I’m sure you have noticed this, but the beauty world (and by extension, beauty blog world) operate in trending waves. One day you have a wave of people telling you how wonderful the Clarisonic has been for their skin and everyone runs out to buy one, nevermind the hefty price, and mostly love it. You hardly hear about anyone not liking it. I however, am ambivalent about it, but honestly, after the first 5 months, its just pretty much a white elephant now. Its the most expensive mistake I’ve ever made for a face washing gadget.
The latest trendy wave to hit is the konjac sponge. I call it a trend, but I do think this might actually hang around longer primarily because it does a fair enough job and is pretty affordable so more people can get into it.
So what is this “Konjac sponge” people talk about? Its a face washer. That’s just breaking it down to its most basic. This is a sponge that you use to wash your face, as you would a sponge, flannel or muslin cloth. The material is what’s the selling point. Konjac is, according to the almighty Wikipedia, also known as konnyaku. If you eat Japanese or Korean food, you may come across konnyaku in some dishes – a translucent gelatinous substance that is a source of fibre. It is most popularly eaten in the delicious form of konnyaku jelly (yummy!!)
These konjac sponges for washing your face aren’t edible however. They could be made from the similar source, but it looks much like a sponge. There are many many brands available in the market in different price ranges. You can easily pick them up from Sasa stores (I picked up a really cheap one in Hong Kong for something like HKD22 ~ RM10) or you can buy them online like I did with the one I tried.
The brand I tried is the Konjac Sponge Company. I picked it up from Zuneta.com, tossing it into my shopping basket almost as an afterthought because I wanted to see what the hype was about. Because its shipped out of the UK, I did not have to pay VAT so the plain Konjac Sponge Company sponge came up to £5. I also picked up a baby one for my nephew. So, how is this trend faring for me then?
What I noticed is that all konjac sponges come slightly damp in a sealed plastic bag. The reason is because the sponge is mostly water, so they ship it hydrated. Its quite interesting, I thought. Why couldn’t they just ship it dry like a regular sponge? Wouldn’t it be easier? Its puzzling but I noticed all brands ship theirs hydrated.
There are a few different variants of the sponge – to cater for different types of skin. I’m not sure how that works, so for my first, I picked up the normal white one.
It comes in a domed shape, flat on one side and domed on the other. When you take it out of the pack, I will recommend you rinse it in water a few times before using. I’m not sure what water is used to pack it, which is why I suggest washing it first and this is true, no matter what brand you buy.
This is how it looks fully hydrated. Its pretty large, and fits in my hand comfortably. Its interesting that there are no instructions on the bag as to which side to use on your skin, so I actually started out by using the domed side against my skin. I don’t think its wrong per se, but you will definitely find it easier to use the flat side. Its also easier to grip the domed side.
The sponge feels firm, yet pliable and bouncy to be able to get into all the nooks and crannies of your face. I only use it in the evening and only after first doing my cleansing oil routine so I would say that this is my 2nd step of cleansing. I do not use this to remove makeup because I don’t think it is supposed to do that. So, remove your makeup first, then clean your face.
According to the instructions, you can use this konjac sponge on its own to clean your face, without need for any product, just plain water. The sponge gently exfoliates your skin so its like doing an exfoliation daily, except that its very very gentle. I experienced none of the breakouts that I did with using the Clarisonic daily.
Even using it on its own, I find that my skin does feel very clean and smooth. Its very lovely! However, I do prefer to use it together with a face wash. So, I lather up and apply the face wash to my skin, then run the konjac sponge puff over my skin and then wash everything off. Lovely!
Cleaning it is easy. Just squeeze it out in the shower a few times till the water runs clear and hang it up to dry by the attached bit of string. You do need to ensure that its allowed to hang freely to dry, because it could otherwise breed mould. I have been using mine for over a month now, and its still in pretty good condition because my bathroom is quite airy and there’s enough heat to partially dry the sponge between uses.
If you don’t use the sponge, you will notice it drying out and it will shrink to about 1/3 of its size when completely dry. I performed an experiment and it takes about 4 days for it to fully dry out to a hard bit of cellulose material. Not to worry though. Just soak in some warm water, gently squeeze it and watch it rehydrate before your eyes. I use it on most evenings because its hanging there in my shower so its easy to manipulate. I believe its gentle enough to be used daily, and should be good for most skins.
The benefit of these konjac sponges, based on what I read online, is that they are natural, alkaline to balance the acidity of skin and the material massages skin which helps clean it, so you technically have no need for a face wash. As I have said, I prefer to use a face wash anyway.
