Of all the Spring releases to hit us in 2012, I will have to hand it to Dior for an overall beautifully executed collection. Their lovely 5 couleur eyeshadow palettes in particular deserve mention for the delicate and impressive eye for detail, as does their clutch. But if there is one item Guerlain pipped them at, it is in the powder.
It is no secret I’m a HUGE fan of the Guerlain illuminating powders and I think I’m going to be really silly and collect all of them as they come out. Guerlain releases new illuminating powders periodically in pressed and loose ball version and the Cruel Gardenia Meteorites illuminating pressed powder is the offering for Spring 2012.
Just look at that piece of art!
The Cruel Gardenia Illuminating Powder has a 3D flower rising up from the tub – absolutely breathtaking to view.
Whichever angle you look at it from, the powder is gorgeous. It is made like an intricate flower in bloom, and Guerlain has made it 3D so when viewed from the side, it literally pops out at you from the tub.
I must confess to a slight disappointment when I first removed the tub from the box. It is the black plastic tub that houses the previous Meteorites Pressed Illuminating Powders that I wasn’t quite enamoured by. It feels brittle and, if I might be forgiven to say this, cheap. I honestly do think Guerlain could have packaged this one powder in a prettier case, considering the Pressed Illuminating Powders have been discontinued – maybe they had spare cases floating around 😛
But packaging aside, the powder is a beauty to behold. In the tub, it is a pink-beige coloured powder with noticeable shimmer.
Left: swatched heavily twice Right: Lightly swatched once
A gentle swipe on a flower petal yields shimmer. Yes it is a shimmery powder, but hearteningly, not one that shows up overly shimmery on the skin. I ran a large fluffy brush over the surface and when applied to cheeks, you get a very subtle sort of highlight – but you will notice it. The shimmer is there. Just not chunky not overly sparkly. I prefer to keep it just on my cheekbones. However, if my skin is looking a bit dull as it is recently, a gentle dusting of it all over my face perks up the visage without me going “Oh look at me! I’m like a sparkly vampire!”
In many ways, this powder is unlike the regular Guerlain Meteroites powders, because it is more shimmery and more obvious on the skin. Regular Meteorites pressed powders are more matte. I had the opportunity to swatch the Chanel Poudre Universelle in Jasmin recently, and it is substantially more sparkly and shimmery compared to this one. So for a pressed powder, I’d prefer using this Guerlain version. Its also prettier 🙂
In a nutshell
An illuminating pressed powder in a breathtaking 3D flower design in the tub. The tub is plastic, and the cover screws on which I can forsee may result in accidents or chips on the flower. The powder itself is a pink-beige with shimmer. It is more shimmery than regular Guerlain Meteorites pressed powders. It works well as a highlighter and with a gentle hand, perks up the complexion…. provided you have steeled yourself enough to use it 😉
Pros: Beautiful design, Powder illuminates the skin if used gently dusted all over the face, The powder also can highlight if used slightly more on the cheeks
Cons: Limited edition, Plastic tub feels brittle
Oh the scent is much lighter than the violets scent in the regular Guerlain Meteorites powders. I read that the scent used is that of the Cruel Gardenia scent, which is one of Guerlain’s perfumes. I must go and take a sniff of the fragrance when I’m at the counter next!
If I were to compare the Cruel Gardenia Meteorites to the Christmas Belle de Nuit Meteorites, I’d say the Cruel Gardenia is more pink and less shimmery than the Belle de Nuit. On the skin, there isn’t much of a difference either way, because really, the colours are too sheer to make much of a difference and shimmer can be controlled.
This one releases mid-January at all Guerlain counters (next week eeks!!) but I will urge you to make a reservation because I’m told that stocks are very limited and I forsee them flying off the shelves. Oh wait, I don’t think they’ll have time to put them ON the shelves 😛 I had someone pick this up for me recently because I just couldn’t wait 😛
Are you eyeing the Guerlain Cruel Gardenia Meteorites powder too? Would you be able to steel yourself to actually use this? I suggest you do, because its as beautiful on the skin as it is to look at 😉
Paris B
Guerlain Cruel Gardenia Meteorites Illuminating Pressed Powder Price: RM185 Availability: Guerlain counters Limited Edition: Yes
That’s it Paris. You have convinced me…not that I needed much convincing since I adore Guerlain almost as much as you, but I am going to get this! I can’t wait to use it! Thanks for your awesome review & pictures!!
Thanks for coming by Pink Sith! 😀 I can’t wait for you to get yours and to read all about what you think of it!
I have all 3 original bebolas. Can’t wait to put my grubby fingers on this one 😀
Hurrah for Meteorites! Not the sort that crash to earth of coz…
Aaahh!! You’ve got it already! I have been stalking the Guerlain counter at Isetan Gardens only to hear this:
‘no it’s not in yet lah I don’t know when it’s coming in la’
+__+ and I don’t think I’ll be able to get this baby seeing it’s CNY next week and I’ll be out of town :'(
I think its officially here next week. I’ve got my feelers out too and will alert on FB and Twitter when I hear of its availability!
I’ve been wanting this ever since I read of its launch! I’m gonna call my brother or my sister in law every day to remind them to purchase this for me. Darn Guerlain, not available here!
Same here! Even here in the Klang Valley the Guerlain counters are very limited and its only by a stroke of luck that there’s one near enough to me to stalk if I have to 😉
Ooh, shiny! It is so adorable I want it on top of my workstation! Guerlain and Dior never fail to amaze me. Makeup is getting so much beautiful it is almost a sin to use it. Cruel indeed!
Yes indeed! Every brand is outdoing themselves in creating works of art – I can’t wait to see what other beauties they can come up with this year!
*does an excited dance* Can’t wait! This is absolutely gorgeous and such a glorious piece of art!
It is! It is! I’m surprised you could wait this long LOL!
That is beautiful! Definitely going to start hunting for this one – now!
I’m told in Australia its only coming out in March/April? A bit silly I thought but at least you don’t have to fight with the rest of the world 😀
Hi Paris,
Is this anything like the pressed powder in Rose Frais? I’m finally running out of it (after more than a year’s daily use…not bad huh?) and am devastated to find out it’s no longer available. Could you suggest an alternative or a close match to Rose Frais, even if it’s from another brand. Everything else looks too shimmery for an all-over glow. Am desperate. Thanks, Paris
Hi Krissy, Rose Frais has been discontinued in the Illuminating Pressed Powder Meteorites, but there is a replacement in the Illuminating and Mattifying Pressed Meteorites. Try Teint Rose – it isn’t as colourful as the previous one, but it performs the same/similar function. I’m supposed to have blogged about this LOL! Soon! 🙂
hi may i ask if i still need this one if i will buy les tendres chanel ?
Is that the Spring striped blush from Chanel? If so its quite different because this is not a blush but a face powder. Best to check it out in person and see if you need it.
krissy try the meteorites voyage, honestly speaking all the poudre the perles does the same effect