I’m taking gadget geekery on a slightly different tangent today because I wanted to share with you 2 new cameras that I think people who blog or like to share photos on the go may like. I’m a huge tech/gadget geek, and I know some of you are too. Besides, I consider cameras to have a beauty of their own!
I recently attended a showcase of the latest cameras by Canon, and one or even two of the new Canon babies stood out to me as cameras that bloggers, or even beauty (and food!) bloggers, will appreciate 😀 (Caveat: No monies or products exchanged hands for this post, unfortunately. Only information because I was quite excited about them 😛 )
If you’ve been toying with the idea of getting a new camera, here’s a place to start. I’m pretty much firmly entrenched in the Canon camp as you can tell 😛
Following on from my post about starting your own blog, I mentioned having a camera on hand to take photographs, whether of products, yourself or just about anything at all. You don’t have to be all professional photographer at it, you just want something that will take a decently sharp and focused photo. The smaller, the more convenient.
Enter the affordable new Canon Powershot N which is so dinky, it looks like a toy! I didn’t get a chance to play with it at the showcase because everyone was grabbing at it and its so tiny, it could actually get lost in the sea of hands. This is the one I christen “The Blogger’s Camera” because it looks like a great little entry level camera, perfect for toting about to capture blogging material. Its my label, not Canon’s but when I saw it, I just knew it’d appeal to many young bloggers out there 🙂
Its got loads of features and Canon has thoughtfully placed the shutter on the ring at the front of the camera so it makes it easier to take self-portraits or in blogging speak “selfies”. If you have twisted your arm into a pretzel to take a selfie using a regular camera, you may appreciate how easy it will be from now on from any angle. You just press on the ring, to take a picture. The LCD touchscreen swivels but only 90° so you still can’t view yourself from the front. Useful I suppose if you are taking those angled shots from above, less useful for straight on portraits.
What’s fun is that you can pair it with your smartphone, print pictures using wifi and have some in built filters and effects. I think its a fun little toy (yes, toy) to complement the limited abilities of your smartphone camera. Its not something photography geeks will geek out over, but it’ll appeal to many young people who just want something quick and easy to take a picture so they can post to Instagram or Facebook, slip into their pocket and take lots of camwhoring selfies 😛 It even takes a short video so while you can’t record a full length product review, you can use it to show how something works. See, I told you its “The Blogger’s Camera” 😛 The RRP is RM949 (you may even get it for less if you know where to look and are good at bargaining) which isn’t cheap, but sample images online look promising. Its not one I’d go for personally because I find it a bit too dinky and simple for my needs.
The other model that I was much more excited about when I first read of its impending launch a few months back is the Canon EOS 100D (Rebel SL1). I’d consider this one the “Blogger’s Entry Level DSLR” – you can attach a label to anything if you really try 😀 What this one is, is a full functioning DSLR but in a tiny little body that is so adorable!
See how tiny it is!
I had the chance to hold the EOS 100D but not to really play around with it as I preferred to. It is really compact and if you have small hands like I do, it fits beautifully into small hands and I can see that many women will flock to this one for size. Yes, size matters when you are trying to fit your camera into your handbag!
I did find it rather weighty once it had a lens on, but still not as weighty as my current DSLR so its still a plus. Its very lovely and compact and if you are looking to upgrade from a point and shoot or a prosumer camera and aren’t so keen on the mirrorless cameras available out there (Canon has the EOS M) then the 100D might be one to consider.
