Happy Saturday Ladies!
That song by Madonna has to be the most perfect song for modelling and all models. And its most apt because news came in through my inbox about the kick off of the annual Estee Lauder Model Search contest this April!
It’ll kick off on April 25, 2011 at MidValley Megamall and thereafter at 8 locations around the country culminating in the Finals on 12 July 2011 at KLCC. The theme this year is to find the IT girl that embodies the “Pure Color” spirit – fun, glamourous and modern. Oh and the winners will win prizes worth RM51,000 including a 8D/6N trip to Korea! Find out more at their official website or the Facebook page. Will I see you at MidValley Megamall on April 25 for the kick off? Or maybe one of you will be the next EL Model? 😉
The reason I’m telling you this, is beacuse I actually underwent a bit of a photoshoot experience this last week and I have nothing but new-found respect for models! I’m about as good as posing for photos as a piece of wood – at least a piece of wood can just stay still – so its certainly humbling.
Have you ever aspired to be a model?
I never did – I didn’t have illusions 😉 What I wanted to be quite badly was an astronaut… that plan failed the day I had to wear spectacles and I realized I wasn’t great at math. Imagine if I miscalculated the amount of oxygen I’d need in space! 😯
Have you been for or participated in a photoshoot?
Not quite a photoshoot, but the first time I had my picture professionally taken (somewhat) was at an Estee Lauder makeover a few years ago, where I had a makeup and hair makeover and a photo taken. I’m not quite sure where that photo is now. I had a studio shot done last week which was nerve-racking! I don’t really like having my photo taken.
Your happiest moment of the week?
Mine was when I restarted my yoga classes after a 6 month hiatus. I needed that stretching!
Did you try something new this week?
I haven’t tried it, but I received some packages this week and one of it was this tube of Hada Labo UV Moist cream that I’d purchased online – don’t think its out here yet for a while. Will be taking it for a spin and will let you know the outcome.
Would you prefer a month of blush or a month of lipstick?
I don’t know if anyone remembers the 30 Lipsticks in 30 Days post I did about 2 years ago? I had a ton of fun with it. I could actually do that again but as my first love is blush or as some will call it “blusher”, or even the more sexy sounding “rouge”, I thought of doing a similar post, but with some of my favourite blushes 😀 That said, if anyone prefers lipstick, I could do that too 🙂 So take a vote and lets see which month has the shortest days LOL! 😀
- Have you ever aspired to be a model?
- Have you been for or participated in a photoshoot?
- Your happiest moment of the week?
- Did you try something new this week?
- Would you prefer a month of blush or a month of lipstick?
Enjoy the weekend everyone! 😀
Paris B
Your post is early and I’m up early…anyway!
1. No, and never. I am god damn realistic, I’d rather be the smartest girl than the bimbo. And I’m not like that tall, that skinny to be one.
2. Yes once in a Kosé event. I totally hated (and hate) it. It was fake (photoshopped), it wasn’t me. I love holding the camera but I really am not too fond of being the object in the camera.
3. Training is on schedule and the weight is gradually dropping.
4. The Burberry Blush in Russet is awesome! And Chanel Rouge Allure in Flamboyante & Emotive.
5. Lipsticks please! I love lipsticks! xxx
Just saying…. Not all models are airheads 🙂 Tyra Banks started off as a model but she’s built an entire empire. You need more than looks to do that 🙂
I know not all are, like Lily Cole is doing English in Cambridge…but then again, it’s the genes. If all were glam and pretty, then there is no variety.
To be honest, before I googled Tyra Bank, I didn’t know who she is :p
Those event photos are awful aren’t they? They photoshop you to an inch of your life and you never look like yourself at all! I had one recently that made me look like a glam superstar which would have been nice… had it looked like ME! 😛 I loved the look of Russet blush 😀
1. Nope. Always wanted to be a librarian though, haha!
2. Nope! Not even wedding ones!
3. getting the call for an interview to the role I’d been moping on and on about 🙂
4. tried my hand in coding in asp and .NET. Coming from a C and Java background, I struggled big time!
5. Blush! And I’d do it with you!!!! 🙂
Yay for blush! 😀 I might just run it anyway although everyone prefers lippies haha…
Have you ever aspired to be a model?
Nope. Although I was approached by a talent agency when I was 16. Was a lot thinner back then 🙂
Have you been for or participated in a photoshoot?
Well, I’ve taken family, graduation and wedding photos in studios before. Not a modeling photoshoot per se. The wedding shoot was exhausting! I had 5 costume changes and it took a full day.
Your happiest moment of the week?
Taking a day off on Friday and doing absolutely nothing 🙂 Sadly, not many happy moments this week because my skin has gone crazy and I had a mini family crisis.
Did you try something new this week?
Been wearing Rouge Coco Shine in Liberte the whole week. And just bought Shiseido’s Perfect Refining foundation yesterday. Will review when my skin is not so disgusting.
Would you prefer a month of blush or a month of lipstick?
I personally prefer lipstick (‘cos I hardly wear blush… stupid cheeks are red enough). Since you’ve done it already, a month of blush does sound interesting.
