Kiehl’s has a new whitening cream out this month (March 2011) and you might see it in the stores already. I received a little sample pot a while ago, which I carried around with me while I was travelling as it was small.
The image is a stock image because sample pots do not photograph well 😛 What this new addition to the Kiehl’s Ultimate White skincare line is, is a cream to assist in the whitening and brightening of skin, breaking pigmentation clusters and inhibiting melanin using the “Triple Vitamin System” : L-Ascorbyl Glucoside (Vitamin CG) combined with Biotin (Vitamin B8) and Niacinamide (Vitamin B3). I’m afraid it did not do anything dramatic for me.
The cream absorbs quickly into my skin, but I found that if I used it at night, it did not deliver sufficient moisture to my skin. Many whitening creams feel like for me, so I wasn’t quite surprised to find this was the same. So I could only use it in the day. I’m afraid I did not notice any dramatic whitening or lightening of my pigmentation although I cannot say if it’ll work better if you use it continuously for a month or two. In the 2 weeks I used my sample, I did not feel it helping me. I love the Ultimate White Exfoliator but I think I prefer the other lines in Kiehl’s which work better for me.
Paris B
Kiehl’s Ultimate White Activated Whitening Cream will retail at RM165/50ml at Kiehl’s stores and counters from March 2011
About Just Sampling: Occasionally I receive a product for review that comes in a sample size sachet or pot, or I obtain a sample sachet from the cosmetics counters. I use it at most 2-3 times or a week so I can’t tell you if its really good or if in the long term I’d hate it or love it. So “Just Sampling” is quite self-explanatory in this regard. I will only talk about texture and first impressions of the product and there will be no pros and cons nor details. You get a “sample” of a full review as it were 🙂
Am interested in whitening products now…. ^.^ shall give this a whirl ^.^
Not sure if this might be the best introduction. But at least they’ll give samples 🙂
so many whitening stuff now and i suddenly remember that i still have a sachet of the acai berry moisturizer sample that i forgot to try 😛
Haha! These sachet things can really slip through the cracks. I usually try them when I’m away or when I’m feeling adventurous but not ready to break out a new product.
I love the idea of “Just sampling” I know what you mean, for products that you can only sampled for a week or 2, its really hard to tell especially on skincare!
Glad you agree! 😀 Skincare is one of the hardest and longest to put to the test… We can never quite say how well it works for us in that week or two right? 🙂
love the “just sampling” idea! you can try more things and a little by little 😀
Thank you Jennifer! I’m glad you agree and I hope it’ll still be of help someway or another 🙂
Yes 1 I too love getting samples to try before buying the full size. I mean imaging paying hundreds of dollars for a pot of cream only to find that it doesn’t work at best or that you broke out in hives at worse! Unfortunately, most cosmetics companies are soooooo stingy with handing out samples – I remember going to a counter of a internationally famous brand to ask for a sample for a newly launched product as i wanted to see if it suited my skin and the sales person quizzed me like I was under interrogation by the MACC ! The after the interrogation, she proceeded to question my motive for trying out the product and contradicted me when I told her I was sent a mailer to come try the sample in the store. I felt like Teoh Beng Hock ! But having said that, there are some cosmetics companies whom are very generous in handing out samples but they remain far and few.
HAHA! Some companies do have a horrible sampling policy. Kiehl’s is supposed to be more generous. Its their company policy so they shouldn’t be snooty about it. Other companies, especially the higher end brands tend to be a little snootier.