I don’t pay a lot of attention to Celine bags, but I happen to have a soft spot for the Boogie bag. Sure, its open at the top, its only hand held and its by all notions a bit of a bother to juggle sometimes. But I love it, and want one in a lovely supple calf leather in a bright colour. Unfortunately, I don’t see it on the website anymore. I hope it isn’t discontinued 😛
The Celine Boogie bag is quite a classic, I’d say. There is nothing bright or garish about it and the lines are clean and simple and the design is straight forward. I walk around in Petaling St. and I don’t see a lot of fakes, if any. A sure sign the bag isn’t all that popular locally (the open top does make people balk) which makes me covet it more. I’d put it as a classic 🙂
But the latest IT bag to come out of the Celine stable is the Luggage Tote. I was pointed in the direction of this by my bag fiend partner in crime (“BFPiC”) some time last year. Then, I said to her quite honestly, “Meh. I don’t like how it looks” Well, that was before said BFPiC said she wanted it. Oops! 😛
I put it out of my mind for the past 6 months but recently, I’ve seen the Celine Luggage Tote grab the world by storm. I see it in magazines, in blogs, on celebrities… everywhere! Everyone who is anyone is touting it as the next Birkin, as a classic, as a “must-have”, and everyone’s swooning over it.
Did it make me want it then?
Uh… no.
Incidentally, I saw the real deal just over the week. I think it belonged to a magazine editor and in real life, that bag is HUGE. I could easily use it for a weekender or stuff a baby into it. Seriously, its gigantic. The leather however, is absolutely lovely. It does come in a few sizes, I read, so perhaps a smaller one might look better for a daily bag than a gigantic weekender.
Practicality aside, I guess I’m just not sold on the design. Sure, one woman’s bag is another’s baggage, so I don’t mind if you disagree 🙂 I seem to after all, be the sole voice of dissent in the case of the Celine Luggage Tote. Almost everyone is swooning over it so maybe I have bad taste LOL!
My beef with it may be to do with the structure and design. I find it stiff and masculine in design in the middle with too many lines and too much going on. The bits that stick out (I call them the ears 😛 ) look soft and floppy. That contrast just doesn’t do it for me, because the ears look like an afterthought. Its like “Oh look! We have some excess leather, darn! Maybe we can make it stick out the sides and people will buy it anyway”. Besides, it looks heavy, and I have enough experience with heavy bags to know that I won’t even go near there anymore.
Due to the size and shape, I have no doubt that this is one of the most practical IT bags out there. You can fit a ton in there, it zips up, you can carry it hand held, over arm or on shoulder if it fits. It comes in a variety of colours and material and is eye catching and different. However, I don’t feel anything tugging at my heart strings or on my wallet yet. Guess I’m safe 🙂
I am going to buck the trend and call the Celine Luggage Tote a fad. I’m not sure if BFPiC still wants it though. Sorry girl, if you’re reading this! 😛
What say you? Celine Luggage Tote: Fad or fab? 🙂
Paris B
Celine Luggage Tote : Local prices unknown. In the USA, it starts from US$2,000
I loved the boogie bag! I remembered seeing it in a magazine in the UK about 10 years ago, and that was when I stumbled upon Celine. Loved it so much, I went out to buy a replica from Warehouse 😛
I’m not a fan of the Celine Luggage, not the big ones anyway. But I saw the mini ones, and they’re cute! Practically useless though, since you can only put your phone and a small wallet inside, but cute nevertheless.
Maybe I was scarred by seeing the giant one first. I seriously could have put a puppy or a baby in there 😛 But yes, the Boogie. I am kicking myself for not getting one in the most awesome teal shade I’ve ever seen. It was on sale (!!!) and it was deerskin. Absolutely divine! /kicks self
Miss Paris,
I’m about to get in the mail that very teal Boogie bag!!! 🙂
Gah! You lucky duck 😀 I’m still kicking myself for not getting it back in the day! I am told the Boogie may make a return. I’d love it if it did
I like but not love the Celine Mini Luggage so couldn’t justify the cost. Celine bags are really gorgeous though, mmm the leather!
Oh yes! I have to agree with the lushness of Celine leather. I guess I’m just too blinded by the Boogie 😀
I can’t get over the fact that it looks like a :/ face. I keep laughing whenever I look at it so mmm….yeah, not much love for it.
Haha,me too,have the same thought when I first saw the bag.
LOL!! Do you know, I never noticed it till you mentioned it and now… erm… yeah. LOL!
