Happy Saturday Ladies!
We all love Saturdays and Sundays don’t we? We wake up after a lie in, safe and secure in the knowledge that we have 2 whole days to ourselves. No nagging bosses, customers or clients. No deadlines… for some of us. And above all, no work! Hurray! 😀
Then Monday comes round and suddenly, its “Monday Blues” and we feel down about dragging ourselves around to work again.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
The way that you wake up with a smile on a weekend and know that the whole day goes right, that should be the same way you wake up on a weekday.
Oh I know its easier said than done. When I have something on early in the morning of a working day I wake up and think “Oh crap! Is it here already? Do I really have to get up?” But you know you do, so why be depressed about it? Take it in stride! The happier the day is, the quicker it goes by 😉 Here’s how I try to get through the weekday blues.
Dress up
Yes, dress up. Its a cliche that when you look good you feel good. But cliche or not, it works. Put on a nice outfit, pull on the accessories and shoes and you might just start feeling as good as you look!
On days when I wake up feeling a bit down, I make an extra effort with accessories and makeup. For me, wearing a red or bright lipstick helps because it takes guts to walk around with bright red lips in the day and its confidence inspiring 🙂
Well I make that extra effort to smile when I apply my blush anyway LOL! But yes, smile. You aren’t the only one feeling the Monday Blues – everyone else is too so if everyone is going to be pulling long faces what a dreary place the world would be! Don’t forget that a smile is infectious 🙂 Don’t believe me? Try it for yourself and see.
Have an early night
Don’t be negative. Remember, the universe is listening. So on Sunday evenings, don’t pull on a long face and delay going to bed, just because to want to squeeze the most out of your weekend. Going to bed late will just make you irritable when you have to be up early on Monday anyway. So, try to have an early night and you’ll wake up feeling better and more rested.
Have something to look forward to
I try to have something to look forward to in the week. It could be just lunch or dinner with a friend, an event to go to, a facial or massage, a movie, or perhaps something energizing like a visit to the gym. Having something to look forward to in the week helps make the week go by a little more quickly.
Pampering Sunday
Reserve your Sunday evenings for pampering yourself. Personally, I don’t go out and get nails done or have a massage or facial because I’d be even more tired by the time I get home. What I do is wind down with the telly or a good book, slap on a moisturizing or cleansing mask and curl up with a hot or cool drink. It relaxes me, and gets me ready for the stresses of the coming work week.
That’s how I prepare myself for Mondays and the work week ahead. Sometimes, if we have a big deadline looming, its easy to get caught up in the stresses of the moment. But I make it a point to try to look on the brighter side because when you wallow in misery, it drowns you. If its your job bringing you down, step back, reconsider if its worth your stresses keeping at it or if your energies might be better spent looking for another that might make you happier in the long run.
Isn’t that food for thought? 😉 Enjoy your weekend everyone!
Do you have a way of coping with the weekday or Monday blues? Or do you take it all in your stride and make the best of it? 🙂
Paris B
Hanny says
When I was younger, weekends are always to look forward to because it’s the only time we could use the computer. ^.^
Oh, and Saturday mornings, because we eat Maggi Mee on Saturday mornings!
ParisB says
Oh we all look forward to weekends I’m sure, especially more so for those who work. Its the weekday blues we have to get over 🙂
tracy says
nice tips to get over the monday blues.. but the last thing i want to think of on saturday is monday! 🙂
ParisB says
But never too soon eh? 😉
jayie says
great entry! 🙂
ParisB says
Thank you 🙂
rinnah says
*needs to bookmark this post for coping with Mondays* 😛
I think I need to start practicing that Pampering Sunday tip of yours… to make me feel better about the coming Monday…
ParisB says
Definitely 🙂 Doing a mask on a Sunday evening is a great way to wind down and get ready for the week ahead 🙂
Nikki says
I usually have a very relaxing Sunday but this week’s different, I will be doing makeup for 4-5 people~ but in exchange, I had a more relaxing Saturday to prepare myself for the weekend and the week to come!
ParisB says
Goodness! It sounds like you are having a very busy time… which is great if you’re enjoying it 🙂