I have been wanting to rave about the Shiseido Perfect Foundation Brush for the longest time. Its one of those things that I sit down to tell you about and then, I get distracted by one thing or another. But no longer. Today will be the day! Today, you will hear about the brush that made me change my mind about foundation brushes!
I used to be a powder compact foundation girl mainly because I hated the feel of liquid foundation. Thick, cakey, yuck! And then the brands started coming out with lighter textures and suddenly I realised that I could use liquid foundation and that in many ways, it looks much more natural on skin than compact foundation. Liquid sort of moves with your skin, while powder tends to sit on your skin, if you know what I mean.
I however ran into one problem using liquid foundation – application. When I started out, everyone said to use a brush. So, ok. I went and got a foundation brush – your typical flat paddle type. Sorry, hated it and realised it ate up too much product. So, I tried a sponge. Its not called a sponge without reason – it soaks up liquid like water. So I went back to the makeup tools we are all born with – fingers, and I actually shared a great tip for using your hands to apply liquid foundation.
I’ve been using my fingers all this while, never mind the brief flirtation with skunk brushes and that stipple method everyone raves about for creating an air brushed look. I found it too much trouble. So when I came across the Shiseido Perfect Foundation Brush, my spidey senses were tingling. Perfect? Seriously? That’s a tall order. But yes, its perfect and I have no need for another nor do I even intend to look at another. In fact, I have 2! That’s how perfect it is.
This little dinky wonder is small. It actually surprises me everytime when I pick it up, because its really small. And that small head can make you wonder just how long you’d need to put your foundation on, and just how practical it is. Well, you know what they say right? Size isn’t everything, its what you do with it that matters 😉
The brush head is a round head of very densely packed synthetic hair. It is so dense, it is almost solid in feel. Yet, it is soft. So soft against your skin. The brush is cut at a gradient which allows it to fit to the curve of your skin and face so the whole surface of the brush actually fits on your skin and moves with it. Its crazy, but its one of those things you have to see to know what I’m talking about.
The small head isn’t a bad thing either. It allows you to get right into all the nooks and crannies of your face – that bit around the nose, the bit between your nose and lips, the bit between your brows. Its great for that.
It is, I believe the way the brush head is made that makes the application such a dream. When you dab it into your liquid foundation, you will notice that the foundation is spread out on the whole flat surface, on the tips. You then, lightly dab it on your skin in a stippling/bouncing motion. Don’t sweep it about your face, but work in sections, dabbing as you go and you’d be surprised at how quickly you’re done.
I know what you’re thinking. So what makes this brush so great or perfect then? I can do that with my skunk brush or sponge or beautyblender thing as well. Well, its the finish. The denseness of the brush head allows the foundation to be deposited in a very uniform manner on your skin, so there is really, no need to buff at all to even it out. It applies as a thin even layer on your skin and evens itself out as you go along, so by the time you are done dabbing it all over, you are done with your foundation application and it looks perfect.
If you like, you can even go over the areas that need more coverage, or on the under eye, and that’s it. No need for concealer unless you intend to conceal every flaw. I hesitate to use the word “air-brushed” but you really look like you just took photoshop to your face. In real life. No streaks, no uneven application, just a perfect canvas.
I thought I’d show you just how effective this little wonder of a brush is in comparison to a couple of skunk brushes or duo fibre or stippling brushes that most people use for that “air-brushed” finish.
(1) Shiseido Perfect Foundation brush (2) Real Techniques Stippling brush (3) Duo Fibre (skunk) brush
You might want to peer in a little closer 😛
For purposes of this experiment, I used them all the same way. I dabbed the brush into the foundation (the splotch you see above (1)) and then dabbed it on my skin in a stippling method. You will notice that:-
- Shiseido Perfect Foundation brush – The foundation applied looks even with just 1 pass
- Real Techniques Stippling brush – The foundation goes on a little patchy and you will have to buff it to even it out
- Duo Fibre (Skunk) brush – The foundation is very patchy just dabbing on the skin and you will have to buff it to smoothen and even it out
This is to show you how the foundation looks when you dab the brush into it. The foundation on the Shiseido (1) and Real Techniques (2) brushes look more evenly distributed. On the duo fibre brush (3) it is only concentrated in the middle bit so when it is applied against the skin, the foundation will be heavier in the middle and lighter on the sides.