Erm, it’s a rather strange looking bag and definitely not to my taste. Is it me or do the contrasting leather bits and zippper look like two eyes and a square mouth with drool coming out the side?
LOL! I’m with you… that’s what I thought!
Haha you saw that too! I never quite noticed it but now that you and Isabel have mentioned it, yes it does have a bit of a funny faced look about it. Oh dear…
Definitely not my cup of tea. The lines running down the sides bothers me. And the overall design is like the bag is confused on whether to be masculine or feminine. Or maybe I have bad taste in bags. LOL.
Its ok Sze Ling, we can both sit here in this corner and have bad taste together LOL! 😉 Yes, I have to agree with you. I find it a bit of a confused and confusing design. But maybe its just us y’know… 😉
~high five~ 😀
Erm, it’s okay. Might use it if given it, but wouldn’t spend my hard earned cash on it. Prefer the LV Neverfull.
Not a fan of the Neverfull either, sorry Sam! 😛 But I wouldn’t say no of course, if I was so utterly lucky as to be gifted with one of either!! 😀
At the side the bag looks like it has two eyes, one zipped up mouth and 2 big floppy ears like you said!
I don’t know, I used to have an open top bag and was always so worried that thieves might stick their hands in when I’m not looking. So I don’t think I will get one.
Haha.. I saw the ears but didn’t see much else till everyone brought it up 😛 This isn’t an open top bag though. There is a zip 🙂
Reminds me of Disney’s Stitch… also, meh.
Especially the blue one yes? 😉
Yeah haha 😀
chriselle lim (friend of the michelle phan) has a celine bag recently and she has been featured that a lot…its a beauty…
but definitely out of my range hahaha
Was it this one, Gin? (BTW I absolutely had no idea who you meant LOL! I only recognised the name Michelle Phan 😛 )
I actually adore this bag. It’s definitely one of the items on my 2012 bag list. I’m just waiting for the right colour, size and material to float by. I would love to have suede but it’s simply not practical. I saw a neon orange one that would set off my dark wintry wardrobe perfectly.
I know you do 😉 Neon orange would be pretty awesome! But for me, maybe in a different design. I did see a neon orange Boogie once. Too bad I was too young with no disposable income then 😛
I agree with everyone who said it looks like a face with a zipped mouth. I don’t like my bags to watch me… O_o
hahaha I like this! 😀 I don’t like my bags watching me either … eerie!
…and creepy. At home, this bag would have to live in the dust bag all the time. haha!
I love this bag! I like how it’s structured and like that u can close the flap on the sides if u like to. It’s also quite versatile. Like u can use it for more formal events and casual events too. Love it. But not sure i’m willing to spend a few K to get this. :/
I personally wouldn’t peg this for a formal bag, maybe the mini one which is potentially cute 🙂 But we all have different personal tastes in things like this – which is how designers stay in business! 😉 It is a bit pricey for something that looks quite trendy IMO 😉
Hi Paris,
Believe it or not. I went to Celine in Bangkok, hong kong and Singapore, thought of getting a full leather mini size( any colour will do). The replies I got from all 3 countries were, sorry sold out! Heck it. I’m not buying it anymore. Totally not worth the hassle, and my $$ is better off buying another Chanel!
Hi Anne,
I’m sort of in your boat but I’ve developed a relationship with a very tiny boutique in Melbourne which stocks some of the lesser-known designers (Lanvin, Givenchy, Celine, Anya Hindmarch) and I was going to suggest you do the same. Having that relationship gives me some insider info e.g. when the next shipment of items would arrive and possible colours and first dibs at the items. A chanel is one thing but I do love to have a bag that’s not been copied to death. I’m after a mini myself as well and I’m still waiting for the perfect colour and leather. Like any bagaholic, I’m not about to splash out on something I don’t love dearly. Hope you find your perfect luggage tote 🙂
PS- I might state that I’ve NEVER bought anything from the store before. The manager/owner and sales assistants were just happy to chat with me on bags and my passion/knowledge on the bags. So, it’s not really a case of having bought so much that they know you by name sort of thing.
Thanks for the info 🙂 are the prices in these tiny boutique heavily marked up? Some smaller store are indeed selling rare items, but some were heavily priced 🙁
Prices are VERY reasonable. The massive (the largest one, MACRO?!) phantom tote was AUD$3500.00. Designer goods are usually a little higher in Australia. Stockists usually cite shipping and also GST which is rather heavy. The good thing about Celine so far is that exotic skins are not as common – prices are not as insane.
I get the feeling that I could probably request for a further discount if I agree to pay it off in full seeing lay-by is VERY common here.
