Happy Saturday Ladies!
May has been such a roller coaster ride for me that I don’t even know where to begin. So I’m going to steal a leaf from Marina of Makeup4all and share some ups and downs for me in May and you can feel free to share your ups and downs with me too 😀
What’s Up
Skincare: Loving my plump hydrated skin!
I don’t know what’s taken me so long to figure this out but this month, I went back to basics with my skincare and my skin loves it! I’ve been using primarily hydrating skincare and the results are very encouraging. If you are having a problem with your skin I suggest you try this very simple regime and see if it works for you too!
Makeup: Finding a perfect brush to apply cream blush
I purchased a Sigma Angled Top Kabuki brush F84 quite recently because I’d read that it was very good for applying cream products. I wasn’t quite sure how to use it until I tested it with cream blushes and its quite perfect for that! I will have to tell you all about it soon 🙂
Life: Holidays!
The best upper I can have is a holiday! 😀 Visiting a foreign land, tasting foreign food, interesting experiences are all life altering and mind broadening experiences. After the downer life’s thrown at me towards the end of May, I now need another holiday… or failing which, a day spa would be nice 😛
What’s Down
Skincare: L’Oreal Perfect Clean with Scrublet
I’m actually really liking this product which I will be telling you about really soon. The scrublet feels lovely, and it actually seems to make my skin feel much cleaner and smoother. The cleanser itself is cooling and refreshing on the skin BUT the formula is killing my hands! The skin is peeling like crazy and its starting to heal now I’ve traced it to this. Bah! I’ll keep the scrublet though 🙂
Makeup: Mac Prep + Prime BB Beauty Balm
Sadly, not loving this one. Its alright, but its not a love. MAC and Bobbi Brown may come from the same mothership, but I do prefer the Bobbi Brown BB Cream if I have to choose between the two. I’ll have the heads up on the Bobbi Brown BB Cream soonish.
Life: Falling sick and computer woes
I fell sick with the sniffles and a cough and felt awful for weeks. When I got better and thought things were looking up, wonders of wonders! My work computer crashed and burned. It quite literally did, taking out my hard disk and wiping all data I had on it! 4 years worth of work documents PLUS I had a deadline with information stored in there ready for printing. I’ve spent the better part of the past week recreating about 2 weeks worth of work from memory. Learn from this children and BACK UP REGULARLY! 😛 If you know of anyone or anywhere I can get data recovery services (without breaking the bank – I was told it can cost hundreds or even RM1k! ) do let me know! 🙂
And that’s my ups and downs in the month of May. What’s yours? Do share if you like! 🙂
Ups: Skincare, Makeup, Life or anything
Downs: Skincare, Makeup, Life or anything
Enjoy the weekend everyone! I’m spending time with family (yay!), eating (double yay!) and just chillin’ (yay! yay! yay!)
Paris B
UPs: had a not-bad average for school so far, great uni friends, my MAC pigment samples came!! ^.^
Downs: eczema attacks come more frequently…
All in all a good month for me!! ^.^
It does sound like a pretty good month overall! Yay for doing well in school! 😀
My up is I tendered my resignation after years of unhappiness. My down however, is being asked to complete a task that is impossible to be done before I leave.
I’m glad you took that plunge to leave – its probably for the best. And good luck on completing what you have to. I’m sure you’ll manage it some how!
my up in May is helping someone to get a new role based in Beijing wth 150% salary increase, caught up with best friend in Shanghai. Down would be reject job offer from a candidate at last minute, loss of $19K revenue and skin breaking out again..one huge pimple on face that just would not go away uggh
Urgh at the pimple – have you tried tea tree oil? It works for me or a pimple cream – but yay for helping others get such a wonderful job with such a great pay! LOL! I’ve been hearing of so many people headed to China recently!
Ups: Spending almost most waking moments of this week with Tine and Bea doing all the crazy girly stuff. Some of the pics taken should never see the light of day and if they do, I’ll know who the culprit is. (CAn’t let the universe see me in my glam simba-hair and flannel PJs wei!)
I think I’m in love with the GA Luminous SIlk foundation. CAn’t bring myself to spend $90 on it, though. Scouring around for online deals. Any ideas? 🙂
Downs: Too much to get started on so let’s focus on the ups 🙂
It sounds like you girls had so much fun! Makes me wish I’d been able to go along – would have been a crazy ride then eh? 🙂 I didn’t have a good experience with GA foundations (mostly due to lack of colour match) but am glad you love it because its really good stuff (albeit pricey!) You’re right. Scrap the downs, and lets just look at the ups!