So remember I said I got one for my baby nephew? The Konjac Sponge Co. does a sponge specially for babies. Its a bit larger, and the domed bit is a bit flatter. My Mom used it during bath time and there was no need for a baby wash but she did report that after about a month of twice daily use, the sponge had broken up. I’m not sure how much care she took with it, but I did pick up replacements and am waiting to receive them so the little one can continue enjoying his sponge baths 🙂
In a nutshell
Konjac sponges come in many forms and under different brands. Mine came from the Konjac Sponge Company and I purchased it online. You can also get konjac sponges at Sasa stores locally. The sponge from the Konjac Sponge Company is firm to the touch, yet pliable and is gentle on the skin even while providing exfoliation. My skin feels lovely and smooth and clean after using this, and I use it almost daily without any problems. Care has to be taken to ensure that you only use the sponge while it is fully hydrated, and to ensure that you hang it up to dry after every use. Otherwise, care is easy, it works nicely on my skin to keep it clean and clear and isn’t terribly pricey.
Pros: Gentle on skin, Can be used daily, Skin feels clean and smooth after use, Affordable
Cons: Can degenerate quickly if not taken care of, or can get mouldy if not allowed to hang freely to air dry between uses
Who will like this: Anyone who wants an alternative to pricey gadgets, Anyone who wants to try gentle daily manual exfoliation of skin
What’s great about this is mostly the price. I haven’t opened up the cheap one I got from Hong Kong, so I cannot say if konjac sponges of different companies feel different. However, I can say that I am pretty happy with the quality of the one from the Konjac Sponge Company. Its been over 2 months and it still looks and feels firm. They do say that it can last between 1-3 months depending on use, so I am guessing mine will probably hit the 3 month mark before it needs replacing 🙂
Have you tried any konjac sponge to wash your face? Do you think it gimmicky or do you find that it actually helps your skin?
I initially thought of it as just another gimmick, but I have been pleasantly surprised to find that my skin seems clearer after having used this sponge on most evenings (Friends Tine and Xin using different brands agree on this). If I have some flaky bits of skin as I did a few weeks ago, it helps remove the flakiness so I can treat it with a hydrating skincare product. It doesn’t deal with blackheads the way the Clarisonic does, but I think I prefer this. Its like having a face scrub daily, just very gently 🙂 Goodbye, Clarisonic. You’ve been replaced by a product that I could replace for years for the price of one gadget /facepalm
Paris B
Konjac Sponge Company Konjac Sponge Puff comes in different variants for different skintypes Prices range from: £5-7 depending on product Availability: Zuneta.com (where I bought mine) or KonjacSpongeCompany.com both of which offer international shipping
It’s a cool idea but I don’t think anything works as well as my Clarisonic. I love that device.
It’s good to know the Clarisonic works well for you, Marla. I could never get it to work very well on my skin unless used sparingly.
I swear by this. I count myself as one of the early users, and I am still on it about half year after it started appearing in Singapore. This is because I watch Taiwan Nu Ren Wo Zui Da, and I saw this sponge appearing in the programme like last year. Have been wanting to buy it but couldn’t find it anywhere way way back then. So of course, when I saw it in Sasa and Watsons, I pounced on it and got 3-4 sponges at one go. I just bought one more.
Thanks for the quick clarisonic review. I am so proud of myself that I resisted it, and am still resisting. Mostly because I have sensitive skin, and I am so terrified that it’d ruin my skin. My skin gets so itchy even with those stitches under clothes, clothes tag, etc, that I can’t trust any foreign objects.
Glad to now it works so well for you Jyoan 🙂 I have never watched Nu Ren Wo Zui Da but I’ve heard a lot about it, and I know it’s very influential 😉 someday I hope to watch it too. The Clarisonic most certainly isn’t for sensitive skin, even if there is a sensitive skin brush (at least that’s what I personally think)
I love this, and I have reviewed this quite some time ago! It’s one of my top most-searched entry apparently 😛
It does work very well exfoliating, clearing up and smoothing the skin! Which reminds me… I need replacements stat!
Ooh that’s great to know Stephanie! Great to know it works well for you. I just picked up one of the colored ones to see how it different it is from the regular white one.
I’ve never tried the Clarisonic because it is both out of my budget range and seems too harsh for my skin. But this sponge sounds fabulous. I’ll definitely have to try it out. 🙂
Hope the sponge will work for you then, Emy 🙂 From reading various reviews it would seem that the Clarisonic works well for those who have problem skin to start with so maybe it’s ot all bad, but I found it made my ok skin worse 😛
I’m kind of sad the Clarisonic didn’t work well for you! Mine cleared up my acne – as in completely, gone! If I stop using it for a month and just cleanse normally I start breaking out all over again, (I get really painful cystic acne all over my cheeks) but so long as I use it every day, breakouts are rare. I guess one thing won’t necessarily work for everyone, but mine was definitely worth the investment.
