I’m back in one of my nosy moods 😀
I was doing my face a few days ago when I accidentally kicked at the stool next to my dressing table which brought forth a string of not very savoury words. It was then that I actually looked at the stool that I’ve had for almost 5 years now, and wondered “Why do I even have a dressing table stool, when I do my makeup and skincare routine all standing up?!”
How very strange right? So I wondered if I might be one of those rare birds who does her whole skincare and makeup routine standing up, or do I have company?
I personally don’t think there’s any great difference whether one stands or sits. Well, except any tiredness on the legs if one has a very long skincare routine. I find it easier getting close to the large mirror on my dressing table while standing. Also, I guess its just habit as far as I’m concerned.
The mirror I have is a largish one that accommodates me standing up so I stand. There is also no hole for me to stick my legs through because I went for a dressing table with loads of large drawers. If I had purchased a dresser with a low or no mirror and with a space for my legs, then I might perhaps have converted to a sitter vs a standee 😀
So, out of curiousity, do you sit or stand when doing your makeup and skincare routine? Do you have a reason why you do or is it just habit? 🙂
Paris B
I do my skincare and makeup standing up because I placed a huge mirror (all the way to my ceiling) in my bathroom toilet and installed drawers beneath my sink and counter top to house all my makeup / skincare. I find it more convenient to leave the drawer open while i do my makeup so everything is like laid out in the drawer. There’s no space for me to put a chair in the master bedroom toilet as well…
a couple of weeks ago, i left the drawer open and for some reason i took a step backwards and knocked onto the edge of the drawer. it left an ugly bruise at the back of my calf. 🙁 so yah… maybe it’s safer for me to sit. haha
Wow sounds like you have a lovely bathroom! 😀 I don’t keep stuff in my bathroom except shower and face washes because I’m afraid of the heat and humidity. But I guess if you have a nice airy bathroom then that’s great 😀
I stand, and I don’t know why. I tried the sitting position for a while, but didn’t like it, because, like most people here, I want to see my face up close. Maybe it’s because if I sit, all the stuff on dressing table will cover up half my face! LOL
Haha! Sounds like my table then 😛 Can’t see my face over the stuff all over it 😛
I think in general most ladies stand, coz we get a closer view of our faces with the mirror. I stand as well, and I inch REALLY close towards the mirror when i’m doing my eye makeup esp when it comes to the eyeliner. Dont think I’ll even be able to draw a straight line if i were to sit down.
I think so too. We are always there peering at our faces to see if there’s a spot to pick too! 😉 After reading some reader’s comments I figured that my habit stems from being short sighted. If I didn’t stand and get close to the mirror, I’d never be able to see anything!
I stand most of the time. I have this large mirror and my dressing wardrobe over which I have no space for any stool to sit. Thus, I don’t feel comfortable to paint my eyes so far away from the mirror.
A large mirror sounds nice! 🙂 I think those of us with wide dressers will tend to stand so we can get closer to the mirror while those who have shallower tables with a space for their legs will likely sit 🙂
I sit when doing my skincare and stand when applying makeup, hihi…. I stand when applying makeup so I am close to the mirror and I can see better that way because of the light coming from the window.. 🙂
Technically, that would make sense because there is no precision needed for skincare 😀 I have piled so many things on my stool I don’t think I can find it anymore LOL! 😀
I sit down, mostly because it takes me somewhere from 45 minutes to an hour to do my makeup and hair.
In order to be able to see what I’m doing to my face up close and personal, I just use a smaller mirror. This way, I can see up close when I’m doing my eyes and then I can see my face as a whole when I’m applying foundation or blush.
2 mirrors = no need to stand if the dressing table mirror is too far away.
That’s a clever idea and wow! 45 minutes to an hour! I don’t usually bother with my hair bar combing (thank goodness for easy obedient hair!) so maybe thats why I have an easier time 😀 I tried using a small mirror but I didn’t quite like it but then maybe its because I’m used to the big one 🙂
Interesting question Paris!
I do my skincare standing because I do it in the bathroom and I wouldn’t know where to sit.
