it hehe… I think I like it a little better than Clarins because my skin didn’t turn red as quickly compared to Clarins which I used to like too. But if you have a chance, try it and see how you like it. I used to love the Kanebo Blanchir Make Off Conditioner! Now, I can’t really use cleansing oil because my skin feels too dry but I do still have some of the Blanchir one so I use it now and again 😀