Ahoj everyone!
Today, Malaysians go to the polls so I wanted to just keep this light and easy because Heaven knows, its heated enough out there! 😛 I thought I’d share a little about what’s been going on and why I had a little cryptic message on my blog 2 weeks ago and just why things have been up and down here at MWS central with the regular blog schedule all over the place.
First off, I had a freak accident that resulted in my car being quite badly damaged. No one was hurt and I don’t want to dwell on details but suffice to say that it was and still is a horrible time, the car is still at the service centre for repairs and there’s a lot on my plate to have to deal with a lot of crap. I tell you, people will try to wriggle their way out of paying money if they could! I’m trying to make sure that doesn’t happen. Its what’s my time is mostly taken up with now which I hope explains why blogging wasn’t top priority for me in the past couple of weeks. I’ll get better at managing time, promise (too much backlog to catch up with, but I hope this explains the why)
Freak accident aside, I was also away on a vacation to a city I’d been wanting to visit forever, ever since I can remember. I was in Prague, Czech Republic and I had the best time of my life! 😀