I do my makeup in another room and I do it standing if I’m not wearing my contact lenses so I can stand reeeally close to the mirror.
If I have my contact lenses on I sit.
Loved reading other readers answers! xx
Erm… on the toilet seat? 😉 hehe… But yeah it doesn’t make sense to have a stool in the bathroom! I enjoyed reading all the responses too, its so fun to see what people do or don’t do in their daily routine 😀
I stand because there’s no space for a seat! also the mirror is awkwardly high haha.
high mirrors. That would be a problem 🙂
this was a nice post 🙂 completely out of the blue 😀 I always do it standing…its somehow easier for me that way.
LOL Glad you enjoyed it Swati 🙂 I enjoyed reading what everyone had to say!
I do everything in the bathroom which has a huge mirror, so I stand all the way. No space for dresser in my bedroom, although I do sit on my bed sometimes and apply mu which comes in mirrored compacts.
I could never get the hang of using the mirrors in compacts you know. The only time I will use it is if I’m starved for time or if I’m out and about and for the most part, I use it to see myself when applying lipstick LOL! I noticed that many people do their skincare and makeup in their bathrooms. I was afraid of the heat and humidity affecting the products. Do you have that problem?
Yes I have heard about the humidity not being good…I keep my skincare on the bathroom counter but I store my makeup just outside and take out what I need for the day, so no worries 🙂
I personally stand up when I do my skincare and apply my make up. I feel like it gives more flexibility and I like to move around when I am doing my skincare and applying my make up. Also I have all my items in my bathroom rather than having a vanity set in my room, somehow it feels not right. Do you guys all have a vanity set in your room?:)
I read a few readers’ comments who said they keep their stuff in the bathroom too so you’re not alone 🙂 I personally keep mine in my bedroom and I do have a dressing table because I have the space for it and I like having one 😉 I like your idea about flexibility. I think if I were to sit down so soon after waking up in the morning, I’d fall back asleep hehe…
It’s not good to keep cosmetics in the bathroom because it gets steamed up every now and then, and cool back, and steam up. Makeup and skincare will spoil faster because there is too much moisture and high heat.
All things kept in cool dry places generally live longer.
I do use the huge mirror in my bathroom, because I like huge stuff, and it makes me feel like I am in a hotel bathroom. But my vanity is in the bedroom, and kept in drawers. I refuse to expose them to the air-con, as I find that water droplets condense on the cooled surface of products I leave out in the air-con, the moment I turn the air-con off.
Okay. I’m probably the weirdest one. 😛 I do my makeup sitting down, but my skincare standing up. LOL.
Haha! That’s the opposite of what a few of the girls here do! 😀 No right or wrong or weird way la… 😉
I apply my skincare and makeup routine while standing, in the bathroom which has natural lighting in the morning. Plus I find being on my feet for 5-10 mins makes me more alert and ready to start my day.
I think you’re right about remaining standing in the morning. If I were to sit down so soon after getting up, I might just fall back asleep hehe… 🙂
I always stand! I do skincare in my bathroom when I stash my skincare products, so I’ve got to stand. I don’t have a vanity, just the big mirror on my wardrobe, and that’s a bit far from my bed where I can sit down, so I stand anyways!
Makes so much sense when you put it that way 🙂 I feel a bit silly now for not sitting when I can… right? 😛
I have a dressing table which I stand while slapping on my skincare and painting my face.
Now I do everything on my work table LOL!! And I sit. My dressing table is left unused.
Aww I still stick to my dresser because when I got it, I made sure it was LARGE! hehe…
I stand because I started out makeup when I was still staying with my mother. I didn’t have a dressing table of my own. My mum’s one is really tiny and slightly cluttered with stuff from the whole family, and does not have a tall enough mirror that will accommodate me standing. I don’t use it. I tend to use the full length mirror on my mum’s wardrobe, or the one at the bathroom sink.
Standing makes it easier for me to go close to the mirror to use eyeliner.
