I’m not quite sure how or why I turned up at the Johnson & Johnson Acuvue launch for their new contact lenses, except perhaps for the promise of a good luncheon 😛 Ever since my epi lasik procedure years ago, I’ve had no need for any assistance in the vision department, wonky as it might be from day to day. However, this might be useful for those of you who are wearing spectacles and thinking of trying contact lenses, or who are already wearing contacts.
The new Acuvue Advance Plus contact lenses can be used for up to 2 weeks before discarding and changing for a new pair. They promise to be very comfortable and are designed for new contact lens wearers who might have been afraid of wearing contacts due to the perceived discomfort.
Personally, I was wearing glasses for many years and in that time, I did try to wear contact lenses. However, I used to find contacts uncomfortable. I had to wear prescription lenses and they were thick and quite uncomfortable and my eyes felt very dry after a few hours. It was expensive and I hated them.
There was once when I had to pull an all nighter at work and I forgot to bring my glasses to work, and it was torture! My eyeballs felt like they had shriveled up into raisins and yet I could not remove the lenses because I was effectively blind with no vision aid. After that episode, I never went back to wearing contact lenses. Perhaps with all the new advancements in the permeability of the lens, as in the Acuvue Advance Plus, perhaps I might have switched over back then instead of going around in my heavy inch thick glass lenses.
They look pleased with their Acuvue contact lenses 😛
The Acuvue Advance Plus contact lenses can be used for up to 14 days (you do have to remove them at night, but you do not have to toss them as you do dailies) and comes with UV protection to protect your cornea (not a replacement for sunglasses but a great excuse to get a pair of trendy sunnies! 😀 )
If you are already an Acuvue user, you might already be familiar with the brand. If you have been considering switching over from glasses to contact lenses, I suppose this is always one to consider 🙂 I have eyes that have been “reborn” so I’ll be skipping trying these 🙂
Paris B
Acuvue Advance Plus Contact Lenses are available by prescription at most major optical shops and retail at RM69 for a pack of 6 contact lenses or 3 pairs or 1.5 months wear
I usually stay away from contact lenses as they make my eyes so dry and itchy! I wonder if they sell these lenses over here. Hmm…
I’m sure they will 🙂 I hated wearing contact lenses when I had to too. Pulling really long hours at work didn’t help one bit!
I wore contact lenses since I was 14 years old and I’m glad to say I don’t need them anymore. Thanks to the LASIK surgery… that was about 6 years back, I believe… and my eye sight is still good =) It’s one of my better decisions. LOL!
You said it! I am so glad I went ahead with my decision to undergo Lasik.
Gosh I used to put up with my dry eyes and tortured myself daily with my contact lenses until one day I actually developed eye lense ulcer which I would have to undergo a minor operation if it does not heal. It took a very good doctor to help me and got me long hour daily lenses that I am good again. My glasses always give me a headache if I wear them too long even though the power is tuned for me.
Ouch Reese that sounds painful and dangerous! I’m glad you found a solution to your problem but ouch!
I just went to read about your post on epi lasik! I too have very bad eyesight (1000 degree in each eye), astig negligible (think ‘just’ 50 or so). I’ve never seriously considered lasik until recently, due to my long-sightedness setting in which resulted in me not being able to wear contact lenses. Plus I’ve visible floaters now too–very “disruptive” but have gotten used to them. Haha, a whole myraid of problems as you can see! My glasses were glass too (heavy!) and I made them in 2 or 3 pairs at a time cos I’m blind without them. I was thinking with my severe myopia, with lasik, I might need to go back to wearing contact lenses as the chance of under-correcting is high, no?
Hey AT I have “floaters” too! They aren’t serious but they are there and I’d gotten used to them too. I thought it might get worse after lasik, but it didn’t which I’m very thankful for. I also had a thin cornea and bad eyesight with high astigmatism. Quite a lot of problems too 🙂 I’m not sure if Lasik can cure your problem but if you are thinking about it, it doesn’t hurt to get a consultation and ask a reputable clinic that can give you better advise than I can 🙂
Hi Paris!
I’ve worn contacts since I was about 18, and have always been quite happy with them. I did try Acuvue at one stage but the type of silicone hydrogel used to manufacture Acuvue lenses made my eyes water and swell up endlessly. I had to switch to Bausch and Lomb.
Hey ksuan! Thanks for sharing your experience! I guess as with everything, different products just suit different people – glad you found a brand that suits you 🙂
I wear contacts but I despise Acuvue. For me, the protein keeps building up on the lens surface and it is very, very uncomfortable. I now use Bausch and Lomb heh heh
That sounds awful. That might be what the dailies are intended to solve 🙂
I need to get my eyes tested, but don’t like the idea of glasses fulltime, so this post was very opportune!
I’m glad it helped you 🙂 Glasses can be a right pain!
I still prefer dailies.
One box can last a long time was you don’t have to wear them everyday. Plus the acuvue moist dailies are really good. Kept my eyes hydrated. It’s way better than focus dailies.
Plus the idea of not having to clean your lenses every night and waking up to a fresh clean pair is…. Words cannot describe the comfort.
Anyway, I would like to go for Lasik as I get older. My degree isn’t that high, being 125 in both eyes.
Oh with your low power and if you have no problems, lasik would be a cinch! 😀
I wear Accuvue Varifocal daily disposables and they are very comfy! I am beyond Lasik because my reading vision has gone, and you can’t correct that with standard laser surgery.
Sigh… I dread the day that happens with me!
This sounds interesting, I might have to check it out. Though I have bad astig, may have to see if they do them in toric lenses. I wear glasses, but occasionally wear contacts. I like the Acuvue dailies so far, but this sounds pretty good. Must get a free sample first 🙂
I used to wear toric lenses and I hated them because they were so thick 🙁 I don’t know if these come with astig but best to check out with the opticians 🙂 I do think dailies are so much easier to handle though.
I wear Acuvue dailies, and always keep a couple of spare pairs in my purse in case I get grit in my eyes, or they dry out in strong wind/air conditioning and I need to change out my contacts.
That’s a great tip for contact lens wearers Diana, thank you! 🙂
oh i just bought acuvue oasys which is also a fortnightly lenses. would u know if this will be replacing the oasys?
I’m afraid I don’t know Nia. I had the impression this is an addition to the Acuvue line, not a replacement.