I’d like to introduce to you today, a product I used a couple of years ago, which I liked and recommended to friends, but never blogged about. I don’t even know why but its one of those things that slipped my mind 🙂 I thought I’d better remedy that, because I got very good results from this serum so I’d like to share the good news too!
The serum in question is the Kiehl’s Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing Concentrate (PSLRC for short) which is one of Kiehl’s bestsellers since its introduction in 2005. The product is, as the name implies, targeted at reducing the appearance of lines and improving skin texture, and has as its primary ingredient, Vitamin C – all 10.5% of it.
I have said this often but for some one my age (ahem!) I don’t have a serious line problem. I will count myself blessed in that respect 😉 The most prominent lines I have would be on my forehead and the naso-labial (laugh) lines. I like to think the latter isn’t that bad a thing to have 😛 So while I could not test out its claims on reducing the appearance of lines, I did notice an improvement in skin texture and skin tone. The latter was something I personally noticed, but isn’t the primary concern this product addresses.
I told you about 2 weeks ago that you could pick up samples at the Kiehl’s store and join me on my PLRC journey – did you do that? I’d love to know what you thought about this product too 😉
What this product is then, is a serum containing a high dose of Vitamin C. I’m recently learning about the benefits of Vitamin C on topical skin application and I must say that the results have been very encouraging! I first noticed the results when I was using this Kiehl’s PLRC serum.
The serum comes in a pump bottle and I find that 1 pump is usually enough although I sometimes use 2. The product itself pumps out a creamy off white when it is new. The longer you use it, I found that the colour will change to have a bit of yellow tint. Vitamin C oxidises very quickly on contact with air, so I attribute it to that. You would be well advised to store this serum in a dark place – maybe inside a drawer or cupboard and do not leave it exposed to sunlight. Kiehl’s might have thought about making the bottle totally opaque as well to reduce this oxidization.
This dollop shows you how it looks when relatively fresh. I’ve had this one a month. It isn’t very thick but neither is it runny.
On contact with skin, I notice a warming sensation which is supposed to be expected. High doses of Vitamin C can react with the skin. It isn’t unpleasant and for me, its just a very mild warming sensation that I don’t think much about. The scent is different as well. Not fragrant like most serums but not unpleasant. It smells of antioxidants 😛
The serum isn’t very fluid nor very easy to spread but I like to use the palm method to make sure it gets evenly distributed on my skin. The serum feels silky and smooth and I usually pump 1-2 pumps in my palm, spread it out between my palms and apply my palms to my face. I start with my cheeks, where sometimes gravity starts to take a toll and introduces lines, then I make sure it gets into my naso labial lines, and my forehead. You can follow up with your usual moisturizer thereafter which I usually do.
The thing is, when you work full time and then try to fit everything else you want to do in 24 hours, sometimes, it can really take a toll on your skin. During this test period, I was going through a pretty rough time at work (its not just sitting around looking pretty unfortunately!)…
…when I say I’m snowed under, I usually am quite quite snowed under! LOL!
Ohai! 😛
And then we had the new addition to the family, and I was plying the hospital route a bit, but the good thing was, my skin did not show it (well, not too much) 😀
I have since noticed an improvement in skin texture, where skin looks and feels smoother and I personally notice some skin brightening which isn’t an effect Kiehl’s tells you about, but I see it.
Powerful Duo!
But here’s the deal. I found that it delivered even better results when paired with 1 and maybe 2 other products 😉 I actually use this product like a sandwich – a Kiehl’s sandwich, if I may. It has worked very well for me, and it is one of those concoctions that I stumble upon that work, and which potentially will hurt my wallet 😛
Here’s how I like to use it – from right to left (error in product arrangement LOL!) I start with cleansing and toning, then I go on to a pre-serum and then I apply the Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution (review to come), then the PSLRC and then Midnight Recovery Concentrate. The recommended method by Kiehl’s is the PSLRC – Clearly Corrective – MRC but I prefer my way 🙂
Why I first started doing this was because I had been using the Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution in the hope to brighten my dull skin tone (its a problem I’ve been battling for a while since a botched experiment and am only now starting to see results). I figured that the PSLRC was doing a different job so I layered that on. Little did I realise that what PSLRC did was to work with the Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Solution to deliver even better results! You see, I never noticed it earlier, but both products contain Vitamin C as one of their key ingredients.
