It was just last year that Dior introduced their Dior Addict To Life fragrance in the purple bottle. Did anyone go and take an ol’ sniff at it? I checked it out at the airports when I was passing by (Duty Free is the BEST place to sniff around at perfumes because there are so many choices and you are rarely bugged … very much) It was a heavier, sweeter slightly muskier scent than Addict 2 which is one of the bestsellers in the Dior fragrance ranges, I’m told.
Me? I’m a Miss Dior Cherie and J’Adore girl 😀 I love the fresh young scent of Miss Dior Cherie and the heavier, more sensual scent of J’Adore. In fact, I wear J’Adore so often now, because the bottle is too tall to fit into my cabinet and so its the one I reach for just as I exit the room. Maybe that’s what they had in mind when they designed the bottle LOL!
But today, I’m here to tell you that if you are a fan of the Dior Addict fragrances, you may notice 2 new ones popping up – Dior Addict Eau Fraiche and Dior Addict Eau Sensuelle. Don’t worry about emptying your pockets yet – there’s a little catch to it 😉 Also, check out the commercial for these fragrances. If there’s one thing I enjoy about fragrances, its the commercials that go with it. Even if I don’t like how it smells, I always enjoy a good perfume commercial! The only comment I have is this – How come I didn’t have as much fun as the girl did on the beach this weekend? 😛
Coming back to Eau Fraiche and Eau Sensuelle, they’re actually the renaming of Dior Addict 2 (Eau Fraiche) and Dior Addict To Life (Eau Sensuelle)! Here, look at the label on the Addict Eau Fraiche fragrance I have – it reads Dior Addict 2.
If you noticed this too, don’t panic. You didn’t get a fake item 🙂 I guess Dior just didn’t have time to make new labels before the products rolled out 😀
One good thing to come out of the renaming is that the names are now descriptive of the scents. Eau Fraiche (Dior Addict 2) is a fresh fragrance that opens up with a slightly fizzy citrus note and then mellows down to a fresh slightly woody scent that isn’t overwhelming. Its a nice scent for hot days. I like that almost fizzy note that hits my nose the first time I spritz it on.
Eau Sensuelle (Dior Addict To Life) starts out with a significantly stronger floral note and then mellows down to a warmer floral scent that easily takes you to an evening rendezvous. Eau Sensuelle doesn’t sit on my skin as well as Eau Fraiche does though so I prefer the former with its zesty zing!
But I promised you a fun video didn’t I? Here is it 🙂
Incidentally, I was out on the beach this weekend. Unfortunately, I did not have as much fun as the girl did, nor was I in St. Tropez. I should have taken Eau Fraiche out with me shouldn’t I?! 😉
Any fans of Addict 2 (Eau Fraiche) or Addict To Life (Eau Sensuelle) out there?
Paris B
I have yet to check out the fragrance, but I really shouldn’t be buying more considering I have 3 fragrances that I have yet to start using. 🙂 I can’t seem to finish using a fragrance!
I used to use up fragrances a lot and buy a lot too. But these days, I actually forget to spritz on any some days 😛 I really should be more diligent about it eh? 😉
LOL it’s now my most-used perfume coz this is too tall for the perfume compartment in my cabinet…and i like that it actually lasts long on me
Which one’s your most used? I swear its a conspiracy to make it too tall so we have no choice but to keep it visible and so we use it more!
I love perfume commercials too!
Everybody is saying Miss Dior is really nice…
I like Miss Dior, its got a lovely fresh scent without being too cloying 🙂
Still so curious about these–I definitely have to make a note to take a sniff tomorrow at the mall!
*sniff sniff* did ya? 😉 I’m looking forward to heading to the mall and seeing if I can check out Chanel’s Fall collection. Not sure when its coming in though.
I have finished a bottle of Dior Addict 2, 4 years ago I think. I still keep the empty bottle though, love it too much to throw it away. Dior Addict 2 and I, we go wayyy back. It was my first perfume that I bought myself. I have tried Dior Addict to Life but I don’t like it much. Other Dior’s perfume that I still have now are the Miss Dior Cherie and Forever and Ever Dior. I’ve finished up Dior J’Adore and the limited edition Dior Me Dior Me Not yearsssss ago. ^^
I always feel terrible throwing out empty perfume bottles. I know they’re empty and therefore should be tossed but I feel bad anyway because they’re so pretty! You picked a nice fragrance for your first perfume. I think my first was an Estee Lauder 😀
Just smelled it. Hahahha. I like the pink one :)airport selling big one for RM340, smaller one RM240.
Thanks for the price update, Yuki! The pink one is definitely nicer to me too – it smells so fizzy!
Ahem… May I ask some silly questions? Well I had only went out of country a few times which may attribute to the reason why I ask this question: where is the duty free shop in airport and how to find them? And if there’s many, is their price consistent or it depends on the shop itself?? How much is the price differ frm original??
Sorry for the silly questions! I am so curious that I must ask! >.<
Not a silly question at all! 🙂 The duty free shops are usually the ones after you cross immigration if you are leaving the country. If you are arriving then it it is the stores before you pass immigration. Sometimes, the stores outside the airport also offer better prices than downtown, but they can’t really be considered “duty free” so in a nutshell, the duty free stores are the stores in the area between the airplane and the immigration desks 🙂 Prices will differ depending on country to country. As we don’t have a VAT or GST here in Malaysia, prices don’t differ by very much, if at all (except for liquour and cigarettes) but what you can hope to find are travel sets and travel deals which make it more worth your while.
I have Eau Sensuelle and love it! It’s great for summer, and I love rosy scents. I don’t see myself using it in several years’ time, but for now I still enjoy it 🙂
Yeah its quite a young scent which might be why I don’t have the nose for it LOL!
Dior Addict 2, definitely – it’s been my signature scent for years! 😀 almost had a mini-meltdown in the airport last week when I couldn’t find the 100ml bottles of DA2 in the DFS (they said there was no supply *horror*), but maybe it’s because they were waiting for new stock to arrive? *hopeful*
Oh I remember that you loved Dior Addict 2 😀 Next time you’ll have to look for Eau Fraiche, not Addict 2 anymore 😉
I dont like addict,prefer miss cherie and jadore too=)
I am a fan of Dior Addict perfumes. Currently using Dior Addict To Life. 🙂