So, from this morning’s escapade through the Shanghai Museum, you’d have gathered that that was my holiday destination this past week. It was the festive holidays here, and it was a good time to get away. I didn’t shop much while in Shanghai.
Ok I lie a little. I shopped A LOT but it was all from Marks & Spencer as there was a big sale on, and the prices were so cheap (RMB49 – RM25 for a pencil skirt! OMG! ) I could not resist. So I have returned with a brand new work wardrobe and am very happy for it. I didn’t think you’d want to see a sea of black and grey, so instead this is my tiny little beauty haul.
I only ended up getting the Pantene Clinicare Time Renewal shampoo and conditioner in China – mainly because I’m a little sceptical about authenticity of goods (sad but true fact), and because I needed a shampoo and conditioner while I was there. It worked very well for my hair when I was using it, and I rather liked it, so I do hope to see it here soon.
I transited at Changi Airport, Singapore, where I purchased 2 random items.
A Guerlain Aqua Allegoria Bouquet Numero 2 (travel exclusive) fragrance which I liked when I tried it on my way out, and I picked it up on my way back. Its got a light and slightly zingy citrus opening which mellows down to a more floral rose base. Its a pretty fragrance and reminded me of the Annick Goutal Petite Cherie which I am dying to have a back up of, but this is much cheaper.
I also picked up a travel exclusive Biotherm Travel Recharge moisturizer which they say is formulated for frequent travellers. I was upset with my pizza face so I was desperate to try anything. The texture is light and siliconey and when I applied it at the airport after washing my face, it did seem to help my skin feel more moisturised. However, the strong scent is quite off putting. I’m now grounded for a bit so I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it 😛
That’s about it ladies. A tiny little haul as I promised, because admit it, we’re all voyeurs 😉 I don’t know how interested you are in any of them, but if you are, let me know and I’ll share my thoughts on them as soon as I can 🙂 I do need ideas for a vacation destination for my new light trench though. I’d freeze into an ice block in winter but I reckon it could handle some late Spring or early Autumn chill. Taking in suggestions 🙂
Now, lets get over Hump Day already! 😀
Paris B
Speaking of travel beauty hauls, I went to HK with the intention to purchase a few bottles of Softymo cleansing oils as back ups. I went to different Sasa’s but I couldn’t find any. I found the yellow Deep Cleansing variety at a mom-and-pop store, so I got a bottle even though it was 52HKD (compared to the 48HKD I paid for the pink one at Sasa Feb this year, 4HKD more haha) Could it be that they’ve phased it out? Or was I just unlucky that all Softymo cleansing oils were out of stock? I was really panicky my entire trip. 🙂
*gasp* No more Softymo cleansing oils??!! Horrors! 🙁 Perhaps they just ran out *fingers crossed*
I really hope they’re just waiting for a late but huge shipment! I practically run on Softymo cleansing oils now. With any luck, nest time any of us go to HK, there’ll shelves full of the stuff 🙂
Let’s hope so then! I don’t know when I’ll go to HK next though. A visit is overdue – I need my fix of good food!
Actually I think they may be phasing them out =( They’ve got this blue foaming version out which I haven’t tried yet but will let you girls know how it goes when I do.
YES paris, when you coming OVER? =D
Oh nooo! How can they phase out something so good (and cheap)?! At least the pink one works well too so I hope they don’t phase that one out too 😛 I haven’t made plans to go to HK yet – am thinking of hitting up the cooler weather towards the end of the year 😉
Yes Paris, go when it’s cooler! I swear, it was so hot I felt like my face was melting. None of my make up stayed put either!
Let us know about it Kahani! There were other brands of cleansing oils in the spaces where Softymo used to be. I remember a Dove one, if I’m not mistaken.
OMG I went to HK once in summer and it was typhoon season and I was caught out in the rain during an amber alert! It was horrible but the sales are soooo good!
Izit true? Coz i jz bought 5 bottles of each colour a month ago in HK Central at Bonjour. There are still a handful of them around in every Sasa and Bonjour!
Hey Hanyi! I checked out a few Bonjour stores too, including a big one in Causeway Bay. No Softymo either! So sad 🙁
oh so sad! I guess its lucky me though…Coz before that i still blaming myself for buying too much….^^
That’s all the damage you did at Changi? I was expecting more. 😛
Sadly yes. I was too tired – had a 3.5 hour transit after a 5 hour flight, and after sleeping only 4 hours. I thought I did well all things considered 🙂
I LOVE Aqua Allegoria! Pampelune is my fave!
I tried Pampelune and I loved the initial scent but it turned funny on me 🙁 Else I’d have gotten it immediately
the perfume sounds amazing! i LOVE rose scents rmbr!! thanks for the rec
It IS amazing! 😀 Do take a sniff the next time you pass by duty free
Good on you for scoring the M&S stuff! RM25 is darned cheap for M&S and I adore their skirts and trousers! They’ve got curves where I got curves 😛
And I like how you’re thinking of travel destinations to match your trench. LOL
I know! RM25 is dirt cheap. I could hardly believe my eyes and like you, since I have curves where perhaps I shouldn’t, their bottoms fit me very well. Tops are debatable since I don’t have as much curves where I should 😛 Its crazy right to think of where to go next? But I just have to put my new trench to good use 😀
That Guerlain bottle is gorgeous! I was given a sample of Annick Goutal Petite Cherie at a department store and loved it…and then was shocked at the price! I had no idea!