I was with my sister for her wedding photoshoot and it was done in the outdoors. It was exhausting not only for her but for me too! 😛 Hope the mini crisis has blown over 😀 Thanks for choosing and I might go with lipsticks too to start. Its easier to get swatches 😉
Have you ever aspired to be a model?
I still do! Just kidding! Damn, if only I was skinnier! And taller. Way taller. Damn! I did want to be an astronomer as a child though – not an astronaut! – and went as far as contacting colleges that held Astronomy courses… at 12 years old. 😀 And I also wanted to be an archaeologist just so I could live in Greece. I had weird thoughts back then…^^
Have you been for or participated in a photoshoot?
No, just some candid photos at a beauty event. But I don’t photograph well, so it’s best if you just meet me face to face. 😉
Your happiest moment of the week?
I think it was Wednesday when I suddenly realised I was working at a big-shot project. Wow, where was I this whole time? Then again my ability to focus is next to zero… 😛
Did you try something new this week?
A new itinerary back home. I usually follow the same route because of my poor sense of direction, but now I’ve got a GPS!
Would you prefer a month of blush or a month of lipstick?
Lipsticks, please! All the way! 😀
If we had both fulfilled our childhood ambitions, you’d be the one watching the stars while I walk around them yes? 😀 I wanted to be an archaeologist too! But that was probably because I watched too much Indiana Jones 😛 If the fates align the stars, who knows if I make it down to Brazil in the near future! 😉
Have you ever aspired to be a model?
Nope. They already cause me low self esteem just by looking at them
Have you been for or participated in a photoshoot?
Eh…I had this series of pictures done just for fun with my cousins…
Your happiest moment of the week?
I got into my Uni’s Editorial Board!
Did you try something new this week?
I drove my friends out for lunch for the first time!
Would you prefer a month of blush or a month of lipstick?
Blush, as you’ve already done lipsticks! ^.^
Aww why should a model cause you to have low self esteem? Shouldn’t let that get to you 🙂 And good on ya for getting onto the Editorial Board! Congrats!
Have you ever aspired to be a model?
No. But I am one.. part time… for a pro-makeup school. Cleo did sent me a recruitment form, but I”m busy with my thesis so I didn’t send them. Does that count?
Have you been for or participated in a photoshoot?
Yeah, the first time is years ago. Not very comfortable but it helps a lot now when you loose all that inhibition the first time round.
Your happiest moment of the week?
FInished my second paper. Watch a lot of victorian dramas.
Did you try something new this week?
Can’t say I have.
Would you prefer a month of blush or a month of lipstick?
Lipstick. I had trouble keeping my cheeks free from blemishes and I try not to put a lot of product on my skin until all my little zits and scar clear up.
Ah a part time model in our midst! What fun! 😀 I guess I’m still too inhibited to completely lose it haha…
fr a guy’s point of view.
1. Have you ever aspired to be a model?
Nope. I aspired to be a professional football goalkeeper when I was in my teens though. In the end I grew to only 180cm and that’s too short for a goalkeeper. Pro keepers r usually at least 190cm.
Have you been for or participated in a photoshoot?
Nope. the lights n cameras can be unnerving.
Your happiest moment of the week?
Scoring a goal when I played futsal. I play as goalkeeper so I very rarely score. it was my first goal in a year.
Did you try something new this week?
No new products but I added moisturizer to my daytime routine. Many months I skipped moisturizer in the mornings thinking it made my face oilier/shinier and depended on my sunscreen for moisture. Prob is my sunscreen is the Shiseido Anessa Perfect UV and it’s pretty drying. So after using moisturizer in the day for a week my face feels n looks better…probably slightly shinier too LOL.
Would you prefer a month of blush or a month of lipstick?
Not applicable to me. I don’t even know what blush is n aren’t all lipsticks the same ? haha.
Good on ya to join in. 😉
From a girl’s PoV nope there are subtle nuances and different colours in lipsticks and blush haha… 😉 Thanks for joining in though. I always thought a goalkeeper had the worst deal of all – they hang around not doing much for most of the match but if the opposing side scores a goal, they are crucified 😛
1. Have you ever aspired to be a model?
When I was young…. when reality kicked in, I wanted to be an astronaut too! Hahaha… I was so jealous when that Dr. got to go to space!!!!! Now I’m just working in the science field… lol…
2. Have you been for or participated in a photoshoot?
Not officially… The last professional picture that I took was for my graduation and I was super nervous… so many ppl staring!! malu…. hahah….
3. Your happiest moment of the week?
When I left my office yesterday!!! hahaha… I get to kick back, relax, and enjoy my weekends 🙂
4. Did you try something new this week?
Hmmm…. nope… gonna try lots of stuff soon~~ Sis just came back from korea with lots of goodies^^
5. Would you prefer a month of blush or a month of lipstick?
I think a month of lipstick would be better as there are soooooooooo many colours!!! Blush, not so…
High 5! Another Astronaut wanna-be! 😀 I’m not in the science field though. I realised science wasn’t my thing 🙂 Ahh I hear everyone goes to Korea and goes mad on all their stuff! Haven’t been yet though.
