One of the perils of global fashion dominated by countries in the temperate climate, is that from October onwards every year, I am, for some insane reason plagued with a desire to own and wear woollens, sweaters and God-forbid, boots in the hot tropical sunshine. It does not help that being global fashion, the fashion in the international clothing chains boast coats, sweaters, scarves, boots and any number of clothing styles to keep the warmth in and the cold out.
When you live in a tropical climate that hardly ever gets really cold unless you head up to one of the local hill resorts, the last thing you want to do is to keep the warmth it. You just want to let it out, baby! 😀
But I’m suggestible that way, so when I was in Uniqlo last week, I was suddenly seized with a longing to buy a woollen beanie hat. Yes, it was irrational. Yes, I would have looked pretty dumb but I still wanted it. I didn’t get it of course. Not THAT irrational. But I did succumb in other ways 😀
Are you this suggestible? If you live in a warm climate, do you sometimes get that irrational desire to wear something warm and soft and fluffy?
The only saving grace I’d say, are 2 things. The recent rainy weather isn’t letting up any, and during and after the torrential rains, the temperature drops significantly. It is then cool enough to perhaps, pull on a light cardigan and be perfectly comfortable.
The other thing is the mad tundra like temperatures in shopping malls and office buildings. In the tropics, air-conditioning has become pretty much a necessity if we want to get any work done and not just lie sloth-like, draped over our desks batting away weakly at dust mites while the heats saps our remaining reserves of energy. So, like a conspiracy, most office buildings and shopping malls keep quite a low temperature which makes it comfortable to work in, but sometimes, freakishly cold.
Which is how I justified the purchase of 2 very lovely and comfortable sweaters 😀
These were on offer for RM39.90 each, with a wide cut to the arms and body and a cowl neck. It is warm but not warm enough to go shovelling snow in. It might even be a wee bit hot to wear and walk outside in the tropical heat. But if you stay indoors and are in one of the tundra simulated shopping malls or offices in town, you will appreciate it 🙂 It’d also come in handy when travelling – airports and airplanes tend to be cold, and there’s always Spring and Autumn travel destinations 😀
Ah heck, just call me a slave to fashion. Bring on the winter clothing! 😀
Are you drawn to warmer clothing when its all the stores stock towards the end of the year? Do you think it irrational yet go ahead and wear/buy them anyway?
I naturally do think it irrational but as I said, it is possible to wear warm clothing here in Malaysia despite the heat, thanks to air-conditioning 😀 I bought me a fleece jacket a while ago that made me look like Cookie Monster. It was chilly 2 nights ago so I took it out and it was the most comfortable thing ever! Not too warm, and so lovely and soft and fuzzy! Loved it… even if I was wearing shorts underneath 😀
Paris B
fireangel says
Yes I am, and i will wear it anyway because the office and mall air conds are usually too cold for me. 🙂
Paris B says
I have gotten quite used to seeing people in cardigans in malls, or even low boots. But I recently saw some one really dressed for fall/winter in a furry collared jacket, tights, tall boots and a hat. It was mind boggling. I wasn’t sure I was in the same country LOL!
Victoria says
Uniqlo has really nice winter stuff and I am always tempted. I nearly bought their fleece jacket this year because it was in a lovely fuschia colour that i love. But I stop myself because I cannot see it being worn much unless I travel overseas during autumn or winter. Although my office has gotten pretty cold lately, an office jacket would suffice. Since I am someone who sweats a lot, anything thick or woolen would suffocate me. LOL.
Paris B says
I love Uniqlo’s fleece jackets! They are really good quality and lovely and warm. I usually go for the lighter ones, not the winter or Heat Tech ones or I’d broil in them LOL Otherwise, the light jackets are just nice for the crazy tundra temperatures in our malls and cinemas 😀
Lynda says
Paris, I love your haircut…
yes…. i always want to wear winter coat, especially since last year I visited HK . The women @HK so stylish wearing winter jackets, or trench coat, boots….ahhh I almost bought high boots, wool trench coat, knit sweaters there, then my husband said..”are you going to wear that in jakarta??” (yes..thanks for reminded my, hubby.).. but they look sooooo stylish…
Paris B says
Hi Lynda, thank you 🙂 I have to agree that the women in HK are very stylish and well put together no matter the season! In autumn/winter, even more so. So jealous they get to dress up eh? Especially in boots… sigh… We need some cooler weather here in the Equator 😛 Oh and you’re from Jakarta! Haven’t been there yet but will plan to some day 😀
Tuti says
phew….now i know i am not alone in craving winter clothes. it looks so nice and make us looks like supermodel :). i have gloves, hat, boots n many cardigans. i wonder when i can wear that, in bali? hehehe, but again, i am satisfied with my purchase.hahahaa….
