Ladies, I’d like to introduce you to the only undereye concealer/highlighter I’ll ever own – Dior Skinflash Radiance Booster Pen!
It is the best I’ve used in its category, and I don’t give this title to just any product y’know 🙂
Is this an undereye concealer? Well… not quite.
Is it a highlighter? Not quite either…
What it is for me, is a sheer undereye concealer that has highlighting properties so the eye area looks brighter, perkier and as a result, so do you in general!
The thing is, I hesitate to call this an undereye concealer, because if you have serious dark circles, you may find that this isn’t sufficient. It doesn’t offer full coverage although it works well enough for me. It doesn’t hide lines nor does it hide much of anything. What I find it does, is offer a little coverage but importantly, add radiance to the eye area. If I have a particularly bad day, I might even conceal with another undereye concealer first, and then add a swipe of Skinflash to add that extra zing. Most of the times, just swiping this on and blending it in with my fingers is sufficient.
Dior Skinflash Radiance Booster Pen – Left: 002 Candlelight 006 Golden Glow on right (limited ed)
It comes in a clicky pen mechanism, which is love or hate really. I’ve now gotten so used to it I can control the amount that comes out but it will take practice. The brush is soft and gentle on my skin even if there is that wayward bristle as you see above. It isn’t stiff and pokey like L’Oreal Touche Magique and much more importantly, it does not stink like YSL Touche Eclat!
I’ll say here I did not like the YSL Touche Eclat at all. Sure, its a similar sort of product, but it did nothing for me and it really stank after just a few uses. The Dior Skinflash however, does not stink at all, a pen lasts me quite a long while (its been about a year with regular use and I’m just about to replace it) it conceals my undereye shadows, it brightens up my eye area, and even doubles up as a highlighter for cheekbones and nose bridge, if I feel like it!
I use it most regularly in 002 Candlelight. Its a beige based colour that is still quite light. I think it comes in 3 colours.
Dior Skinflash swatches – Left 002 Candle Light, Right 006 Golden Glow (limited ed)
You can just about see that 002 Candle Light disappears into my skin. It isn’t crazy glittery, its not too opaque and it is seriously a dream come true for faking that “Hey there! I’m perky and wide-eyed and raring to go!” look. 006 Golden Glow is a limited edition colour from early this year. It is more shimmery, and has more golden tones so it is actually a little more obvious on my skin.
I can’t wear 006 for the undereye because I thought it looked a little odd, so I wear it as a highlighter and its the perfect highlighter for me to travel with! One swipe down my nose bridge lifts and defines my nose, one swipe each on my cheekbones lifts and gives me nice looking definition, and I sometimes highlight around my eye area to draw attention 🙂 006 isn’t a must have, but if you can get it, its good to have.
002 Candle Light however, is a must have. I most certainly can’t do without it! 🙂
In a nutshell
A lightweight formula that offers concealing and subtle highlighting for the eye area. It may not cover very dark circles. It also doubles up as a highlighter for the face. It is something I can’t do without!
Pros: Offers cover for under eye shadows that aren’t too drastic, Subtle highlights and adds radiance to the skin, Eye area looks brighter, Pen does not stink like YSL
Cons: Clicky pen mechanism can be a little hard to control sometimes, Initial outlay is pricey
The shiny metal pen looks tres elegant but is however, a bit of a problem. Its slippery (there’s no grip) and I find that if I have been messing around with foundation prior to that with my hands, I get them all over the body of the pen which makes it look quite icky. Still, its going to be my 2nd repurchase because I just gotta have it!
You know that thing everyone calls a HG (Holy Grail)? Yeah, here’s mine 🙂
Dior Skinflash Radiance Booster pen has been around for a while. If you love it or can’t see what the fuss is about, do share. Ain’t gonna sway what I think 😉
Paris B
Dior Skinflash Radiance Booster Pen comes in 3 shades and retails at about RM120 each at all Dior counters or on
I’ve been using this for almost…7 years since it was launched in Paris? 😀 Awesome, Touche Eclat is nowhere near this!
And I use 002 😀 I need it when I don’t have enough sleep etc…it erases the fatigue signs like a magic wand!
I agree, this is magical for me too! YSL was so meh I don’t even know why I bothered.
Something new to try – Estee Lauder’s Idealist Cooling Eye Illuminator. It’s similar to the Skinflash (okay, I’ve actually never tried the Skinflash, so I’m just comparing it to your photos :P), and it has that gorgeous glow too 😛
I have that one somewhere 😀 Will run this head to head with the Skinflash and see how it goes 😉
I’ve tried these both too and the ysl and guerlain version. Guerlain version is pretty good too!
