Oh lookee what landed in my hands just 2 days ago? 😀
Its the much acclaimed Clarisonic Mia sonic skin cleansing tool! The big Clarisonic set is available at Sephora KL for a jaw dropping RM800+ but I wasn’t about to drop that sort of money on something I wasn’t too sure about. So I did some research, talked to some people, and learned that the Clarisonic Mia is quite sufficient to start with.
The Clarisonic Mia is the Clarisonic, just more travel friendly and importantly, cheaper! Ok, cheaper being relatively speaking 🙂
There are a few colours to choose from. I dithered between white or ice blue and ice blue won. I didn’t want the Mia to be yet another iApple lookalike 😛
Clarisonic Mia Blue size
The Clarisonic Mia is very sturdy with a nice ergonomic hold. Its also a good size as you can see above and it has just 1 button to turn it on or off and its quite surprisingly weighty. The Mia comes with a sensitive brush head, which feels firm but not too soft.
You’re supposed to charge it up for 24 hours before first use. But when I pressed the on-off button, it came on so I took it for a spin (hur! hur!) the very same night. When you switch it on, it oscillates very fast – Clarisonic says its a “sonic frequency of more than 300 movements per second”. It does not feel like it is merely rotating – it vibrates and oscillates and is surprisingly gentle on my skin.
I did not use it with the sample Clarisonic cleanser provided in the box. I used the Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Oil Free cleanser which is relatively foamy but isn’t drying nor does it have any AHA/peeling properties. Its just a basic cleanser.
And the results on just Day 1 was quite impressive. After 1 minute… ok perhaps 2 minutes (The Clarisonic Mia turns itself off after 1 minute which is the recommended time of use) I washed my face and was very surprised to find my skin feeling very very clean. It has never felt this clean! Not squeaky clean, but almost. And smooth. I was amazed.
Also I’d noticed a cluster of blackheads on my chin in the afternoon but after my shower, I noticed that it was gone. Skin felt smoother and visibly brighter. No difference in skincare, just this tool.
Its too early yet to say if its love or if it will kill my skin so I will bring you my thoughts after a month (there will be periodic updates on Facebook and Twitter) I intend to use it everyday (once a day) with my regular skincare that I’m now using, and we’ll see if I break out or peel or just end up with better looking skin overall like Jamilla here (who sold me on getting this) 🙂
If you are already a Clarisonic fan, perhaps you could share your thoughts or tips on the best ways to use this skin cleansing tool. I’m all ears! 🙂
Paris B
Clarisonic Mia retails at US$149. I purchased mine on www.kissandmakeupny.com with a free international shipping code that was available all of last week and shared on Facebook and Twitter. Shipping was quick and it arrived safely with no issues.
Awww…i wasn’t on your FB. So missed the free shipping code! I can’t wait to see your results in a month’s time.
Oh dear. Hopefully the store owners offer another shipping code 🙂
This is something to check out !! Waiting for your reviews !!!
Will do!
Sooo.. it really didn’t feel like an “aw bee-na”? That’s the little black or brown bristly brush commonly found in Malaysian homes. 😉
Haha! No its actually very very gentle on my skin 🙂
I wish I could try is to see if it works for me or not ( I have VERY dry skin). I am just not ready to buy it blindly but I am happy to hear that it works for you!
I know what you mean. Its such an expensive purchase and if it doesn’t work, it would just be such a waste of money! Sadly though there isn’t any real way to know without trying. I don’t have very dry skin, but I do think it might help because what it is is a daily exfoliator after all 🙂
That’s why I should stay away from you blog!!! It’s too tempting!!! Now I want to have it too!!
Oops! Don’t be a stranger 😛
I need to bite the bullet and get one but I’ve been hesitating due to the plug? plugpoints? thingy? hahaha. I have a something from the US but I can’t use it here (with the help of an adapter). Can you show us how your adapter looks like or where you bought it from? Or prolly my tool died during its journey from the US o.O
Actually, any international travel adapter will work with this one. Clarisonic has made it compatible with worldwide voltage systems so we won’t fry this with out 240V so we don’t need a voltage regulator 😉 I’ll try to take a picture of my adapter soon. Its just a basic travel adapter – the sort with different plugheads so you can adapt it for different plug points in different countries 🙂
I don’t want to jinx this but….am I expecting to see a Goddess coming down from the heavens by first week of October? 😀 😀 😀 I hope it works really well til the very end! 🙂
HAHA! Accompanied by heavenly music? 😀
Congrats on your Clarisonic Mia, Paris! The Ice blue looks really cute! I have mine for quite a few months now. I think my skin is a bit too sensitive to use it every night or every other night, as it tends to peel (especially around my nose area) and sort of react with little bumps.
So, I’m using it about twice a week, which works well for my skin. Would love to hear your experience after you have been using it for a while! 🙂
Ooh I have heard that very sensitive skin does need some extra care when using it and not to use it so often. I must have skin like an elephant’s hide. I have been using it every evening with no problems and am now thinking of using it twice a day! :O
Clarisonic, the siren that lures us all! I’ve heard heaven and hell about it and even considered buying it abroad, but considering my skin regimen is working, I’d rather not make such a big investment… yet! 😀 I’m glad that it’s working for you! Time will tell if it’s truly miraculous or if it is another myth to be busted. Keep us posted!
Yup! Only time will tell if this is as wondrous as it is supposed to be. Will report back!
Going to await your review after one month!
I never really thought of using an appliance to wash my face but now sounds interesting to me!!! 🙂
LOL! Yeah, now that you put it that way…. 😉
wah, I got my clarisonic mia in the same color as you, 3 days ago
and I’m using it every evening since then (charged 24hr first)
I love how it makes my skin feel clean and fresh. oh and I read jamila camel’s post..it’s very inspiring. Hope my skin can be clearer with regular use.
oya, a new follower here from indonesia 🙂
Hi Sita! 🙂 Yay for having the same colour! 😀 I’m hoping to have as good a result as Jamilla too 😀
I got my Clarisonic Plus in SG Sephora last year Oct, since then it’s been my daily ritual haha.