When I combined the two, I realised that my skin now looked smoother and brighter and better overall. The MRC, I included because I liked the smell and because I found that sometimes, it helped boost how other serums work. I like how it smells and everything but I didn’t think it added anything extra so its something that can be skipped if you are thinking of trying my concoction 😉
I was using it twice a day, but I’ve since cut back to once a day as I’m using a different Vitamin C serum as well. I really do think that this is a great product and one to check out, if your skin can handle it. I have read about people reacting adversely to this serum, which is likely to happen (we all have different skins) but in the main, I think most people have seen good results from this.
In a nutshell
The Kiehl’s Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing Concentrate is a serum containing Vitamin C and targets fine lines and improves skin texture. I can’t vouch for the lines, as I do not generally have that as a primary concern, but I find that my skin texture has improved and that it is smoother and more even toned generally. The serum is rather thick and has a warm sensation on skin which is supposed to be normal. I like using this serum together with the Clearly Corrective serum as I found by accident, that the results were very impressive! The latter serum helped clarify my skin tone, and the high content of Vitamin C in the PLRC helps boost that function. I’m almost sorry I strayed away from this after my first time 😛
Pros: Helped even out my skin tone and makes skin look and feel smoother, High content of Vitamin C, Works impressively well with the Clearly Corrective Dark Spot Corrector
Cons: The bottle could be more opaque to protect the contents, May not be suitable for anyone sensitive to high amounts of Vitamin C
Who will like this: Anyone who has concerns about fine lines on skin or uneven skin tone
Here is the ingredient list for anyone interested.
I like this one. It does what it says it does, and my skin looks better because of it. Sometimes, you just don’t get better that that 🙂 I hesitate to say that I will never stray. Never is a very long time. But I do know that it is something I will continue to use as long as I see the results until something better comes along 🙂
Have you tried this serum? Did you like it?
If you have picked up any samples from the store to try, I’d love to know what you thought about it 🙂
Paris B
Kiehl’s Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing Concentrate Price: RM240/50ml and RM310/75ml Availability: Kiehl’s stores
I once bought their neck cream and red marks appeared. They looked like rashes. Since then, I’ve steered clear from Kiehl’s… I’m rather afraid to try this one out even if it’s just a sample. I’m quite happy with Clarins… ^^
Yikes! Guess something in the formula didn’t agree! Clarins does do good products! 😀
Ohai there! How can someone look so dishevelled and adorable at the same time! Hehehe!! Love the pic… keep them coming! 😀
And oh yeah… you’re not helping one bit with all these serum recommendations… my wallet is protesting! >.<
Haha thanks Jenn 😀 I really do look (and feel) like that some days at work! I’m really happy with this serum though so I’m sticking with it for a while. It seems to help my skin lots!
OMG. That’s my magic formula too! GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE! I skip the whitening one because (touch wood) no spots (yet!) So glad we share the same formule 😀
No spots! Hatechu! 😛 But YAY for great mad scientist minds! 😀
I didn’t really like the PLRC. It didn’t NOT work for me … I guess it’s just a preference thing, where I’m just meh about it. I do have a small sample of the Dark Spot Solution; perhaps I could use that with the Vit C+E serum that I’m already using? Hmmm time to experiment! 😀
Its ok Tine, we all have stuff that work differently for us 😉 BTW I am loving that Vit C + E serum and I mix a whole bunch of stuff with it including the Dark Spot Solution! I’m not sure if it works but hey, its not breaking me out either 😉
The PLRC does sound good but unfortunately, with silicone as the second ingredient, I’ll have to pass. However, I’ve had good experiences with Ole Henrikson’s Truth Serum Collagen Booster. It works the same way as the PLRC but with much less silicone in it.
Good to know about Ole Henrikson! 🙂 My skin has always tolerated silicone well, so I guess I’m lucky in that aspect but now you’ve pointed me to Ole Henrikson, I’m intrigued 😉
LOL–I LOVE that picture of you “snowed under” 😛 I tried this serum a few years ago and really wanted to like it bc of the high vit C content–but it did break me out :/ I actually really like the warming sensation. It was quite interesting and I had never experienced that with another vit c product before.
I am curious if it just reacted with my skin badly at the time and I would get different results now?? My skin used to be a lot worse and I wasn’t really taking care of it very well at the time…maybe I’ll grab a small sample next time I’m at Nordstrom 🙂
Yikes, sorry to hear it broke you out, Becca. If you are sensitive to silicone, or Vitamin C in high doses, it can trigger a reaction in the skin. But Kiehl’s is generally good with samples, so I hope you manage to try it again and see if its just a one off thing or if it might suit you better now 🙂
lol i like the snowed in pics! hehe. Glad to hear these products are working for you – i haven’t tried any kiehl’s skincare, and i definitely intend to at some point!
