I saw a report about the Facekini on TV last week and I just had to talk about it even if its probably yesterday’s news, because its funny! 😀
The Facekini is, apparently, China’s answer to retaining fair skin even while you head for your beach holiday.
Height of fashion in the seaside town of Qingdao, China, didn’t you know? 😉
The Facekini is a face mask worn to shield the face and neck from the sun and the harmful UV rays. It actually reminds me a lot of the masks that westlers wear 😛 Granted, a face mask may be able to shield skin from UV rays better than sunblock can, I think I’m sticking to my sunblock 😛 Still, I thought I’d show you what my previous beach holiday photo might have looked like if I wore a Facekini 😛
Apparently, most of the time, the Facekinis are paired with full body suits so the sun exposure is kept to a minimum. From what I can see, the only exposed parts would be the hands, feet… and here’s where it may get a bit funny, the eyes, nose and mouth area.
All I’d say is, please remember the sunblock around the exposed parts of your face and body, because once the mask and suit comes off, you may look a little strange with tanned hands, feet and the bits around your eyes, nose and mouth.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you! 😉
To be honest, it makes sense in many ways. Sunblock can only do so much to protect our skin, and so do umbrellas and the like. Cloth is the next best option to block UV rays. Being Asian, I can fully identify with the obsession to remain fair and lovely 😛 Traditional Chinese place fairness at the apex of their perception of beauty because it is associated with wealth. Wealthy ladies do not have to toil the fields and therefore do not get tanned.
Perceptions of beauty change through time of course but this one is hard to shake so long as people still hold it up as a measure of beauty.
Anyway, here’s what my beach frolicking activity might have looked like if I wore a fetching blue facekini.
Height of beach wear fashion doncha know? 😀
I don’t know. I think I’ll stick to wearing copious amounts of good sunblock, wearing a hat and above all, not going to the beach. Failing which, I’ll just live with a little tan 🙂
Facekini fashion? Reckon you’d ever try it?
I can’t read Chinese but I think you can get these on Taobao.com if you’re so minded. Or you could just wear a balaclava or ski mask – same concept no? 😛
Paris B
Image 1 and 2 were obtained from the Telegraph website (more photos there!), text are mine. Image 3 is my own
OMG!! It’s so funny la.
Heck I love my tan. I go tanning on my beach hols!
Its crazy right? 🙂 I don’t intentionally go tanning but I don’t go all crazy to not tan either 😀
Won’t it cause tan lines around the eyes and mouth though? Hmmm…
My thoughts exactly. The reverse panda effect LOL!
LOL!!!!! They do look like wrestlers or bank robbers!! I shouldn’t laugh at them so much, I myself contemplated wearing that sun visor that covers the whole face 😛
Oh yes, bank robbers! I don’t think the sun visor as crazy actually, I would wear it! 😀
While it does look ridiculous good on them for protecting themselves from the sun. Although I think a good hat would work just as well… and look far more stylish!
Haha I think they should just NOT go to the beach eh? 😉
Pussy Riot inspired!
Haha I’m so out of it I was like What?? So I googled it and you’re right LOL! Maybe they are fans? 😛
If I saw one of these I wouldn’t know if I should scream (in case its a bank robber) or laugh 😛
reminded me of the movie Nacho Libre! Actually i was thinking abt wearing a mask like this to sleep in a aircon room. You reckon it will help our face to stay moist?
Hmm I’m not sure to be honest 😛 I would just do a sleeping mask myself – the gel type 😛
LOL–I don’t know if I’d go THIS far to protect my face and neck…but props to them for going so hardcore with it! 😛 I’d feel all claustrophobic and hot if I wore something like that to the beach. Yeah, protection is important, but enjoying yourself and having fun is even more important in my opinion 🙂
That’s my thoughts! It must be boiling in that suit with the sun beating down on you! I think the best solution in this case is NOT to go to the beach eh? 😛
Omg! I’m speechless. Things people do in the name of beauty. Quite ironic though…they look pretty awful. Hahahaha!
Sadly yes. They seem to be having fun though… from the little bit of face that I can see LOL!
Well, you’d certainly be less likely to get skin cancers on your face…I think I’ll just do the big floppy hat, sunscreen, sunglasses and shades instead.
Ditto! That would be more stylish 😉
Ski masks probably not made of the same material these things are, that’s why 😀
I’m too much of an urbanite; I’ll just skip the beach and general outdoors completely.
Hmm true that. I wonder if they are made of some special UV resistant material or if its just normal. I like the occasional beach jaunt but this one really takes the cake
Erm…no thanks. I’d stick with sunblock. 😛 No offense to those who think they’re stylish, but I personally think they look pretty scary.
I think so far, only the people in China are embracing this trend. Although to think about it, that would make the inventor a billionaire 😛
Masked Wrestlers, colorful bank robbers [definitely covers better than stockings] or budget or home movie aliens.. maybe all of the above. Definitely not for me. When it comes to a day at the beach – it’s the sun and me. emm.. maybe not so gung ho – there’s some sunblock and decent hours of the (earlier)morning/evening involved. What’s that they say about mad dogs and Englishmen vis-a-vis the hot afternoon sun ;-D
Haha indeed! I can’t imagine why they are at the beach in the first place, you know. I’d just stay home if I wanted to stay out of the sun 😛
I can’t understand the extremities of the human mind.
Someone should do a sociological or psychological study on these LOL!
LOL! Look on Taobao.com 😛
Hahaha!! For me all I do is just slather layer after layer of sunscreen and I’m all good! No need to look like I’m about to rob a bank, that’s for sure! =D
Bank robbers! Imagine how easy it will be to hide after a robbery heist! 😀
When I first saw this, I thought it was a joke! I really doubt this trend will take off elsewhere…can you imagine Victoria Secret models wearing these, looking like aliens? I may possibly get this as a Halloween costume. LOL
HAHA! Who knows… maybe some designer will take to the runway with these and make them hip and trendy 😛 Can’t say never! 😉
ha ha ha too funny. But on a serious note i would seriously consider wearing this. Im current 1/2 through my oratane (roacutane) treatment & am quite obessive about not going in the sun. Purely & simply i cannot as i will fry in 5 minutes. This would be perfect for me, perhaps not so much my beach social life. Hee hee hee.
Ah! Someone brave enough to say she’d wear it! 😀 A good sunblock and a big hat might serve the purpose too M 😉
No way! Can’t do it, love my tan. But it’s funny to see this????
Its crazy right?! 😀
In the first place, don’t go into the sun. Looking ridiculous. My hands are covering my face as i’m reading this.
haha! my thoughts exactly, Lisa – why go out in the sun or to the beach if you’re going to wrap up like a mummy?!