I was very keen on this initially but having seen it and its specs, I think I’ll pass on it. I love the compact size and the potential of being able to fit it into a handbag (They are really targeting this one at women, I tell you!) although I can’t tell you if it really will and how big a handbag it’ll have to be. Maybe if I can finagle a review set from Canon (yeah, I wish!) I’ll be able to tell you then but as of now, think of it as a DSLR, just smaller and made for women 🙂
As you can see from the presentation slide, the camera is really targeted at people who want something quick and easy and dare I say it? Bloggers! It is quick at 4 frames/second so you can capture children and pets who may not sit still long enough to take a picture (Mommy bloggers!); it has a feature to enhance colours in food so food looks better (food bloggers, take note!) and it even has a candlelight feature so your dim or candlelit photos turn out well (lifestyle bloggers take note!) LOL See, I told you its the Bloggers’ Entry Level DSLR! 😀 The EOS 100D kit comes with the 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM lens and retails at RRP RM2,299. If you know where to look, you may even get it for less.
Personally, I have my eye on the EOS 700D or maybe an upgrade to the 2 digits EOS series from the EOS 550D I presently use. Haven’t quite decided, but I’m actually quite impressed at the smallish pricetags I’m seeing!
Regular beauty news resumes tomorrow – weekends are for relaxing … and for being behind the camera 😉
What’s your favourite camera brand (if you have one)? Do you enjoy being behind the camera?
I started out with an Olympus Mju in the days of film (Ah, the good ol’ days!) But my first digital camera and all my digital cameras thereafter were by Canon all the way till I lost my Powershot G10 and replaced it with the Lumix LX5. Its a good camera but I prefer the colours of a Canon, so when I decided to get a DSLR, Canon was my pretty obvious choice 🙂 I love being behind a camera too. A lot more than being in front of it 😛 You?
Paris B
Sze Ling says
I’m still using my ancient Canon IXUS 7-something (can’t remember the exact number). Kids these days would think that it’s from a museum. Hahaha. 😀
Been eyeing the EOS M since it was announced. Now I’d have to check out the EOS 100D.
I love the 550D ever since I tried it out in-store 2 years ago, and have been longing to upgrade from my IXUS since then. But just can’t get over the weight. Hence the interest in EOS M.
Can you tell I’m partial to Canon? 😛
Paris B says
Haha The Ixus was one of the best cameras I ever owned. I went up to the Ixus 860 IS before I switched to the Powershot G10 because I read that it was better. I did get some better pictures from it, but I found that the prosumer cameras are a bit of a crock 😛 They’re too fiddly for a point and shoot and if I’m going to be shooting in auto all the time, it defeats the purpose totally. The colours produced by a Canon are definitely more vibrant to my eyes and that’s why I’ve stayed with them so long. The Lumix LX5 takes great photos (Excellent lens!) but I’m not crazy about the colors 🙁
I was very keen on the EOS M too but I read some less than flattering reviews, plus I don’t like the fact I will need an adaptor to be able to use my existing lenses, or have to get new ones. I’ve spent far too much on lenses to keep buying new ones 😛 So for that, I’d go with the 100D – its bigger than the EOS M but at least you have the full range of EOS EF-S lenses to choose from 😉
lyn says
The Powershot N is cute! I’d recommend waiting for the 2-digit Canon first before deciding on an upgrade. I may get it too if they do away with that stupid lock button on the mode dial (like the 60D). Oh well, will wait and see. I’m itching for an upgrade…
Paris B says
I’ll take your word and wait, Lyn! 😀 I haven’t checked out the 60D just yet and to be perfectly honest, I’m not sure when or if I should be upgrading LOL! So far, the 550D has served me well although I will complain about the heft but then, I suppose that doesn’t make me much of a photographer either 😉 The Powershot N is VERY cute, but I think far too basic for you 😉
Seraph says
I’ve got a 60D but I find it so cumbersome to carry all around with me…. So it ended up with my dad who uses it for his church activities…. Haha…. But oh I loved the outcome of the pictures! Very vivid colours and clear pictures…. Even without editing, it can turn out looking like a professional picture to the untrained eyes…. :p now for carrying around, I’ve got my phone camera with only 8mp compared to the mega dslr at home…. I only use the dslr when going on holidays…. Haha 😀
Paris B says
Haha I was looking to upgrade to the 60D but may wait and see what newer model they come up with 🙂 I do love the results from a DSLR especially when a good lens is paired with it, but I can appreciate the many practicalities of a point and shoot or even mobile phone camera too! 😀 I thought long and hard about taking my DSLR on my holiday recently but chose not to because I knew the weight and having to watch over it would put me off. I was right and I enjoyed my holiday so much better without having to bend double lugging my camera 😀
synical says
Never owned a Canon, only because I have my own requirements for a point and shoot which always takes Canon out of the running. And at least I’m not indirectly funding Simon Yam’s Canon contract 😛 (Is he even still their “embassador”?)
