I’m going to come right out and say that I’m deathly afraid of stepping into Sasa stores. The sales assistants that stick so close to you like glue, that prattle away to me in a language I don’t understand, or that look at you like you might shoplift something is terribly off-putting to me. So it was most refreshing to step into the Sasa store at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur and be left to my own devices to browse. The sales assistants spoke to me in a language I understood when I needed assistance, and I ended up making some strange purchases (not due to their influence, but for a laugh).
Here they are. Let’s see if you can guess what they might be, or what they might be for 😀
Mystery Item #1
Update: Answer to Mystery Item #1
Mystery Item #2
Mystery Item #3
Mystery Item #4
You could very well know what they are or even own them 😀
Some Tuesday fun to lighten the afternoon mood 😉
Enjoy guessing! Answers will come later 😉
Paris B
I’m guessing the second one is a towel thingy to wrap and dry hair. I’m definitely sure the 3rd one is a velcro-like thingy to hold fringe back. The 1st one looks like some kind of massaging tool and the 4th is a furry hair band to hold back the hair?
Could be… could be…. 😉
#1 is some massage thingy from the looks of it, #2 is for drying hair! I own 2 myself hehe :P, #3 is another thing I own (in pink and red even) for holding hair up (just remember not to accidentally put it into the washing machine. It won’t get destroyed beyond use, but destroyed nonetheless).
Now #4 is the only thing that stumped me. Is it a schrunchie, or another hair-holder-upper thingy?
Teeheee… its aged fluffy chedder cheese as JackieA suggested! 😉 Heehee….
Now that’s one cheese I don’t think I’ll try… ever. *shivers* LOL!
Agree with you about SASA SA’s (LOL) btw. Though I do find that they aren’t that annoying anymore. The last few times I went in and told them I was just browsing, they did leave me alone until I had the i-need-help look.
I wouldn’t want to try that cheese either! LOL
I haven’t stepped into Sasa for a long time. I do hope its a new company policy to be less annoying now. There are so many interesting and strange things to find in there! 😀
I can identify with that! Sasa scares the s*&^ out of me!!
Let me try to identify your items then:-
1: A torture device specifically designed to give your nose a sharper edge…i.e massage it along the bridge of your nose to make it more pronounced.
2:A cap to cover your hair when putting on face masks….or a more feminine version of the balaclava?
3: You put this on your hair fringe to keep it nice and flat.
4: Aged fluffy cheddar cheese!
I ought to get full marks for trying;)
My dear, if I were giving out prizes, you win, hand’s down! 😀 I love answer #4 😀
Here are my guesses 🙂
M.I. #1: Some sort of chin or facial massage thingie?
M.I. #2: Hair towel-turban for wet hair!
M.I. #3: Velcro pad for keeping hair/bangs out of face?
M.I. #4: Headband?
This is fun! You should have more mystery item posts! Happy Tuesday 🙂
Happy Tuesday Denise! Thanks for letting me know you found this fun – I’ll certainly post up more mystery items if I come across them 😀 No answers for now but I’ll come up with them soon 😉
1. Face or cellulite massager?
2. cap to get hair out of face
3. Dariya hair sheets. I love these!
4. prevent bangs from getting in face
Teehee… answers soon 🙂
Sasa stores here are definitely annoying so when i stepped into one during my hong kong trip, the sales assistant surprisingly left me alone to browse. What a nice change.
I always had a decent experience at Sasa Hong Kong until my last trip. The SA tailed me everywhere and kept trying to make me buy these strange looking China brands that I had no intention of looking at! Same as in Shanghai – same pestering style. Maybe they learnt from Sasa here 😉
Same in Singapore too! I just grab what I want and quickly leave Sasa to avoid the sticky SAs.
Sigh… looks like its Sasa SA training! 😛
i have item 2. Is to hold wet hair minus the bulkiness and weight of a towel. I used it when i apply hair mask.
Item #1 =some massage tool
Item #3 = to hold fringe
Item #4 =some headband?
You sure #1 is not a painful sadistic hairband? 😉
hah.. would like to see how u use it as headband then ;p
I know what #3 is, it’s the velcro hair holder 🙂 I’m using them everyday. I’ve 3 pairs of them in different colours 😀
LOL! And I’m sure it must work a treat for you! 🙂
#3 is a fringe-holder, and #4 looks like a headband to me.
hmmhmmm… let’s see eh? 😉
1. Tool to slim down your face?
2. Used to dry your hair or put on when applying hair mask? I had this long time ago but I forgot the purpose of it lol 😀
3. To hold your fringe! Teehee 😀
4. To hold all your hair back while doing face mask?
Haha, I am eager to know all the answers 😛
Not sure why but I can’t seem to load the first picture. But that’s okay because I have Item 2, 3 and 4 myself too! LOL
#2 Used to wrap hair after a shower. Very useful!
#3 To hold back bangs/ fringe when doing skincare/makeup
#4 To hold back hair when doing skincare/ makeup
I use all three items every single day! Hope you find them useful like I did =)
I know all except ItemNo1. What on earth is that?! Lol!! 😀
And the answer will be revealed…. soon! 🙂
i think ive seen all of them before!!! maybe because i go into sasa too often or the sasa salesladies are really aggressively trying to sell me all of these…
#1: cheek/jaw massager to slim your face??
#2: hair ‘turban’ for holding wet hair/ drying wet hair (though i dont think it works for me at all ):)
#3: Velcro pad for pinning your hair back without leaving marks
#4: something like a hairband which serves similar functions as the velcro 😉
and i was really curious if #1 really works at all?? it looked a little intimidating for me to massage my FAT face w, and i do have pretty sensitive skin. ):
Item #1 looks like a face or neck massager that frequently appears in Taiwan beauty mags. Heck it could be an ear massager for all I know!
Item #2 Is it Miss Towel? The magic hair drying towel that wraps around the head.
Item #3 I own. It’s the magic fringe holder.
Item #4 I’ve not seen before in Sasa. Is it a another magic towel? 😀