I know some people don’t go for regular facials, but when you do go, do you always go to the same facial salon all the time? Or do you salon hop?
How about if you are a facial regular? Do you prefer to stick to just one? Arguably this applies to all beauty salons – facials, spas, nails, hair… are you loyal?
I am a little bit of both. I like to salon hop, to try out different facial salons, but I also have a regular salon that I go back to most of the time.
I sometimes like to hop around, because you know, the grass is always greener on the other side. I’m always a little curious about what other salons might offer, or how the different treatments are or can be better for my skin. I was trying out new salons through group deals previously, but that was clearly a non starter after the early crappy experiences.
I sometimes pick up first time trial deals at facial salons, especially if its a salon from a brand I’ve been wanting to try, or if its a salon that uses a brand I’ve been wanting to try. Sometimes, I go back after my first trial e.g. Escentials Urban Retreat salon. I went back twice. I do the same for spas. I try the first time trial price and then decide if its worth going back for more.
But I also stick to a regular facial salon for more regular facials. The Kanebo International salon is one I’ve been going to for years and years so I always feel comfortable there, and I know what to expect out of the whole experience. Its nice for me to know that I have a regular place I can go back to after I’ve been on my jaunts around the other different salons. I’m less loyal to spas because I’m picky about my masseuse and I never seem to get the same one twice if she’s good 😛
As for hair salons, I am loathe to salon hop. Hair is something I’d rather not experiment with although I will have to say that sometimes, the curiousity does get the better of me 🙂 I don’t do my nails so nail salons aren’t on my radar.
Your Say: Do you salon hop? Or do you prefer to stick to just one salon?
Paris B
i used to be quite loyal to my hairdresser and facialist, but lately i’ve been skivving off the facialist because it’s ridic expensive.
Where do you go for your ridic expensive facials? I rarely stray from my hairdresser. The past 2 times I did was for someone just as good if not better, but also pricier so it was harder to keep up 😛
this place in TTDI and they use darphin. i realized that my skin didn’t look too worse for wear if i maintain it properly. also i’m getting quite annoyed at hair cut prices these days…and i don’t know any good hairstylists anymore. 🙁
I’ve heard a lot of good things about Darphin actually but I’ve never really tried their stuff. A decent haircut these days is definitely pricey but I have to, with short hair. With longer hair, its easier to be a little more lax
Quite loyal. Same salon for past 10yrs. Basically due to my own laziness.
I stick to my usual hair salon, but i’m looking for a new one because the owner got too snooty! >.<
I hate it when that happens 🙁 Hair is such a sensitive thing too!
Since I just moved to KL (ok, so not just. I’ve been here for about 6 months already) , I haven’t found a hair salon that really suits me. Cutting my hair has become some sort of a traumatic experience for me now as I haven’t found a stylist that I like and actually understands how to cut my hair without having me reduced to tears (yes, I am very very attached to my hair. LOL). So after 6 trims at 6 different salons, each with its own horror story, I have pretty much decided that whenever I go back to JB, I would have my hair cut there with my usual stylist. But if in the case of hair treatments, I can pretty much do it anywhere as long as it is a reputable salon that uses L’oreal or Kerastase products.
In terms of facial salons, I am a loyal customer of AsterSpring. I used to frequent the only AsterSpring in JB, but since moving to KL, there are soo many different AsterSprings’ that I am pretty spoilt for choice. So no problem in the facial department for me. But I do have a tendency every now and then to try out a new facial salon but no other facials has produced as quite as a good result for my skin like the one’s from AsterSpring. Dermalogica products just work very well for me.
I know exactly how you feel about your hair! I used to drive all the way from KL to Subang to have my hair cut because I couldn’t find a stylist here. But now that I have, I’m not straying! At least I know when I go to my regular hair salon I’ll look in the mirror at the end of things and see someone familiar (or better) looking back at me, not some stranger 😛 I went to an Aster Spring salon once, but it didn’t impress me. Perhaps it was because the lady kept the door open which really bugged me. Good to know its your regular salon though because there are tons in KL 🙂
i am a hopper for all services 😉 but but my regular facial saloons is always the place that i go to knowing that it’s safe & they won’t break my face
Yes I think we’re the same. Hoppers 😛 Except I’m loyal for hair
I have my regular hairstylist but I just recently tried Kerastase’s treatment at another salon because my regular salon does not carry Kerastase. I’m a facial virgin though, never had the guts to try out facial salons. Quite an embarrassing fact in my mind!
