The thing about learning to put on makeup is the fear you may be doing it wrong. Colours can enhance and make things interesting but colours take time to perfect and sometimes, you don’t have time. All you have is 10 minutes to get your face on and out the door. Or maybe you just don’t want to doll yourself up for the weekend or a casual outing, yet want to look polished.
Natural looking makeup, ladies, is what we’re looking for and here are some tips I gleaned from a short session with Clinique’s David Ooi who worked his magic on local celeb, Xandria Ooi. He promises you can do this in 5 minutes and have a natural “barely there” makeup look that will leave you looking yourself, but probably better 😉 I’ve tried it myself, and I promise you the tips work. The time taken will vary of course but you won’t cross the 10 minute barrier which is all sorts of wonderful! 😀
There are just 4 things you need, and 4 areas to concentrate on for that barely made up look. Ready? Here we go!
2 Minutes – Foundation and setting your base
Start off with foundation or base makeup. To get your exact match, test foundation against your jawline where your jaw meets your neck. To be sure you have the right colour match, test 2 shades that match your skin best. The colour that disappears into your skin is the one you want. The new and upcoming Clinique Even Better Makeup SPF15 foundation comes in 10 shades in March 2012 and promises to be all sorts of wonderful. More will come on this later 🙂
Applying foundation
For liquid foundation, using a brush, start applying your foundation from your forehead downwards to your nose and then your cheeks, upper lip and chin. Use a downward motion. To cover pores better, swirl the brush against your skin in a circular motion, or use a dabbing motion. After that, use your fingers to blend away streaks. The warmth from your skin will also soften the foundation and help even out the texture and colour.
Then use the palms of both hands and lightly press on your face. This will help liquid foundation “set” on your skin.
How do you know if your foundation is properly blended? Well, firstly, you will not notice any streaks or lines and secondly, David uses the “finger press test”. Press a finger against your skin. If you see a mark, your foundation isn’t blended properly (and is likely too thick!). If you don’t see a mark, its done.
Set foundation with powder
After you’ve applied your foundation, take a large powder brush, dab into some loose powder and dab it onto your face, starting again from the forehead downwards. Then, lightly swirl the brush over your face to blend the powder.
Powder foundation or Stick foundation
PB’s Tip: David didn’t touch on powder foundation, but this one makes things even easier. Just swipe on and you’ll be done in 30 seconds flat! If I’m in a hurry, I usually use powder foundation or stick foundation – its faster and more idiot proof (for me) 😉 I also always use a dusting of my magic powder 😉
You’re done with your base and its just taken you 2 minutes! It really is a lot faster than you think 😉
1 Minute – Apply Eyeliner to frame your eyes
Just because you aren’t applying colour on your eyelids, doesn’t mean you should leave your peepers unenhanced! Use eyeliner. David used a pencil liner, applying the colour as close to the lashes as possible for a natural look. He then used a sponge or brush and diffused the liner for a softened look, and then dabbed some powder shadow over the liner. This helps the liner stay on longer.
PB’s Tip: I prefer tightlining because that gives me a much more natural look. If one didn’t know, it would appear that I had not a lick of makeup on at all, yet my eyes look bigger and lashes look fuller. Its magical! I also take an extra minute to pencil in my brows because it just looks better. I use a brow pencil because its just so much quicker.
1 Minute – Apply blush to brighten your complexion
After foundation, you need a touch of colour on your cheeks to brighten your complexion. I find that just foundation alone sometimes makes my complexion look a little flat. Choose a natural shade of blush or go with a light pink or peach. I personally find peach and light pinks turn out looking quite natural on a face without other makeup.
David has a good tip for applying blush for those who have been struggling with this. Its very simple!
- Dab blush brush into your blush, then tap off excess powder.
- Smile in the mirror and start from the apples of your cheeks, do 1 swipe backwards up to your hairline but make sure you keep it below the tips of your ears. Too high and you’d look really odd.
- Then, blend this stripe downwards using 3 vertical strokes. This should ensure your blush is properly blended.
- For a cuter look, you can add a dab of extra colour on the apples of your cheeks
1 Minute – Apply a sheer moisturizing Lip color
You could quite easily do this while running out the door. Pick up any sheer lip colour and slick it on. David likes the Clinique Chubby Sticks for this purpose, but you could just as easily use any you have – like these new lip colors maybe? 😉 On a face devoid of other colour makeup, you will need some lip tint so you do not look washed out. I like using a light pink or rose for this purpose. I’d keep the nudes for when you have full on makeup or you may wonder why people think you’re feeling ill, when you feel hale and hearty.
