Its that time of year again! Well, ok I only started this last year so technically its “again” but not quite “again” if you get my meaning 😉
For the uninitiated, the My Women Stuff Readers’ Choice Awards is YOUR chance to decide on YOUR favourite products and brands for 2012. We all know what the various beauty magazines have picked for their “Best of 2012” (I sat on one of the panels!) but do they really reflect our, the consumers’, choices? Well, now YOU get to decide. No sponsors, no frills, no fancies. You nominate and you choose your favourites and send your message out to the brands that this is what you like and want more of 🙂
I loved all the responses we got last year. It was very impressive and response was overwhelming. Some categories threw up surprise winners which I have to say, I did not expect. I wonder what’ll happen this year 😉 Here’s how you can be a part of this.
The MWS Readers’ Choice Awards is a 2 stage process.
- Stage 1 – Nominations : The nomination form goes up here on the blog on Oct 10, 2012 for 1 week. You get to nominate your favourite products in the various categories on offer.
- Stage 2 – Voting: After nominations are closed, I’ll tabulate and shortlist the top 5 in each category based on the number of nominations received. Voting then begins and the brand or product with the most number of votes wins.
The MWS Readers Choice Awards is for all of you, who I know have firm ideas on what you like in each category. As with last year too, when voting opens, every vote will entitle you to participate in my annual Celebrate October Giveaway which is open worldwide, as a thank you for the support I get for the blog, and my little projects alongside 🙂
I already have the 25 categories from last year and I have modified it and added a couple more so we have 30 categories this year. But you have the chance to vote for another 5 new categories. Leave your preferred new categories in the comments below and I’ll pick the Top 5 to be included if I have not already included them 😀 If you didn’t like the winners from last year, do make sure you put in your nominations and votes for your faves this year – I’d love to see some shake ups going on! 😉
We had an Awards Party last year but this year has been really kicking my butt so I haven’t had the time nor energy to think about organizing one. I wasn’t even going to have these awards but the responses on Facebook have been very encouraging so I guess I can swing it. Let’s see if there will be a party in 2013 – if anyone wants to donate their organizational and event planning services, or venue, I’m up for it LOL! 😛
Please leave a comment if you have a new category to suggest.
I’ll pick the Top 5 most popular requests and include it into the nomination list which goes up on Wednesday! So come back on Oct 10, 2012 Ladies. Lets make this happen! 😀
Paris B
Ching says
Aaaawwwww…. No party?? Damn – I missed last year’s. (face palm) 😮
I’m also up for keh leh feh work!!! Say you will???
Paris B says
I’m working on it Ching! 😀
Jean says
Last year party was great! But I understand that organizing a party like that is a tough task.. So, next year maybe? =p
Love above ideas about makeup tools (eyelash curler, brushes, etc..), lipbalm (I use them a lot!), maybe include facial saloon or spa choices as well??
Paris B says
Haha glad you enjoyed it last year, Jean and yes, will plan for next year but may be imposing a small entrance fee to defray venue and refreshment costs 🙂 Thanks for the ideas too!
Sukie says
I was really looking forward to attending the party but it’s okay as there will be one next year! 🙂 I’m more than happy to lend a hand should you need any help! I do like the sound of a Favourite Brush category too as I’m all for good makeup tools that will hopefully last a lifetime 😉
Paris B says
Yep, onward to 2013! 😉 Thank you for the offer, Sukie – appreciate it! And yes, there will be a Favourite Brush category yay!
Sze Ling says
Yay! It’s that time again. 😀 Woopie-do!
The funny thing is, I was just thinking to myself (last weekend) about your “Best of XXXX” awards. Wondering if you’d be having another one this year. 😉
Paris B says
Sze Ling, you mind reader you! 😉 Yes nominations start tomorrow – I’m so excited for it 😀
Becca says
YAAAAAAY!! Can’t wait 😛