Happy New Year everyone!
Is anyone awake yet? 😉 No?
I’m having a good start to the year by meeting some madcap friends for a belated Christmas and New Year lunch. It promises to be fun 😀
But as we do every beginning of the year, we wake up thinking “This year is the year I keep my resolutions! I’m going to…”
And here’s where you come in. Would you want to share just 1 resolution with us that you plan to try to keep? At the end of 2011, we’ll revisit this post and see just how many of you kept to your resolutions 🙂 Are you up to the challenge?
As for myself, I’m awful at keeping to resolutions so I never make them 😛 But in the spirit of things, I’ll start.
This year in 2011, I plan to try to stay more organized. I am, at this advanced age, learning to live with a diary/planner and I’m utilizing the calendar function on my mobile phone to beep me reminders to attend meetings, pay my bills on time (important!) and keep appointments. This, on top of keeping clutter down, and keeping work and the blog happy will be two key resolutions that start by being organized. So yeah. I’m going to work hard at staying more organized 🙂
Its easier to keep to a resolution if we have a point of reference and support from friends right? So come on, tell us one resolution you plan to keep this 2011 and we can all be your support group 😉
2011 is going to be awesome, right? 🙂
Paris B
No resolutions but just a simple wish:To live a simple and happy life being myself, for myself. We’ll revisit this on 31st Dec 2011?
Yes we will revisit this and I hope you get what you wish for *hugs*
resolutions,resolutions…i got one,i want to learn & experience lots of new & exciting stuff & live a good life.
That sounds like a fun resolution! Do let us know how it goes
yes i will paris…
I just wanna be healthy and happy this year… that’s all I ask for. 🙂
And hoping you will be! 😀
I want to save more money for my future. Therefore I will have to cut down on my wants and only spend on my needs.
Good call! Make sure the line between “want” and “need” doesn’t blur 😉
I’m game!
Since I’m underweight (have been so forever and ever, damnit), I have made it a resolution to gain weight. Another 5-7 kg would be ideal but at the end of the year, I’d be happy with however much I have gained 😀
You have to be the only person here wanting to put on weight when everyone else wants to lose theirs LOL! If only we could shift weight eh? You can have some of mine 😉
Mine would be to be healthy. Which means I have to exercise. Not even exercise more, just bloody exercise 😛 😛
I hear ya! I say it every year but never do it. I decided not to say it this time just in case it doesn’t happen either LOL!
My resolution is to lose 10lbs!! This is my written contract….. I shall succeed!!
And you will! 🙂 Let’s see how you fare throughout the year 🙂
I am going to keep control of my inbox and not have hundreds of emails sitting there. Reply, file, delete will be my motto!
Good one! Less clutter is good!
To lose weight!! Gonna work out with my gym junkie cousin!
That’s great that you have a gym buddy! It makes it easier 🙂
One resolution.. Let me see.. To make my money work for me so I must invest, invest, invest! 😉 First step, gold investment sounds good and to put aside more money for my unit trust accounts.
Savings. We all need them. Good on ya for taking that first step!
My one resolution would be to spend more me time. After having a baby, I’ve done nothing but focus on her. I’ve had enough with neglecting myself! So perhaps you’ll see me spending more time here, trying to find some makeup to buy for MYself! LOL!
And by spending more “me” time means your sanity returns yes? 🙂 Not having a kid I can’t imagine just how it’d be but I can imagine its a lot of hard work and self sacrifice. Good for you for making sure YOU are taken care of too!
This year, I plan to blog… =D
Good for you!
i need to be more organized too. thanks for reminding me. happy new year to you too!
Happy New Year Jojoba! That makes 2 of us having to stay organized 😀
My new year resolution is to work hard and fight for my own career…I am starting my new job this monday. Hope everything goes well enough~~
A new job! I hope it goes well for you!
Hmmm… My new year resolution is to get me a job at a company that doesn’t exploit its workers…
I hope you find it! 🙂
This year I plan to sleep before 1am. 😛
Oh yes! Lots of sleep is better for your health and your skin will thank you for it too!
Can I cheat and have two? :3 This year, I WILL exercise to get in shape and save more money!
Alrighty, we’ll let you cheat 🙂 I hope you keep to your resolutions 😉
My resolution is to start listen to my heart and follow my heart. Need to balance time for work and personal.
That’s a good one. We sometimes focus too much in either direction that we tend to lose focus and balance.
hi Paris 🙂 i usually don’t comment but I happen to have a new year resolution I absolutely want to keep this year
My job sucks balls and I have crazy overtime with minimal annual salary… but it’s a really good experience for the future so i’ve made up my mind to stick through it another year.. but i swore the death of someone every single day… so yeah, there goes my new year resolution 🙂 dunno if putting it out here is gonna help me keep it 😉
Love your blog Paris!! I used to follow it sparingly but now it became one of my must-reads! 🙂 keep up the good work!
