I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there’s no two ways about it. I’ve heard the rumours going around that Vichy Laboratoires is pulling out of Malaysia and so I sent out my feelers to get the official word.
And its true.
Vichy Laboratoires is in fact pulling out and will be gone from Malaysia by March 2012. Waahhhh! 🙁 I’ve found some gems from the brand that I will miss very much. There is stock clearing going on at the Vichy counters, I’ve heard, where they have Buy 1 Free 1 on products and the like. I checked out one counter but it was basically wiped out so if you can get your hands on anything, here are a few things I like.
Vichy Eau Thermale Facial Mists (review and an older review)
I have a few cans lying around and I carry the small cans when I travel to freshen up. I know there are other brands around so perhaps I’ll finally give Avene a go 😛
Vichy Normaderm Deep Cleansing Gel (Review)
This is a bathroom staple and I want to stock up on as many tubes as I can get my hands on! Problem is… every counter seems to have run out. Guess everyone had the same idea I did 😛 I think this an awesome awesome face cleanser and I will miss it dreadfully.
Vichy Normaderm for busting breakouts (review)
I only managed to discover this excellent combination for busting breakouts… only to find I will no longer have access to 3 out of 5 items. Disappointed? You can say that again! 🙁
Vichy Aqualia Thermal Serum (Review)
Another product I discovered recently that works well for me. The Aqualia Thermal serum is for hydration and works to boost the efficacy of moisturizer. It works a treat and is a good alternative to the Estee Lauder Hydrationist serum. Now that its going away, I guess I’ll have to go back to Hydrationist 😛
There are a few other products I’ve come across – Normaderm Total Pore Resurfacing Essence and Purete Foaming Cleanser come to mind. I also used to be a big fan of the Vichy UV Activ sunscreen but they reformulated it and only carried the tinted version. A friend bought the tinted version and it didn’t suit them so they gave it to me and I use it on days when I just want a light tint of colour on my skin in place of foundation. It still does a pretty good job.
These are the few products I use regularly from Vichy which I will miss from the brand. The official word is that Vichy is a brand sold primarily in pharmacies and dermatology clinics through advice from pharmacists and dermatologists. The dermatology market in Malaysia is still relatively underdeveloped and so the brand has not been able to fulfil its true objective. I personally thought it carried good products for the price even if there was a perception that it was pricey. Nothing very good comes cheap.
Perhaps when the local market matures, we’ll see Vichy return 🙂 Until then, its Au Revoir! It’s been lovely getting to know you.
Is there anything you will miss from Vichy? Have you tried any of their products while they were around? I suppose if it stays on in Singapore, I could always still get my fix there 😛
Paris B
The official word is that Vichy will be fully withdrawn from Malaysia by 31 March 2012
WHHAAATTTT????!!! I love the matt moisturizer… oh my… it change my skin 360!
aw.. :(((
Yeah its unfortunately true. Time to pick up some back ups?
Oh dats bad!I wonder y they’re not doing well in Msian market, it should be equally good to RoC skincare too.Perhaps the price?Many of my friends are using the Normaderm range, guess they have to find other alternatives as well.
I actually think ROC is more pricey yet its still around. I’m not sure what the actual reason is, but the line I was told is that our market just isn’t reasy 🙁
Arrghh! Oh no! I haven’t been pharmacy browsing for a while now, is there anything left to grab?? o_O Vichy, Vichy… why? Why? 🙁
Caring Pharmacy in Subang Parade still has the buy 1 free 1 promo 🙂 i just got my cleanser and hydrating care last night!
paris, i saw Caring in Sungai Wang still carries the cleanser and quite a few more left too 🙂 I love the Tri Activ and the Normaderm Nuit and the pore resurfacing essence! Sad that it’s leaving, but we can always get our fix in Singapore? They aren’t pulling out from there too right?
I managed to pick up the cleanser in BSC 😀 Picked up the last two there LOL! I think it should be available in Singapore but I’m not sure.
I’m freakin sad now, I have used their concealer since I was in school. I kept on buying cause it is really good in covering and healing any blemishes. Now I have to find other brand to conceal them 🙁
Hey, I also like Vichy very very much! I am so sad when I know it’s gonna pulling out from Malaysia!
I never knew that Vichy will be pulled out of Malaysia until today. this is the BEST product I ever used. also very savvy. I went to Guardian just now to restock my facial wash and was told it is not available in Malaysia anymore. I thought the SA was joking with me. soooo sad! now I have to try something else (I hate to experience the same thing again!) until I can find something as good as Vichy.
Hey Paris,
I really love the Vichy purifying cleanser and I only know that they are not in Malaysia any more from reading your post. FYI, I have been using the same your Breakout Buster minus the Body Shop face wash. How odd is that! =) Do you any face cleanser that is as great as the Vichy? Let me know.
Hi Syila I actually have not found any face wash as good for breakouts as the Vichy one. I know, sad right? I did manage to stock up before they pulled out but once I’m done I might be getting my stocks from Singapore instead 🙂
i’m the latest to know this just yesterday.vichy normaderm was my holy grail to oil control. if u want alternative to best oil control, you can opt for “all day no shine sebum balancer” fr Ampm can be purchased from naruko.com.my this is really a all day no shine from 9-6 at least. will try their naruko oil control range also. will update it on my blog.
for oil control, majiami fr big watson store also not bad.
Hey, I know I’m super late to comment. But do you know where to get Vichy products online? It’s not possible for me to go all the way to Singapore to get the products. Thanks!
Afraid not, sorry!
Well it is 2020 now and i am now only reading this after looking for Vichy products last week. it is good that they brought back La Roche Posay to Malaysia. Still getting my Vichy 89 serum from Singapore. Hope Loreal brings back Vichy to Malaysia