Et Voila! You are done! Now tell me that wasn’t quick and easy? 😀
Do you have other 5 minute makeup tips to share? Or will you perhaps put these tips to some use soon? I usually do something minimal like this when I’m going out for the weekend or on my day off. In fact, I sometimes skip eyeliner altogether and just do my brows instead because for me, it does make a difference. Let me know if you find these tips useful yes? 😀
Paris B
This is pretty much what I do on a daily basis minus the tightlining / eyelining bit as my eyes always tear everytime I attempt to do so! It’s usually foundation, powder, blush and lip colour for me on most days. I haven’t used a brow pencil before and I may get into the routine of using one since it doesn’t take too long and it frames your face! 😀 thank you for these tips, Paris!
I sometimes tear too when tightlining, but I found that if you don’t line too deeply i.e. closer to the lashes, it lessens the tearing problem 🙂 Try a brow pencil – a defined brow really makes a difference to your whole outlook 😀
how about putting on primer before foundation??? it’s sort of a must for me, to cover pores and make face less oily throughout the day 🙂
David didn’t mention Primer. Not everyone needs it (I don’t use a primer) but its a good idea for helping makeup last longer too!
Oh i love these posts! Esp the RMK one from the past! Can you do more of these tips from different makeup houses? Thanks !
Thank you Leesa! I’m glad you enjoy these and I am, myself, using lots of tips from the RMK post still! 😀 I’ll try to bring more, as and when I come across them or talk to the makeup artists 🙂
Interesting, I’d always thought base makeup should be applied from both cheeks, brought up to the forehead, above the lips, under the chin, and the remainder on the brush lightly dusted on the nose!
Nice to know that I am doing the right thing. =)
If I really have no time, then I’d just put the base, and apply the Burts Bees Pomengranate on the way out, as that’s the one that gives a lot of colour, and makes me look less sick.
If I have more time, I’d use a navy blue pencil liner for my eyes, and it really brings in the compliments. =)))
I thought the same way you did Jyoan! I usually start with my cheeks too. But I do still tend to use my hands a lot to apply foundation so my foundation application is a little different from David’s 🙂 Navy blue pencil huh? I’m going to give that a go 😉
Fun post! I love hearing tips from professionals! For me, blush, eyebrows, and lips are a must for me. I find that since the rest of the look is simple, even lip colors that aren’t sheer work and instantly pull the look together. And to frame my eyes in a pinch, I curl my lashes even without applying mascara or eyeliner; my eyes look bigger and I look like I have lashes this way. Thanks for sharing, Paris!
Glad you enjoyed this Peach! 😀 I’m like you – I stick to base, blush, brows and lips. I can easily go without eye colour but thanks for sharing the tip about curling lashes, even without applying mascara. I’m going to have to try that next time! 😀
I’ve seen that guy before! ^.^ He came to my college for some Clinique promo-talk in my first year of A Levels. heh heh heh.
Anyways, it’s good to know that I’m doing everything right now, heh heh heh. I keep things simple because I like to wear bright lipsticks, yay ! ^.^
LOL!! Did he share some similar tips then too? 😀 These tips would be very useful for students – forever rushing for time, I know 😉 Yay for bright lippies!
tightlining is a life saver! ^^
but you can also skip the liner by curling ur lashes and apply a bit of mascara.. 🙂
Thanks for the tip Jen! 😀 I will have to try just mascara and see if it makes a difference 😉
I love your makeup tips!! I still using the tips you did on RMK! This 5 mins tips is what I done as well but putting a concealer to conceal my dark eyes circles is a must though. ;))
Thank you Cynthia – I’m glad these tips have been helpful 😀 I myself am also using the tips I learnt from RMK and I love the effects 😀 Like you, I will also use a concealer although sometimes, you can use foundation as concealer too – that saves a little time 😉
I always thought to apply foundation/base upward so that you’re not pulling your skin down (even if gently). I’ll try it downward and see how it goes.
These tips didn’t include a section about concealing, which probably takes the most time in my routine.
I’ve recently been tightlining my eyes a lot. I really love the extra oomph! it adds while still being subtle. My eyes water often when I do it though. I think (or hope) this will lessen as I practice more. ^^
This is my first comment here and I’m a new reader, but I’ve really enjoyed your blog. The many reviews of Asian cosmetics has helped me a lot. Thank you! ^^
Hi Lumi 🙂 Thank you for your comment. When using fingers, I apply foundation upwards but when you use a brush, I think applying downwards gives a more flawless finish because you are brushing the hair according to how they grow and not against the grain. David didn’t mention concealer too but that might have been because his model had flawless skin. I would use concealer myself, or an extra dab of foundation where necessary as concealer. When tightlining, be very gentle and use a pencil that is soft and applies easily. Draw a quick line close to your lashes, not too far in against the waterline and that should take care of the tears – practice will make perfect! 😀
Thanks for the tips and the article link!
