As consumers, we are almost daily bombarded with news of what’s new in the market, be it a new restaurant, a new gadget or, in keeping with the theme of my blog, a new cosmetic brand or product. Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed? I do! 😯
Every other week sees the launch of a new product, a revamp of an existing product, and sometimes, a new brand attempts to break into the already saturated cosmetics market. Every now and then, I receive pitches from random brands, many of which I’ve never heard or read of before, asking if I’m willing to try their new brand/product. I am always a little hesitant to though, and I usually do very intensive research before I even decide if I want to. That said, for me, this is true whether or not I blog or as a consumer. Its something I’ve been doing.
But what I’m curious about is how much research you do, if you do any at all, into a new brand or product before you take the leap of faith and buy or try it? What are things you look for?
I have to say that I’m quite a sceptical person. So all these wonderful claims touted by all the various companies, with their promises to restore my youth, my skin moisture, laser away my pigmentation… I take them all with a generous pinch of salt. So generous, it rivals the salt levels of the Dead Sea 😛
When I am faced with a new brand in the market, I am I have to say, even more wary. I am fussy about where the product is manufactured, where it comes from, what it looks like, what the claims are, where they are sold and where the company marketing it is from. The last point is important for me. If something goes wrong, I must know who I can hold responsible and where they are.
I thought about this recently, because I recently received a pitch from a brand that I’d never heard of. When I did an online search, there was absolutely no information on this brand that touts itself as a medical grade skincare brand. It all sounded very promising, I must confess, but a few warning bells went off in my head.
- The brand was only sold on Facebook. There was no web presence at all. It hardly costs anything to set up a website. It does not have to be a swanky one, but I place no credence with a brand that has no website at all. Using Facebook as the primary platform for sales is taking the easy way out and I place that in the same category as blog shops i.e. I have no faith in them.
- There was no information on the manufacturer and distributor/marketing company. It was quite mind boggling, but there was no information at all. The brand name was mentioned, but I could not find the company name mentioned anywhere. Who do I hold responsible if something goes wrong?
- The products were previously only available through doctors. This is what puzzled me most. It was stated that the products were previously only available through doctors. I took it to mean that it should be used under medical advisory and not just sold online via Facebook in an arbitrary manner.
That said, I could be just paranoid. I saw that other people had taken up the offer to give the products a try, but then, it does take all sorts doesn’t it? I couldn’t bring myself to because I had no confidence in them and wasn’t ready to be a guinea pig.
Do you research new brands or products before you try or do you take a leap of faith? What criteria do you look for?
I do research on anything new. This is true of almost anything in my case. I tend to take my time to think it over, do my research, make up my own mind and then take the plunge. The things I look for are reputation, brand ownership and other consumers’ thoughts. I ask friends, if they have tried a product, or I look it up online, taking a wide sampling of product reviews. I take a long time to make up my mind. Why else do you think I’m still holding on to my phone with a shattered screen? I can’t decide what to go for next! LOL! 😀
Paris B
To a certain extent, I do. I don’t actively search for things online because I don’t get inundated as much as you do. By the time I hear of a product, it will already be well-established and out on the shelves. Which is why I’m glad I’ve got people like you to bug and annoy questions with 😀
Even if its an established brand, I still search for info when its a product I’ve never tried 🙂 I guess I’m just a chronic researcher LOL!
I do! this habit helps me fight my impulsiveness with a thought of what if this does not meet my needs, it will be a waste, and i want to read reviews first, research on its ingredients before i indulge.
I never thought about it that way, JLh! You’re right. Taking time to check out what others are saying or just to find out more makes us less impulsive in our purchases 🙂
I do cause i am really afraid to break out is a hassle and money to cure.prevention is better.
You’re right about that too! I now stay away from most things that contain olive oil extract. Skin hates it! LOL
I always always always do hardcore research before I purchases or try a new product. You never know whats out there, even more so for me is I want to make sure I’m spending my hard earned money and the right product
That’s a good point, Kassie. We want to make sure we’re spending money on the right things 🙂 That’s also why I have no confidence in a brand that doesn’t even disclose its company name or own a website. Its like they don’t even care LOL!
