Its here!
The moment we’ve all been waiting for! At least I hope its the moment you are waiting for because its mine 😀 Your nominations have been tabulated and the Top 5 from each category has been shortlisted. I had a friend do it. Someone who is mercilessly ruthless at disqualifying data that doesn’t meet specifications and at weeding out spam. We all need someone like this in our lives 🙂
Remember my post about Celebrate October? If you don’t, better read about it here first so you don’t miss out! I’ve changed the rules so you only have to vote in a minimum of 28 categories now to be eligible to enter. I realised some categories may not be applicable/familiar to everyone 🙂
Ready for this? Here we go – Ladies, VOTING IS NOW OPEN!
Here is the Voting Form with the shortlist of the Top 5 nominations received in each of the 37 categories available this year. Have fun and make your voice heard.
- Voting is open from 22 October – 5 November, 2012
- The brand or product with the highest number of votes wins
- The winner will be announced at a later date once results are tabulated and audited.
- For more on the My Women Stuff Readers’ Choice Awards and Celebrate October please go here.
Were you surprised at any of the shortlisted nominees this year? I know I was!
By way of reminder, here’s the Celebrate October prizes this year which will go out to 3 lucky entrants based on the luck of the draw and provided complete instructions are followed.
Thank you once again for your support, good luck and have lots of fun picking out your favourites from the pack 🙂 This also marks the 2500th post on the blog. Wow! 😀
Paris B
Awesome! So unexpected, some shortlisted ones… I had to leave some blank because I haven’t tried any of those mentioned! ;-P
I was quite surprised to see some brands pop up too. Quite quite different from last year, even if there are still a lot of similarities with last year’s. I’m curious to know who’s going to win 😛
Woohoo… Congrats on coming this far!!! Hopefully many more to come…
Thank you Momoko! I hope so too! 🙂
Voted! So happy. Excited for this day. Hmmm, I thought I didn’t see anything quite surprising.
Yay! I’m happy too and thanks for the support!
many of my favourite products are shorlisted for voting…woots!
Hurrah! I suppose that makes it even harder to vote your fave eh? 😉
Voted! The only category that made me open my eyes a bit wider was the concealer… 3 different products from LM made the cut? That was… unexpected to me. 😛
LOL! I know, I was surprised too but it all looked legit 😛 To be fair, I have tried a couple of them and they are quite good
2500 post?! thats alot! Congrats!!! Happy for you 🙂 🙂
I was surprised too, Charlotte, so much to talk about! LOL Thank you 😀
Yay!! What an interesting event! I’m excited to vote and more excited to see the goodies ????..Can’t wait for the day to come.. (giggle)
Thanks for counting in your intl fans.. I miss KL so much it’ll be great to be there at the event if there’s any.
Hi Jasmine, MWS would be nothing without its international readers so thank you 😀 There’s no event planned just yet, but if there is one at the last minute, I’ll be sure to open up invitations and hopefully you’ll be able to make it 😀
I believe only one or two of my choices made the shortlist, ohh maybe I should rethink my products later 🙂 And I hate that I can’t participate for October Event that really sucks (for me) !!!
Hi Casey, at least a couple made it through! 😉 Aww… why can’t you participate? The giveaway is open worldwide 😉
It is very generous of you to make it worldwide, unfortunately due to last year’s renewed customs regulation rules here in my country, it is forbidden to bring cosmetics through mail order even if it’s a gift or similar stuff :(((
Ugh! I hate it when that happens 🙁 Sorry to hear that!
Voted! 😀
Wow, there are definitely a lot of surprises for me. And definitely more things added to my to-try list. LOL. 😛
Thanks and me too! So many new popular items to try >.<
That’s the thing. I always have this dilemma on whether to stick with products that I know works for me, or try this new thing that everybody else is raving about. Usually curiosity gets its way. Hahaha… 😀 But there are a couple of items that I’ve learnt (the hard way) not to sway away from.
Ahem! You talking to me? LOL! 😀
i wanted to vote, but i realised a) i never tried many of the products, b) the ones i’ve tried that made the cut is not actually my faves! granted my routine nowadays is very minimal, n the only new stuff i tried this year that i really like is the beauty diary mask, but that’s about it. if i send the vote to u PB u’ll see only one sooo kesian vote for the mask from me >.<
I’m surprise some of my favorite items made the list 🙂
That’s great to know! 😀
Only few items (the ones I nominated) made the list. Sad. Not surprised to see certain brands dominating almost every category though.
I wasn’t too surprised at some, but quite surprised at others. Still, its good to know that some of your nominations made the list 🙂
under Anti-Aging Face Moisturiser category, is SK-II Signature Treatment cream meaning Skin Signature, the older version of Stempower ? Coz I can’t recall any cream from SK-II by the name of Signature Treatment cream… or it’s not available in Msia ?
And oh, I didn’t know Repair C from SK-II is an anti-aging serum… I thot it’s a hydration serum.
For items I’m not familiar with, I juz tembak and vote… OK la hor ?! ^_^
Hmm… that’s a good question, Bugs. Its what people filled up (coz I”m not familiar with SK-II stuff) I wonder if they meant Skin Signature Cream?
I recently started reading MWS so i’m not sure what are the nominated brands last year for each categories, but i have to say that i’m surprised to see so many Laneige skin care products made it to the top 5!
You’re about as surprised as I was. I do like some Laneige items, but apparently, they are experiencing some sort of renaissance amongst the readers? LOL I have no idea to be honest 😛
wow great voting system! I like it. but for fragrance maybe it was better to choose for sweet, summer, cool,… categories.
Thanks for the suggestion 🙂 Maybe in coming years – fragrance usually isn’t my thing and it was added in by popular demand this year 🙂
This is a milestone to celebrate! Congratulations!
I’m quite surprised by some of the items listed. It means, I haven’t discovered products that work well for others. Time to try them out.
Can’t wait for the results to be out.
Thank you so much Ria! 😀 It surprised me at how some items got a lot of love and some did not. Can’t wait to see what happens in 2 weeks 😀
Congratulations Paris!! 2500th post!!!!!
What an achievement and you seriously deserve an award for all the work you are doing for us.
You are helping thousands of women like me every single day.
I’m so happy for you and I wish you more success.