Hello Ladies!
I have a confession – don’t we all? 😉
I almost never comb my hair in the mornings. It helps that I have obedient hair that falls into place quite easily so I run my fingers through it and I’m done.
There we are. A random confession from yours truly.
Have a confession you want to get off your chest? Please feel free to drop a note below (anonymously if you prefer). I will not judge and neither should anyone else. Its a free for all in here! 😉
Paris B
My secret confession?
I have this weird thing going on where I have to have the nearest parking spot to the exit of my uni, or I’ll freak out for the rest of the day. This means reaching uni HOURS before classes start.
For me I go to Uni HOURS before classes start due to unavailability of a parking spot… any parking spot! >_< So I have to spend time going round and round and round the parking area waiting for someone to leave 🙁
Im same as you, except that i dont comb my hair at all. My hair is waist length and usually i’ll wrap my wet hair in a towel until i finish applying my skincare and let it down to air dry.
I’m always running short of time after gym, so instead of washing my hair I cheat with dry shampoo. Gosh, those stuff are wonderful!
Hey Honey, can you recommend what brand of dry shampoo is good? Thanks!
Hi Lily, just checked your blog. You have 2 girls! I have 3 kids 🙂 I discovered dry shampoo during my confinement – ‘Comfy’ brand sold at baby section. But last year I found Fudge dry shampoo which is in aerosal form. Luv this! Can be purchased at Shins.
Thanks Honey. I must go check it out!!
I don’t comb my hair either! And I confess that I have to check my reflection on any reflective surface that I come across. 8D
LOL! I don’t sometimes. The fingers works well enough as comb. Its not as obedient as yours I suppose cuz sometimes it still needs combing but I can survive well without a comb for awhile. My friends have said that they can’t live without a comb. They’d bring one everywhere they go. What puzzles me is…they have straight hair…haha!
I can’t survive without a comb.. my hair is too frizzy. My secret? I procrastinate in the mornings, so I get someone else to drive while I put on makeup et al in the passenger seat!
Only in the morning? I don’t comb my hair, period haha!
First confession: same as yours, I seldom comb my hair in the morning.
Second confession: my straight, obedient hair is fake through many years of rebounding.
Third confession: I spend obscene amount of money (abt S$500) each time I go to a hair salon. 😛
I seldom shower in the morning before going college.. especially if the class starts earlier than 10am… =P
My confession:
– The comb I use is actually meant for animal grooming. I got it at a pet store for S$6.50.
Prior to getting this dog comb, I seldom combed my hair as I find that the more I comb, the more flyaway hair I have. And it seems more fizzy after I comb it. Then I realised my comb had seams. I have been stripping my hair for years without realising.
After that, I went to check out seamless combs and was shocked at the price. S$16.90 for a comb! So I went without combing my hair for a few months (I still brush though).
When I was at the pet store getting food for my hamster, I saw this metal pet grooming comb. Upon closer inspection, I found out that the comb has rounded teeth (gentle on the scalp) and it has no seams. Very smooth. The rest is history. I love my new comb. Haha!
Sometimes I don’t comb my hair in the mornings too! 😛
Confession: just had a particularly dry, unfruitful 2-hour meeting at work this morning, and I daydreamed through most of it! =X
I don’t wash my coffee mug with soap; I only rinse after drinking & re-rinse with boiling water before I make a new drink. ^^
Here goes…. I love walking down shelves and shelves of books in the library (the older the better) as I think I’m addicted to the musty smell of books *nerd mode switches on*
Confession #1: I don’t trim/shave/pluck my eyebrows. I have been told since I was a child that I was not allowed to due to some “religious” reason, so I have never done it.
Confession #2: I have to wear at least powder (My usual) even when I am not going out.
I don’t comb my hair either. Just use my fingers. Because I curl-ed it not too long ago XD
I don’t comb my hair either. It looks better uncombed. Haha!
Confession 1 : i wipe my fingers on my car seat/walls/jeans after applying lipgloss. uh..
Confession 2 : i LOVE picking blackheads out of my face. its very seldom, but when i do get to pick out a nice big one i stare at it for a few minutes, and then back at the place i got it from, cos i am amazed my pores could hold that.
hehe … i also hav these disgusting habits …
i constantly put vaseline on my cracked lips … and the remainder umm … i m too lazy to wash off, i wipe them on my dry ankles!
whenever my beautician picked out blackheads/ whiteheads, i ask them to show me all the gunk … yes, the horrifying output! so that it put me off so bad, it forces me to have a clean-beauty-diet for the following week …
o n i don’t comb my straight hair too .. the more i comb, the more hair comes off!!
my one most horrifying obsession is .. altering my clothes … i like my clothes to be different from the ones in the store … sometimes friends ask me what label i m wearing, i just duno what to tell them!
haha i, too, alter my clothes, but not because i want to be different, but because i have a very short body, and long legs – like a stork..so i have to cut all the shirts i buy. >.<