Oh Kerastase treatments are such luxury treats! My regular salon doesn’t do Kerastase too so if I want to have it, I’d have to go to another salon. I don’t think its embarrassing to never have been for a facial. Before you plan to go, make sure you ask around for recommendations from friends. They’ll be the best people to tell you what to expect.
I used to salon hop for a hairdresser A LOT, since 9 out of 10 hairdressers has no idea how to deal with my hair (oily, thin, and there’s not a lot of it). Recently though I’ve finally found one who does and is careful and patient while doing my hair.
Good to know your salon hopping did the job! Hair is a very delicate thing and finding a hairdresser that will do a good job isn’t easy!
I’m a half and half. I am loyal to my hairstylist because I love that he knows what I want and can manage my hair to give me an easy to care for style. And right from the start, he wasn’t pushy like other stylists in constantly urging me to perm/color/highlight/treatment. In fact, he doesn’t recommend anything unless I ask for it! So yes, very happy with my hairstylist. 😀
Facials on the other hand, I haven’t really settled down on any one salon. I never go back for seconds or thirds because they’re so pushy in trying to make you sign up for packages.
But I do go back repeatedly to places that give pretty good massages and train their therapists to use the same style so I’d more or less know what I’m going to experience.
Oh yes! I used to have a hairstylist I liked but he was terribly pushy! Still, I stuck because he was really quite good. I think I helped put his kid through college 😛 This present one doesn’t push me for anything and still gives me a good cut, so I go back 🙂 I’m terribly picky about massage places. Masseuse turnover is always so high and I rarely get the same person I want regularly.
Extremely loyal due to multiple reasons as listed below:
1. I’m a sloth
2. I’m a chicken and stick to what works
3. I’m extremely lazy
4. Did I mention it already? I’m extremely lazy.
A good reason as any! 😛
I do have a regular facial salon, which I have been loyal to for 5 years. Reason is I feel much comfortable having the same BA, who understands my skin well and my preferences. ( I dislike having to repeat my skin condition to newbies :P)
Of late, I have tried to venture out, trying different salons to see how their performance fare. Some are good but some way below expectations. I developed some allergy ( on my face ) by one of their products…and they didn’t even compensate me! Due to that unfortunate incident, I resort going back to my own facial salon.
For spas, I am definately a hopper.
So sorry to hear you developed an allergy to products. I’m very scared of trying new salons too because of this but I try to stick to salons that use reputable products. This is why I don’t go to a lot of smaller salons because I just don’t trust their products. I’ve been going to my regular facial salon for over 5 years now, at least! I still stray though 😉
Yeap I am loyal to my salon but then, I had to find new one coz my hairdresser balik hometown la… it happened to me like 4 times. 🙁 So I got fed up and just cut my hair once a year [yeap you read it correctly :P] at those 15 mins for RM15 ones 😛
As for the rest, I never done facials, never gone to spas, never done my nails… I have this thing with ppl touching me 🙁
You must have really long hair! 😀 but you know, if you can get a trim at just RM15 a year I think that’s good value for money hehe… 😉
I generally stay on the length of my package, I’ll renew if the beautician is good n I like the salon, it’s comfortable when they already have your record and they know your skin well. But I find myself itching to try a new salon by 2 years tops hehe 😛
I’m always itching to try, so I go for those first time trial deals and see how I like it. Sometimes though, its just too pricey to sign on a package at some of these salons so I don’t unless they give me a deal I cannot resist (rarely)
For my hair and facials I have a salon I am loyal to 🙂
My hair is done in Pertama Complex (Yes, all the way there) by a lovely family who owns a salon there and have been since 4 years ago. They always know what kind of cut and colour and perm that suits me/my face shape/my hair type/my needs and wants and are never pushy, so it was a good choice 😀 Prices may be a bit on the steep side, but totally worth it for me. My facials are done by my cousin, who owns a Cellnique salon in Desa Petaling (Again, quite a distance away from where I stay) and she does a good job for me too. She never pushes or recommends products unless I specifically ask her, and I get discounts 😛 I’m loyal to both because they understand what I need and want, and they do a great job so I’ve been sticking to them for years.