I use the Shiseido Perfect Foundation Brush with a myriad of liquid foundations and it does help bring out the best in the foundation. When I started, I found myself using more foundation but over time, I realised that I did not need more than the usual 1 or half pump. The brush picks up the foundation and seems to hold it like a reservoir so I can just dab it once into the foundation, and cover a wide area without having to re-dip. I’ve actually read reviews that say not to use this brush for your whole face because its too small and you’ll take too long.
Well, I use it for my whole face and its great. Yes, it does take a little longer than if I were to use fingers, but not much longer otherwise, because I don’t have to spend time buffing the foundation into my skin. It applies perfectly every single time and I’m so impressed, I got another. I have to, because I can’t do without it, and washing is a beeyotch 😛
Yes, a major downer is the cleaning. Because it is so dense, the brush is hard to get thoroughly clean. So here’s a tip. Use the Daiso detergent. It does a great job getting the brush clean in super quick time and because the bristles are synthetic, no harm comes to your brush. Plus, its cheap!
It can also be used with powder foundation and I find that it works too for a nice smooth, even finish, but it takes longer because the brush can’t hold the powder foundation the way it does liquid. So I’d use this to touch up powder foundation but not to apply unless I have a lot of time.
In a nutshell
The Shiseido Perfect Foundation brush is just perfect, especially for applying liquid foundation. It gives a very even and smooth finish with just one pass. Lightly dab it on your skin and it deposits just the right amount of foundation so you get a very even flawless result without it looking streaky or cakey. You don’t even need to buff it after that. It just goes on quite perfect. I have 2. I think that says it all
Pros: Gives perfect application of liquid foundation without it looking cakey or streaky, Easy to use, No learning curve
Cons: None (unless you count the cleaning but there’s Daiso detergent for that)
Who will like this: Anyone who uses liquid foundation and have problems applying it without it going on too thick or streaky
If you are in Japan, Shiseido has a similar brush to this one called the Shiseido 131 foundation brush. Its sold at the Japanese drugstores and not available outside Japan and is, perhaps a little cheaper than the one sold at counters. I was very lucky to be gifted with one and I can report that it is quite similar… but not.
In all appearances, its almost identical. The difference in packaging is that the Shiseido counter one has a more opaque acrylic handle with the signature purple metal ferrule and the Shiseido brand printed on it. The Shiseido 131 brush has a more translucent dark blue handle with a dark blue ferrule and the Shiseido name is embossed on the handle.
Brush wise, there is very marginal difference. I felt that the 131 brush was a bit less dense and while doing a great job, did not deposit foundation as cleanly as the counter one did. Might that be to do with this specific one? I don’t know. Its a great brush though and if you can get it, why not! I don’t know how much it costs in Japan since its a gift but its available online at adambeauty.com at US$26.50 + $2 and for the quite marginal price difference and instant gratification I’d just get the Shiseido one (RM95) from the counter which I did.
Yes, the Shiseido Foundation Brush is RM95. Don’t complain. Its not expensive when compared with other brands and other brushes and for the perfection it delivers, its worth paying and with proper care, will last you forever. Your products are only as good as your tools after all 😉
Have you used or owned the Shiseido Perfect Foundation Brush? Are you in love with it the way I am? I swear its revolutionized the way I apply liquid foundation and I never cease to be amazed at just how even the foundation goes on my skin. I don’t know what the people at Shiseido did but they did in fact create the perfect foundation brush and I salute them for that! I’m not the only one raving – even the Pink Sith is, and she’s not easy to please! 😉
Paris B
Shiseido Perfect Foundation Brush Price: RM95 Availability: All Shiseido counters
I have this brush but im actually not as impressed… I do think that it takes me surprisingly a short amount of time to do my whole face with such a small brush, and the finish is quite nice – i like it better to apply powder foundation actually because powder is less likely to be pushed into the brush.
