I teased you with Parts 1 and 2 of the new J’adore Dior commercial and here it is in its full entirety. It was launched to the world in Paris just yesterday but due to some technical glitches, I’m only getting it today. Still, do watch it and keep an eye on the backstage scenes.
Who else can you spot besides Charlize Theron 😉 Oh and keep your eye on some of the dresses. Sublime I tell you!
The new J’adore commercial was filmed in the Galerie des Glaces or Hall of Mirrors at Versailles Palace by Jean-Jacques Annaud. The commercial may be new, but I don’t think Dior is tinkering with their signature fragrance in their signature bottle. J’adore is a bit of a strong floral fragrance, so I personally feel its not a young lady scent, the way Miss Dior Cherie is intended to be. Its a matured scent for a matured lady who has seen something of life and the world and is able to appreciate what she has 😉
The by now classic J’adore fragrance bottle was inspired by an amphora and the figure 8 dresses designed by Mr. Christian Dior – small waistlines and full skirts. Notice in the video that Charlize Theron is fitted into a gold lame dress that looks just like the bottle – high neckline and gold threads. I think her silhouette looks like the the bottle too. Erm… sans the bulbous bit at the bottom.
If Dior continues making dresses the way Mr. Christian Dior did before, I think I, with my hippy hips would have no problems fitting into one of his creations. Well, except for the wasp waistline which I do not possess 😛
If you’d like to read more about what goes on behind the J’adore fragrance and the J’adore film, do head over to this mini site and enjoy. I did 😉
Paris B
p/s Did you spot Grace Kelly, Marlene Dietrich and Marilyn Monroe backstage at the Dior show? They were all fans of Christian Dior and I love how these classic Hollywood icons were given a nod in this short film 😀 I also think I spotted Natalie Portman (new face of Dior) and maybe one or two more familiar faces but with my celebrity blindness, I can’t be certain 😛
rinnah says
I’ve always liked the scent of J’Adore since it first came out. Time to go dig up that bottle and start wearing it again! 🙂
p.s. I loved the dresses! And the women, so elegant.
ParisB says
I love the whole backstage scene thing. J’adore was a little matured for me the first time I sniffed it, but its starting to grow on me. Sign of age I guess 😛
Marina (Makeup4all) says
I really love this video and was happy to spot “Grace, Marlene an Marilyn”. My Mum is a big fan of J’adore actually 🙂
ParisB says
Oh yay for spotting them all! I spotted Marilyn Monroe only. The rest were more of “She looks like… someone familiar” 😛
Hanny says
How did they make them 3 goddesses of women appear in the ad, I wonder.
ParisB says
Lookalikes? 😉
xin says
eh? i tot i saw madonna. LOL
love the dresses! but i can’t say so about the fragrance. although the bottle design is really timeless, but the scent is not something tht i fancy =/
ParisB says
LOL! You sure you didn’t mistake Marilyn for Madonna circa Vogue? 😉 I think you’re just too young for the scent la Xin! 😉
giddy tigress says
Oh my! I totally LOVE this commercial! Rarely does any commercial wow me away, but this one makes me wanna go get one of these perfumes. I’m not really into *heavy* perfumes like Opium though, but not sure if this is like that…
ParisB says
I think the whole golden atmosphere at Versailles adds to the mood no? As does the lovely ladies backstage. No harm taking a sniff the next time you’re out and about 🙂
Sukie says
That’s one amazing commercial! This is making me want to buy J’adore just for the sake of it. :s Not good!
ParisB says
LOL! Then consider the commercial a success!
windchijmes says
I had already finished a bottle of J’adore and still loving the smell.. After watching this commercial made me wanna go out and get another bottle…
I am right now with Issey Miyake
ParisB says
I found Issey Miyake too light on me and after I got about halfway through the bottle, the scent started making me feel sick 🙁
mrsdjones says
Thanks for sharing this Paris! I am a HUGE fan of J’adore! truly feminine scent and I fall in love with it since I was in high school. What to do, I am an old soul 🙂 hehe
ParisB says
Yay for J’adore and you’re right – its a very feminine womanly scent.