I’m sure we’ve all been there.
We meet someone lovely, and pleasing to the eye… and we want to get to know them more… and then something he/she does irks you. Something you just cannot stand.
The deal-breaker. The one thing that turns you right off. What’s yours?
My big peeve is sitting across from someone chewing with their mouth open. And chewing noisily.
I love my food so its no surprise that my deal breaker centers around the dining table haha! But seriously, I find it very hard to sit across someone who is chewing with their mouth open. Its off putting to me on a personal level, and also kills my appetite to see half masticated food being processed *shudder*
To be fair, some people don’t realize its a problem, or how it might irk others dining with them. If its someone I know well enough, I do tell them to please chew with their mouth closed. But if there are no sparks on a date to start with, this is one thing that will definitely turn me off and send me running in the opposite direction.
What about you? What’s your deal breaker?
Paris B
People with too long fingernails – both guys and gals…for guys it’s the sight of untrimmed nails you know have been there for 3 weeks or more…for gals it’s those overly long talons they seem to think is sexy. 😛
Ooh now that you mention it – dirty fingernails eww!
smoking is a deal breaker for me xD i really cant stand cigs (no offense to anyone who smokes. ive met very nice ppl who smoke–i just really cant stand the breath and smell of it and i want my man to be healthy 🙁 )
and i kno this sounds shallow, but i really cannot have a guy shorter than me. im only 5’1 and if a guy is shorter than me then thats not good xD
LOL I won’t judge k? 😉 I don’t do cigarettes too. I always remember this slogan I saw once “No one wants to kiss an ashtray” – how true!
i can’t stand people who chew their food loudly and make all sorts of funny noises in their throat, or people who burp loudly. it makes me almost violent
LOL “almost violent”?? 😉
Dealbreaker: not holding a conversation but rather a monologue. No p’s and q’s really tick me off.
Oh dear yes I have to agree too. Manners (or the lack of) tick me off. And it sucks when you have to be the one holding the conversation.
In my previous team, there was this new person who seemed really nice at first! Then we realised that she just kept on taking and taking our snacks without offering to replenish our stash! :O And we’re not talking about one or two packets of mamee which is perfectly fine, she’s a constant snacker who’s known to devour 5 packets of snacks at one go on top of sweets and chocolates :O Needless to say after seeing her true colors we all kept our snacks in our drawers! >..<
When it comes to dining, i can’t stand people who talk with their mouths full! My friend was a victim of one such person… her arm kena mayo + lettuce bits from a guy who couldn’t keep his mouth shut when he was devouring his McChicken! EWWWW!!
OMG that … that is AWFUL!!!
OMG a chronic snack thief!! I hope she got the hint once she no longer had snacks to steal?
For me it’s smoking though I equally dislike ppl who chew with their mouth open. For me, this list could go on forever because I have a terribly long list of pet peeves orz
Sigh~ The right one is so hard to come by 😛 Sometimes I really think I brought it upon myself
Haha… I have to agree with you. But we all have our idea of what’s ideal – but if I can’t bear to eat with someone then whats the point really? 😛
Mine would be people that are always trying to sound as if their more modest than all others, but they’re actually taking a stab at you.
Ooh thats awful! Or those who try to sound modest but are in fact fishing for a compliment? 😉
1. Strong B.O – at least put some effort during a date to smell nice.
2. Foul language – a real turn off when a woman curses like a sailor.
3. Unwashed hair – i’m 5’11” so i’m at least a head taller than most of the women i have dated. Just a whiff of the smell of unwashed hair makes me nauseous. even worse when it’s before a meal.
Good tips Uruz! Take note girls! 😉
I cannot tahan it when people:
1. burp – I don’t want to smell that half-digested mutton curry from your stomach! Yikes!!!
2. slurp – no matter how tasty the udon is =.=
3. talk with the mouth full / chew loudly
4. not letting the others to finish their sentences
LOL! I had to laugh sorry but I have to agree with everything too 😛 Or how about people who don’t listen?
Hahaha. Love this post. I think I just told you mine the other day :p BAD BREATH!!! Really cannot tahan >.<
Haha we all have our deal breakers m’dear and in close proximity, bad breath is a strict no no!
erm… I think it’s the burping which annoys me the hell out of it. I have this colleague that whenever he finishes lunch, he burps the LOUDEST, like as though he’s all alone in this world and no one cares. Problem is, we get so many stares each time and he always laugh about it! Talk about thick skin!
Oh dear… he enjoys his food too much… or he needs to work on his digestive processes 😛 The worst is when they aren’t even aware that it might irritate others around them.
Nuff said. Almost everything else can be fixed with enough determination =P
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love this comment! 😛
LOL! I gotta agree. Bit fixing anything implies an interest to take on a DIY project which for me, if its a dealbreaker, I’m not even hanging around for 😛
I know a lot of people do this, and I’m going to cop a serious amount of flak for this, but I really don’t like it when people use their mobile phones at the dinner table (text, surf, etc). As much as I can, I turn my phone to silent whenever I’m having a meal with someone, just so I can enjoy the conversation in between. I think it’s rude when we’re having a meal and the person starts texting, or making a phone call, or surfing the Net. It’s as though he/she does not respect me enough to put the darn thing away at dinner.
No Tine, I feel the same way. If its a one on one meal, unless it is something extremely urgent then yes, take the call. Texts, Tweets, IMs etc can wait. If a call is work related, or anything that can wait, skip it. In a group of people I’m less fussy but never on a one on one.
hehehehe..nice topic
mine would be someone with long, dark and dirty toe nails..yuckkkk!!
but of course that’s not the only deal breaker for me, the list is still goes on and on….
Now that you mention it … EWWWW!
People who talk TOO MUCH and at 100 miles per hour. It’s like WTF and slow the hell down, will ya?
Oh yeah! It makes me feel breathless just listening to them!
People who are late!!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 I can’t understand why I can get to work on time when I live an hour farther away than the person who lives 15-30min away!
Oh darn! Yes. If we make an effort to be on time there is no reason why anyone else can’t unless its something unavoidable.
I find people who are always late especially annoying as what their message is: “Your time is worth less than mine. It’s okay if YOU have to wait for ME.”
NO, it’s NOT!
People who smoke, talk loudly on the phone, and talk foul languange!
as if never goes to school. so rude!
Aiyo! So Ah Beng! 😛
Bad breathe, talk too much on dinner table (especially full of himself) and of course chewing with mouth open, yikes !
Oh what a combination! Definitely deal breaker that one!
hmm my deal breakers lol. theres alot :/
– no manners. yes this is the 21st century and feminism about but i gladly appreciate a guy who will let a girl go first and hold the door for the girl. do not walk in front of the girl and then let the door slam in her face.
– BO. if the guys coming from the gym, entirely understandable but when meeting a girl, common decency to shower and smell good if not presentable.
– stinginess. don’t get me wrong. not a gold digger here. but if a guy doesn’t have money, he shouldn’t be ordering filet mignon and asking the girl to pay. i don’t mind paying. in fact i like it because it makes the guy and girl seem more like equals but should not be all the time. i am not your sugar mama thanks.
– lies and infidelity. no apologies can fix that.
I appreciate chivalry too! Anyone who’ll treat me as a woman gets my thumbs up 😉 I’m old fashioned that way 🙂
People who constantly chew chewing gum and talk while they do it. Hello, are you a valley girl?
And smoking, too. I think someone mentioned that before.
LOL!! Chewing gum is fine but smacking gum, I can’t stand.