But the cleaning is a PAIN. It takes me SO long to get the brush to be rid of all trapped foundation! 🙁 Is there a secret to cleaning this brush!?
Aww Joan was it just the cleaning that got to you? It got to me too when I was using baby shampoo as I usually do. But I find the Daiso detergent for sponges helps a lot! I just have to dilute some in a small container of water, dip the brush, soak it just a little bit then agitate it in the water and it’s mostly clean. The Daiso detergent is murder on natural hair brushes but for synthetic bristles, it’s pretty good. Maybe give it a go?
I’ve been interested in the 131 but I don’t want to go through the hassle of shopping online. I will definitely be visiting a counter near me to pick up the Perfect Foundation brush, I may even have a coupon to sweeten the deal!
A coupon! Perfect, Ashley! 😀 I hope if you do try it that you’ll like it too!
Paris you are evil!! I’m already so broke and I ran down to Isetan and bought 1. But I must say this is a first and hopefully last 🙂
Wow! That effective eh? 😉 I hope it works for you, do let me know if it does! I’m told a lot of makeup artists like it too.
I fell for the typical-foundation-brush-trap too. Hate it! It’s now just sitting on my vanity, collecting dust.
For foundations, I love my Beauty Blenders. 🙂 Worth every penny I paid for it.
I almost fell for the beauty blender hype and I got a dupe by Sonia Kashuk. I never quite got the hang of the whole bouncing thing. Maybe I should dig it out and see if age and experience has made me any wiser 😛
Have been looking for a foundation brush for quite sometimes and the price is not that expensive compare to Mac brush..thanks Paris for this review…definitely a must buy item since I am using liquid foundations all the time….
I hope you’ll like this one Laila. I was never one for foundation brushes till I met this 😀
I love this brush! I have both this and the 131 which is a tad bit cheaper but just as great
Another fan! Hurrah! So happy that so many people like it 😀
I always have a soft spot on thick dense (synthetic) foundation brush. And the price!? I gotta get one!! 😀
Thanks so much for reviewing this, you got me sold hehe
A brush that ticks all your right boxes! I hope you like it 🙂
I’ve been wanting to try this for a long time! Maybe I will when I start wearing foundation again. At the moment I’m too happy with Dior Hydra Life BB cream, and it’s blended so easily with my fingers. OK fine, I’m really lazy too :p
Haha well there’s no need to wear foundation if you don’t need it, honestly 🙂 BB creams are great for me for weekends or days when I’m lazy but for the most part I still do foundation for a more polished exterior 😉
sold!!! one more to be included in my wish list *sigh*
Haha… Oops! Living up to my enabler title yes?
I bought one of these during my trip home and I haven’t been able to put it down since! This works so well with both liquid and cream compact foundations! =D
Whee! Happy you managed to pick one up here where it’s probably cheaper, and that you like it too! I haven’t tried it with cream compacts but you have me curious now! 😉
I’m currently using the 131 for powder application. It works magic. Sort of makes my pores disappear. I was thinking of getting another one for liquid application. But you have just convinced me to just drop by the nearest Shiseido counter and pick up this one instead!! I’m glad I waited and didn’t get a almost identical brush as good as the 131 is. 🙂
Technically, if you have easy access to the 131 then it would make economical sense to get that since they are almost the same. But if it involves buying online then I think it’s easier and quicker to just buy the Shiseido one at the counter. Love how so many of us live this brush! 😀
I usually use my fingers for foundation application but I’d love to try to use a brush.. I should look for this!
