Hi Ladies
2012 is almost upon us and with it will come more challenges for women at work and in life. If you feel stuck in a rut, not sure and what your next move should be, thinking about starting your own business or taking your business a step further or perhaps feeling just a bit like you’re not up to facing what lies ahead, then this empowerment seminar might just be it for you.
The seminar is brought to you by women’s lifestyle website Emmagem.com which is owned by a friend and successful woman entrepreneur in her own right, together with Peniagawati and will be held in Kuala Lumpur at the beginning of the new year. What better time to get things in order and on the way to a successful 2012 eh? 😉
You can read more about it here, and the sign up form is here. The early bird price of RM298 is valid until December 16, 2011 so if this is something you might want to participate in, you have till then 🙂
Paris B
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