Paris B says
Haha Tuti, judging by the comments, we are both not alone! *whew* It would be really funny to wear them in the island paradise that is Bali, that’s for sure! LOL!
KS says
I only feel that way in certain shops, like Accessorize, which in my opinion, stocks some of the cutest scarves, hats and gloves. 🙂 Those are my weaknesses and I have succumbed to the temptation many times, but that was when I was in UK, which justified the purchase. Now I can only look at them longingly and with a good supply of winter clothing in my stores since I am back in Singapore, I really have no reason to buy them, even if I am travelling to a cold country (which I am doing next week!)
Random info, last Saturday, Uniqlo did a runway show at the entrance of Plaza Singapura, with its models decked up in their winterwear. Imagine wearing 2 layers of sweaters/heat tech items in the sweltering heat that is Singapore. I really pity the models! Winter clothing in shopping malls and cold offices, yes, but not in the open air!
Paris B says
Ooh I totally feel for the models having to parade winter wear in the hot sun! Its a wonder they didn’t get heatstroke >.< I have a nice stockpile of winter wear too, waiting for me to go somewhere cold and nice. Not happening for me yet! 😛 Hope you enjoy your holiday, KS 😀
Kay says
It may be irrational, but it is understandable. I look forward to winter when there is an occasional bit of “cold” weather and I can wear put on something warm and cozy. It’s a change from my boring year round clothing and frankly, cold weather clothing is often so sophisticated and stylish. Boots, leather skirts and jackets, soft scarves, cute hats and gloves, gorgeous coats…sigh.
Paris B says
You’re right Kay! There’s just something so polished and chic about cold weather clothing, that just doesn’t translate into summer wear. I find warm weather clothing tends to be light and floaty and relaxing, just not chic. Or maybe its just the way I dress 😛
kahani says
Hong Kong really isn’t cold enough to justify this but when it dips below 15 degrees – even for a day, I tend to go nuts and buy handfuls of knit! Yesterday I came across a blow-out cashmere sale and was grabbing cuddly armfuls when the distressed BF said, “dear…you… you do realise we’re only in South Korea for a week?”.
I was good. I ended up only buying ONE cardigan but all that silky warm softness is calling me. Oh it’s calling me….
Paris B says
Haha! At least you have a reason to wear nice warm knits, albeit a tenuous one 😉 I can’t resist a sale on nice knits and woollen clothes either! Its sort of crazy but I always think “Just in case…” 😛
C says
one of the things I find amusing when I go shopping in Malaysia is seeing the shops advertising their fall/winter outfits. it’s like- WHY?! Sure, its a bit cooler with all this rain but its definitly not autumn or winter weather. Though I agree the air conditioning can be crazy. I lived in the UK where I used to go in from the very cold to the very hot due to over heating, now living in Malaysia its the opposite. so I think layers are the key in every climate XD
Paris B says
I’m with you, C. When I see stores like Zara or Mango and now Uniqlo & H&M do their store windows, I wonder if they realise just how silly it looks in the bright hot sun. Evidently they don’t think so >.< Layering is definitely key to feeling comfortable in all weather. Learnt that in the UK too 😀
lisa says
I’m always drawn to cashmere during the fall season. So light and soft and yet gives warmth.
Paris B says
nggghhh cashmere! *buries face in cashmere sweater*
Foong Jin says
I got the same sweater in the same colour! 😀 A lovely buy for RM40! 😀
I adore cold-weather dressing. For years I have an irrational habit of buying outerwear and pretty shawls, so you can imagine the stockpile at home 😛 I love layering – especially with outerwear and tights (not leggings!) – In KL, a cardigan/shawl can be worn comfortably out, because you can always remove it if it gets too warm, but I can’t justify wearing tights under a dress or skirt in KL. 🙁 Maybe stockings, but those rip so easily I might as well buy shares in a stocking manufacturing company to make it worth my while. 😛
Paris B says
Oh High 5 for good taste! 😉 I still buy shawls and warm scarves. I figure they can always come in useful at the office, stuffed into a bag just in case, or when travelling 😀 I used to wear stockings way back when I started working because I thought it was the done thing. I’d even done the opaque ones just for the hell of it LOL! But not anymore. I find M&S makes the best stockings. They have a range that is tougher and do not catch or run so easily and even if they do sport a hole, you don’t end up with a run so it lasts longer. Not too expensive too but I’m not sure if they still carry it 🙂
Esther says
I’d take woollen anything at the moment! Am in the UK for a year, and I was woefully underprepared for the weather. Getting used to the chill though.
