Lancome has just launched their Hypnose Doll Eyes mascara locally and you might have already seen lots and lots of reviews online that rave about how perfectly dolly looking your eyes can look with this mascara on your lashes. The conical brush reaches for all the smallest, shortest lashes, and the formula gives length and curls your lashes, fanning them out so you look like you have… erm… doll eyes.
Interestingly, I believe the Hypnose Doll Eyes Mascara was available worldwide last year (2011) actually. I did wonder why we weren’t seeing it locally. But I digress. You know, I read up and down the internet about how lovely and wonderful a product is, and when I don’t experience that sort of skies lifting, angels singing, sunlight streaming, raise your arms in the air and say “Hallelujah!” moment, I feel a bit…. upset.
I guess you know how I feel about the mascara now.
I did not have that skies lifting, angels singing, sunlight streaming, raise your arms in the air and say “Hallelujah!” moment that everyone did.
During a little party with some other bloggers, I had a mini makeover with this mascara. I however, had already applied my trustworthy Shiseido Perfect Defining Volume Mascara before going and so when the Lancome one was layered over, the effect was quite impressive. Long, lush, curled lashes. Dolly eyes. Naturally, I was quite pleased.
This mascara is supposed to help your lashes spread out and open up your eyes so you get the effect of having dolly lashes. That wide open eyed look with volumized separated lashes. It sounded most ideal for this short, straight lashed gal.
Erm… sorry to be a party pooper. I experienced none of the above except maybe the longer looking lashes.
I’ve been trying my utmost to replicate this look for 3 weeks. I’ve failed every single time. I don’t know why. It is so frustrating to do your makeup in the morning thinking “Today is the day I’m walking out of there with dolly lashes!” and looking in the mirror and seeing… nothing out of the ordinary.
The brush is nice though. It took Lancome 7 years to come up with it. Gotta be nice. The cone tip tapers to allow you to reach for the inner and shorter lashes. The bristles are fine and grab the lashes well.
The formula isn’t too thin and runny nor it is too goopy. I have your typical stick thin Asian lashes that point downwards. I always need to curl my lashes before using a mascara and I have to rely on my mascara to hold my lashes curled all day. It is something I’ve come to expect from all mascara I try and I must say here that thus far, the Asian formulas work best for me.
When I curl my lashes, and then apply the mascara on, my curl unravels. 1 layer is fine, but I don’t see anything. 2 layers, and I lose my curled lashes but get some length. No volume sadly. Given a choice, I usually go for volume over length. Apply more, and my lashes straighten out.
I tried just applying some mascara at the root of the lashes, leaving it, then coming back to apply the rest. Applying it just at the root, allows the curl to remain, but I have no length or volume. Once I add the mascara on, I lose the curl. I even tried waving the wand around to dry out the mascara before applying. No cigar.
Yes, I’m frustated. Can you tell? 😛
Here are 2 collages of photos I took while trying on the Doll Eyes Mascara. This was my first attempt.
I wanted to see how well the mascara and brush worked on my non existent lower lashes. As you can see, it works. Just. There is length to my top lashes but its a bit spidery.
This was attempt #23498 (ok, more like attempt #6) and I seem to have gotten better control of the wand so its not clumpy on my lashes anymore, but there’s that dreaded loss of curl which you can see in the lower set of photos.
Oh boo, there goes my curled lashes 🙁
In a nutshell
Lancome Hypnose Doll Eyes mascara is a lengthening mascara that is supposed to lengthen lashes, fan them out and give the effect of doll like lashes to frame the eyes. On my lashes, I find that the formula weighs down my curled lashes and does not give me the desired effect. This mascara is also rose scented which I don’t quite understand. The brush is a saving grace, however. The shape works well to grab at short lashes and to angle it around shorter lashes. However, I think in the main, this mascara will work better on this with already long and curly lashes. I’ve seen the effect on those and they are stunning.
Pros: Conical brush is useful for getting at short inner lashes, Bristles are fine and grab at short lashes well
Cons: Rose scent, Pricey, Formula weighs down my lashes
I want to love this mascara. Heaven knows, I have not found a bad blog review on it which makes me wonder if there’s something wrong with my technique, or my lashes. But sadly, I can’t and just have to accept that its just not for me.
Oh and that rose scent? Does nothing for me, sorry. It does not bother me because it is light and does dissipate and thankfully so. My last experience with a rose scented mascara was Anna Sui. They make excellent mascara but I have never repurchased because the scent kills me. Scented mascara is such a no-no I don’t know where to start 😛
I started out my mascara experience using the Lancome Flextencils mascara and I loved it. I have also used Virtuose and I think its curved brush, works better for my lashes. All in all though, I do think Lancome mascara tends to be made for those with already naturally long, curly lashes. Short, stick thin, straight lashed girls need not apply. The day that they make one that gives me dolly eyes, I’ll lift my hands to the air, hear angels sing, see sunlight streaming through the clouds and I will cry “Hallelujah!”
Have you already tried this Hypnose Doll Eyes mascara and would like to share your experience? Do you have a Lancome mascara range that you personally like? They do quite a few ranges so I guess its only natural that one works better than another.