I use my fingers too! Its so much quicker hehe… But the brush does give a more even, smoother effect. As another reader mentioned, its almost poreless 😀
It does remind me the Bubbi foundation brush by bubzbeauty. After your review, I want the Shiseido brush so bad.
Haha I actually have no idea who that is, but I looked up the brushes and it does look similar. Can’t tell if it performs the same way though. 🙂
I totally get what you mean with the liquid vs powder foundation feel. Powder just sits on the surface and makes the skin look mask-like. It makes the skin feel like it’s suffocating beneath.
I love the Sigma F80 for liquid foundation application. It’s not unlike the Shiseido brush, also with dense bristles and a flat top, though yours is angled. I like the Sigma one coz it’s bigger and takes much less time to have my entire face done in minutes.
The Real Techniques brush is rubbish for foundation application. I only use it for cream blushes.
And yes, this is where the Daiso detergent is our best friend. 😀
I haven’t decided what to use my Real Techniques brush for, because as you say, its rubbish for foundation. I’ll try it with cream blushes, thanks! I am not familiar with the Sigma brush but will take your word for it 🙂
I have been eyeing for a foundation brush and still do not know which one to choose as there are so many choices out there. I just want to make sure i am going to pick the right one as you know, most of those branded brushes are pricey and i don’t want to spend on something that’s not working or not worth the money. Your review really helps me a lot and you do convince me to get one ! ^_^
Yep, finding a good foundation brush is hard, but I’d suggest you try this one at the counter and see if it works for you. Its not terribly pricey and for me, its excellent but as with everything, different people will experience it differently 🙂
Shiseido Brush.. Never owed one… I will give this a try Paris..it will b my first Shiseido brush..thks for reviewing…
You’re welcome, Shija! I’m glad you found it useful. I’m told that Shiseido doesn’t sell any brushes locally anymore except this one 🙂 I don’t own any other either so I can’t say how good their brushes are.
I’ve been looking for a good stippling brush and this post will change the way I apply my make-up. Currently I’m using mist to set my liquid foundation for the air brushed look.
If you try this brush I hope it works for you. Someone I know who picked it up did like it, so I hope you will too. It’s quite impressive 🙂
This brush sounds wonderful- I love the comparison of the three different ones you did! I’m struggling with applying foundation at the moment- applying with my fingers always seems to be streaky, so I forked out on the highly raved real techniques stippling brush which I can’t get to work at all. (Which isn’t the only brush that has failed for me, despite good reviews. It kind of makes me want to cry on how much I’ve spent on makeup tools that don’t work!) Will have to save up for this one. Hopefully it can be the ‘one’ XD
I know how you feel! I’ve tried a couple of highly raved brushes only to be disappointed. I haven’t formed much thoughts about the Real Tchniques stippling brush which I got based on raves. But am not terribly sold on any of the brushes just yet. Makes me wonder if it’s just me 😛 I think you might find this brush to your liking. I was never into brushes for foundation but am now sold, especially for the times when I need to have them last. Perfect! 🙂
Ugh, you made this brush sound so good. ;A;
I really like how you compared it to other types of brushes and showed the differences.
I haven’t invested much in my brushes at all, but I’ll keep this one in my mind.
That’s because it’s really good hehe… I’ve been laying around but I think I’ve reached my optimum in brushes for now. If you get it at some point in time, I hope you like it!
Guess what? 😀
I just got this brush in the mail today!!~ I’m so excited to use it! ^^
My face has gotten more than a few spots recently, so I hope this brush will help me cover them up well. ;~;
I hope it worked its magic! 😉
The brush is super soft and it gives me more even coverage, but I’m not experiencing the wow factor yet. My skin has been really dry lately too. T.T
And you are so right! It is such a pain to clean!! I’ve only used it a few times. Gonna order Daiso detergent sometime soon, because I can’t stand trying to clean it with regular liquid soap… x3
I gotta try this; one of the reasons i seldom use liquid foundation is d painstaking application. – rm95 instant gratification for me this weekend!
Did you get it Rudi? Hope you liked it!