Haha thanks Joyce! I have been quite happy with the few items I’ve tried from the brand. Hope you’ll get to try them at some point!
Replace the PLRC with Youth Code, and there’s my magic formula! 😀 I got a few sachets of the PLRC to try out, but I think it’s still a tad too much for my skin at the moment.
PS: LOVE the snowed-under pic! 😀
Gah! Youth Code! I really should give it a go, since you are raving about it 😉
I tried a sample of the PSLRC sometime back and I didn’t like it. I didn’t use it long enough to see if it works. I didn’t like the scent and also didn’t like how it felt on skin.
Can’t wait to read your review on the corrective dark spot serum.
Kiehl’s come up with such long names….
Sometimes I think brands are in some sort of contest to come up with the longest, most complex sounding names that they can 🙂 Sorry to hear this serum didn’t work for you. The scent and texture definitely does need some getting used to 🙂
LOL! love the snowed under pic too!!!
this PLRC sounds really promising 😛 only if it has some intensive hydrating factor
Its not intensively hydrating, but its not drying on skin either, which I think is great 😉
Hahahaa oh lord those pics are the best. FULL PROPS!
Thanks! 😉
O-M-GEE! Temptations… 😀
The only Vitamin C serum that I’ve tried before is the Ole Henriksen Truth Serum. Erm…not my cup of tea. The artifical-ish Vitamin C smell is so strong. Well, at least for me. And it’s rather runny.
Ooh another reader mentioned the Ole Henrikson serum and I went to look it up and it looked so interesting! Its good to know there’s an artificial Vitamin C smell because I hate that! >.< I might take a sniff the next time I'm at Sephora, but if it does have that smell, I'm passing 😛
Hmmm too many ingredients that I am not willing to apply on my skin, so i’ll pass
Definitely not for everyone! 😉
I was using argan and rosehip oil, then read about your Kiehl’s midnight and bought it together with the PSLR, using for a week now. Havent tried the other one though but I am so tempted to! I use the Dior One Essential and Plantscription by origins. AT times, I find maybe I’m plonking too much stuff on the face but somehow…its been ok so far. I like the PSLR, not too oily for me and I have combination with a very oily T zone. Previously, I’d wake up with an oily forehead even without anything put on, but somehow…this combination made my skin so soft and balanced. So, cant say exactly which is the ‘one’ but I guess they are worked out fine 🙂 Well, yay for combining all those goodies together…wd love to read the other review…
Haha you sound like me, slapping on layers of stuff on my skin! 😀 I use One Essential daily too. I stopped for a while, but I realised that my skin looked better with it back in the lineup so its back 🙂 Its great to know that the PSLRC works for you too! I love it when a product works out or a combination of products work. My wallet hates me of course, but then, my skin seems to thank me 😉
I like that it’s oil and alcohol free! I don’t mind the loads of silicones in it — my skin loves silicones! lol I really (sadly) can’t get MRC to work for my skin, so I’d love to pair this with EL ANR. Must get my hands on a sample at Kiehl’s. 😀
Those photos of you are PRICELESS. XD
Haha! *high5* My skin doesn’t mind silicones too, Peach! 😀 I don’t know if this will work for you, but try getting a sample and see. I sometimes layer it over EL ANR too although they actually perform a similar function. Kiehl’s say that this is like Retinol without the Retinoids.
That photo is just too funny! Clearly Corrective serum didn’t do much for me and I haven’t tried the rest… Glad it works for you though. One day, I have to try this!
Clearly Corrective wasn’t stellar on its own, but I think it really worked better with paired with this serum. It did nothing for my spots however LOL! So it wasn’t much of a spot corrector 😉
Clearly corrective serum and midnight concentrate work together nicely,they’re good friends XD but I’m not sure how they work with PSLRC because I’m still too young to try it.
the snowed under pic reminds me of another dear friend of mine!
and it’s cheaper than ANR too! is this anywhere similar to ANR? since you have used that together with MRC, thought you’d be the best person to ask!
Hmm well, they do say that it works like a retinol, which is what ANR is about. However, my personal experience of it is quite different. I don’t get the glow that I get when I use ANR but ANR doesn’t seem to give me the skin brightening effect that I get with this Kiehl’s product. Since I started using this, I have stopped using the ANR because I thought it would be too much to layer both as both contain quite strong ingredients. I would use them interchangeably (even if they work differently on my skin), but not together.
this sounds really fab!
It is! LOL 😉
oh PB, you’re making me spend! haha! looking forward on your review for Clearly Corrective.. I’ve been eyeing on it for a few weeks already..
Okedoke! I’ll have to speed up that review then! 😉