Cooking should be as easy as A-B-C. That might explain this easy, quick and importantly, delicious soup found in many Chinese households. I don’t know if this is particular to just here in Malaysia or if Chinese living in other countries make a similar dish – do pipe up if you do, I’d love to know! 😀
This is what we call A-B-C soup. Not very sure why, but tell anyone ABC Soup and they’ll probably know what you’re talking about. I love this for its simplicity, taste and because some days just call for soup!
As the name implies, you need only about 3 ingredients. Ok, I use 4 but ABCD soup just doesn’t have that ring to it y’know 😛
You could also add tomatos for a tangy flavour or corn cut into chunks for sweetness. I don’t like all that so I just stick to the basics – onions, carrots, potatoes and meat (either chicken or pork is fine).
I have it on its own as a light meal on week nights sometimes, or sometimes I add in some noodles for bulk or have it as part of a meal as the Chinese do often. Fast to prepare, good to eat… doesn’t get easier than A-B-C! 😀
Do you enjoy having ABC soup too? Do you have a variation to share? Or perhaps you have a theory as to why its called ABC Soup? Do share! My theory is that its as easy as ABC. Come to think of it, my mom didn’t call this ABC Soup when I was younger. She used chicken and would call it chicken soup instead and she would make me a nice bowl whenever I felt ill. Very comforting! 😀
Paris B
Scrumptious Saturday : One day in a week where I dish out random scrumptiousness from my other love – food!
I love making ABC soup because it’s so easy! I do add pork bones to make the soup a bit um… tastier 😉
I use pork too! 😀 I love how I can get it ready in half an hour when I get home and get a lovely simple hot meal.
Ah! My favourite soup! Mum still makes it for me when I’m sick and I swear, nothing works as better cure than that. I like to add macaroni into the leftover soup the day after and eat that as a meal. Yum!
Ahhh I love the idea of adding in pasta! Why didn’t I think of that? 😉
I just made a it a couple of days ago, because my son suddenly developed a liking for it. My theory is the same as yours…it’s called that because it’s as simple as ABC! 🙂
Good taste, your son 😉
This is one of my all time favourite!! There’s just something really comforting about a big, piping hot bowl of chinese soup full of veggies (you probably can tell that i was the kid whose mum never had to force her to eat her veggies! lol! :D)! I like mine with tomato and pickled mustard root and lots of pork ribs! 😀
Although i make a mean ABC soup (so sayeth the husband), I miss my mum’s! It’s been years since I last had a bowl! Like Isabel, my mum used to make this for me too when i was sick and it would ALWAYS make me feel better 🙂
I’ve seen a lot of people use tomato too but I never quite got the hang of that taste. I love mine with lots of onions. It makes the soup so sweet especially when the onions get a bit mushy at the end hehe… 😀 Some day you gotta make your ABC soup and let us all taste it!
Was discussing this with my half-white friend the other day. So odd to know that the only ‘ABC soup’ she knows is the one that looks like this:
Hahahaha! XD
HAHAHA! Clearly, that isn’t the ABC soup we know hehe
I love ABC soup! Back then my version would have tomatoes and sometimes cabbage. For the soup base I’ll add in a “bunjut”.
Wah what a complex ABC soup! Make it some day for us to taste!
I love this soup! I make it with tomatoes and sometime a bit of spinach. Pork is stinky in Australia so I normally make it with chicken.
Chicken works too and I love how we can add anything in there and it’ll still taste as good right? 😀
I figured it out during my teen years while sipping the soup of course:)
Vitamin A from the carrots
Vitamin b from the potatoes (?)
Vitamin c from the tomatoes.
Hence ABC soup:)
That makes sense too Zz!
My mom prefers to make mash potato,so usually there’s no more potatoes for soup.however she created a new soup lately,radish+tomato+sawi.white,red,green.kinda odd but nice.try it:)
Sounds most interesting! And colourful too.
I didn’t know that this soup is called abc soup! It’s actually one of my all time favorite soups – I love it with tomatoes and pork ribs.
YAY! You have it in Austria too! 😀 Actually we call it ABC soup – what do you call it? 😀
ABCD soup, hahaha! Very comforting soup 🙂 Now I feel like making it at home! I like mine with tomatoes too. . .
Yummy! It’ll make a nice hearty Sunday dinner 😀
My mom adds chicken leftovers (just to season the soup), turnips and spring onions as well – really delicious! *yum* Very common in Japanese households in Brazil.
Yums! Sounds like this is a very Asian sort of leftover, anything goes soup!
It seems like there’s something similar like this in many cultures! These kind of simple chicken (or other meat) soups seem to be popular everywhere. Yeah I agree, they taste good no matter what! Good staple dish.
I live in UK, but Middle Eastern culture; there seems to be variations of both. ABC soup is a perfect name though.
Its great to know that its popular world wide. Its such a simple healthy dish that any one can make, and is comforting too! When I was in the UK before, I’d make soup every other day in Winter because it was so comforting and warming 🙂
I love ABC soup! Like many, this is my comfort food for sick or rainy days. I also add in celery (depending if you like the smell), cauliflower (makes it sweet), corn and garnish it w Chinese parsley/coriander. It’s easy to make and easy to eat 🙂
Hmm… Celery is a new one to me! I’m not a fan of parsley/coriander but I can imagine that those who do will like the fragrance and flavour it adds to the soup 🙂
not sure if you can get oxtail in m’sia. try using that instead of pork or chicken. it takes longer to make. my mom and bf loves it.
i actually kinda got sick of this when i was younger cuz my mom would make it all the time. (yes i was and still kinda picky with food) i usually ate it with macaroni
Yes we do get oxtail here and I’ve been thinking of trying to make an oxtail stew one day. I can imagine I’ll need more spices though 🙂
just in time for me to send this article to my sister. She’s been looking at how to make ABC soup!
i don’t feel much for ABC soup, but i miss my grandma’s longan soup! it was the best I’ve ever had and sadly none of us know how to get back that exact same flavour 🙁
Longan soup sounds most interesting!
abit late to comment – but ABC porridge is awesome too! i keep the remaining soup in the fridge, the next day, i set aside the soup ingredient, just cook the porridge with the stock, when it is almost done, chuck in the ingredient, and u r done! yummy!
Sounds good actually! I might give this a go the next time I cook ABC soup 😀