Happy Monday everyone! 😀
I had such a packed weekend that it flew by too quickly. In fact, are the days flying by more quickly for you? It sure feels that way to me. I have a ton of things to do and suddenly, too little time to do it. Eeps!
In the midst of all the hurly burly of life, I decided to cocoon myself in scent. Research has shown that scent has the ability to calm us at our most stressed moments. I couldn’t walk around in a fog of lavender so I opted for an Eau so Fresh scent of Marc Jacobs’ Daisy.
Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau So Fresh Fragrance bottle
Just looking at the bottle, I had to smile. Look at all those adorable daisies on the cap – wouldn’t it make you smile too? 🙂 You can’t quite see it, but the fragrance in Daisy Eau So Fresh is a pale pink.
Daisy Eau So Fresh is a lighter sister to the original bestselling Daisy fragrance by Marc Jacobs. That said, I personally did not think it so light as to be impossible to detect. On my skin, it actually initially smelt a little sharp to my nose when first sprayed. I wasn’t quite sure if I’d like it.
However, after a few minutes, the scent mellowed into something a little warmer, a little fruitier and a little floral. That was more pleasant to my nose. I also felt that it smelt a little stronger than when I first spritzed it on. It smelt like I’d just taken a shower and feeling oh so fresh 😛 Interestingly, I got some of the fragrance on my hair and every time I’d swish it around, I’d get hints of the scent. I liked that – it smelt clean. On a hot hot afternoon, it felt light and wasn’t suffocating at all. Also I’d been cleaning fresh fish so it helped to have something nice to smell after that 😛
This being an Eau de Toilette and a lighter fragrance, it isn’t quite as long lasting, but it still was fine for me for the most part of the day. It would need topping up if you had an evening do to attend or are y’know meeting someone special in the evening 😉
Oh and you know the flowers on the cap? They are actually pliable plastic vinyl. They’d brighten up any dressing table, that’s for sure – not a fragrance to be kept away in the dark hidden recesses of a cupboard, but to be displayed to bring a smile to your face every time you look at it.
The fragrance has been described as fun, bubbly and smelling like berry fruit punch. I’d agree with the fun and bubbly part. For me, I didn’t think it smelt of berries although there was a hint of citrus (red grapefruit and raspberry are 2 of the scents) and flowers. But its a lovely floral fragrance that makes me feel fresh, young and full of joie de vivre. I would love for it to come in a smaller size though. The smallest for now is 75ml which does make it hard to tote around.
But who knows. Perhaps if this takes off, we might see the solid perfume necklace or rings that the original Daisy fragrance comes in – now that would be cute won’t it? 🙂 I wouldn’t mind a necklace with a cheery yellow daisy on it.
Marc Jacobs’ Daisy fragrance has been around since 2007 – do you own it or have you smelt it? 🙂 I was always captivated by the Daisy bottle, which looks pretty much like this one. For some reason however, I’d prefer the daisies to not be pliable but to be of stiff plastic. Strange huh?
The day (and week) has just started for many of us, so here’s wishing everyone a Daisy Day! 😀
Paris B
Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau so Fresh retails at RM265/75ml and RM340/125ml at fragrance counters.
How apt! I’m wearing Marc Jacobs today too! The 300ml cologne splash of Apple. Been wearing that all summer and although it’s a cool 14C this morning when I stepped out, I decided that a summer scent is good because of the bright sun. This scent brings back a lot of very fond memories. Knowing MJ, this will never be replicated ever again so when I’m done with this, that’s the end of it.
Happy Monday!
300ml??!! That must be a HUGE bottle! I haven’t tried Apple. I actually only know of Daisy from Marc Jacobs. But I recently got to smell Lola and I think I really like that one! 😀
Sounds so fresh! I just smelled the regular Daisy at Sephora a few days back and I’m lusting that one too 🙂
Doesn’t Daisy evoke memories of warm summer days? Its a fun fragrance 🙂
I don’t wear fragrance since it can caused me headache. But looking at the first pic makes me feel so sunny (it’s raining here).
Happy Monday, ParisB & all! 🙂
Its raining here too (since we seem to be in the same city LOL!) but I’m glad I chose to put this post up today – it brightens up the already dreary day 😀 Hope you have a great Monday!
goodness!!!!! I LOVE marc jacobs daisy!!!! I have the solid perfume, but i still want a bottle of it. and it never goes on sale on s.net 🙁
It doesn’t! Get it at Duty Free! 😀
I never own any Mark Jacobs scent but this packaging is just wonderful! may have to “sniff” it when I get the chance to see this 🙂
Take a peep next time you visit a fragrance counter… or better yet! When you hit up duty free! 😀 The bottle is adorable and suits your sunny personality 😀
it has very nice packaging! so cute!!!!
Yeah doesn’t it just bring a smile to your face? 🙂 Happy Monday Issa!
Can’t wait to try this out … I love the original Daisy! Actually, I might get one of this just for the bottle alone. The daisies make any table look so “ceria” =)
Yes! I would love a miniature just so I can put it on my office desk – some days just need some cheering up and this would do the trick! 😉
i love the smell of MJ Daisy (mine is the white daisy) but i think i love the bottle more! Honestly, it wasn’t about the smell when I first bought it, it’s more because of all those pretty daisies that just gonna perk up your morning everytime you look at it! 🙂
I found the original Daisy a little floral for my tastes – I usually go for something muskier or something fresh. But you’re right. The hugest selling point is the bottle. Who can resist breaking into a smile at the look of the pretty daisies! 😀
I love the original Daisy, in fact, I’m wearing it rite now. My only complaint is that it’s not long lasting. I need to spritz ALOT and by mid-morning, it’s all gone. Even my colleagues didn’t notice that I’m wearing perfume when I’m wearing Daisy. Sad…
I do find that with most floral/fresh based perfumes. They don’t last very long which can be upsetting and we don’t really want to carry around the bottles with us right? Have you tried the solid perfume? Maybe that’ll help stay on longer? I haven’t tried it myself though
I actually didn’t know that they have solid perfume around. Maybe I should tried with Eau So Fresh. Hehe… but I love the bottle. Haha…
For now Eau so Fresh doesn’t come in solid perfume form, but the original Daisy does! 😉 Not sure if its regularly sold at the counter, but its available at duty free for sure.
Lighting on the first pic is really good 🙂 Love the green and the yellow..
Haven’t tried this one before, but the bottle sure looks cute 😀
i seriously am loving the bottle! haven’t had a chance to try it. and you definitely got me on the citrus part. 🙂 i love citrus-y scents! 🙂
Its got a nice citrus top note but do be warned, I found the opening a bit sharp on the nose. Smelt a lot nicer on me after it had mellowed
ooh! I love fragrance alot too! but like u said, the size of the bottles is quite inconvenient… >_< are there any place to get perfumes in miniature size? other than estee lauder's as there is the only brand that i know of so far… that sells miniature perfume set… Any suggestions, PB? =)
You know what? The best place to find miniatures is at duty free stores. That’s the only place I really know where you can get minis. I’ve seen mini Daisy and its adorable! Otherwise, I don’t think its easy to find minature perfumes unless they are giving them out as samples (or look in Sasa – they have minis but of less popular brands)
oh i do love the original daisy (n its hitting bottom too), but haven’t got the chance to sample this version. must go check it out!!
This one’s new and a touch lighter than Daisy (the original) so you might like it too! 😀 Plus, it comes in a bigger bottle 😉
i tried it and love it… makes me happy and energetic 😉