I was chatting with Beetrice one day on the subject of beauty box subscriptions. You know the sort where you pay a fixed sum every month and get surprised by what you receive? It could be a good surprise or a bad one I suppose.
In most of these boxes, you get 1 full size item if you are lucky (a bottle of nail polish is considered full size!) but if not, you get a bunch of deluxe sized samples from various brands and areas of beauty – makeup, skincare, tools etc. I’ve read of some boxes including coasters and vouchers and even hair ties. I got one containing coffee beans. Erm yeah. Surprise!! 😛 Never said it was going to be a good surprise 😛
So there we were chatting randomly about what we could put into a beauty box and a germ of an idea formed. What if I were to have a beauty box subscription? What will I put into my box?
I’ll call this the “My Women Stuff Beauty Box”** and this box will house 5 items I would put in there, that I think people will like to try. In the vein of a beauty box subscription, there is 1 full size item and 4 sample sizes. This is a recurring subscription and you will be automatically billed or you can pay up front for a year! Hurray!
I’ve also got a few blogging friends to create their boxes and tell us what goes in their boxes so hop along for a peep into mine and theirs.
Here’s what you can expect to get in the “My Women Stuff Beauty Box”** if you subscribe. Essentially, its stuff I like and that I think you will like too. This is the introductory box 🙂
- Dior Addict Extreme lipstick (click for review) – full size (I chose Plaza but you get your choice of colour, yay!) I love Dior Addict lipsticks so naturally I wanted you to have one of your very own!
- Melvita floral water spray (click for review) – sample size (your choice of floral water, yay!) I have been using these floral waters a lot recently. I use them in lieu of a lotion or toner and I love it! It dampens my skin and helps skincare absorb better. My favorite is the Rose one. Also excellent to cool down on a hot day, mist skin in dry air and set makeup.
- Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair serum (click for review) – sample size. This helped my skin recently in recovering from breakouts and general dullness. I mix it with the Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery serum but you’ll have to wait and see if you get that in the next box!
- Clinique Moisture Surge (click for review)- sample size. Been using this a lot too. In the day as a light moisturizer and at night, sometimes as a sleeping mask. Reminded how much I like it.
- Kanebo Blanchir Make Off Conditioner (click for review)- sample size. For taking off makeup at the end of a long work day, I love this one. The first cleansing oil I ever used and one I intend to return to.
I’d probably also toss in a couple of packs of cotton pads because every girl needs cotton pads. All items come to you in a sturdy red box lined with luxurious white tissue and tied with a white bow.
How much will a box like this cost? Initial projections price this luxury beauty box at RM90/month. Considering the lipstick is already RM98 and you get shipping free**, I’m on the losing end and you get a steal, yes? 😉 But here’s the beauty of it – you don’t know what you’re getting next month! A little bird tells me we can expect a French brand that starts with G – Guerlain or Garnier? Surprise! 😛 Book early because only very limited boxes will be sold**
If this box isn’t to your taste, here’s what my blogging friends have put into their boxes. All posts have been published simultaneously so I am just as curious as you are to find out what are in their boxes!
- Beautyholics Anonymous
- Beautycabby
- Beauty up my life
- Beetrice’s Reviews
- Belle Demoiselle
- My Women Stuff
- My Views My Reviews
- Pretty Beautiful
- Red Luscious Lips
- Rinnah’s Consumer Reviews
- Skin Deco
- Soloverly
- Unconventional Geek
If you could make your own beauty box, what are 5 things you’d put in there? Are you a fan of these beauty box subscription thingys? I don’t think much of them to be perfectly honest and I know for a fact that I’d never subscribe to one. I’d rather save the money for 1 nice item every month or save it all up and get that one luxury item I’m really keen on. I think it makes more sense overall. But that’s just me. How about you? 🙂
Paris B
** This is a hypothetical beauty box subscription, if it wasn’t already quite clear. I still don’t believe the consumer gets much out of a service like this, but the company can expect to make a lot of money distributing surprise boxes of product samples, preying on the element of surprise. Smart!
I would definitely subscribe to this kind of beauty box!!
Teehee… glad you have your support S! I’ll ship to Italy just for you and mark it pigments LOL! 😉
Wow RM90 is alot to me btw. I wonder how the ones in US manage to get a box for USD10 with really good stuff in it!! I wouldn’t mind if it was RM50 a month, i love getting surprise goody boxes BUT if say the things in it isn’t one that i would use, then will feel abit wasted la.
