I always see these monthly “Empties” posts all around the interweb, but never thought to post any, simply because I don’t usually manage to finish up anything in a month. Yeah, I’m one of “those people” 😛 But I was clearing out my bathroom and dresser over the May Day holiday and discovered some empties, so here we are! Not quite April nor May Empties but enough for a quick update 😀
Some products I finished up in April :-
- Toothpaste! Squeezed out the very last bit because I forgot I had no more left in the house 😛
- Pantene Aqua Light shampoo – the conditioner was finished a long time ago and the shampoo was upended for a while before I resigned myself to the fact there was no more. Last drop was used up.
- Ah Yuan Swertia Shampoo – After I finished up the Pantene one, I finished up the balance of the Ah Yuan one. Turns out, I quite like the Ah Yuan shampoo now! Might buy a new bottle.
- Lucas Papaw Ointment – Nightly lip treatment
- Eucerin PH5 Body wash – Peely sensitive skin begone!
- Dior Skinflash Radiance Booster pen – cheated a bit. I finished this a while ago and am now only tossing it out. Feeling sentimental because I haven’t replenished 😛
Finished anything lately?
Paris B
Insta-Updates: Snippets of life. More Insta-Updates available in the blog sidebar and on Instagram. Find me as ParisBMWS if you like.
OOOO I didn’t know Yuan is available in Malaysia! I like their soap, but I don’t experiment so much with hair products because my hair is rather fussy! I like Eucerin lotions but haven’t tried their body wash. With the amount of body wash I have in stock, I don’t think I’ll purchase it anytime soon either :p
Yup! Ah Yuan has a decent range sold here. I like their soaps too and their shampoo isn’t bad. It takes a bit of getting used to because it doesn’t lather up much, and you don’t use a conditioner after that, but I found I quite like it now, after coming back to it 🙂 I use the Eucerin body wash when I have problems with dry skin which sometimes happens with body washes that are too fragranced or drying and that includes almost all the nice smelling body washes out there 🙁
Haha I never finish much in a month’s time either so I give myself 3 months time to “collect” a bag of empties! Good job, Paris 😀
Hi Dear, Have you tried any products from Curel or Aveeno?
This is the first time I’m collating empties so its quite fun! 😀 I naturally finish all these over a period of time, not in a month. I think that’s impossible 😛
I have also used up several Pantene Aqua Light shampoos.
I love it, but we don’t get it here yet so I can’t replenish 🙁
The empty toothpaste cracked me up. Why doesn’t anyone else post toothpastes in their empties posts? Isn’t toothpaste a beauty product too, in keeping the breath fresh? 😀
Haha… that’s what I thought too! We use up loads of toothpaste, so why not count it as an empty 😀
My Hada Labo travel size lotion and moisturizer. Toothpaste also (haha). Fancl Mild Cleansing Oil sample size. My huge bar of Lush soap. Contacts lens solution (haha, is this counted???).
Of course! Anything used up is counted as an empty 😀
Now you’re making me feel bad. 🙁
Nah…just kidding. 🙂
I think the only thing I used up in April is a toothpaste. LOL.
LOL!! Well if you keep at them, then you’ll have May empties! 😀
I’ve used up a couple of TBS shower gels lately. Using up my samples for day and night creams at the moment. I think my toothpaste will finish this week 😉
Very good! I’m starting to keep track of my empties and deriving great satisfaction from throwing out empty bottles, tubes and tubs 😀
I am one of “those people” too! Can never really get to finish one thing. I’ll just suddenly realize I have so many unfinished products some day and then throw them all out together.
I try to sift though stuff periodically so I don’t end up wasting too much by tossing them out before they expire. I’ve stopped picking up samples because they can be just too much hassle sometimes.
i still have more than 15 eucerin body wash in my house!medical rep likes to give my dad..
Ah that’s nice! Never have to buy 😉