Happy New Year 2013 everyone!
I hope you had a marvellous time ringing in the new year! I think I fell asleep but there you go. I get less excited year by year LOL! 😀 But however you welcomed the new year, I wish you lots of fun, joy, laughter and success in everything you do or plan to do in 2013 – its a new year, make the most of it!
I’m spending time today with some of my favourite people, but not before issuing you a challenge as I’ve done in the past couple of years. I know some of you take the challenge but perhaps did not find yourself actually rising up to it. Well, let’s be different this year!
This year, when you take my “Can you keep your Resolutions?” challenge, make it so! <- some Star Trek happening there hehe… 😉 So are you up for it? Here’s mine.