Its that time of year again! Well, ok I only started this last year so technically its “again” but not quite “again” if you get my meaning 😉
For the uninitiated, the My Women Stuff Readers’ Choice Awards is YOUR chance to decide on YOUR favourite products and brands for 2012. We all know what the various beauty magazines have picked for their “Best of 2012” (I sat on one of the panels!) but do they really reflect our, the consumers’, choices? Well, now YOU get to decide. No sponsors, no frills, no fancies. You nominate and you choose your favourites and send your message out to the brands that this is what you like and want more of 🙂
I loved all the responses we got last year. It was very impressive and response was overwhelming. Some categories threw up surprise winners which I have to say, I did not expect. I wonder what’ll happen this year 😉 Here’s how you can be a part of this.
The MWS Readers’ Choice Awards is a 2 stage process.
- Stage 1 – Nominations : The nomination form goes up here on the blog on Oct 10, 2012 for 1 week. You get to nominate your favourite products in the various categories on offer.
- Stage 2 – Voting: After nominations are closed, I’ll tabulate and shortlist the top 5 in each category based on the number of nominations received. Voting then begins and the brand or product with the most number of votes wins.
The MWS Readers Choice Awards is for all of you, who I know have firm ideas on what you like in each category. As with last year too, when voting opens, every vote will entitle you to participate in my annual Celebrate October Giveaway which is open worldwide, as a thank you for the support I get for the blog, and my little projects alongside 🙂
I already have the 25 categories from last year and I have modified it and added a couple more so we have 30 categories this year. But you have the chance to vote for another 5 new categories. Leave your preferred new categories in the comments below and I’ll pick the Top 5 to be included if I have not already included them 😀 If you didn’t like the winners from last year, do make sure you put in your nominations and votes for your faves this year – I’d love to see some shake ups going on! 😉
We had an Awards Party last year but this year has been really kicking my butt so I haven’t had the time nor energy to think about organizing one. I wasn’t even going to have these awards but the responses on Facebook have been very encouraging so I guess I can swing it. Let’s see if there will be a party in 2013 – if anyone wants to donate their organizational and event planning services, or venue, I’m up for it LOL! 😛
Please leave a comment if you have a new category to suggest.
I’ll pick the Top 5 most popular requests and include it into the nomination list which goes up on Wednesday! So come back on Oct 10, 2012 Ladies. Lets make this happen! 😀
Paris B
Yes! That was literally the first word that leapt to my mind when I saw your blogpost! Aww to the fact that there’s no party this year but it’ll still be awesome anyway. XD
Yay, thanks for the support Rinnah! 😀 The party thing just couldn’t happen but maybe if I’m really keen on it, I’ll get working on it earlier next year LOL! 😀
DAmn! I wanted the party cos Tinnipoo was meant to attend with her wedding cheongsam and I would rock up in my laubeh shorts, tank top and slippers, stand next to her and take pics ><
Happy to offer my brains (whatever that's left) to help you with this event – you know how to get me 🙂
LOL I know, me too! 🙁 I might have to take you up on your offer! 😉
Oh my. It’s another year already… Time flies!! 😀
Huh? No party this time? 🙁
Yep, seems like it was just a couple of months ago right? And no, no party this year. No time nor energy to plan – unless you would like to lend your skills for next year? 😛
LOL! My skills.. you got me wondering 😛
If it’s just a small gathering, I can make some averagely good prawn spaghetti with Newman’s Own Marinara sauce 😀 Like most of us, I can still find some time to cook and eat 😛 LOL!
Hahaha! Not to worry, AnT. If there is a party, I don’t expect anyone to do anything drastic although a small fee might be charged to defray venue & refreshments costs 😀 p/s your spaghetti sounds delish!!
LOLL! Won’t worry as long as we have nice refreshments 😛
p/s thank you 😀 hope it’s truly delish when you get the chance to try it 😛 ahem… LOL!
Ooh how exciting! Marinara! 😉
Aww no par-tay? I was hoping there’ll be a Skype session! 😛
But awesome idea nevertheless. I noticed you didn’t have Favourite Concealer last year, so perhaps that might work? I’d love to know what everyone’s top fave concealer is. What about Favourite Eyebrow thingamajig? You know, stuff to draw on eyebrows? What’s that again? Right. Pencil 😛
Oh oh oh forgot to add – Favourite Lipbalm!
Haha I know, next year if it happens, we’ll have to really hook up Skype or Google Hangout or something for overseas people wanting to join in 😀 Thanks for the suggestions, Tine! I did notice the lack of concealer and lip balm so I included that already. But great idea about the brow pencil! I’ll have that added in 😀
Yay to the awards!
Maybe you can add something like favorite face brush? Fave eye brush? Something on makeup tools 🙂
Brushes! Tools! Thanks for the idea Lily! 😀
Supporting this, party or no! Hope I get a chance to vote as I will be away next week!
Thanks so much for the support, Monstro! <3 Have a category you want to suggest?
Wow… Am waiting to nominate!!!
