I’m not sure how many of you remember this, but on 1 Jan 2011, I issued you a challenge.
We listed down our new year resolutions for 2011 for posterity and tasked ourselves to see if we could stay true to them for 2011. For those of you who shared a resolution, how did you do? My resolution was to stay organized – did I succeed?
Well, yes and no 😛
I started out trying to use a daily planner. It worked for all of 2-3 months and then as is wont to happen, the planner got discarded and forgotten. I picked it up a few times in the year but it never really grew on me.
However, I started making better use of the calendar function on my phone to keep track of my schedules and appointments and that was quite a success. I blocked off dates as and when I replied to invitations and set up reminders and alerts so I didn’t forget what I had to do. When I did forget, it was usually because I’d forgotten to set an alert 😛
The mailbox on the phone (and a data plan) has also been very helpful in last minute searching for info for phone numbers, addresses and confirming venues. I don’t know how I could have gone through 2011 without a smart phone 😛 I do however need to be more organized when it comes to paying my bills.
In a nutshell, I kept part of my resolution for 2011, but I broke the part that said I would use a daily book planner. That just didn’t work for me.
Your turn: Did you manage to keep your resolution this year? If you’ve shared and forgotten what it is, you may refresh your memory here 🙂 Even if you didn’t share, did you keep to your resolutions this year?
Paris B
Hmmm… Let’s just say that resolution turned out as all of my past resolutions >.<
Maybe this year will be different 😀 keep at it!
All resolutions have expiry date of 3 days!
Cheers and Happy New Year, Paris!
Lol!! Indeed! Although i got it to last a few months at least 😉
Gah. I tried to lose weight. I really did try. *looks at food and then at the bulging tummy*
Hmm… Let just say I’ve got a food baby going 😉
Happy New Year Paris! 🙂
Weight is the hardest to shift, especially for one who loves her food I.e. me >.< but I'm going to try to stay the same, and not out on too much. Now that should be attainable 😉
I had to refresh my memory by checking out that old post. I wrote this: “Mine would be to be healthy. Which means I have to exercise. Not even exercise more, just bloody exercise”
Well, let’s see. I did exercise, which is a good thing. Thank goodness I didn’t say exercise more, ‘cos obviously that shot to heck 😛
Lol! Good on ya for keeping to the resolution, at any rate 😀
Like Tine, I too had to look back at the post to see what was my resolution. 🙂
Well, I guess I did achieve half of it since 2011 was a pretty good year to me and I’m so much happier now, but I still gotta work on the health part!
So, that’s 2012’s resolution for you : rinnah needs to get healthier! 😀
Good on ya! 50% is better than none, and here’s to a healthier you in 2012!
don’t remember any resolution ;P
but i know i have one fun one for 2012 – something which i have never done before my entire life… to take advantage of the Baskin & Robbins ice cream promo every 31st of the month! hehe…
yet, i wonder when i’ll lose weight…
Lol! I love your new resolution!!
Evaluation time! I didn’t join this challenge on your blog, but I do set my own goal at the beginning of 2011. Out of the five goals I set for myself, one has been cancelled; two achieved (one of them is beauty-related); the rest are still underway. Can I call it a good year? Not quite sure.
Hey I’d say 2 out of 5 isn’t bad at all, especially when you have one still underway 🙂 sounds like its been a good year for you!
I don’t think I set my goals down last year, but I entered 2011 determined to leave my old job and find a better one. Overall, 2011’s been so good to me I want to take it out to dinner and drinks. Been a better year than my wildest dreams could have foretold… =) well, maybe not my WILDEST dreams.. but beyond my reasonable ones…
Sounds like 2011 has been an amazing one for you and I’m sure there’s only better stuff to come!
NOPE! 2011 was a big #epicfail for me. I didn’t set any beauty goals but promised to improve my time management skills and try not to be late for work. Alas, it’s gonna be 2012 very, very soon but I think I’m still as bad as I was last year, if not worse. :X
Oh dear! Never mind time to buck up for 2012! I battle time all the time too and it really takes a lot to stick to timetables… But it helps 🙂
Does it count as a New Year’s resolution if it wasn’t made on New Year’s day? 😛 My resolutions were all made throughout the year, and although 2011 didn’t start out all that great, it certainly ended on a fantastic note! 🙂
I just realised I hadn’t actually chronicled my resolutions for the past year – should probably make that a resolution for 2012! 😛
I didn’t have an official resolution but I managed to avoid beauty warehouse sales last year in 2011! Yay! (save money)… but I did buy some stuff online (still, it was less than what I would’ve spent at warehouse sales) 🙂
HAha I didn’t go for any last year too – is it my imagination or were there markedly fewer? I do shop online more though which I love because its just so convenient!
i don’t think i have made any resolutions since the last few years because I seem to be horrible at keeping them.
and usually i’d forget them as time goes on LOL, so no resolutions for me this year too. eh, is that a resolution for me not to keep resolutions anymore? 😛