Paris B says
Oh dear, stay warm! The trick really, is to layer. I used to do a t-shirt layered with a woollen sweater, preferably pure wool or lambswool (acrylic just isn’t very warm and neither are chunky sweaters, to me and those tend to be too bulky) and then topped off with a woollen scarf and a coat. Nice and toasty even in winter 😀 Uniqlo there does very good lambswool sweaters and they aren’t too pricey.
Beth Maiorana says
Dearest Paris,
Me, too!! It’s a balmy 65 degrees (Fahrenheit)- I have an appointment and am dressed in a chic black sweater and a wooly hat … it’s December, the holidays are here … what the heck?! It’s time to wear the lovely cold-weather clothing that we all love. So what if it’s warm out?
Thanks for your post. I adore your hair!! xoxo Beth in Pgh 😉
Paris B says
Hi Beth! Haha I like your reasoning too! Its warm outside but we just want to look good don’t we? 😀 I’d skip the hat but I’d still do a nice sweater… and then go to a mall 😀
Jasmine says
I guess we always want what we cannot have! Right now it’s winter and I am resenting the fact that since it’s cold I’ll have to pile on the layers, and though not all the layers match, out of necessity I have to put it on and get on with it 😉
It’s not all rosy on the layering front – coats are quite pricey and it can get quite boring seeing folks wearing the same coat day in and out. I wouldn’t plonk down hard cash for too many coats, though the diehard fashionistas do!
I think being Chinese means that winter fashions are attractive because they are more fitted rather than clingy, poorly-cut or tight. Winter dresses are also more modest and neutral in colour for accessorising and keeping warm. Because of this I enjoy wearing winter releases all year round 🙂
I don’t think looking chunky is an attractive or feminine look at the time, particularly with severe-cut parkas, puffas or structured coats that can exaggerate the Asian body proportions in a bad way. (I always think my head looks soooo big with the severity of a buttoned up coat!) The bulk of jumpers only look good if accentuated with slim and willowy bone structure, which is actually invisible if one is wrapped up or is pear shaped 😉
I guess the only nice weather is Autumn where it’s cool enough to layer but not actually cold and hideous. My skin gets dewy from the cold and damp here in the UK when it’s autumn time. Winter? My hair falls out and my skin gets scaly …
Paris B says
Haha you’ve given this a lot of thought, Jasmine 😀 I personally like Autumn best. As you have said, its lovely and cool without being too cold, so you can wear a light jacket (which is more flattering) than a heavy thick coat (less flattering and so heavy!). Its the time of year I like travelling in the best 😀 During winter, I hate it when scaly skin strikes. There was once I didn’t realise and when I looked down at my legs one winter, the skin looked like that of a snake. I was traumatized! 😛
Reese says
A thousand million yesses coming from the North American holed in a tropical climate 🙂
Paris B says
Haha I feel you!
Shriya says
I did all my winter shopping only to realize no winter in India.
Paris B says
Oh dear, haha! 😀 But the northern areas of India do get cold don’t they?
Amanda says
I don’t think so… *lol* I was in Malaysia last week, it’s so hot and I couldn’t imagine wearing any of my autumn/winter clothings. When I was back here, it’s 11°C and snowing!
Amanda says
I wanted to type -11°C . lol.
Paris B says
LOL When you come in from the cold, it feels like an oven here! At least it does to me whenever I return from a cold place. I can feel the sweat coming out of every pore >.< -11°C doesn't sound nice at all! I will have to time my trip carefully 😛
Ching says
Winter wear are not exactly up my alley except for…knee length boots!! They are super sexy with jeans, minis with fancy/ girly socks/ stockings… (Salivating…) still searching for that perfect pair of lambskin boots… As the song goes… These boots are made for walking…
Paris B says
I resisted getting knee high boots for the longest time until I couldn’t stand it anymore and picked up a pair on a trip a few years ago. I’m glad I got it out of my system and yes, it looks damned good! 😉
Swati says
i miss wearing woolens after moving from a hill station to a very tropical city 🙁 it hardly gets winter here!!! not even a wee bit chilled out!!
Paris B says
Aww that sort of sucks! But there’s always travel 😀
Karen says
Thanks for this. I live in southeastern Nevada. It gets cold here in December if we’re lucky. Right now it’s September, and I want to wear sweaters and boots. . . . can’t happen.