As for manicures and pedicures, I tend to salon hop because I haven’t found the “one” yet 🙁 I tend to bring my Mum along because she loves manicures and pedicures, and she’s a bit fussy because she prefers the “old style” of cuticle trimming despite it being bad, so yeah 😛 Am still on a lookout for that one.
Haha you sure do travel around for your treatments! But I guess if it works, why not eh? After all its not something you have to go for every week 😀
Yeap, I do have to travel around unfortunately (And the routes there can get really jammed up sometimes), but like you said it’s not like it’s every week so it’s worth it after all 😀
like makeup.addict, i’ll be moving back to kl soon. and already the move is stressing me out. it took me eons before i started my facial & hair dressing regime when i first moved to jb bcos i wasnt confident i’d find a good beautician & hairdresser. a friend recommended hers, and i havent looked back since. not only does my beautician give great facials (which doesnt break the bank. weeee!), she’s also a wonderful hairdresser who understands my oily, fine hair well. i’ve been loyal to her services ever since. the thought of having to start from scratch in kl is giving me goosebumps 🙁
i’m also loyal to my spa as there’s not many good quality indonesian spas in jb.
If its any consolation, there will be lots of places you can try in KL but its probably no consolation if they can’t give you the service you want. I must say making a big move is always traumatic without having to find new hair and facial salons on top of all that!
I salon hop until I find one that I’m extremely satisfied with. This happens quite frequently because I travel often or move every few years. I definitely like to stick to a place and build a relationship to the location if I’ve had received exceptional service!
Service is I think paramount for all of us 🙂 I do think it’ll be easier to get good service in Japan though – or is it like everywhere else? 😀
I like sticking to the same person for facials or haircuts if I’m comfortable with them. I’m more careful with any service above the neck where the effects are more long lasting cos I’m worried if a random facialist or stylist will screw up my skin or hair. Then I have to spend months fussing over the ‘mistakes’ to get it back to normal.
As for hair treatments and blow dries, am not fussed. Same goes for massages and the like. I salon hop in those cases.
I like what you said – that any service above the neck needs more attention! Good one! 😀
Still hopping around for good facialist. Currently with Origins at the moment and the atmosphere is pretty nice & comfortable.
Itching to sign up for the Murad Facial though. xp
I haven’t tried an Origins facial! Come to think of it, I haven’t tried much of anything by Origins. Where do you go for your Origins facials?
Hi Paris,
Normally go to Origins outlet at the Gardens. Am trying to find a similar environment like the origins but to date no luck. The rooms are cater to 1 person 1 room and me likey the comfiness of it. =)
Ooh I didn’t know they do Origins facials there! Thanks I’ll take a look 🙂 I tried a Kanebo one there once and I’m itching to try a La Mer facial 😛
I’m like you, I stick to my regular. But now am open to trying out new facial salons especially when they have good starter deals. I salon hop with massages but definitely not hair salon. With hair, it’s just too risky!
Definitely stick with the hair! I’m always looking out for first time facial deals especially at salon I’m eyeing like pricey places like 128 Faubourg 😛
I’ve been going to the same salon for 10 years! They also have a medi-spa, and I get my hair done there, as well as massages, reflexoloy, facials, etc.
Wow! Now, that’s loyalty for ya! 😀
Hi Paris – could u recommend a good foundation for oily/ combi skin?
Is the new laser focus foundation by Clinique good? What about she emura’s skin fit fOundation?
Hi Chin I haven’t tried the new Clinique Laser Focus foundation. I’m told its more meant for mature/dry skin. I tested the new Shu Uemura foundation recently but haven’t had any thoughts. I don’t have very oily skin but I have found that the new Dior Forever liquid foundation is quite good at oil control and staying matte for the most part of the day. You can also try the Lancome Maqui Miracle Blanc if you can find a colour match and Shiseido Perfect Refining foundation. I also like the Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum foundation (not available in Malaysia yet) which is light and works well. These few foundations are the ones I use most often and you can check out my reviews here.
Thank you for yr suggestions- as always u are a wealth of beauty info & will help me save a ton of money by avoiding “trial & error” purchases!!!! TQ!!!!!
That’s because I take the trial and error out of your hands! 😉 But thank you, I’m glad to be of help and I hope one of the suggestions help you too!