A little while ago, I posted this picture on Instagram of me in my loafers. I’d watermarked it with the site logo and didn’t think much of it until Jess and Connie commented that they thought I’d gotten a tattoo on my leg.
Its not obvious in a larger photo but on a small screen, it did rather look like a tattoo. And a very vain one too, if I had actually gotten a tattoo of my site logo on my leg LOL! But I was thinking about it recently and wondered a little about tattoos.
Would you get a tattoo or do you already have a tattoo? What prompted you to get it done and have you any regrets? Reckon I’ve got any? 😉
The answer is no. I don’t have any tattoos for a couple of simple reasons – nothing has ever really driven me to want to ink something permanent on my skin, I don’t have anything I am particularly passionate or interested in to have it drawn on my skin and I am afraid of pain. Ok lets just say that its the pain factor LOL!
I guess I’m just not all that driven either. I suppose it would be cool to have a tattoo and if I did, I’d be one of those with the really large ones because what’s the point, if no one can see it. That’s my motto anyway. If I’m going through with it, I’ll go large or go home LOL! 😛
Do you have a tattoo and if you do, what is it? Have you ever thought about getting one?
I toyed with the idea a little while ago but then I realised I didn’t know what to draw. Words are too permanent and I wasn’t keen on anything too abstract or dainty because I did not feel like I could identify with anything. In the end, the feeling passed 😛
Paris B
Nope, but in my youth, I have been to my share of tattoo parlors because of friends getting tattoos and piercings. I will only get a tattoo if I lost my breast to cancer though. A big one.
Of course, who knows?!? You may see me sporting one in my eighties!! ;b
That’s what I think sometimes too. Maybe when I’m 80 and finally find something that moves me enough to ink myself (like the fact that I lived till 80!) maybe then hehe
Nay. But it’s a personal thing. I doubt I’d feel as strongly about the ink 30 years down the line. And it’s more expensive to have it removed than having it inked on. Having said that, I love gawking at sleeves 😀
Oh me too! Sleeves are so sexy schmexy! 😛
I do too! I enjoy admiring a good tattoo, be it a pretty one or a scary looking one. Not on me though. I’m too fickle 😛
Nothing against people who have them. I just think that I’m not decisive enough to ever know what I’d like to have inked on lol! I also think that a few years down the road, I may regret it 😛
You said it! I’ve nothing against anyone who has it either. In many ways, I think there’s no real stigma these days for getting tattoos but I just can’t figure out what I’d like to have permanently etched on me!
Always wanted one but I just haven’t gotten around to do it (also secretly scared of the pain), so yeah, still no tattoos yet! 😛
What do you think of people who ink their partner / spouse’s name on themselves?
Eh sorry, let me rephrase the last sentence, I don’t mean people, I meant what do you think of the idea of inking your partner’s name on yourself. Brain still half asleep, paiseh. Lol.
I think they better be 1000% sure the other person is their partner/spouse for life. Imagine if they inked themselves then a couple of years later split. Talk about awkward lol
That’s a lifetime commitment, Jenn! I read about the awkwardness of tattoing the other person’s name and later split up in a magazine during my teens… so I never want to do that because I’m not sure if it can be 100% erased later… haha
NAY. I have three and regret them all. Even though they aren’t cheesy, I still imagine myself 50 or worse, 70 with a dragon on my arm, lotus on my back and heart on my ass! Not cute. Will most likely get them removed when the technology gets better and I have more chaching!
Wow, thanks for sharing, Tina. I hear tattoo removal is expensive and isn’t 100% perfect either. Still, enjoy them while they’re still there eh? 😉
Yay. I had two. One for my daughters’ initials (Wrist) and another one for my husband (Calves).
That’s sweet! Meaningful and unobtrusive 😉
I wanted a tattoo real bad when I was in my teens. I had this piercings craze too at that moment and I thought a tattoo would be a great addition. Why? Because I am a very visual person, tattoos can definitely be art to me and the tattoos that I wanted were very symbolic. In the end I don’t get one and I still don’t regret it. I was too young and altho I would still like the idea of them, I’m not sure if I was smart and wise enough to invest in a good tattoo. Seeing all those bad tattoos on the internet just really made me cringe. I think the lesson here is, invest in a tattoo because you get what you pay for, lol.
You’re so right, Teri! I watch all these reality shows about inking on tv and the work they do is amazing! I’ve seen some local artists work too and its just as amazing but I do believe you get what you pay for, and for something this permanent, you’d better pay top dollar! 😀 still thinking about getting one?
Hi Paris! 🙂 I have a small nautical star on my lower right part of my stomach. I don’t regret getting it but I do have to admit it was a spur of the moment decision (and peer pressure when I was 19!). It was painless, because of the smallness of the tattoo but it’s something I think makes me different. I haven’t fancied on getting any new ones, and like you, the feeling to get more ink passed 🙂 I’m glad I never got any visible ones to lower my chances of jobs! lol
Hiya and thanks for sharing your tattoo story! I do admit small hidden tattoos can be quite sexy, if they peek out from under a shirt or bikini or something. It’s just unexpected and that can be fun. I’m glad you didn’t kill your job prospects either or you might need some industrial strength concealer 😉
Don’t have one but have nothing against it. The pain factor is probably what is keeping me from getting one though.
I’m told small ones aren’t painful but still, I couldn’t imagine what I’d want permanently etched on my skin!
Personally, it would be a “Nay”. I think that people’s life philosophies and beliefs have the tendency to change (or evolve, if you prefer) as time passes -at least mine do! And I’d like to be able to do that without having something permanent branded upon me as a link to something I might want to leave firmly behind in the past.
But I do understand why some people might want to do it – for example, as a commemoration for having overcome certain trials in life, etc.
