Kiehl’s, to give it its full honorific is Kiehl’s Since 1851 and when you do your math, that makes them 160 years old this year. Before it became a worldwide phenomenon, Kiehl’s started out as a little apothecary (pharmacy) in the East Village of New York, giving personalized service to their customers.
To celebrate 160 years in existence, from a little pharmacy to having stores and counters worldwide, Kiehl’s has packaged four of its historical formulas which are customer favourites, in elegant limited edition black and gold packaging. Interestingly, out of the 4, I have only ever tried one – the Ultra Facial Cream and even then, I prefer the new Oil Free Ultra Facial Gel Cream 🙂 Still, here are some details on this items.
Original Musk Oil – Since 1963 RM150/50ml
Kiehl’s says that this “love oil” is a cult classic. The Original Musk Oil is believed to be the first musk scent to be offered to the public and has remained popular as a unisex scent. Funny, I’ve never come across this one before, have you?
Ultra Facial Cream and Lotion – Lotion since 1960s Cream since 2005 RM190/125ml
The Ultra Facial Lotion is a Kiehl’s favourite. This lightweight face moisturizer is popularly used among Hollywood makeup artists. The Ultra Facial Cream, a thicker version of the lotion went on a Greenland expedition to the Arctic and kept the explorers’ skins chap free. I don’t think many creams can make that claim.
Calendula Toner – Since the 1960s RM135/250ml
This is a toner I’d been wanting to try for a long time. I went to the Kiehl’s store intending to pick it up once, but the sales person talked me into getting the cucumber one instead. The Calendula Toner is derived from handpicked Marigold flowers and is known for its soothing and refreshing properties and for toning oily skins. Perhaps the oily skin element is what told the SA that it wasn’t for me since I’m not exactly an oil slick.
Now, which of the 4 Kiehl’s classics have you tried?
Paris B
Kiehl’s New York Heritage 160 Year Anniversary items are available at Kiehl’s stores and counters from 24 August 2011
Me too..I loved their Ultra Facial Oil Free Cream. I had tried a sample of their Calendula Toner, smells wonderful but it breaks me out! Eeek!
Eeks indeed! Perhaps we just aren’t meant to use that Calendula toner 😀
Eeeek. I see the word oil slick. That’s what I am. Hmmmm. I’m running out on Clinique’s toner too. Should I hazard a breakout and try it?
Well Kiehl’s is generous with their samples, so try asking for a toner sample and see if it works 🙂 I do like this black and gold packaging though. It looks terribly lux!
musk oil? hmm am not a fan of anything musky =/ but their labels look really…vintage and classic
I like the labels too! But from the comments so far and looking at the products they just aren’t suitable for me 🙁
Unfortunately I’ve not tried any of those products…and while they are generous, hmmm…the one in Penang gives me *looks* when I ask for samples….but I am thickskinned so that’s okay 🙂
Do they look at you? Well look back at them lol! Its a brand policy and if you’ve bought from them before they shouldn’t be so stingy
I’ve tried calendula toner. I would say that there is nothing much to hype about it. It’s juz like water. No difference at all. It juz felt refreshing when u spritz on the face. I transferred it into a spray bottle since I like my toner in spritz form. Other than that … Nothing much to comment. It’s freaking expensive here in Singapore as well.
Thanks for sharing Ash 🙂 I guess I’m not missing much!
Woot woot~! TEmpting lah… 😛
I’ve tried them all other than the Musk Oil! Yes the Calendula toner is very drying for me so I only use it on my blemish (to speed up the drying process) hehe!
Guess drying isn’t for me then! I was taken mostly by the flowers in the bottle haha!
My Hubs loves the Ultra Facial Moisturizer – I hope it doesn’t cost more for the fancy packaging!
Hmm now that you mention it, I don’t know if the prices are different!
Ooh, I have the Ultra Facial Cream which is waiting patiently for me to use…
I found it too thick for me but perhaps in your weather it’d be perfect 🙂
Hhmmm…I’ve never picked up a Kiehl’s before. What’s a favourite?
Oh I like quite a few things – Midnight Recovery Concentrate, Ultimate White Exfoliator, Ultra Facial oil free gel cream to name just a few 🙂 I’ve run reviews on them at one point or another or you can view Kiehl’s reviews here too. 🙂
I’ve only tried the moisturiser. The lip balms are my favourite, followed by avocado eye cream.
Eeps! I didn’t like the lipbalms LOL! But I guess they aren’t their #1 bestseller for nothing 😀
i’ve tried both lotion and cream. i think the lotion is thicker than the cream.
tried the Calendula Toner before, i find nothing special about it, and it’s more expensive that the other toner on same size…
I’m using the calendula toner. my face is combination oily T zone and dehydrated on the cheek. Now I’m on second bottle 😀
I like the ultra facial oil free cleanser also 🙂