Its been raining a lot here in Malaysia. I mean, we are a tropical country after all and prone to having a monsoon season every now and again, but lately, its been ridiculous. Every day at about 3-4pm the skies close in, the clouds turn black and we brace ourselves for rain.
When it rains, its torrential, and it doesn’t stop for anything. When the rains are near the sky is heavy, dark and overcast, everything is grey and there is this ominous sense of forebrooding in the air. Its nice of course to be indoors, and nice to have the warm heat alleviated by the cool rains, and almost cold winds. But when it happens daily, I’ve found that it affects my mood.
Does the weather affect yours?
I’ve learnt over the years that deep down, as much as I enjoy the cool weather in temperate climates, I’m a tropical gal at heart. The sun warms me and although the heat can get to me in the hot months, I feel much better being able to see some sun, as opposed to being cold for months on end, and having grey skies overhead.
When it rains a lot or when the sky is grey, my mood tends to plummet and I get irritated more easily. Somehow, things don’t look as bad when its lovely and bright, but when its dark and grey, every small issue becomes a major problem.
Thinking back, I’m never quite sure now how I lasted through the long dreary winter days and nights as a student. London is not the sunniest place in the world I can assure you 😛 Back then, no one talked about SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder aka Winter Blues) and there were no lamps to mimic sunlight to alleviate that mood.
I love travelling in the Autumn because its my favourite time of year. Its cool, the days aren’t too short and if I’m lucky, there’s sun to be had to enjoy even while the cool wind nips my cheeks. But I’m always glad to be back here in the warmth and I swear my disposition improves too 🙂
Does the weather affect your mood? Do you feel better for having had a bit of sun?
Paris B
Yes, and especially in KL! I found that every time I needed to get somewhere on foot (usually between train stations or whatnot), there would be a TORRENTIAL afternoon downpour that ruined my outfit, made my shoes smelly, made an afternoon run impossible, etc. You name it. It made me so depressed. Plus when it rains in KL all the garbage from the gutters and alleys comes floating up and you might end up stepping in it. YUCK!
I hate to say it, but now that I’m back in northern California, it’s sunny almost every day and it certainly lightens up my mood. However, life back here is more stressful so I don’t stop and appreciate the weather too much. Your post has inspired me to bask in the sunshine a bit more. 🙂
Rain is not a pedestrian’s friend, that’s for sure! Sorry to hear you had a bad experience here. I like it when it rains, but not when it’s everyday. There’s actually too much of a good thing lol! Glad to know you are having good weather in California 🙂
The saying “under the weather” is literally the case: barometric pressure and such affect us directly, us and animals!! I have been in a foul mood and had it suddenly lift, and don’t you know, the sun had just come out as well. We human beings are very affected by our physical environment, even full moons and high tides- it’s an absolute documented fact. What a great topic, Paris!! xoxo Beth in Pgh 😉
Hi Beth, glad to know things are looking up! We just shouldn’t underestimate how weather, tides and the moon makes us feel huh? Especially not when it’s a full moon and we start acting weird hehe…
I feel sick and lazy when it’s raining..Lucky today the sky decided to get over it and not cry anymore!! SO i finally a happy girl again after swimming in the pool!!
Good to know things are looking up for you!
rain makes me dont get to go out and eat 🙁
When it rains, I prefer to stay home and cook something warm and comforting like porridge or soupy noodles or a stew. Always makes me feel so much better 🙂
yup, totally!!! I am a winter snow gal at heart 😀 but yup i am not a fan of rains, the muddy ones. i like the drizzle and the fresh greenery after the first rain and the smell of earth 😀 but, yes, i like sun after a long dull day. it wakes me up overall 🙂
Never underestimate the uplifting power of the sun! 😀 Makes everything look better doesn’t it?
I must be honest, I kinda love the rainy days! Sure, I love sunny days also, but there’s something in rainy days that leave me happy, even though my hair doesn’t get so happy about it! 🙂
Haha I like the rain too – its so refreshing and when you’re indoors and the cool wind is blowing and the scent of rain, its really nice. But too much of it and I get totally down
ok, I might be the weird one out here but i LOVE cloudy weather especially that one hour before the rain starts falling and the clouds get darker and darker. And when it falls, ahhhh pure bliss. anything that’s cooling is good in my book. I have to admit I’m not a fan of the sun! 🙂
I like seeing that after a spell of sun and heat, but not everyday. Maybe because I know that when that happens its “Oh no! Traffic jam!” LOL!
The weather used to affect my mood so much, especially rainy days, the heavier and the longer the rains go, my mood will go down down down…I only love sunny days!
Glad that it’s not the case now anymore, I’ve come to appreciate the day whether it is sunny or rainy days 😀 If we opt to feel happier, we would have regardless of the weather (of course this is in general not including the thunder storm), and thus make our day livelier, isn’t it. Sometimes, I have the feel that the rains help us to slow down our steps and look at the things around us, in the hectic life in the city.
There’s truth in what you say 🙂 I guess its best in moderation. A little sun, a little rain and we’re all happy 🙂
Yes definitely… When the rain comes I’ll be hungry…. Naughty me !
Haha its comforting to eat, especially hot food!
Yup I’m always super chirpy when the weather is rainy / dreary because I absolutely cannot tolerate the heat! Oh and because cool weather allows me to be more flexible in terms of the clothes I wear (I am a teacher and our classrooms have no air-conditioning, so it gets insanely warm on sunny days, especially when you are standing in front of the classroom where there is no fan) so yay to the current weather!
On the other hand, I become extremely grumpy when the weather is hot (namely around middle of the year).
Yeah, intense heat makes tempers short. What we need is some proper balance eh? 🙂
I came form a 4 season country with hot summers and cold winters. back then I liked all the seasons, but summer more. in Malaysia I love the weather most of the time, except june/july. Like Esther, I’m going to Canada and I’m sure I’ll miss the warm and sunny days here in KL, and I’m sure I don’t like the cold weather all year!! :((((((((((
I love rain and storms and even even clouds! However, with a continuous run (not that it happens much here in Australia) I do get a bit down.