RM90 is a lot for anyone! LOL! That said, the other box available to us locally is RM60/box so I figured RM90 wasn’t too far a stretch of imagination for a box of luxuries 🙂 I would never throw more than RM20 on a random box that I don’t know what I’d get. Hey, RM20 could buy me a nice Silkygirl blush! 😉
I know I would probably only be disappointed in the end, but the idea of a beauty box subscription has always seemed very appealing to me. I still have yet to take the plunge, but I can feel myself wearing down. I just LOVE beauty samples! Oh, and awesome picks for your box. I would totally get one of those, no question
Hi Becca! Thanks for liking my box hehe… Like you, I like the idea behind a beauty box subscription, but in every box I see, I only ever really see one or maximum, 2 items that really appeal to me. Got to admit that its fun to get a surprise every month though if its a bad surprise, that would be such a bummer!
I’d subscribe if I lived in Malaysia! 😀 Now I think I want the Dior Addict Extreme lipstick!
Oh Amanda, we ship worldwide! 😉 If you liked the Dior Addict, I think you’d like the Extreme version too!
Every girl should have a Dior lipstick in their handbag. 🙂
Amen to that!
I subscribed to GlossyBox for a few months but then cancelled my subscription because they were sending me too many skincare products that weren’t suitable for my skin type. I love surprises and trying new stuff all the time, but I’m very picky when it comes to skincare products. Now, if there was a box that offered only makeup products, I’d subscribe straight away!
That is a pain right? Some sites make you fill up these questionnaires about your skin but then, I read that they just send you random stuff anyway which defeats the whole purpose. I’m also very picky about skincare now too, having had a few bad experiences. I think the reason why most beauty boxes are skincare based is because we don’t get many makeup samples unless they come in blister packs or sachets which doesn’t look as nice as a mini tube of face wash 😀
I never subscribe any beauty box before. The idea of getting something that I might not like, cannot use or not suitable for my skin is scary. What would I do with the unused items that is piling up. I rather save my money and buy the items that I want. Nowadays there are online shop that are selling beauty products in sample size with a cheap price too. So I can just buy from that site and try the product that catch my interest. Nevertheless your beauty box is tempting. I’ll pay RM90 just to have that Dior Addict Extreme lippy and the ANR!!! So, do tell me if you wanna start this beauty box thingy bcoz I would like to subscribe for the 1st month only just to get that babies.. hihi.. :p
Haha… you and I have the same sort of thinking 😀 Usually, if I really want samples, I just go to the counter and ask. Its free after all, no need to pay for it! 😀
Whoa, I really think someone should hire you to do this, though the company is probably going to lose money lol
We don’t get any subscription boxes here yet, but I heard that Glossybox might make its way here at some point. If I were to start a box? Let’s see…
Dior Diorshow New Look Mascara (sample size)
Maybelline 24-hour Color Tatoo cream shadow (full size)
Guerlain Shine Automatique (sample size)
Bioderma Sensibio (deluxe sample)
Kiehl’s Night Repair Serum (deluxe sample)
I wouldn’t know how much this would go for though haha. I really am not made to do business!
Yeah definitely a loss maker this one LOL!! I’m sure the beauty box will start appearing soon. We don’t have any available locally either. The only one available is from Singapore and they ship to Malaysian addresses. Thanks for sharing your beauty box contents. I would so buy yours too! 😀
Think you sold the beauty box to me by the 3rd paragraph! Was quite disappointed at the end that it wasn’t real 🙁
I have heard about beauty box subscriptions in the past but never signed up for one. Sounds real interesting as you get to try something new each month.
Aww… sorryyy… 🙁 I wish this was real too – would love for everyone to try all my fave items (and for me to make a LOT of money in the process LOL!) I don’t think we have one locally yet (the one we do have is from Singapore).
Of the 5, I have yet to try Melvita and Kanebo. I have to try them! Love ANR, Dior Addict and moisture surge! Like you said, subscription boxes are mainly about surprises, and I hate surprises…. *control freak*!!
haha! I love surprises but not sample ones *picky* 😛 I think you might like the Melvita and Kanebo items. We seem to like rather similar stuff so erm… yeah 😉
Awesome! I love the Dior Addict lippie in your Beauty Box! And the EL ANR too! A very very good deal!!!! 😀
Right?! RM90 is not expensive at all! LOL!
