Some of you might have noticed a couple of new offerings being trumpeted from Estee Lauder recently. They are additions to the popular Estee Lauder Idealist range and both are quite quite intriguing.
I was first intrigued by the Idealist Cooling Eye Illuminator after reading Jamilla’s review of it. Depuffing action? Cooling action? Concealing? Yes please! 😀
I had the opportunity to take a quick look at them during the launch recently and I gotta say that both these new products have got my attention. This from an ex-Idealist pore refining serum user too 🙂 (psst! You could win a full size bottle of the Even Skintone Illuminator serum if you partake in the Ideal Skin Hunt – deets below and I’m rooting for an MWS reader to win! 😉 )
Just quickly, the Idealist Cooling Eye Illuminator is an eye cream with a ceramic tip. This tip when pressed against the skin helps to cool it down and depuff eye bags. Gotta give this a go after a bad night yes?
This eye cream allows you to use it as a concealer and it also has illuminating qualities thereby helping to instantly brighten the eye area. Interesting yes? I thought so too.
The other product launched is the Idealist Even Skintone Illuminator which, as its name implies, evens out skintone, minimizes imperfections and acne scars and lifts dull skin within 14 days. 14 days! Seriously? I’d definitely be interested to take a look at this one only because it sounds so promising. I believe the illuminating effects are evident partly due to the particles in the serum.
If you peer really really closely, you can see a slight iridescence to the Idealist Even Skintone Illuminator serum. It exists. And so naturally, there is an obvious brightening effect once you use it. Blogger Nadia has already tried it with very good results so naturally, my interest is more than a little piqued 🙂 If I do try it, you can be sure it’ll make an appearance here!
Both products are already available at Estee Lauder counters but you stand a chance to win a bottle of Even Skintone Illuminator by taking part in the Ideal Skin Hunt on 30 July 2011 (Saturday).
What you have to do is spot Marion Caunter (above) Estee Lauder ambassador for Malaysia anywhere in the Klang Valley on 30 July 2011, go up to her, answer a question related to the Idealist Even Skintone Illuminator and if you answer correctly, you win a full size 30ml bottle worth RM240. Clues of her whereabouts will be on the Estee Lauder Malaysia Facebook page so you have to be a fan and follow it to find out where she will be and what the answers are. I do think it will be quite worth your while 🙂
I’ll check in soon with my thoughts on the Idealist Cooling Eye Illuminator. I hope I like it 🙂
If you have tested or tried either product, bearing in mind they are both new in the market, please feel free to share your thoughts. Or perhaps you are at a loose end in KL on 30 July and would like to partake in the Ideal Skin Hunt? 😀 I hope one of you win a bottle of the Even Skintone Illuminator – if you do, please come here and let us know! 😀
Paris B
Estee Lauder Idealist Cooling Eye Illuminator comes in 2 shades and retails at RM225/15ml and the Idealist Even Skintone Illuminator retails at RM240/30ml and RM350/50ml
I’m still undecided about the serum but I love love LOVE the eye illuminator 😛 Great for long nights and tired eyes 😉
Ah must definitely give the eye illuminator a go then! 😀
I have a sample of the serum to claim this weekend, yay!! doubt it will last me 14 days but something is better than nothing, yes? But the hunt is only in the Klang Valley? No fair! 🙁
Sadly yes, its Klang Valley only. I read the sample lasts just 5 days but I was also told that results can be seen quite quickly. Hope you like it!
I got this in NYC. But I have not used it yet. It feels very siliconey to me. Not sure how it will work out.
The serum? Or the eye illuminator?
I was rarely drawn into estee lauder’s product but these 2 makes me want them so much! arghhh! They are going to burn holes in my pockets!
I have passed EL by for a while now but these sucked me back in. Sigh… women and promises of clear skin eh?
I am really loving the Eye Illuminator – a lifesaver when you’ve got bad hayfever!
Great to know that Jamilla! I’m definitely giving it a go!
wow… talk about coincidence! i was googling up the price of the product for the past 20 min or so and was frustrated that i couldn’t find it until i suddenly realised that i haven’t yet checked your blog today 😉 thank you thank you…
alamak… so expensive lerrr… the eye product, i mean. i thought of checking it out tomorrow but seeing the price *sigh*
Haha… fount of wisdom I am 😛 I also thought it was so pricey 🙁 But see if you can score a sample to see if it’ll agree with your skin. I don’t think they give samples for the eye cream but they should for the serum.
Reading your blog is bad for my purse…I want everything!!
i agree with Ling 🙂
I agree with both Ling and Juan!! 😛
Haha… don’t we all eh? 😉
Paris – I was CRAZY over this product when it first launched here in the states and of course I had to get myself a bottle. I’ve been using it for over a month now and it has definitely helped even out my skin tone. Some of my brown spots have lightened somewhat but not gone completely. It feels nice on the skin but for some reason it kinda balls up once its dried. Plus like you said in your blog, there is a slight shimmer to it which I guess is for reflecting off light. I don’t think I’m going to repurchase after I use up my bottle as I already ordered the Paul & Joe Intensive Whitening Essence which is supposed to do the same thing… which is sad b/c I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of the other Estee Lauder products!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I’m glad to know that it actually does what it says – makes me want to give it a go even more! The silicone texture is a little off putting but I guess I”ll have to see how it goes if I do try it.
Aaaa! I’m game for anything that helps me look less tired, and my interest was piqued when I saw the advert in a magazine 😀 Might wanna give it a try!
lol same here – anything to make me look less tired!
Hhmmm have to try the eye illuminator but a bit pricey. Wonder if it’d be similar to Origins ginZing…
Not familiar with the Origins one (for some reason I don’t get Origins but perhaps that just me) but I have to agree about the price thing. Very painful on the pocket! But perhaps wait till they have GWPs or department store voucher promos before indulging 😉
You can read my review on ginZing here:
I do find it lacking somewhat… but can’t put my finger on it 😛
I’m currently trialling this eye illuminator too and so far loving it! That slight glow and shimmer really helps with brightening the eye area. Life saver for late work nights! haha…
Thanks for the plug, PB!! Hope you’ll love the serum!!