Hi Alison, its great to know that the Clarisonic works for y. I have a feeling the Clarisonic is good for those who may have problem skin to start, as you said, with acne. So it helps clear up the skin. But I think for those who have fair enough skin, it may ot be the best solution. Or maybe that’s just how I think 😉
I’m kind of sad the Clarisonic didn’t work well for you! Mine cleared up my acne – as in completely, gone! If I stop using it for a month and just cleanse normally I start breaking out all over again, (I get really painful cystic acne all over my cheeks) but so long as I use it every day, breakouts are rare. I guess one thing won’t necessarily work for everyone, but mine was definitely worth the investment.
I love my konjac sponge, I use it every day. I just don’t know anything else that is so soft for my skin as this… love it!
Ooh good to know you like it too! It’s so lovely and cleans skin so well, doesn’t it? 😉
I’m currently using the Madam Belle konjac sponge which is available at Sasa! 🙂 works great, my skin feels cleaner, no problems with it so far! however, I’m worried that it might breed bacteria or mould cuz it does not dry easily.. thats why i replace mine every 2 months! I think it retails less than RM10 at Sasa~ go check it out!
Thanks for the rec, Dee! At RM10 it’s affordable indeed!
I first saw and ‘touch’ the Konjac Sponge at Beauty Expo last mth. I didnt know what it was back then 😀 If I recall correctly, it was 30 bucks per piece and buy 3 get better price, imported from Taiwan. The seller claimed she had few more pieces to go before sold out.. I wasn’t interested due to the price, common 30 bucks is too pricey for a sponge. But after I read the posts here can get at rm 12, I am considering to try it.
Wow ok RM30 is a bit pricey I think, even if I buy it online its only about RM25 a piece, which is pricey, but not M30 pricey! Try looking at Sasa stores or The Face Shop as some people have suggested. Seems to be available here quite cheaply 🙂
I am tempted to try the bamboo charcoal or red clay one. There are a lot of variety of this konjac sponge product in pharmacies and Sasa. But somehow The Konjac Sponge Company seemed like the “authentic” one to me 😛 Sounds quite magical to clean with just the sponge, I’ll have to try it for myself.
I was given this and was using this a few years ago but as it was something not common back then, i gave up using it after a few uses thinking it’s all gimmicky and something of a novelty and that’s all to it it is. A japanese friend commented to me that the same can be achieved with a soft, 100% cotton towel as well for exfoliation and healthy skin. My Clarisonic is as much an white elephant now too. It was working ok but if i use it too frequently, i do breakout on my chin area. It makes my skin quite sensitive in the long run.
Like you, I found the Clarisonic made my skin feel sensitive too if I used it too often. I had this funny tingly feeling on my cheeks that wasn’t very pleasant at all. I tried using a muslin cloth and a soft microfiber towel to wash my face but could never keep to it long enough. Sort of glad I didn’t get too bored with this sponge thing lol!
I didn’t get the Clarisonic after all. I have to thank you for that. Now, I’m definitely going to take a look at this one later today. Incidentally, I’ve vouchers from SaSa from my Bellabox – November issue. What a great timing! ^^
Haha I saved you a nice amount of money, Callie! I hope you will like this sponge if you get it 😉
I got the Konjac Sponge from the same brand too. To me, it isn’t that impressive but I prefer it over my Clarisonic too. It hold up pretty good, I been using mine for over 4 months noe and it still works great 🙂
4 months! Maybe this brand holds up better? Would be nice to think so eh? Hehe…
saw this on Tine’s blog some while ago!!! even i wanna get one…it sounds interesting 🙂
Its fun to use and works a treat plus it isn’t very pricey 🙂 Hope you get to try it soon
Sasa is currently having promo for the Konjac sponge, RM9 only! Just bought mine yesterday 😀
Thanks for the heads up!
i have a Clairsonic too. I find it causes breakouts too. And like you…it’s the white elephant in my bathroom. I can use it once in a while, but too often and it really messes my skin up.
I just got my Konjac sponge yesterday. Ive used it twice and I really like it. I can’t wait to use it later this morning.
I’ll keep you guys updated!
I love this sponge! I bought mine here, free Shipping Worldwide: http://konjac-sponge.com/shop/
hi.. been thinking of trying this sponge. just wanna know is it safe to be used around the eye area? thanks.
Thanx for sharing Paris! I’ve seen this on a youtube beauty video and really wanted to try it out. I still find that using facial scrubs aren’t scrubbing deep enough. I did see some in Watson’s but couldn’t remember whether it’s the Konjac Sponge Company. Btw I went to the official website and looked into their stockists list and you can buy them at luxola.com for Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia! Yay! So excited to get one and try! I guess I’m getting a few for numerous problems 🙁
Oops forgotten to mention that it’s FREE Delivery for orders over RM100! Double Happiness! 😀