Credit to Soloverly for this. I loved the question so I nicked it even though its been a while 🙂 Incidentally, recent market research has shown that bloggers have more influence on purchases than magazines or celebrities even (does this mean they should be paying us those meeellions instead of the celebs? 😉 ) (source 1, source 2)
So, are you influenced by the blogs you read?
It doesn’t have to be beauty blogs, although if you are here then you might be reading quite a few beauty blogs too right? 🙂 But it could be any blog.
I’m a blog reader too and I say yes. Overwhelmingly so!
I’m influenced, not only to purchase the item raved about but the experience or just the whole package. If its a food recipe blog, I’m influenced to start cooking again. Or if its a food review blog, I want to visit those restaurants (even if I’m disappointed when I do)
If its a beauty blog, I want to buy the product that the bloggers rave about. Or I’m swayed to visit locales I’d never go to or to do things I might never do.
And its not any blogger than can do that for me. Some blogs actually have the reverse effect on me, by making me not want to buy the featured item. Its weird right? I think because we are all social animals, different vibes and styles rub off differently on each of us.
So some styles may draw me in, even if it is a product, experience or brand I’d never think of venturing to try, but some styles just turn me off the product, experience or brand even if I’m dying to try it. Guess it all comes down to blogger credibility too 🙂
Your Say: Are you influenced by the blogs you read?
Paris B
a resounding yes to this question. i think i get more influenced especially when it comes to food blogs.
Oh my food blogs should never be read late at night or on an empty stomach. So many food bloggers take such great looking photos I always feel so hungry! And I’m always inspired to try out new recipes all the time (not that I do, but I’m inspired LOL )
Oh for sure! I’ve lost count on how much stuff I’ve amassed thanks to the blogs I read (*hint* yours *hint). Recipes to try from foodie blogs, new places to eat (or to avoid), etc. Changed my life! 😛
erm… oops? 😛 On that note, I saw Mor products while on holiday, and finally got to test them after reading about how great they are on your blog and Nadia’s. I didn’t get any though but I was most tempted. And there we are – blog influence! 😛
Definitely! We’re all evil when it comes to enabling, even if its not intentionally! lol!! 😛
Haha yes we are! Quite awesome right? 😛
yes! especially yours! 😉 i get tempted to buy almost all the beauty products that u feature on your blog, but gotta control..!
haha… I hope whatever that you DO buy you like 😀
Always influenced by yours!!!!
Oh dear! I’m such an enabler aren’t I? 😀 hehe
Yes definitely. Reading blogs doesn’t stop me from hauling…
Me neither 😀
I trust your reviews more than the beauty magazines!
Thank you for that vote of confidence Jessl 😀
yes! i definitely am! i’ve lost counts on beauty products I bought just because I’ve read good reviews from beauty bloggers!
I’m the same! 😀 That’s probably why bloggers are influencing purchases more than mags 😀
Yes, yes yes. Particularly yours…lets see, DermaLab lotion, Kose Softymo Cleansing Oil, NH Collagen Drink, Double Cleansing Method, Banana Republic….and many many more…:)
I hope everything you’ve bought works for you Aiyu! 😀
most of the time yes but most of the times the product have reversed effect on me =(
not from the ones from your blog, other blogs that talk about acne products.
Acne products are always such hits and misses, I find. So sorry to hear that the products don’t work for you once you try it.
a big and double affirmative YES, especially when the writer have similar skin type, skin tone, body shape, preference, etc with me.
haha… I guess it is an even bigger influence when we can identify with the blogger. That’s how I feel too 😀
Me too! Beauty blogs are a huge influence on whether I try and/or purchase a product. I believe my trusted beauty blogs more than I’m swayed by celebrity endorsers or company ads 🙂
I do too! In fact, I’m now quite blind to celebrity endorsements actually. I just look at it as just another promo image 😀
well, i know i am influenced by your writing, particularly the makeup ones 🙂
Haha… Thanks Eira! 😀
yup! i am definitely influenced by blogs i read 😀
Just like all of us here 😀
Especially yours!! But usually I wait the lemmIngs out ahahaha
That’s one of the best ways to let lemmings die LOL!
YES. You’ve been a baaad influence for me. My wallet says so. LOL. =P
hehe… I hope they are “good” buys even if they are from a bad influence 😉
The more beauty blogs I read, the more stuff I end up wanting! I’m always making a list of new skin care products to buy, and that lists only seems to get longer. I also read blogs on how to be frugal, and of course those sites tell you not to buy stuff you don’t really need;)
Haha the two blog genres would be counter productive won’t they? LOL! But what I do is make note of stuff I want to get from beauty blogs, and then check them out in person before deciding if I really want them. Often, many things look pretty in photos (especially makeup) but disappoint me in person
My dear Paris
I have you to thank for introducing me to Radley and Cambridge Satchel Co bags! Haha 🙂
And aren’t you glad for that? hehe 😉
Oh my, the countless products I’ve purchased just because of you… I’d say I trust blogs more than mags these days. And they definitely have an influence on the stuff I buy. For example, my recent Clinique Chubby Sticks (craze) purchase was heavily swayed by the numerous raves online. Some products work and some don’t but it’s all part of trial and error.
Haha… I think I am the only blogger out there not in love with the Clinique Chubby Sticks 😀 But yes, checking out products in person is a much smarter way of deciding if products work for you than just blinding trusting blogs … at least thats how I feel 😀
echoing the rest of the ladies above, the biggest influence *cough* wallet drain *cough* is you! 😉 I think I’ve lost track of the number of items I’ve bought thanks to you – ‘enablement’ at its best and most scary! LOL…
If thats trying to make me feel bad… its not working! 😛 hehe… but we all enable and counter-enable so at the end of it, I think we’re all quits 😉