Oh dear, that does sound like a sucky job. But if you can get some benefit out of it, stick it out and then leave when you can 🙂 Let’s see how it goes by year end yeah? 😉 Thanks for coming by and for reading. I truly appreciate it! 😀
haha exactly my plan 😉 it’s one of those that ppl think it sounds pretty amzing or sth but that truly sucks in real life… people only hear the big name and don’t really know about the kind of job you have to put through everday… so hopefully the next recruiter i come across is gonna put some weight on that name just like everyone else! haha
anyway i bought the kielh’s midnight repair after i read your blog and OMGGGGG it does wonder on my skin!!!! i had quite severe acne so there’s quite some scars leftover on my face now and every morning after that serum the scars are less pronounced and the craters are flatter!!! i dont know what’s in there but i wanna keep buying it!! for me it does the job far better than any other repair serum (EL advance night repair, Clinique Turnaround, or stuff like Vitacream B12 & the alikes) i think i may have found my HG.. though i need to keep using it for a bit to see if it loses its effectiveness 😉 but yeah… you kinda gave me to push to go ahead and buy it 😀 so i need to thank you for that!
and might i add that i use a moisturizer on top of kielh’s and that’s Darphin’s hydrating cream (http://www.darphin.com/templates/products/sp_nonshaded.tmpl?CATEGORY_ID=CATEGORY8454&PRODUCT_ID=PROD8937). its very pricey but worth every single penny!!!!! maybe i should also disclose that i dont buy at full retail… haha i bought one on strawberrynet when it was going at 75% off i really went nuuuuuts. its the best hydrating cream i have ever tried, it is very light and delivers moisture like there’s no tomorrow. my skin feels so pump with such a light cream which also works under makeup. i failed to convince myself to buy more skincare ever since i found this product and that’s something really admirable (maybe you could relate haha).
anyway. that was a long comment related to nothing that is being said in this post nor comments… i just have trouble sleeping as i start work again tomorrow.. haha
good night to you! I’m out.
I love comments like this the most because there’s so much to “talk” about 😀 I never looked at Darphin before this. Not sure why, probably because its not as well known. The next time I see it go on sale at strawberrynet, I’ll give it a go! 😉 And I’m glad the Kiehl’s serum is working for you. Its pretty amazing stuff – I use it in a few ways now and I think it helps boost the effectiveness of moisturisers too 😀
Not sure where you are, but good night to you! Tomorrow’s a brand new day, and I’m sure the recruiters will go “ooh! Good CV” whatever your company is 🙂
awww such a sweet comment! <3 haha after i posted it i was so afraid you take me for a promoter or sth cuz i did copy paste a link into the comment LOL i can't even imagine how it's like to be a blogger to have to daily question issues like that 😛
i started with darphin cuz at my local department store they have their section and it appealed to me cuz the packaging is so simple and clean lol. then i got a sample of the cream i told you about .. and then was the point of no return LOL i got a few other products after that but to be honest nothing as spectacular lol. but at least it never did anything bad cuz its supposedly all botanical 🙂
you know something else amazing that i've found? a YSL primer. I think it's been discontinued for a long time now cuz its not at their counter (link again and i'm not affiliated to anything!! http://www.ysl-parfums.com/fresh-hydrating-primer-care-lotion-@/produit.jspz?id=377&preferedCateg=), but it's basically a toner/serum/primer all in one and it does a wonderful job moisturizing and priming for face makeup!! I am still so amazed at it cuz the texture is sooo liquidy it's like toner, but when you apply it, it feels more like a serum, and at the same time, it acts as a primer. i know it sounds like i'm making this up lol. but that's my other HG for day moisturizer cuz that's all i need 😀
k. that darphin thing and this ysl thing are the two things i really really want other people to try but i'm too lazy to be a blogger and i gotta get it out somewhere 😉 too bad if you didn't want to know about it 😛
how awesome it is that i can rant about my work to you!! haha well today was another frustrating day at work. sometimes you're not taken seriously just because you're new and got a lower rank. people keep on disrupting your work for their stuff because apparently your time is much less worthy than theirs… oh well… accounting *is* a pretty hierarchal industry, especially in the bigger firms…!
okiiii i just ordered some placenta masks online i dunno if you've tried them yet but i finally got over the fact it contains placenta (lol) and i'm willing to try that out now 🙂 i'll let you know how i feel bout them when i'll have tried? 🙂
night again 😀
p.s. i'm here in canada where the high prices for asian/western cosmetics are simply not justified LOL double sucky to be a canadian accountant 😛
Oh Canada! 😉 I have read of a lot of people complaining about the prices there. Doesn’t help when the USA is so near, with their tantalizing low prices and you can’t get to them, eh?
Thanks for sharing about Darphin and YSL. I will most certainly take a second look at the Darphin moisturiser the next time I see it go on sale 😀 Here’s hoping your day’s better – it always sucks to be on the lower rung of the corporate ladder. So, when you get to the top, be nice to those at the bottom yeah? 😉
YESSSS let’s make that a second new year resolution 😉
it’s an accrual (sorry for the accounting term) for like twenty years down the road lol
My resolution is to be more focussed at work and lose 15 pounds! And study hard and earn more money and travel abroad.
Aaand stay close to my friends in real/virtual life!^^
Good resolutions! Let’s revisit this at the end of the year eh? 😉