I’m okay with my Lumix TZ30.
Paris B says
Hahaha! That’s a very interesting question, Synical. I haven’t seen him fronting their ads in a while! I’ve always liked Canon mostly because they were more user friendly for a newbie and the colours appeal to me better. The Lumix I have is super duper sharp though and I really appreciated that. Got it more for the Leica lens than anything at the time (and very impressed with it), because there weren’t many other options in the market for my requirements then. 😀 The bluish and cool tint I get with a Lumix doesn’t appeal as much to me though. I was recommended to get the TZ30 too! It comes very highly rated 🙂
sesame says
I’ll come back to this again when I do seriously want to get a DSLR. I hate going through the specs and whatnots and just need to know what works. I have been thinking about it especially for outfit posts but the thing is, what’s the point when I’ve no one who can take pictures of me. 🙁 So right now, just point and shoot cameras for product shots. But yeah, I’m also using a Canon and the small one is indeed very cute.
Paris B says
I personally find Canon very user-friendly so when you do decide to make the transition from point and shoot to dslr, it is less daunting 🙂 For outfit posts, I think a tripod and remote control is key. That way you don’t have to worry about not having someone take your picture 🙂 But I’ve tried it and personally, I think its hard for outfit shots coz the focus can be wonky. Yet, its also hard to find someone who can take a good shot of you or know what sort of look you’re going for. I’ve all but given up on that.
Jess says
Ah that powershot N somehow is similar to Samsung Galaxy camera but more compact (I like!). If that touchscreen can move 180 degree, that would be perfect! No matter how much I like compact but the quality often put me off 🙁 Got to try this out and see how it is
Paris B says
Yes, I did think it was similar to the Samsung Galaxy too except without the built in android OS. Its very very compact and easily hides in our palm! Very fun. I think once you start using the dslr, its hard to go back to using a compact point and shoot, because the image quality will differ vastly. I find a compact camera useful for me when moving around and reserve my slr for stills 🙂
ishi says
Aaah…Canon, delighting you always…. Good to know you are well entrenched in the evil side….hahaha
I have always loved my Canon, my favourite was and is still the G11, although it is well passed its ‘use-by’ date, having travelled with me around the world. It deserves a special place in my Canon museum. I then upgraded to a DSLR, but you know it is never quite the same. The G11 (and the powershot family) produced good pictures and fitted into my jeans pocket… I don’t get that combo from my DSLR, no one waits for you to adjust the settings (the point of using the DSLR)….I now use the DSLR mainly for macro photography…flowers and old coins don’t walk away while you adjust…BAH! Portrait photography is surprisingly satisfying too. I now leave the DSLR at home when going for vacation. That is why salivate like a pavlov dog when i read your blog today. NEED…NEW… CAMERA…
By the way, before upgrading to a 2 digit DSLR, consider upgrading your lenses. You will see a difference.