I would do an extensive research (from online product reviews to asking friends, and sometimes testing the product) before taking a plunge because I believe that if anything goes wrong, it will be a harrowing experience for me, besides the exorbitant medical fees. Harrowing experience in terms of severe breakouts and the likes. So yeah, I am paranoid like that.
I think its wise to be paranoid when it comes to our skin, Angelina 🙂 I do as much research about new restaurants and gadgets as I do beauty products so I guess I’m even more paranoid than you 😀
Why bother with new brands when there are so many established ones to choose from? Like you, I take most efficacy claims with a ton of salt; I feel even their wording is plagiarised from established brands, some of whose integrity may be questionable as least one of them has been faulted for its ads making unfounded claims. In case a new brand/product catches my attention, it’s an absolute must for me to check it up in PB’s blog because she has done all the hard work in researching and product testing. Saves me and every PBeliever a lot of grief from negative reactions etc, not to mention a bundle of cash from buying something you have to trash. I hope my gratitude is showing…….
Haha you flatter me, Ginny! 🙂 And PBeliever totally cracked me up – you can’t be serious LOL! 😀 😀 But than you for the trust. I think we can both salt an ocean with the many pinches of salt we are taking with all these extravagant claims by beauty companies. Hopefully you haven’t sent too many new items to the trash lately! 🙂
I actually rely on bloggers like you when it comes to making a plunge to purchase skin care or make up items. I also read up reviews from other users like on make up alley before I decide to purchase anything. I do tend to stick to establish brands though instead of trying a brand that is totally unheard of.
Eeps! I haven’t even been trying many new things anymore ever since my skin decided to throw a tantrum! LOL Makeupalley is a good place to start looking. I used to start out there too 🙂 But like you, I prefer to stick to a known brand as opposed to an unknown one. I guess I’m just not confident enough 🙂
A very timely post as I have just done a tonne of online research before buying Skin Doctors Gamma Hydroxy. I too depend on other bloggers to review a product. I was also approached by a random company to try a new whitening cream- being a relatively new blogger I accepted but regretted it. There was no info online, the product was crap so the review I did reflected all that.
So yes- from now on I do my homework 🙂
I’m glad that despite finding the product crap you said so anyway! Takes guts to do that Chrystal 🙂 Glad too that your research paid off in helping you find out more about the product you were interested in 🙂
I do usually feel uneasy buying a product I don’t “trust”, as in I’m not familiar with the brand yet and I don’t know if it’s good. We all react differently to different products, but I do like to check online and on blogs before buying, not in the sense to see that the product is marvellous (because we all react differently), because most of the opinions on that product are bad and I won’t waste my money on it! So thank you to you and the other beauty bloggers out there that I like 🙂
You’re right Sofia, sometimes its not about how well or how good the product is but how the brand projects itself too. If I can’t find any info on it, or if I can’t find any background information on it, it worries me.
Hi Paris B!! I do research as well before making up my mind to buy those products. As what you did as well, I ll check what brand is it, which country this brand from, what’s the ingredients , what’s the claim and the most important thing is I ll search for what the other people’s thought about the products as well. If possible, I ll try to see is it possible to get sample to try first before buying that particular product but I do know sometimes its very difficult as well. Anyway for me research is a must!! 😀
Hi Michelle! 🙂 I think it’s important for everyone to do some element of research. Our criteria may be different but we owe it to ourselves to be informed. Is is what I find so fascinating about the Internet. Almost any info (good or bad) is available!
Hey there Paris! Ooh, a topic I can totally relate to because I’m OCD when it comes to researching before buying/trying. Google is my best friend or the worst when it comes to researching a brand. I’ve been hogging company bandwidth during lunch lately reading about Caudalie, which I’ve already caved and got and loving it!
I normally read both the rave & rant reviews from all ages – usually beauty blogs and beauty forums are the best places for me – and I’ll gauge if it’s worth my time getting a sample and then decide if I want to buy it. The only one product I’m currently on the fence about and wondering if I should take a leap of faith on is “Glam Glow – Super Mud”. The only thing stopping me from jumping off that fence is the price.