Thanks for the support, Stephy! 😀 Do you have a category you’d like to see included this year? I know I missed out a few last year 😛
Sorry for the late reply. I’m curious to know what are the favorite eyelash curler, hair curler? =)
Oooh exciting, Paris! Can’t wait. 🙂
x Renee
Thanks Renee! 😀 I had so much fun last year, it just HAD to happen this year too!
Aww darn, no party…it’s still going to be a whole lot of fun though! Will be more than happy to offer my services once I’m know you only have to holler 😉
Thanks so much Bee! No party – don’t think we could swing one in less than 3 weeks, even with your awesome event planning skills, eh? 😛 That said, stranger things have happened LOL! 😛
Hi Paris B =)
Its great to know the award is coming back this year.. I missed out 2011’s fun, but i will join this year n hopefully contribute some fun into it..
I’m a silent reader all these while, i just wanna say thank you for having this cool blog as it never fail to enlighten my day..
Have a nice day to you n all pretty women out there =)
Yep! I just had to run it because I remember what fun it was! Thanks for dropping by to say Hi Ting! I love it when silent readers do, and hopefully you won’t be silent anymore 😉
Hey PB, did you have a category for sensitive skin? Like Best product line for sensitive skin? Or Best makeup brand for sensitive skin? Or allergenic skin? (I’m just thinking of my own needs, selfish me! haha!)
Hey Monstro, I didn’t have it but will have a think about it. Was afraid of bloating the categories!
Lip balm category??
Added! 😀 I keep forgetting things like lip balm and hand cream, just because I’m not a fan LOL!
what about adding Favorite Fragrances? ^_^
That’s an idea! I’ll add it in, out of interest, but will be interesting to see how it fares, because there are a billion fragrances out there! LOL
Hi PB,
How about best beauty oral supplements??? Now with all the hypes out there I believe it deserve a spot too 😉
Hiya Nette, that’s a great idea! I’ll KIV it for next year though, because I’m not so sure about beauty oral supplements myself. Based on previous discussions we held on the blog, most people aren’t in favour of them either!
party or least you are doing it again this year…I am all eager up to vote …ahahah ….
Yay! Thanks for the support, Laila! 😀
too bad this year no party, but if you need help for next year, I’m all ears and hands! 😀
favourite hand cream? or is it lump together with favourite body cream/lotions? and brushes too! 😀
Will do, Plue! I included Hand Cream too – realised that I was forgetting that and lip balm last year, because I don’t use it LOL!
I propose: modifying “Favorite Scrub” to “Favorite Exfoliator” and also adding Favorite Lip Balm, Favorite Makeup Tools (which can encompass anything from brushes, eyelash curlers, and eyeshadow guards to q-tips, etc.), Favorite Powder/Setting Powder, Favorite Concealer, and one of my favorite products–Favorite Highlighter 😀
Good ideas, Becca! I’ve adopted some of them! 😀
Everyone has such great ideas! I definitely second Lily’s ideas of brushes, perhaps one for every type of brush would be a little too much, maybe ‘favourite budget brushes’ and ‘favourite luxe brushes’?
Also Tine mentioned concealer, maybe have two categories – ‘favourite under-eye’ and ‘favourite blemish’? I find the two are so different – I’ve never been able to use one concealer for both areas and be happy with the results.
Lastly, may I suggest a ‘favourite lip stain’ category? I’m biased because I love them but I think they’re becoming more mainstream with products like the fabulous YSL Glossy Stains etc.
I’m excited for this!
Thanks for the ideas, Lizzie! I will be incorporating a category for brushes but have decided to restrict it to brand only. I am not sure of the reception and didn’t want to bloat the category list too much and bore everyone 😉 But I will be keeping your ideas in mind for the future. I do think it will work as the Awards mature 😉
aiyah, no party this year ?…. I was all set to book my seat early this year as i missed the last one. Last year, during the MWS Awards thingy, i juz started reading beauty blogs, so I didn’t know what was going on… until entry for the party was closed then only i realised oh goss, there was a party and i missed it right under my eyes..??!! ==”’
If u need one “keh leh feh” to help decorate or any other preparation work for the party ( hopefully in early 2013 ), juz ask. ^_^
And about the award, category for lipbalm would be nice as my dry lips can’t do without lipbalm… Makeup brush category would be good for me as a beginner in makeup territory, still waiting to get Shiseido foundation brush.
LOL Yeah, no party coz I didn’t have time nor energy to plan anything. Will work something out next year hopefully so keep your eyes peeled! 😉 True to tradition, it’ll likely be in the end 3rd to early 4th quarter of the year 😉 I remember putting you on the waitlist I think, but unfortunately no one pulled out at the last minute 🙁 I’ve included the category for lipbalm and brushes too 🙂 Looking forward to reading the nominations!
Hi! It’s my first time to join and I’m so excited for this. I have a lot of opinions about brands and I’m happy to nominate a few in the categories you came up with! I’ll be following you in Twitter so that I’ll be more updated about this! 🙂
I cannot find your Twitter link so maybe Facebook then!
Hi Jen, I’m excited that you’re excited! 😉 You can find me on Twitter at @paris_b or Facebook is good too 🙂