Nice “Ups” and I wish you get yourself in tip top shape comes June!
I can’t share all my ups as there are a lot of these but for my downs..well I guess work is just getting frustrating because I’ve realized my colleagues aren’t doing their job well and I’m always ended up fixing it for them! I should get paid 3 x! 😛
Aiyiyi when people start to not pull their weight its when you have to start wielding the whip! Whip them into shape Nikki!
That’s awful about your computer and your hands. Here’s mine:
Ups: Kiehl’s lip balm (cures anything), some nice new dresses (on sale) and MAC Green Gel Cleanser
Downs: Maybelline Lash Stiletto (it stuck my eyelashes together), working 24/7 (literally…only for four days though, but still…)
I’m supposed to be trying that Stiletto mascara! I hope my lashes don’t get stuck together 😛 And working 24/7? Gosh! I hope you’ve finally earned yourself a good break! p/s I love getting good dresses at a good price. I think I’m overdue for some dress shopping! 😀
Would love a review on the Sigma brushes.. Pretty please 🙂
I’ll have it come soon, promise 🙂
Thanks for sharing and thanks for the mention! 🙂
I am so sorry about your computer, I can only imagine what you are going through.
You’re welcome Marina! Thanks for the inspiration! 😀 The thing about the computer sucks but on the bright side, I got some new hardware and upgraded to Windows 7 and a clean (bigger) hard disk! 😉
My Ups and downs
1. Skincare: Loving my laneige sleeping pack, make my face well hydrated 😀 I use it once in every 3 nights. And just realize my biotherm skin perfection is the culprit of my acne!
2. Makeup: I found the perfect blush for me… yuhuuu maybelline blush in soft mauve, and Skin79 hot pink bb cream let me down coz it didnt help at all to control my oily nose.
3. Life: I have a kitten for the very first time, her mom abandoned her so me and my bf adopt her. and for the down is another 1 month fight before graduating also deciding my career future is killing me… I feel nervous and terrified.
Laneige Sleeping Pack! 😀 I’ve been using it again recently too and its most certainly fitting nicely into my hydration regime! Yay! Glad you managed to find out your source of acne. Now its time to heal 😀 Congrats on nearing your graduation and don’t stress about your future career. It will probably turn out better than you expect 🙂
Ups : Settled final payment for car loan. (yay yay yay!) Went for 1 meditation day retreat.Attended internet marketing seminar. Boss announced mid year bonus! (yay x10) 😀
Down : Nothing much, am grateful for good things happend so far…..
Hurrah for owning your very own car and for the bonus! 2 very good things to be happy about! 😀
Sorry to hear about your down–that sucks. I hope you get it sorted out soon and for a reasonable price. 🙁
My up: I managed to potty train G in 1 week! Woot!
My down: My part time helper is on holiday for 2 weeks, which means I will be swamped and going nuts!!
Gah! House cleaning is something I loathe!! On the upside, you’re going to get lots of exercise … and a clean house! LOL!
I hope that things will get better for you- health and work-wise 🙂 The weather isn’t very forgiving on the immune system lately!
And I agree with you on going back to the basics. I’ve stopped overloading my skin with products for this and that and gone for the bare minimum, and my skin seems to be faring better with it haha 😀
Thanks Stephanie. I’m sure it will get better or I’d most certainly make sure it does! 😀 Glad to know the back to basics tip works for you too.
Hi PB,
For data recovery, u can try contacting CyberSecurity. If the damage to the hard disk is not that bad, they can assist you in recovering the data, for free !!
Abt your health, was is deteriorating after your trip to Seoul? I was in Korea in April and after returned, I could not stop coughing and sneezing for the next 4 weeks !! Only now I feel so much better..
Thanks for the Cybersecurity rec Safiza! I’ll try to check them out. And yes, I fell sick not long after I got back from Korea. I think the change in weather and humidity did me in. Thankfully I’m all better now and I hope you are too!
echoing what you and LeGeeque said, it’s heaps better to focus on the ups! 😀 May didn’t start off that well, but the past 2 weeks have been nothing short of amazing, am already looking forward to June! 🙂
That’s awesome! Things must be looking up and up!
Hi Paris, been so long since I’ve dropped you a comment. Hmmm Do you still need help on your data thingy? Hmmm I am not sure whether I can help or not. I know a friend who is a programmer he might be of help. But most importantly is your HDD still alive? Maybe I can mail you ya? *cross fingers*
Hey there! I might drop you a line if I need help and I’m honestly not sure if my HDD is still alive 😛