I also enjoy it as a form of art … as long as I’m not the canvas! 😛
I’m thinking the same thing you are. A mark to mark a certain life changing moment is often the reason some people get a tattoo but it could also serve to hold you back to something that might be better moved on. Still, I can’t deny that some tattoos are amazing and the people who do them are artists indeed! Imagine having to draw all that free hand on a person!
I have 2, i don’t particularly find it as ‘life changing’ as many would have thought. After awhile its a part of you, like eyebrow embroidery, you look into the mirror and you see your darken brows but NOT “embroidered brows” If I am making any sense =p
I don’t regret them, it a part of who I am and the phases I went through in my life to become who I am now. Bf offered to pay for the laser erasing but I don’t really see the need to. Doesn’t hinder me, nor makes me feel any less glamorous, Ha!
Big NAY to any form of names/nicknames or worse, facial portrait of spouse. (I’m not kidding, I actually seen one before on a girl!)
A face! You have to be kidding! :O firstly, the tattoo artist enter be good and secondly, what if the skin stretches, sags etc. the face would be distorted! You can tell, I can’t get over this lol! I suppose of your tattoos don’t bother you, you’re better off keeping them. I’ve read of people having scarring from laser removal and that could be worse. Also if its something meaningful to you, then no harm keeping it 🙂
A big yay for me, I love the look of small tasteful tattoos and always wanted one but am a big chicken when it comes to pain. That being said, I think you need to consider really carefully what you want to put on your skin as it is a huge and permanent thing.
I hate it when people make presumptions about others that have a tattoo. You know in Asian societies many people still think that tattoos belong to secret societies and gangs. I just want to say to these people to get their heads out of their butts.
The problem for me is being too fickle to ever be able to commit to something this permanent on a part of me. Worse if I put it on my back where I can’t see it! Lol! I actually thought there isn’t so much of a stigma anymore about tattoos? At least if people aren’t inking their skins with skulls or gang signs. I see a lot of stars and hearts and these days, a lot of artistic colourful work, not the plain blue anymore.
I have 3. Rosary ala Nicole Ritchie inspired on my right feet, a treble clef on left ankle & a lizard below my waist above e butt..;)
I’ve been fascinating with tatts & so far no regrets. Except for the lizard the others has meaning & reflects my life. Getting a tatts is addictive, me & the hub are planning for a same tatt to represent our kid.
Always ask yourself do u want to get it for the sake of peer pressure or it’s something u really want? The design, will u regret in future? What does it represent? For body part, make sure choose the spot wisely. You don’t want that beautiful rose turn into rafflesia hence tummy, breast is a no no for me. plus tatts removal is double the price, double e pain & leaves bad scars if not done properly. Same goes as choosing a tatt artist. Go for reputable one. One thing u can never be kiamsiap. Reputable ones charge a bomb but it’s permanent leh….
You’re so right, Irene. Tattoos aren’t something you want to mess with. Best to go for the best! I think its sweet to get the matching tattoos to represent your child, and you made me LOL at the expanding rose to rafflesia bit! That is so true and yet I’d bet there’s be people who haven’t thought about that 😉
I’ve always wanted a tattoo saying “May the Force be with You” in Elvish writing from LOTR on my arm HAH HAH HAH. But saying thus, I am deathly afraid of me having an allergic reaction to the pigments so I decided not to get it. Also, I’m a TEENSY bit afraid of what them HR people would say about it once I start working, so… yeah.
As for the reason behind it, I think that it is a very driving little motto, devoid of any mainstream religious connotations (at least on the surface), so I can relate to it better and not take it as some pushy older person’s advice.
You’d definitely have to wear a lot of long sleeved shirts hehe 😉 that’s quite cool I think, just be sure that the tattoo artist doesn’t misspell it and turn it into “May the farce be with you” 😉
I would not get one simply because when you grow old and your skin becomes crinkly, the tattoo would look hideous on sagging skin. Hahaha. I have nothing against others who have them though because I always thought a tattoo makes you look very cool, chic and brave.
I think the same thing. I admire the patience, resilience and decisiveness of someone who gets a tattoo. It’s not a decision to make lightly!
I’d love to get one but I just don’t know what! Someday. I’ll be like 70 when I finally decide though and then all that saggy skin will be impossible to do hahaha!
Ah Tracy you hit a valid point. When we do get older and skin starts sagging, wont the tattoo go out of shape?! It’d look sort of sad I think 😛
Yay. I’ve got a sizable one (like the size of my palm) on the small of my back. A symmetrical butterfly with beautiful hues of blue, teal and green. It’s totally opposite of my character, I’m totally not dainty nor graceful nor butterflyish. Doesn’t represent anything but I just like it. Few have seen it. It’s just something I like and I like knowing it’s there but not anyone else. And I like that it’s a little unexpected. It’s been more than 10 years and have been touched up twice, still lovin it! Ps: The experience of getting a tatt is definitely addictive. You keep wanting more but nay, I’ll stop at one 😉
Yours sounds pretty! I like looking at the colourful ones and perhaps, as you say, its nice springing a surprise when people least expect it.
i have 3 tattoos…1 on my leg, 1 on my waist, and a big back piece
Wow! 😀 what do you have in your back then?!
Love looking at other people’s tattoo, especially at the back of the neck. But I will definitely not going to have it myself just because I have a very low tolerance of pain.
Im a little like you then. I like looking at tattoos on others. Less keen to get it done on myself 🙂
HAHAH that’d be hilarious if you’d tattooed your blog logo on yourself 🙂 I think certain tattoos look so cool…but on others. I’ve never felt the urge to get one for myself.
That would be soooo narcissistic… As if I weren’t already! 😉