Lovely picks and hooray for Dior lipsticks! I guess my beauty box is quite unrealistic compared to y’all but hey, it’s my fantasy and I can continue dreaming 😉
I love that we both picked Dior lipsticks – awesome stuff! Besides, its our beauty boxes so who cares if they are realistic or not. If you put a good enough price on it, people will buy 😉
Wow.. is this subscription in Malaysia? It’s the same thing like ‘Glam Bag’ done by michelle phan etc… [if you know what i am talking bout Paris ;)]
i wanted to try out this kind of goodies goodies bag that come each month..
since the content they chose looks fabulous =D
*tempted* ~<
Uh… well hypothetically yes this subscription is available but realistically no it isn’t 🙂 I’m not familiar with the Glam Bag actually but I looked it up and that’s a smart cookie right there! 🙂 Unfortunately, I’m not that entrepreneurial just yet – can barely juggle work plus the blog for now LOL! 😀
Boo hoo hoo, you’re such a tease Paris 🙂 I enjoyed reading it so much and it stopped my heart initially until I read till the end, then I saw stars **** This is a hypothetical beauty box subscription, if it wasn’t already quite clear. LOL 😀
If I were to put 5 items in my beauty box, they would be;
1. Estee Lauder ANR serum
2. Hada Labo Olive Cleansing Oil
3. Neutrogena Daily Scrub
4. Kiehl’s Rare Earth Pore Cleansing Masque
5. Estee Lauder ANR eye cream
I’ve tried these items and they work well for me. I’ve read the other beauty bloggers beauty box ideas and I think EL ANR and Kiehl’s MRC are top favourites too 🙂 Nice!
Now if only Paris gets into this business, start packing and mailing to the excited subscribers…ehehehehe 😛
Haha… If there was a box like this available, damn! I’d sign up in a flash 😛 Other than the Hada Labo Olive oil that breaks me out, I love your picks too. I think that EL ANR does deserve its cult status because it just works so well for me. It has helped my skin a lot and now I just realized that my bottle is almost empty! Drat! No sales coming up either boo 🙁
ANR is quite a legendary elixir 🙂 I haven’t looked any younger like 17 or something lol, but I hope it keeps my aging at bay till my many birthdays to come. Yeah, I read that Hada Labo cleansing oil makes you break out, too bad though Hada Labo products are quite quite decent with drug store pricing and you’re a cleansing oil fan. You know what, thanks to your blog reviews, I’ve managed to customize my non-existent skincare regime into a decent one easy enough for a stubborn mule like to me to follow through on a daily basis…and happy to say that I’ve never looked back since and many more good skin days to come 🙂 Thank you Paris! Your blog is as good as a beauty box already to me 😀
Aww thank you Jennifer! I’ll serve up morsels of goodies in time to come to ensure this “beauty box” is worth subscribing to! 😉
Ooh…love your beauty box idea! ANR Serum’s a staple for me too especially this winter and that Dior Addict lipstick you have is a stunner!
We ship worldwide, Nadia! (Hypothetically) hehe… I love how ANR does magic on my skin every time I forget about it. Its great to know it works well in winter. At least I now know what to pack when I plan a winter holiday 😉
I thought it’s true!! Ah,I kena tipu!btw,I think you can put things like Kiehls sunblock(expensive!),mask,5ml eye cream…
Kiehl’s sunblock is a good idea too.
I just came to know about the concept of a beauty box subscription fairly recently when I stumbled upon a review of Birchbox at a book blog of all places.
Your box is definitely nicer than the “actual” ones I’ve seen though 😀 I got the impression that subscribers mostly receive samples of items they don’t really need/want. Still, I guess it’ll be fun to receive a surprise in the mailbox every month! … At least for the first few months until cents and sensibility kicks in 😛
Actually, having seen many sample boxes around, I think most of the contents are samples that I don’t need/want 😛 But then, maybe I’m just pickier than most 😀
Hey Paris, I had a great read (& insight) of what’s in your (& your fellow lovelies’) beauty boxes! You gals rock!
PS: Someone put in > 5 though…. Lol!!!
Hi Ching glad you enjoyed our hypothetical boxes 😀 I did see that too – guess their box would be worth more? Hehe…
I love the products you’ve chosen, especially the Plaza lipstick and Melvita water 🙂
Good choices right? hehe… Thanks Marina!
what a teaser! but I like haha 🙂
great stuffs u put in there! i will run to subscribe if you really have one!
Haha yeah, I’m a bit of a tease right? 😉 Glad to know that I would have subscribers if I ever venture into something like this 😀