I love the clean feeling on my face after using it. Clean as in not over dry, which is very nice. The brush head that I started with was Sensitive..after a few months it wore off and I changed to Normal brush head, however I think it is a bit harsh as my skin will be a bit dry after sonic cleansing. Few weeks back I was at Sephora KL and could not find the Sensitive brush head…appreciate if anyone sees it can leave a message here.
The only complaint I have is the charging..24 hours…it is too slow for a full charge. For one full charge, I can use it once a day for about 1.5 week for face cleaning. If for body cleansing using the body brush head, its only about 4 days (4 face cleansing + 1 body cleansing).
Thanks for sharing Bryan! I must agree with the long charging times too. I’m not sure why it has to be so long.
I’m extremely tempted to get the Mia but hesitating due to the price. My search brought me to Skinsonic. It’s only $50 (plus shipping if you’re outside US). Reviews that I’ve come across for this product are generally pretty much similar to Mia. Might try this first then upgrade to Mia 🙂
Haven’t come across Skinsonic, but hopefully it works for you 🙂
I have the Mia too! 🙂 I’m a fan of it, but I can’t use it on my sensitive skin daily. So I use it about 3 times a week, max! Anymore than that and I’d get bumps all over my cheeks. But I do love that extremely clean feeling you get post oscillating with this power brush! 🙂
hmm.. so far so good with every day use for me. I’m even thinking of upping it to twice a day,but that might be too much.
My fiance and I have been using the Clarisonic Mia once daily for a total of 3 months now. I must honestly admit, it is such a God send!
Just a brief background on my skin type: I’ve been battling uneven skin tone, clogged pores on my cheek, chin and forehead for at least 10 years since puberty. Always being educated on how important it is to keep my pores clean to avoid breakouts, I have resorted to different exfoliants and scrubs over the years. You name it, I’ve used it! Over scrubbing with exfoliating products often lead to over-dryness and peeling skin, not to also mention the formation of dry but oily skin type due to my skin’s inability to absorb skin care products effectively and efficiently!
I am so so so amazed by how the Mia manages to clean my pores and remove every single bit of makeup and water-resistant sun screen everyday without causing dryness and peeling. My skin has never felt as clean! Expensive moisturisers and serums are now absorbed much quicker and better. In other words, the Mia pays for itself in the long run since it enhances and maximizes the effect of skin care applied on after cleansing. If you like to invest in creams, serums and treatments for the face (or simply hope that your anti-aging cream starts working more of its magic), the Clarisonic is definitely, definitely a worthwhile.
(My 2 cents: If you are new to the Clarisonic, be careful to not be over-zealous with its usage! I realize twice a day is too much for my skin type as I started to notice mild rawness in the skin during the first week. I now use it at night with my Philosophy Purity cleanser, and cleanse manually in the morning. Find your own routine and remember, the Clarisonic is great but over-usage can potentially backfire too!)
Good luck girls 🙂
Hi ParisB!!! Awaiting for your reviews ya~~~can’t wait anymore,hahaha~
Hi ParisB!
May I know is the review of this Clarisonic MIA work in progress? I can’t wait to see that how it feels on your skin! PLEASE~
Hi Wynnce I’m afraid time has been scarce. You could expect a post in the coming week or two. In a nutshell, I’d say its nice to clean the skin thoroughly, and my skincare seems to absorb better, but its not a miracle gadget and it can make skin feel sensitive. I have not noticed a substantial improvement in my skin. More detailed thoughts will come soon 🙂
Thanks for reply ya!! I’m thinking of getting the Plus edition, but wondering about its effect in a long run.
Greetings from a malaysian who lives in Paris! Glad i found your blog! Ive just got my MIA 2 weeks back, but Im using it like twice a week, gradually working it on every alternate day. As its recommended to start with delicate brush for sensitive skinned ppl ( mine came wt sensitive but I’ve ordered delicate head too) Well, I did experience some tiny breakouts on my chin and corner of my mount plus dryness aftr using the MIA( I guess my regular gel cleaser isnt cutting well once the bubbles oscillates and it penetrates more into the skin and cause dryness.I tried with a no brand cleansing cream, the dryness didnt occur at this time.
As one of our commenters above mentioned, me too just glide the MIA across my face,not pressing or working it in a round motion.I did press and circulate at the 1st time and found that my skin became tooo clean and bit rawish.Gliding motion cleans up pretty well, just in case that u needed more exfoliation, u may press harder as my friends told me.I wouldn’t advise these action to sensitive skin ppl.
I find that clarisonic are best paired wt gentle cleansers. I heard also that its best paired with Philosophy Purity cleanser, which suprisingly some ranted as its pretty drying too.What cleanser do you use?
dangg I am so jealous 0.0 I’m having big problem with big pores and blackheads anddd whiteheads. after reading this I freaking want one >.< but it's too expensive =.= rm800++? dangg
Hi there, i know my enquiry is a bit late by a year but i was just stumbled upon your blog entry. I was wondering how the Mia is treating after a year and would it still be a good investment? Also, did you order straight from the US website? How much was it in total including shipping (if you don’t mind me asking)?
I got mine from Kissandmakeupny.com and it came from the US, and there was free shipping so I paid just the price of the item. I hardly use it now, only using when I remember. The battery has died for a while and I haven’t recharged it. The poor experience I had with it was part of the reason I rarely use it anymore. Those who had a good experience with it, would likely use it more regularly. Mileage will vary 🙂