Paris B
Lancome Hypnose Doll Eyes Mascara Price: RM95 Availability: All Lancome counters nationwide
Because of my weird skin, I have stopped using ANY mascara that’s non-tubing. Lancome, Chanel, Maybelline, I’m steering clear until they’ve come up with tubing mascaras. That said, I’m still curious about how they work on others!
How interesting you should mention tubing mascara. I never quite thought about that formula. Which one are you using now then? You got me curious about tube mascara again 😛
Awwww, I thought that it might work wonders! >.< But then again, I hardly use department store brand mascaras so… it will wait, as always HAHAHA.
After all the hype, so did I! But sadly, Maybelline Falsies gives me a much better effect 🙂
I went for the exchange program recently and gotten a mini tube. I was ushered for a mini makeover using Hypnose Doll Eyes mascara and the result gives me a “whoa” moment as they applied it over my Estee Lauder mascara lol. The next following days applying this alone doesn’t give me the effect that I wanted :(. And it smudge on me so no-no to applying over bottom lashes.
I like the brush though.
I know right? I can’t imagine why we can’t get the same wow effect at home. I guess we’ll have to later our mascara then lol!
It was great to meet you at the party and I do agree that it doesn’t lift the lashes as expected though it should. When the formula thickens, it does a better job. Here’s my take,
That’s good to know. Mine got a bit clumpy so I don’t really hold out much hope for this one. Good to know it works for you.
Erm. . . Sorry all I saw was spider legs 😛
*wriggles spider legs at you* Not to worry, that’s all I see up close too 😉
I’m using the Hypnose Precious Cells now, cost me RM95, and the SA told me it volumises, lengthens and helps condition lashes. Dior New Look mascara and Estée Lauder Double Wear mascara deliver Better results compared to this. I wanted so much for it to work, but I’m disappointed with Lancôme. Have tried a few of their mascaras and I haven’t found one I’d repurchase. Haven’t tried this Doll Eyes one, but I’d rather put my money on what works, for me at least. If not for the spiky wand, I’d say I like Benefit They’re Real more. Even Maybelline works better on my lashes. Ok I think everyone can notice my frustration now. Hehe
Actually I have quite good luck generally with Maybelline which is great of course 🙂 I’m not having much luck with the Dior New Look mascara either, nor the Guerlain one. I’m beginning to suspect my lashes can only handle the Asian brand mascaras which have thus far, worked very well for me.
I really dislike the scent of the Lancome mascaras. I’ll stick with my basic Clinique and Diorshow variants 🙂
Ooh I quite like Clinique High Impact too! I don’t notice a scent in other Lancôme mascara but it’s weird why they decided to go with a rose scent in this one
boo expensive mascaras that doesn’t work! you’ve helped us to save money with your review. 🙂
try majolica majorca’s glamourous mascara. it’s the only mascara that I managed to get dolly lashes with.
agree! the recently launched Lash King by Majolica Majorca is pretty decent too… after a few uses, i don’t even need to curl my lashes and they look thick & fab 🙂
I don’t like MM mascaras these days as they are fibre ones. Irritates my eyes. But I do agree that drugstore mascara are great too. I don’t ever buy counter brand mascaras.
Problem is, Stacey, Ive only come across good reviews for this mascara lol! I’ll be trying the new majolica Majorca Lash King mascara. I used to not be able to wear MM eye products before this, so it’ll be interesting to know how it fares
i think estee lauder sumptuous mascara curls lashes well too
I’ll have to take a look at Estée Lauder! 😉
You know, I have resorted to the fact that Lancome mascaras and I don’t play well. After trying Hypnose, Virtuose and Hypnose Precious Cells, they were all disappointing 🙁 The only one I like is Definicils but I haven’t been able to find this locally for years. I’m not even sure if it has been discontinued and quite honestly, am not really bothered.
I think Definicils is discontinued. I used to like Flextencils. They replaced it with something else and that didn’t work. Virtuose is ok for me – not as heavy but not as va va voom either.
Hi Paris, I’ve been your silent reader for quite sometime and this is my first comment, hee~ I love the fact that you are honest with your review, I stray away from expensive mascara except for Benefit mascara, they have quite a remarkable result for my poor short and straight lashes… Have you tried it yet? I heart Benefit They’re Real so much =)
Hi Mizz Ayna! Thanks for leaving a comment 🙂 now tht you mention it, I do have a tube of Benefit They’re Real that I bought a while ago. I shall go and try it or. A lot of people love it too. don’t be a stranger now k? 😉
I was wondering how this mascara would fare as the BA’s have been promoting it at their counter. So far for me I have used Virtous and it’s not too bad. But I think RMK seperate curl does better. Also DeJaVu from SASA is quite good.
I love the RMK Curl mascara. Awesome stuff! Also, pricey stuff! 😛 I used Dejavu a few years ago when they first came in and was very unimpressed. I’ll give it a go again. Maybe they’ve gotten better 😉
I always say no to expensive mascara coz I think the cheaper ones work as well. And in most cases I also do think that using two different types of mascara (one of lengthening and one for volume) seems to work better for me.