I only sit when I feel dizzy while doing makeup.
hahaha, I really understand your situation, because now in my own house, I too have a custom-made cushion seat underneath my dresser, and I simply don’t use it.
If I use the dressing table mirror, which is up to the ceiling I either sit on the end of the bed (which is close enough to the mirror), or stand. I can sit when doing eyeshadow, but I really need to almost press my face to the mirror for eye lining!
If I am using the floor to ceiling mirror in my living room, I sit. because there is nothing blocking my legs there, so I can sit right about touching the mirror.
But I have this stupid habit of doing makeup in my bathroom and running a few steps out to take things from my dresser, and then running back to the bathroom, and out, and in, and out. Really strange habit because I do have gigantic mirror at my dresser, why in the world do I need to run into the bathroom and do makeup standing???
My hubby would kill me if he knew my makeup habit, because he custom-made my dresser for me to store lots of makeup, and the huge mirror for me to do my makeup properly!
Oh, and the strangest thing is I bought myself a stand-on-table face size mirror so that I can still bring the mirror close to my face if I were sitting at the dresser. And I don’t use it.
Moreover, I have loads, and loads of palettes with mirror big enough for me to do eyeliner!!
Now that you brought up this topic, I find that I am a bit crazy.
Haha I hope your husband never reads this! It sounds like you have a lovely mirrored abode. I contemplated putting in mirrors in my house too (I have a seriously lack of them) but I opted against it in the end because I didn’t fancy scaring myself silly every time I walked into my living room in the middle of the night LOL!
lol, yes, totally get you. My mum used to read me lots of horror stories that involve mirrors. =PP But I guess, I feel really safe in my current house because of the good fengshui, and also because my living room has the balcony, and I only cover the glass doors with day curtains, so the light from the street lamps come in strongly, and my living room is well-lit by street lamps! So I don’t need any night lights or what, but I will always wake up to a house filled with light somewhat, and not pitch blackness. It helps. haha, cos then I see myself properly in the mirror and wouldn’t have imagination run wild.
As for my dresser, hahaha, I do have a curtain made just to cover it. It’s in front of my bed, and I certainly don’t want to jump out of my skin when I sit up on the bed!
So glad that both my bathrooms are well-lit by street lamps too. So I have no problems with huge mirrors.
Ahhh lucky you! 😀 I don’t wander around much at night but one never knows when one might need to head out to the kitchen or something right? I just know I’d scare myself silly hehe….
Normally I will sit down to do my skincare and makeup routine as it is a relax position. =)
That is true! When I do sit, it is definitely more relaxing. While standing, its like I’m ready to fly out the door at any minute!
I apply my skincare in the bathroom so I stand there.
I apply my mascara and liner with my face almost squashed against the mirror then I can see every single eyelash as I go along. Maybe that’s why I take ages to do my makeup. If you tand fyrther away you can do it faster because you can’t see all the little mistakes!
But I do foundation, eyebrows and shadow away from the mirror sitting/standing because I need to check if they look ok at conversation distance. Doing these up close tends to look terrible when I pull back.
I was in a hotel witha retractable illuminated magnifying mirror. I do think that would be helpful for my back since I’m tilted forward when doing eye makeup. It speeds up my mascara application too.
LOL I get really up close to the mirror when doing mascara and eyeliner too! Its the only way I know how and its probably a relic of my short sighted days 😀 I get close to check on detailed work for foundation and eye etc, but otherwise, stay further away too 🙂
I stand coz of the full length mirror. Also i find that if i sit down, i get too comfortable & this slows me down frm work/ going out/ di wat ever is next.
And yeah, standing up gives me the flexibility of assessing my make up frm close up or a little bit further, with the whole clothes-make up match thing.
I love the idea of having a full length mirror. I don’t have one 😛 But then, I don’t have a place to put one either… sigh…
I apply my skincare products in the bathroom standing, and then I move to my bedroom where I sit at my desk and do my makeup. The lightening there is much better and makes it easier to apply makeup properly.
That does make sense 🙂 We don’t need good light to apply skincare do we? 😉