When I told you about the very pretty Tristam polish, reader Applegal mentioned about how awesome it would be to have a polish range named for the characters in the A Song of Fire and Ice fantasy series. You may not know the “A Song of Fire and Ice” fantasy book series written by George RR Martin, but you may remember the rage that was the HBO series last year – Game of Thrones. That was just Book 1 in this 5 book series (so far) and I look forward to the coming series.
Well lookee what I found, Applegal! 😀 The A-England polish that I would call “Lannister” or maybe even “Cersei”! 😀 Instead, its called Perceval (or maybe Percival) named after Sir Percival, one of the most virtuous and pious Knights of the Round Table. Ironic then, that the colour chosen for him would be a red like this one.
Perceval is a beautiful red that is just thrumming with life. Its hard to see in pictures, but when you look at the colour in real life, you will see the fire and life in it. A name like “Lannister” will definitely suit this one much better. The sigil of House Lannister is a golden lion on a red background and it is the most powerful House in Westeros and… I can just see the eyes of non-fantasy fans start to glaze over about now…. 😛