I was told once, that ladies in Japan use 2 mascara as a norm. One for length and one for volume. Impressed me to no end! I do see some merits in sme high end mascara. I swear by Shiseido and RMK and even Paul & Joe. Pricey but they don’t dry up as quickly, and can go for more than 6 months each time, and maybe more. Lovely stuff! 😉
I was tempted to get this during the most recent Lancome roadshow at KLCC but ended up didn’t get it because it is way over my budget at RM95. I thought of going back for this mascara once I run out of the current one but now, I don’t think I wanna splurge – just yet. LOLX!
My lashes are stick thin too. I’ve tried mascaras from Stage, Estee Lauder, Clinique and also Dior in the past but none of them actually made me repurchase any. The only mascara that keeps me going back for more is Maybelline’s especially Pulse Perfection. I am done on my third and boo-hoo… can’t find it in the market any longer, boo-hoo…
Try DeJaVu from SASA Angel, its only RM50 and its pretty good.
Thanks for the suggestion, Joy. I’ve tried it too but the fibers just won’t hold it up long enough for my short lashes. It kept on falling and create this panda-eye effect after few hours. I gave it to my sister after trying to love it for several times. That was like 4 years ago and hopefully the formula they have now is better!
I’m using their new formula and it’s really good. No panda eyes at all. I understand that the old formula was not that great that was why I was skeptical at first but I bought the new formula recently and it’s awesome!
Maybelline Pulse Perfection is, I agree, a nice little mascara! I like it too but mine dried out quite quickly. Too bad it’s limited edition here. Have you tired The Falsies? I like that too!
I have a bit of a love hate relationship with this mascara. It makes my lashes look divine but…. some days it smudges on me and i look like i slept in yesterdays mascara and didn’t wash my face or it looks absolutely lovely. I can’t seem to predict weather wise if it will smudge or not. i hardly every use it now. Shame.
Aww pity that it smudges so badly on you! This I the waterproof formula and doesn’t smudge at all. But then, few eye products smudge on me so maybe I’m just lucky 🙂
Heard a lot about this one, but personally I cant usually use any of the high-ends mascaras. The fragrance in them are too strong for my sensitive dry eyes 🙁
Ooh then you will not like this one due to the rose scent. I don’t notice a scent in most other mascara well, except Anna Sui!
Most western brand mascaras weighs my lashes down and smudges on me like crazy. Don’t think I’d be trying this any time soon.
Noticed I say “most”? 😀 That’s cause my HG mascara for 3 years already is the Clinique Lash Power Volumizing mascara. Love it to pieces. Although it doesn’t give me crazy volume like the Cover Girl Lash Blast, it doesn’t weigh my lashes down, doesn’t smudge and holds the curl really well. <3
Ooh I like the Clinique High Impat mascara too! It’s good for my lashes. Sounds like I should give this Lash Power a try too 😉 I think you’re right though, it might be the formula of the western brand mascara that’s too heavy for our Asian lashes 🙂
Ai ai ai, I hate mascaras that weigh my lashes down! What I realized not so long ago is that my lashes aren’t super short as I had previously believed. It’s just that I have monolids so a lot of my eyelashes are covered. Therefore, I REALLY need something that holds curls. It’s my number 1 concern when it comes to mascaras. You can lengthen or volumize as much as you want, but if you don’t hold curls I can’t stick to you. Too bad it doesn’t work for you, Paris. It’s sad when something everybody else raves about turns out not to work, but it does happen.
Lol!! I know what you mean! Part of my lashes are hidden too so holding a curl is very important if I want my lashes to be seen. And then, I need volume too because I have sparse lashes. Length is pretty debatable. It did suck when I realized this mascara wouldn’t work for me as it did for everyone else. Which one do you like now for holding a curl, Sunny?
Hey Paris, I actually really like Maybelline fatty tubes. The waterproof version holds curls really well, though it does make my lashes pretty stiff. My recent find is Fairy Drops Platinum mascara. It lengthens very well, doesn’t volumize much, but it does hold curls all day! It is also easily removed with Bioderma but hasn’t smudged/flaked on me one single time! I kinda suspect it’s drying out faster though. I’ll have to keep observing if it’ll last me three months!
I’ve never heard of Fairy Drops but Maybelline fatty tubes (what a cute name!) are quite good for me too! 😀
hmmm, doesn’t looks like much difference. I haven’t tried this at the counter.
Haha there’s no real difference in real life too 😛 Perhaps if they give out samples or do some mascara exchange with samples as they do here, you could give it a go. Might work for you for all we know! 😀
I tried it! It seemed to work for me! It was so tempting for me to get it.
I’ve read wonders about this as well, I’m sorry it doesn’t work for you!
What’s your favorite mascara Paris? Yes, I’m curios!
I wish it worked for me too since everyone seems to love it 😀 I love Shiseido Perfect Mascara, RMK Curl mascara, Paul & Joe Curling mascara and Maybelline Falsies! 😀