I really do hope I get to fulfill at least half of my bag list this year. I’ve been rather good and have only bought 1 bag so far and we’re already mid-way into June! Hope you get your dream bag too.
Hi leegeeque,
Haha..i guess we ladies might never be able to attain the dream bag.. Cos 1 is never enough! We are born greedy, especially when it comes to bag! Haha
Ooh sorry to hear that Anne! I did read that there is a waitlist of about 8 months in Asia (although here in Malaysia, I read people could actually buy it off the shelves still) but I’m not sure if its still the case. Which Chanel are you eyeing then? 😉
Hi Paris,
I just walked past Celine in Singapore about 2 weeks ago.. No sign of this bag at all…my guess is the few months wait might not be true.. This is not Hermes after all! Haha. I’m thinking of a Chanel grand shopping tote. I’ve the smaller version one. A big tab for me thou…. My guess is Chanel n Hermes are still the more prestigious brand that are worthy of the wait.the rest? Nah… Keke
Maybe Celine is trying their luck in case the demand is really that hot. Personally I feel it’s a bag that’s a bit too trendy to merit the wait period. What if you wait and wait and by the time you get it it’s out of fashion?!oh dear lol! I think the Chanel GST is a good choice. I’m interested in the PST myself 😉
Haha. I have the Chanel PST. not a good choice . The strap will keep dropping off from shoulder!
Oooh thanks for letting me know! Now I can safely cross it off my list 😀
Criss cross the straps and the PST will stay on the shoulder better. It’s a good size for casual shopping days.
Just when I thought I safe to cross it off my list lol! 😉 thanks for the tip!
I’m looking at this bag and contemplating it.
But when somebody pointed out it it looks as if there’s eyes I just can’t get rid of the thought.
I sure would like one but decide to wait out for now
Haha I know right? When they started talking about the face, I suddenly saw it 😛 Hope you get over it, and get a nice colour, Jue!
Fad to me :/ cause it’s def. not my cup of tea!
Personally dislike the design D:
I’m going for Fad too but its a personal thing 🙂 Let’s see how it fares in a couple of years 😉
Hello Paris! Been following your blog for some time but have never commented though..
I bought a Celine luggage tote in Feb this year from Hong Kong. My initial thoughts were “goodness this weighs a bomb”. I find the bag super heavy, especially because I’m petite.
However, I find that it grows on me and I appreciate its durability as I have mine in pebbled leather. For a bag that goes to work and home, it’s fine. But definitely not something for a long trip!
Its not a must I guess, but its cute to have!
Hi Lorraine! Thanks for popping up to say hi! 😀 Firstly, lucky you to be able to get your hands on one and in Hong Kong too! I read that there was a 6 month waitlist! Its of course great to know that you love it, which is most important 😀 I’m not personally sold on it, but there are many out there that can tug on my wallet. Oh dear 😛
Looks like this smiley: ._. xDDD
I find it somewhat cute, but not worth the price…
Haha! Guess the price is quite a stumbling block for a cute design 😀
I actually like this one. But if I can only buy one bag, I wouldn’t choose this, as I am a shoulder bag person, and I want that strap to be longer, so that my hand can put it on my shoulder more easily.
Nevertheless, I think if I have budget for a bag, I would get this, just because it’s so practical with the opening, and so classic with the design that it will last me a lifetime.
Its actually a zippered opening 🙂 But I guess these things are personal and if you know you will get a lot of use out of it and have the budget, yes, it would be a good buy!
Like you, I find it too masculine. And if it’s heavy, forget it. I see the funny face in it too, haha!
If it were U$200 and the face looks like the monkey from Paul Frank, I would think its cute.
Unfortunately, it’s at least U$2,000 from Celine. If I buy it, I would feel like the joke’s on me.
No offense to ppl who love this. 😛
Hahaha! I found this incredibly funny! 😀
Another reader has mentioned that its heavy so I’m quite put off too. The Boogie bag, despite being full leather wasn’t. I do hope they didn’t discontinue it 😛
Sorry, I’m just not fashionable. Never proclaimed to be one. I don’t see how this can be the IT bag. The bag looks too much like a robot’s head. As Lyn put it, drooling too… Just because famous people or socialites carry it doesn’t make it any better looking >.<"
Haha not to worry. I’m not fashionable either! Its too tiring to keep up, for me. I guess Celine got the right people to push the bag and well, few people want to be left off the trend bandwagon 😉 In the process of course, I”m sure there’ll be people who like it too just for being practical or because it suits their lifestyle. Guess we just aren’t fashionable enough to understand? 😉