Oh Annick Goutal. I had a mini heart attack when I learnt the price too. Its delicious, but so is the price. This Guerlain one is a reasonable substitute 😉
M&S clothes are dirt cheap for the price that you are paying.
Do you mind sharing what have you bought. I am running out of ideas on what to wear to the office.. *Yawn* Boredom
I love the clothes that you posted the other day on Banana Republic. It is way above my budget to use as work clothes.
I bought a shift dress and a few (ok a LOT) of pencil skirts. Very boring stuff honestly. I’ll try to take some pictures and share them soon 🙂 I find M&S a little pricey despite the drop in price, so I usually shop them here during the sales. But there is always that risk of looking a bit “aunty” with their casuals so I’m a little wary 😛 The Mad Men collection is gorgeous right? But as you have pointed out, not budget friendly at all 🙁
Yes, it’s gorgeous but pain in the wallet…
Any substitutes of such similar design in any of the brands that I may have overlook and easy over the wallet? Plus, no need ironing.. a lot of requirements yeah!?!
Hmm I don’t know of any off hand. Will suggest waiting for sales though. Their quality isn’t bad but I’d only pay sale prices. Also, fitted shift dresses tend to look good only if they are tailored so there will be a need for ironing sadly. I hate ironing too!
Great wee haul you have there. Wonder when I can haul from Asia…. 😛
“Wee haul” Your Scottish roots are showing, lassie! 😉 I’m sure you’d be able to do an Asian haul soon – any plans for travel to this part of the world?
Hi! One of your lurkers here 😀
I think I saw the Pantene Time Renewal at Watson’s Aeon Setiawangsa. I bet the larger Watson’s would have it as well.
RM25 for M&S is definitely cheap. Even on sale, it’s still RM150+ for a long skirt here D:
Hi Layen! Glad to see you delurk 😀 Thanks for the info about the availability of the Pantene shampoo! Am glad to know its here so I can replenish. Its not bad!
Hi dear, the Pantene shampoo and conditioner is available in major Watsons store. Don’t go to those Watsons store, they might not have it 🙂
Hi Celine! Thanks for the info! Glad its here. Did you mean that the smaller stores may not have it? Was a little confused for a moment heh
Yes, I love Petite Cherie too.. my first was Eau d’Hadrien, very fresh! I also liked Gardenia Passion, which Annick Goutal first gained fame for, but it was too strong for me. i ended up liking Marc Jacob’s Gardenia and Michael Kors perfume later though.. but I have to say, Michael Kors sometimes reminds me of coconut oil somehow, lol
Nice prices for your MS haul!
Mmm You have me wanting to bust my wallet trying more Annick Goutal! 😀 I will have to stop by the boutique some day and see if I am willing to part for a back up bottle of Petite Cherie – Its going too fast! 🙂 And thanks, I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the sale prices at M&S – who can resist eh?
Pantene Clinicare is a decent line from them….I was a fan of it till I got itchy to try other products but I would choose this if I were tavelling too.
Hi there! Thanks for letting me know about the Pantene Clinicare range. I was surprised that it was quite nice but I’d probably be like you and itch to try something else later too 😉
I’ll suggest to go to Vietnam. 🙂 ho chi Minh or Hanoi.
Very fast development. Nice cheap food. Cheap currency as it is pegged to Usd.
They have big dept store brands like Makeup Forever in hcmc. 🙂
Thanks for the travel suggestion Shay 😀 Does HCMC or Hanoi get chilly? My memories of both cities are hot, hot and er… hot! 😛 I guess in the worst case scenario I could make a fool of myself going up to Cameron Highlands LOL!
Hcmc wld be similar to sg. The cooler place is dalat. Very nice…Hanoi is cooler at year end as it is near to china.
Mmm… who knows. That might be a good place to be too – cheap, as you have pointed out 🙂
The pantene clinicare shampoo is now available at Watson.. I bought it last month.. Around RM25 i think…
Thanks for the info Pearly! I’m glad to know we have it here too. I can’t remember how much I picked mine up for – perhaps a little less but at least I don’t have to make a special trip to China to get it LOL!
Same here! When I was in.China, I saw them selling Vidal Sassoon shampoo n conditioner atthe pharmacy. Then I thought to myself the same thing, whether they’re real or not. It was only abt RM 10 or so. One yr later, saw them on our local shelves at the pharmacies for abt the same price.
Its sad that its come down to this isn’t it? I’m less wary of the bigger places like Watson’s but I’d never buy cosmetics from a small pharmacy. Do you know I actually saw a little store packed full of slimming teas and slimming pills? I was horrified!
eh, clinicare is here d, in watson, i remembering seeing them here, though am not sure if this particular one you bought is here or not 🙂
and i expected you to haul at least a blush! but nada! 😛
Nope, no blushes to be had 🙂 And I saw the Clinicare range at Watson’s yesterday so yes, I can confirm that its here!