Eeks! Guerlain has one too? I like most things Guerlain so this I gotta see 😀
RM120 isn’t terribly expensive for a multi-tasking darling! and you had it for a year? good value for money! only rm10 a month 😛
Haha no I don’t think it terribly pricey to be honest. But the initial outlay can hurt 😛
Oooo!! This looks interesting indeed!! ^.^ I think that this may not work for me due to the darkness of my dark circles and my skin though…
well one never really knows till one tries 🙂 I find concealers can only do so much. We sometimes need a touch of highlight to reflect away light from the dark circles and that reduces the appearance 🙂
I recently bought Nars Multiple in Copacabana and wonder if it does the same thing? I fell in love with it after testing it in HK but have not used it since returning. Hmmm… time for experimentation!
Copacabana is more of an overall highlighter I think. I recall it being a little sparkly. This one’s actually meant for the undereye as a concealer-highlighter thingy 🙂 But if Copacabana can do it, great! 🙂
noooo!!! just when I was thinking my wallet would be safe this month – now fingers itchy to go check it out… :p
Haha! Look in duty free! 😉
Wow ! i have a thing for Radiance pen! I am using the Body Shop version of this and I’m liking how it brightened my overall look! I agree with you, if you’re looking for big time undereye circle cover, you won’t appreciate such products with sheer coverage!
I haven’t tried the one from The Body Shop but an inexpensive option I’ve tried and still use from time to time is the L’Oreal Touche Magique. I find the texture in that one thicker but it does the job. This won’t work for serious circles, as you’ve pointed out, but for the majority, radiance pens like this really help boost the use of concealer so we look all perky! 😀
hah! i KNEW it! rmbr me asking u to get this more than a year ago!!!! u were reluctant! i claim er….claim something anyway! i love it too, amazing how long it lasts right, and how it manages to highlight even tho it isnt full coverage NOR shimmery NOR pinkish? amazing! me heart!
Haha… Yes I think I do remember you telling me I HAD TO HAVE IT! hehe…. Its an amazing little pen and I love it! I tried checking to see if it was on sale at the warehouse sales but it wasn’t Boo! *cheapskate* 😛
wow, this is very easy to use….maybe, i’ll have to get something like this pen! i usually use a highlighter from the tube. thanks for sharing…
Its super easy to use and it works very well. As Nikki suggested, you can try a similar sort of product from The Body Shop or if you have it, L’Oreal Touche Magique. I’ve only tried the L’Oreal one and it does the job in a pinch.
thanks for these suggestions! 🙂
I love this too! It’s such a great lift to our complexion and I agree. It’s a must have!
Its a magic pen! 😀
anyone tried the clarins one too?? I think it’s cheaper! thinking betwee. either of these… and I think Chanel came out with one too!
Almost every department store brand has one actually 🙂 I haven’t tried any others but I’m very happy with the Dior one for now. I may try others, but it will always likely be in addition to and not in place of Dior 😉 Still, if others have thoughts on the other brands, do feel free to share 😀
yah… I know… it’s like the bb cream trend… latest I saw neutrogena has one too…
Lol! BB Creams are everywhere! They’ve infiltrated every corner of the cosmetic market
I have the lancome eye bright bb base for eyes. SPF 50. Its ok but a big tube and cheaper. Can do a comparison if you are interested enough to try??
Thanks! And incidentally linked to my other post as well where you nicely answered quite a lot of my questions hehe… 😉
This sounds interesting. I have really bad dark circles so I doubt this will be enough for me but it sounds great to perk up the eye area on bad days.
Oh yes, its definitely great for perking up the eye area! 😀
Ack, now I feel like trying it after reading your review! The last and only undereye concealer/highlighter I’ve tried was the L’Oreal Touche Magique, and the brush was really stiff and pokey. I don’t have serious undereye dark circles (OK, unless I went for days with minimum sleep) but would appreciate some added radiance or “boost”, so I have to try this! 😀
If you liked the idea behind L’Oreal Touche Magique but not the brush (same as me!) then you might like this one. The brush is much softer and the texture of the product is also better but the principle behind it is the same 🙂
Eeeeeee then I definitely must try it! Erasing signs of fatigue is a must when meeting people! 😛
Yeah – that “dead man walking” look just doesn’t do it for me LOL
I´ve been using Touch eclat fron YSL for you.It really makes my eyes so awake!! The bad point is that It is a pretty clair.Is it better this dior pen?I´d like to try it.Do you recommend me?
If you like Touche Eclat this is similar so you do not need both. I like this one because I do not like Touche Eclat
i just had my upper and lower eyelids done, and since then, have dark circles unde my eyes, ay ideas how to cover them donna
Hi Donna, it sounds like you need a better concealer. Try using a concealer e.g. Diorskin Nude layered with Skinflash and see if that helps? Also the pro tip in this post on where to apply concealer first might be useful too.
I would like to ask how does this compare with nars creamy concealer in terms of longevity and brightening effect.
This one isn’t a concealer per se, more of a highlighter so if you want to conceal then the Nars one is better.