Hi Jamie! Thanks for sharing your story! 🙂 I too consider google my best friend for quick research. Is amazing what sort of info can be found there eh? Am glad to know your research for Caudalie led you to trying it and that you like it. I haven’t yet taken the plunge 😛 I haven’t come across the Glam Glow Super Mud but it sounds…. interesting 🙂
I don’t research. I just try. I am blessed with skin that can take almost anything. I would rather not listen to reviews because I think everyone’s skin is different, I would rather not have prejudice towards the item.
Lucky you, Erin! I used to be more adventurous but in recent times, prefer not to be. I find reviews sometimes useful to know what to expect in terms of side effects, which may or may not be applicable to be. But I am very particular about knowing who is behind a brand so a brand that has no company info or name behind it, I just too suspicious.
Of course i do research first.. But sometimes if new things came up… I do experiment it myself.. My priority if does the item give me the benefit or not… Example anti aging and lifting or scar reducer.. Anything that can help my poor skin..
I have that urge all the time but these days I’ve stopped being too adventurous. Ironic isn’t it? 😉
Tricky… I think I know what you’re talking about.
I did some research, and it’s a new brand. I think brands have to start somewhere. For every brand, there was a time when no one knew who they were. As a consumer, I’d want to be careful since it’s my skin, so I patch test and be very observant. I can only tell from results which are also very personal.
I think credibility comes with time and also with people open enough to give it a try, and in this particular case, I gave it a go. The pitch given to me resonates with what I believe in, so guinea pig or not, so far so good 😛 *fingers crossed I didn’t jinx myself, Paris* Hahaha!
Ah perhaps they rubbed me the wrong way too. Did not fancy the approach taken and the lack of information about the company cheesed me off more than anything cos I couldn’t tell if it was a local OEM brand or if they were truly as innovative as they say they were. Still, it will be interesting to hear what you think 😉
I like to read blogs or reviews online on new products before I consider buying them. Especially foundation which is either a hit or a miss. Especially when the foundation itself is not cheap in the first place. For other makeup items, i would look for searches online that’s for sure. 🙂
For skincare or new brands, I tend to stay away from them till more feedbacks or reviews are well established online before I buy. 🙂
I think there are far too many new brands popping up everyday that its crazy to try to keep up. Some get off n the right foot, some don’t. But not having any company information doesn’t sit well with me. It’s like trying to evade responsibility if something untoward should happen. Perhaps it’s just me.
I do my research before I buy any makeup or skincare. If it’s available locally, I will try it out first. But there’s always those days where I get all excited on sale items, went back home only to be frustrated by the reviews I read afterwards.
Here’s a tip, if you’ve already bought something, give it a go anyway. Maybe it’ll work for you 🙂 I sometimes get disappointed when I read of bad reviews of things I’ve bought but when I try them I’m ok with them. Then again, sometimes, the reviews are right 🙂
my husband would say that the amount of homework and research i put on skincare before purchasing/trying them out would be like how much he would spend time researching on gadgets… i would check out forums, read about what people think, i would look through the content, texture, every single element, down to cost efficacy and how it would be if i would like to maintain using it for the next year or so. this could take from as little as 3 days to 3 months ahah… oh yes, i do 🙂
You know the good thing about that? You don’t go and randomly impulsively buy something 😉 then again, I’m sure there’s that odd thing that you bought on impulse, didn’t you? 😉
I will read online reviews before I purchase products of any brands – new or established. Pricing is one factor that requires more research if it’s expensive. Other than that, economical products might not work or can cause adverse effects. Lol, guess I am not too much an adventurous person.
If its a new product from an established brand I suppose I may do less research before trying even if its pricey, but if its an unknown and expensive brand then I’m very wary 😉 then again, cheap items are the same too. Sometimes, I’m all, its so cheap, how can it work so effectively?!
I do research everything I’m interested in, I also research brand I don’t know, just in case I walk in to products of want to buy something in the future. I don’t research all the make-up I’m interested in, especially the brand I love, I just buy what I like to try. There is the price issue, it it’s above a certain price I do look up bloggers that have used it or tried it just to get a feel.
Like you, if its a pricey item, I’m more likely to want to do more research on it than if its an affordable one. But if its a brand I’ve never heard of, I’m usually extra careful, especially if whatever they’re selling is meant for my face!