thanks for these helpful tips PB! great post! I sometimes skip the eyeliner too if I’m in a hurry… 🙂
Glad you found it useful Issa! 😀
How I do it:
1. Slick on primer/base (for a little bit of colour)
2. Concealer for undereyes (MUST)
3. Blush – usually creme
4. Loose powder all over
5. Lip colour on the run.
I skip the mascara/liner because I suppose I should be thankful my eyes don’t need much work – except for undereye circles 🙁
And as an additional step, I pump out a bit of handcream on the back of my hand so I can rub it in while waiting at the pedestrian crossing, etc. Usually the very last step after I wear my coat/jacket, etc. 🙂
That’s a nice quick look too! Blush is such a necessity isn’t it? I look like the walking dead without it sometimes 😛
indeed very quick 🙂
I usually spend abt 10-15 minutes on my face every morning inclusive of skincare application.. I’d apply my primer abt 5 – 10 minutes after I put on the moisturiser. My make up routine every morning is primer-bb cream-loose powder-blusher-lip balm-lip gloss… During special occasions, I’d wear my eyeliner and some eye shadow~ Simple, fast, and easy 🙂
I must confess that I spend at least half an hour to get ready from the time I get out of bed to the time I get out the door. And that is provided I don’t dawdle and mess with stuff on the way 😛 I like putting on eye colour on normal days – my eyes look much bigger and more defined but on weekends, I don’t bother much at all 😀
Thanks for the great post!
Thanks Jamilla 🙂
If i can use only one makeup item on my face, it will always be my eyeliner.
My eye lashes are rather sparse and adding the liner instantly makes me look fresher and more alive. Anyway not much chance of me just wearing the liner, i think your 5min makeup routine can’t get any more simpler and no one should have any more excuse that looking good is too time consuming.
Eyeliner can really make a big difference to the eyes! You’re right – with tips like these, there is never an excuse for anyone not to put on a lick of something on their face. The best part is natural makeup like this can really enhance one’s features too 🙂
Great 5 minutes post.. I am homemaker and blogger and I have no time to spend for beauty. But this post helps me to finish the makeup in 5 minutes. Thanks and keep writing…
Thank you Nirmala – I’m glad you have found this post helpful. 5 minutes is really all it takes to have a lovely barely there makeup look that enhances the features so there’s no excuse not to wear makeup anymore 😉
My stick foundation is a go-to whenever I want a quick base! Great tip about the finger test 😀 Haven’t heard that before.
My minimum makeup is my eyebrows followed by a generous amount of mascara.
I’m using a stick foundation now, and you’re right. Its my go to for a quick base too! I am very pleasantly surprised because I can even use it as concealer if I’m not fussed about having perfectly concealed blemishes 😀 The finger trick was new to me too – I just had to share it 😀
I’m always late so I will do the powder base, blush, eyebrows and my everyday lippie – doesn’t take more than 5 mins! To look a bit more made up I will just choose a stronger lip
Good tip on using a stronger lip! It draws attention, adds colour to your face and the brows will do all that is necessary to frame your eyes. Good call 😀
This is what I usually do too apart from eyeliner, I draw my brows either cause my eyebrows are next to non existent. Takes me around 7 mins?
Brows make such a difference don’t they? On a regular day I take at least 15 minutes to do a full face. Can’t walk into the office sans my eyes 😛
These days, I go to the gym before work. So these tips really come in handy!
I trade mascara for eye liner though.
After your rave reviews, I got me a tub of your highly recommended magic powder from USA. *Thank you, PB! People from Guerlain, are you reading PB’s blog?* My morning routine takes me 5-10 mins because I only use fingers for applying foundation as I think fiddling with brushes takes a longer time and there is no value added, as would tightlining eyelids. I only use liquid waterproof eyeliner, as pencils run awfully on my lower lids (how do you ladies avoid that?) and I end up with panda eyes. A beautician friend advised me ages ago to skip blusher during the day as UV + blusher = pigmentation, and I follow this religiously, so blusher is reserved strictly for after sunset. Mascara is for days when I don’t go to the gym, as I have yet to find a mascara that doesn’t run when I perspire, no matter what the blurb on the packaging says and how high-end the brand is. I like to use those liquid eyebrow liners from Japan as the look is more natural. A final touch of lipstick to match my dress of the day and I’m good to go. No time for eyelash curler though.
I love it that you love the Guerlain Meteorites as much as I do 😀 They do have a magical way of giving that bit of extra oomph! to the skin don’t they? I like using it on weekends or casual days over tinted moisturiser or a light foundation too – just pulls everything together 🙂