Paris B says
Haha from one Canon fan to another, thank you! 🙂 I have been playing around with some lenses in recent times and you’re right, a good lens does make a big difference to a photo. I did like the Powershot G series. The G10 went everywhere with me but I found it a bit bulky. That was part of the reason I went for the slimmer Lumix LX5. I thought long and hard about taking the DSLR on holiday when I went away recently but I’m happy I decided to leave it behind and just use the Lumix. I’d forgotten what a good camera it is and its great for landscape photography. Also, its so much easier not having to fiddle with a lens and then get pissed because I didn’t get a good/sharp shot. The beauty of a compact camera! 😀
Allison W says
I love the Sony NEX series! I was using Fujifilm point and shoot cameras for many years until the mirrorless cameras came along and I wanted better pictures for my blog… So when Sony introduced their NEX cameras with DSLR size image sensor, I couldn’t resist it and bought NEX 5N then NEX 5R. I still prefer a smaller size camera that could take good pictures and since Sony NEX cameras come in handy, I never really want to try the bulky DSLR camera from Canon or Nikon….
Paris B says
I toyed with the idea of getting the Sony Nex when it first came out! But I resisted because I wasn’t into the whole mirrorless camera thing. Still am not for some reason. I love how compact it is, and how well the photos turn out but I guess I just like the heft of a DSLR and looking through the viewfinder 🙂 That old school part of photography, I really enjoy!
Michelle says
I have an old Canon DSLR 400D and for the longest time I used only a F1.8 50mm lens (no zoom) because it was so compact! It was perfect handbag size. That lens was awesome at portraits and candlelight shots. But generally people didn’t understand that the lens made everything a tight shot and I had to always stand far far faaaaaaaaar back to capture a group pic. It was hilarious.
Paris B says
Ah the 50mm f1.8 is a great little lens! But I’ve stopped using it for a while because of the focal length. If you like the 50mm and the size, you’ll love the 40mm pancake lens! It is tiny and makes the camera so light, its only bulk you have to worry about thereafter. Try it, its not expensive either 😀
Jenn says
The PowerShot N looks so cute! Personally, I think that it is abit pricey though considering that you can a more full featured camera for perhaps just a hundred ringgit more. But then again I can see how this will appeal to point and shooters who just want to, well, point and shoot! Lol! 😀
I love taking photopgrahs, especially of beautiful sceneries and food (yes, I’m one of those annoying food photographers who keep people waiting while I meticulously document all the food we consume in that seating! Wahaha! 😛 ). I have always been a Fujifilm girl (gone through 3 point and shoots). I super love their rich colours and natural skin tones. But alas, their low light performance is not the best there is out there so I got a Canon compact for my diving trips. Can’t fault anything about the Canon except that it can’t get the skintone right for most pictures (IMHO anyway!)! So what I do for my blog nowadays is to take product shots with the Canon and face shots with my trusty 5 year old Fujifilm! OCD satisfied! Ahhh! Hehehe! 😀
Paris B says
Yeah, I just want to play all day with the Powershot N simply because its adorable! Its like the iphone you know – pricey but cool LOL!
I used to be an annoying food photographer too but these days less so especially because I use my mobile all the time. I haven’t tried Fujifilm digital cameras but your pictures turn out very well so I’ll take your word for it! I personally like Canon’s colours for skin because I feel it gives a bit more life to them. By comparison, the Lumix really washes me out!
el toro bumingo says
How much is the Canon EOS 100D? Is it higher in specs than the 1100D?
Paris B says
The kit price is as set out in the post – approx RM22xx. The 100D is newer and based on a quick comparison I checked on the Canon website, it had better/newer specs than the 1100D
Sam Still Reading says
Love that lil’ baby camera! Too cute. I use my phone a lot these days, but my fave camera would be my ‘real’ film SLR, Pentax K1000. I don’t mind their digital cameras, and Sony and Panasonic are quite good too!
Paris B says
Haha I use my phone a lot too! Phone camera quality has improved tremendously over the past couple of years 🙂 But I use it mostly for casual photos. You actually still use a film camera, Sam? That’s wonderful! I grew up with a dad who used an SLR which might explain why I always wanted one 😀
Swati says
i got a 60D after recommendation from Tine and I am loving it though its no bloggers camera and its huge!!! but, need to play around more. there are so many things to learn..sigh!
Paris B says
Ah the 60D is a great camera. I am thinking of upgrading to that some day but not so soon 😀