Have you ever aspired to be a model?
Nope but I did want to be a sales assistant at a makeup counter, pretty poor dream I know but the thought of having access to all the products and colour is pure heaven. Unfortunately (fortunate for my parents) my dream never came true.
Have you been for or participated in a photo shoot?
Yes, for my pre wedding shoot. It was an eye opener and I now have a lot more respect for model and what they do. Even though it was fun to get pampered and dolled up, it takes a lot of stamina to look good after a 12 hour day, and all those poses that supposedly look natural in photos are not natural at all, they are very awkward and really need a lot of body coordination to look that way. I was dead tired and sore all over after it but the result was worth the effort but I don’t think I will do it again.
Your happiest moment of the week?
5pm Friday!
Did you try something new this week?
My new Jill Stuart blush in fairy rose. I got it from Taiwan! Love love love it! I am so jealous of all who live in Asia, the range of makeup there are amazing. I can no longer shop at home now (home is in Australia).
Would you prefer a month of blush or a month of lipstick?
Blush please! I love blush and you have already done a lipstick month so it would be more interesting.
I’d love to do a blush series too! Since everyone prefers lipstick, I might still run a blush series later 😉 I haven’t tried anything from Jill Stuart as we don’t get it here and its quite pricey but I hear their blushes are super pretty! Friends tell me cosmetics in Australia is really pricey though.
Have you ever aspired to be a model?
~No. I was a nerdy kid. I think I’m less nerdy now. 😀
Have you been for or participated in a photoshoot?
~No, except for my graduation – I think I look happier & better in the candid photo than the studio ones.
Your happiest moment of the week?
~Got a phone interview which was sooner that what I’d expecting! Will have a face-to-face interview this Thursday. *keep the positive thinking!*
Did you try something new this week?
~Mireica! The most disgusting drink in the world!!! OK, I’m exaggerating. But really, it is too fishy than Ensure (I tried Ensure Vanilla, and, yikes!!!)
Would you prefer a month of blush or a month of lipstick?
~I don’t know. How about 30 looks in 30 days? 😉
HAHA I was (and probably still am) a nerd! Nerdy kids unite! 😀 I tend to agree with you about photos. I always look a million times better in a casual shot rather than when I’m forced to pose. I then look like a mannequin 😛 A friend is challenging me to do 30 looks too! But if you look back at whatever looks I’ve done, they all look the same HAHA! I’m not very imaginative since its mostly day looks 😉
1. Yes, always wanted to be one. Unfortunately, I’m too short, waaay too short. I’ve known designers since I was a little girl, and used to practice runway walk in my mom’s heels. Lol! And I’ve always been very skinny, an agent made a comment if only I was a few inches taller. Sad, hehehe.
2. Yes, a few times. I had studio shoot done for my personal collection and helped some friends of mine who are doing photography. Didn’t get paid for any of those, haha. But it was fun, I love getting all dolled up.
3. Started my new job this week. Excited! 😀
4. I tried taking the RapidKL bus. I’ve never been in one before that. Public transport is not so bad after all, compare to driving through KL jam for almost 2 hours.
5. A month of lipstick, please!
I’ve never taken the bus (well since I started work) but I do take the trains sometimes if traffic in the city is very heavy. At least you don’t have to contend with other crazy drivers on the road! Perhaps you could try for petite models? Any chance of that? 😉 And congrats on your new job! Hope it turns out well for you.
1. Have you ever aspired to be a model? –errrr no
2. Have you been for or participated in a photoshoot? – yes but i think photoshoot is totally not my thing!
3. Your happiest moment of the week? – wouldn’t say the happiest, but truly amazed and amused by the high fashion sense
4. Did you try something new this week? – quite a few!
5. Would you prefer a month of blush or a month of lipstick? – blush this time!
Photoshoots are so awkward aren’t they? But your wedding ones are so cute! 😀 High fashion is just so out there 😛
Have you ever aspired to be a model?
Singer, yes. Model, no. Never even thought about it.
Have you been for or participated in a photoshoot?
Yes. Graduation. I don’t think I am photogenic. So, rather be behind a camera instead of in front of one.
Your happiest moment of the week?
The first sip of my once-a-week-cappuccino.
Did you try something new this week?
Bring home cooked food to work everyday for this week. Healthy and economical.
Would you prefer a month of blush or a month of lipstick?
Blush please.
You know what Shay? A good photographer would be able to take an excellent shot even if we aren’t photogenic! I’m not too. Just not those posed ones that bend you into awkward positions and expect you to then “smile and be natural” Sigh… And I can’t believe you drink coffee just once a week?! I’d be a wreck without my daily cuppa! 😛
Lipsticks please!! ^^
Will oblige! Except everyone will probably say it all looks the same haha! 😀
Prefer lipsticks. But can you do a blush on days when you feel like it or if it’s something special? 🙂
I’ll do that for sure! 😀